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This secondary analysis of a longitudinal, nonintervention study describes the nutritional and physical activity behavior of overweight and obese postpartum women and the differences in nutrition and physical activity when participants are evaluated according to four weight categories: underweight, normal weight, overweight, and obese. The sample consisted of 67 postpartal women [40 (60%) African American and 27 (40%) White] who gave birth vaginally to healthy term infants. No differences were present when overweight and obese women were compared with underweight and normal weight women relative to nutrition and physical activity. Nutritional imbalances were present for overweight and obese women relative to protein and fat intake. Overweight and obese postpartum women can be encouraged to lose weight using a nutritionally balanced approach by decreasing fat and protein intake, maintaining an adequate carbohydrate intake, and increasing their folacin intake.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Comparatively few prospective studies have investigated the relationship between physical activity and gallbladder motility, and the results are controversial. Exercise may affect gallbladder motility via neural or hormonal mechanisms. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the possible effects of aerobic exercise on gallbladder motility in a group of obese women without gallstones. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Twenty-three obese women (age 41.2+/-10.3 years, body mass index 40.7+/-6.7 kg/m(2)) were included in the study. Following an overnight fast, fasting and postprandial (15, 30, 45, 60, 75, 90, 120, and 150 minute) volumes and ejection fractions were evaluated with real-time ultrasonography before exercise. For all subjects, the exercise regimen consisted of daily 45-minute walking sessions at 60-80% of maximum heart rate for 4 weeks except weekends. Gallbladder volume and ejection fraction were again evaluated after exercise. RESULTS: Fasting and postprandial (15, 30, 45, 60, 75, 90, 120, and 150 minute) volumes were 38.6+/- 10.9, 32.8+/- 8.8, 27.6/- 8.1, 22.7+/- 8.5, 21.4+/- 7.2, 20.8+/- 7.0, 22.8+/- 7.3, 29.6 +/- 7.0, and 36.8+/- 6.2 cm(3) before the exercise period, respectively, and 40.8+/- 18.9, 29.9+/-11.2, 25.3+/- 9.2, 22.4+/-8.5, 19.6+/-7.8, 17.7+/- 6.8, 17.8+/- 7.3, 23.1+/-10.8, and 29.0+/-14.4 cm(3) after the exercise period, respectively. Postprandial (15, 30, 45, 60, 75, 90, 120, and 150 minute) ejection fractions were 13.5+/-15.9, 27.4+/-15.4, 39.5+/-20.0, 43.2+/-16.7, 44.3+/-17.3, 37.5 +/- 23.5, 23.5 +/-25.1, and 5.5+/- 21.6% before the exercise period, respectively, and 22.6+/- 20.1, 34.6+/-14.5, 42.0+/-13.6, 49.2+/-12.6, 53.1+/-14.1, 52.6+/-16.1, 43.6+/-17.0, and 29.2+/- 26.5% after exercise, respectively. After the exercise period, the 75, 90, 120, and 150 minute volumes were lower (p< 0.05, p< 0.05, p< 0.05, p< 0.01) and the 90, 120, and 150 minute ejection fractions were higher than before exercise (p< 0.05, p < 0.05, p< 0.01). CONCLUSIONS: Our study showed that exercise decreased late-phase postprandial gallbladder volume and increased late-phase postprandial gallbladder motility in these obese women.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of intensity-controlled, graded dance exercise and selected components of behavior modification on exercise adherence in overweight middle-aged women. Thirty-eight moderately overweight women, aged 35 to 58, participated in a 16 1/2 week dance exercise program. Participants were randomly assigned to an experimental group (n = 20) that received intensity-controlled, graded exercise and individual and group reinforcement, or to a control group (n = 18) that exercised at a moderate intensity typical of commercial fitness classes and received no special reinforcement. Before exercise training began and at the completion of 16 1/2 weeks, a structured, open-ended interview was conducted. Ninety-four percent of the women in both groups adhered to the program, an exceptionally high adherence rate for this population. Eight participant-identified factors seemed to have influenced exercise adherence: group homogeneity, carpooling and social networks, pleasurable feelings associated with increased energy and fitness, leader with a health-related background, time limitation of exercise program, commitment to an established goal, desire to change body image, and desire to change health status and improve physical health.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Cereal fiber intake is linked to reduced risk of type 2 diabetes in epidemiological observations. The pathogenic background of this phenomenon is unknown. Based on recent findings, we hypothesized that intake of purified insoluble oat fiber may improve whole-body insulin sensitivity. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: A randomized, controlled, single-blind, cross-over study was performed, and 17 overweight or obese subjects with normal glucose metabolism were analyzed. After consumption of nine macronutrient-matched portions of fiber-enriched bread (white bread enriched with 31.2 g insoluble fiber/day) or control (white bread) over a time period of 72 h, whole-body insulin sensitivity was assessed by euglycemic-hyperinsulinemic clamp. Energy intake was individually adjusted by providing standardized liquid meals. Hydrogen breath tests were performed to control for dietary adherence. RESULTS: When analyzing the entire cohort, whole-body glucose disposal was improved after fiber consumption (M value 6.56 +/- 0.32 vs. 6.07 +/- 0.27 mg . min(-1) . kg(-1); P = 0.043). Thirteen subjects had increased hydrogen breath test concentrations after fiber consumption, indicating probable dietary adherence. Restricting analysis to these subjects, improvements in M value (6.85 +/- 0.34 vs. 6.06 +/- 0.32 mg . min(-1) . kg(-1); P = 0.003) and insulin sensitivity, expressed as M/I ratio (M value divided by mean serum insulin at steady state: 3.73 +/- 0.23 vs. 3.21 +/- 0.27; P = 0.02), after fiber consumption were more pronounced. Plasma lipids, serum magnesium, ghrelin, and adiponectin concentrations, as well as substrate utilization and body weight, were not significantly changed by fiber intake (P > 0.15). CONCLUSIONS: Increased insoluble dietary fiber intake for 3 days significantly improved whole-body insulin sensitivity. These data suggest a potential mechanism linking cereal fiber intake and reduced risk of type 2 diabetes.  相似文献   

An age-related decline in muscle performance is a known risk factor for falling, fracture and disability. In women, a clear deterioration is observed from early menopause. The effect of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) in preserving muscle performance is, however, unclear. This trial examined the effects of a 12-month HRT and high-impact physical exercise regimen on skeletal muscle in women in early menopause. A total of 80 women aged 50-57 years were assigned randomly to one of four groups: exercise (Ex), HRT, exercise+HRT (ExHRT) and control (Co). The exercise groups participated in a high-impact training programme. The administration of HRT (oestradiol/noretisterone acetate) or placebo was carried out double-blind. Knee extension torque and vertical jumping height were evaluated. Lean tissue cross-sectional area (LCSA) and the relative proportion of fat within the muscle compartment were measured for the quadriceps and lower leg muscles. The ExHRT group showed significant increases in knee extension torque (8.3%) and vertical jumping height (17.2%) when compared with the Co group (-7.2%). Vertical jumping height also increased after HRT alone (6.8%). The LCSA of the quadriceps was increased significantly in the HRT (6.3%) and ExHRT (7.1%) groups when compared with the Ex (2.2%) and Co (0.7%) groups. Lower leg LCSA was also increased in the ExHRT group (9.1%) when compared with the Ex (3.0%) and Co (4.1%) groups. In addition, the increase in the relative proportion of fat in the quadriceps in the Co group (16.6%) was significant compared with those in the HRT (4.9%) and ExHRT (-0.6%) groups. Thus, in post-menopausal women, muscle performance, muscle mass and muscle composition are improved by HRT. The beneficial effects of HRT combined with high-impact physical training may exceed those of HRT alone.  相似文献   

运动对多囊卵巢综合征患者的胰岛素抵抗和性激素的影响   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
目的:多囊卵巢综合征(PCOS)是造成生育期妇女不孕的原因之一,临床多表现为月经稀少或闭经、不孕、多毛和肥胖等一组征候群,胰岛素抵抗和高雄激素血症是其基本特征:本研究旨在探讨耐力运动对PCOS患者的高胰岛素和高雄激素血症的调节作用,为临床康复治疗开拓新的应用领域。方法:20例PCOS患者根据干预方法的不同分为运动组(n=11)和药物组(n=9)。运动组在低热卡饮食的基础上,实施每次60min以上中等强度运动,慢跑总路程6—8kin,每周运动5天以上,连续3个月。药物组服用达因-35(Diane-35,Cyproteroneacetate),每日1片,连用21天,停药7天后再服第2个周期,依此类推,共服3个周期。结果:BMI、血清胰岛素、胰岛素敏感性在运动前后均显著降低,药物组则无变化;血清睾酮、黄体生成素以及黄体生成素/卵泡刺激素比值在运动组和治疗组治疗前后均见有显著降低,两组之间无统计学差异。结论:低热卡饮食加运动治疗有利于改善胰岛素抵抗,降低高黄体生成素和高睾酮血症作用,提示运动是治疗PCOS经济、安全、有效的辅助手段之一。  相似文献   

[Purpose] The aim of this study was to investigate the change in the arteriosclerosis adhesion molecules after a healthy life exercise program that included aerobic training, anaerobic training, and traditional Korean dance. [Subjects] The subjects were 20 elderly women who were over 65 years of age and had 30% body fat. [Methods] The experimental group underwent a 12-week healthy life exercise program. To evaluate the effects of the healthy life exercise program, measurements were performed before and after the healthy life exercise program in all the subjects. [Results] After the healthy life exercise program, MCP-1 and the arteriosclerosis adhesion molecules sE-selectin and sVCAM-1 were statistically significantly decreased. [Conclusion] The 12-week healthy life exercise program reduced the levels of arteriosclerosis adhesion molecules. Therefore, the results of our study suggest that a healthy life exercise program may be useful in preventing arteriosclerosis and improving quality of life in elderly obese women.Key words: Healthy life exercise program, Adhesion molecules, Elderly women  相似文献   



Lower socioeconomic status at both the individual and neighborhood level is associated with increased health risks. Weight loss can reduce this risk, but few high quality weight-loss studies target this population.


STARS tests a culturally appropriate, group-based behavioral and social support intervention on body weight and waist circumference in women from financially disadvantaged neighborhoods.


A stratified (by BMI) randomized trial. Randomization to group was generated by a random numbers table with allocation concealment by opaque envelopes.


Participants 25–50 years who had a BMI ≥ 25 kg/m2 and a waist circumference ≥ 88 cm were recruited from 18 census tracts in Columbia, SC with high rates of poverty between November 2008 and November 2010. All participants received a dietary and exercise counseling session. Intervention participants then receive 16 theoretically-based and tailored weekly group sessions followed by 8 weeks of telephone maintenance counseling. Control participants receive 16 weekly health education mailings. Measurements correspond to baseline, post-group intervention, and post-telephone counseling, and for intervention participants, after a 12-week no-contact period. Measurement staff was blinded to group assignment.


Participants (N = 155; n = 80 intervention, n = 75 minimal intervention control) were primarily African American (86.5%) and averaged 38.9 years with a mean BMI of 40.1 kg/m2 and waist circumference of 115.4 cm. Food insecurity was reported by 43% of participants.


STARS targets an underserved population with an innovative, tailored, and theoretically-grounded, group-based intervention followed by telephone maintenance. If effective, the approach has the potential to be feasible and cost-effective for community delivery.  相似文献   

Low heart rate variability (HRV) has been reported to be an independent risk factor for the development of coronary heart disease in women and has recently been identified as a risk factor for cardiac sudden death and all-cause mortality. We have recently demonstrated that endurance-trained post-menopausal women demonstrate higher levels of HRV than sedentary control subjects. The purpose of the present study was to test the hypothesis that 12 weeks of regular aerobic exercise would increase HRV in sedentary post-menopausal women with elevated arterial blood pressure (BP) (i.e. either high normal BP or stage I hypertension). A secondary aim was to test the hypothesis that the increase in HRV with exercise training, if observed, would be associated with an increase in spontaneous cardiac baroreflex sensitivity (SBRS), an important physiological determinant of HRV. To accomplish these aims, we studied eight sedentary post-menopausal women (age=54·5±1·3 years) before and after 12 weeks of aerobic exercise training (3·3±0·3 days per week at 70%±2% of maximal heart rate for 43±3 min per day). Maximal oxygen uptake and body weight did not change (P>0·05) with training, but percentage fat (35·5±2·6% vs. 34·5±2·3%, P<0·05) decreased and treadmill time to exhaustion increased (9·8±0·5 vs. 11·3±0·5 min, P<0·05). Supine resting levels of heart rate, RR interval and the standard deviation of the RR interval (time domain measure of HRV) were unchanged (all P>0·05) from baseline levels after 12 weeks of aerobic training. Similarly, the high-frequency, low-frequency and total power of HRV (frequency domain measures) were also unchanged from baseline (all P>0·05). SBRS was also not different before and after aerobic exercise training (1062 vs. 1363 ms mmHg?1 respectively, P>0·05). In contrast, systolic and diastolic BP were reduced approximately 8 and approximately 5 mmHg with training (both P<0·05) respectively. These results indicate that 12 weeks of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise training does not increase HRV or SBRS, despite producing a clinically significant reduction in BP at rest in post-menopausal women with elevated BP. Considered together with our previous findings in female master endurance athletes, these findings suggest that more intense and prolonged exercise training may be required to produce increases in HRV and SBRS in sedentary post-menopausal women.  相似文献   

Quantitative computerized analysis of data from myocardial thallium-201 (201Tl) single-photon emission tomography (SPET) may improve the diagnostic accuracy of coronary heart disease. The reference ranges for post-menopausal women are, however, limited and obtained mainly from patients. To compare reference values from healthy post-menopausal women and to improve the quantitative analysis, 20 women (10 patients with coronary heart disease and previous infarction and 10 age-matched healthy volunteers) were examined immediately post exercise and after a delay. A nine-segment `bull's-eye' model was used for analysis. At visual evaluation, reproducibility was high (93%), no false-positive results were obtained and in 70% of the patients the SPET was interpreted as abnormal. Using reported reference values for quantitative analysis, all the healthy women had an abnormal result. New reference values based on three different methods of `normalization' were calculated: the relative activity of segment 3 set to 100%, the segment with the highest activity set to 100% and a least-squares method. They all differed significantly from those that had previously been reported. The frequencies of agreement between visual and quantitative analysis were 84–92% and were highest when segment 3 was used as a reference, but in this case only 40% of the patients with coronary heart disease had an abnormal SPET. Using the least-squares method for handling digital information, the SD of the normal values decreased and 90% of the patients with coronary heart disease were accurately diagnosed. These results provide quantitative digital reference values for healthy post-menopausal women. They verify that quantitative analysis is in diagnostic agreement with visual evaluation, stress the need for local verification of reference ranges and suggest a least-square normalization method for the analysis.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The primary objective was to examine whether the combination of diet and aerobic exercise (DA) or diet and resistance exercise (DR) is associated with greater improvements in metabolic risk factors by comparison to diet only (DO) in obese women. A second objective considered whether reductions in metabolic risk factors are related to concurrent changes in abdominal and/or intermuscular fat distribution. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: A total of 38 premenopausal obese women were randomly assigned to one of three 16-week treatments: DO (n=13), DA (n=11), or DR (n=14). Plasma glucose, insulin, and lipid levels were measured in a fasting state and after a 75-g oral glucose challenge (oral glucose tolerance test [OGTT]). Total, abdominal subcutaneous, visceral, and intermuscular fat were measured by magnetic resonance imaging. RESULTS: Significant reductions (P < 0.02) in body weight (approximately 10 kg or 10%) and in total, abdominal subcutaneous, visceral, and intermuscular fat were observed within each group. Fasting and OGTT insulin, total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, and apolipoprotein B also decreased within each group (P < or = 0.02). The changes in the body fat and metabolic variables were not different across treatment (P > 0.05). Visceral fat alone was related to the metabolic risk factors both before and after the treatment. CONCLUSIONS: Weight loss was associated with reductions in metabolic risk factors in obese women. The improvement in the metabolic profile was not enhanced by the addition of aerobic or resistance exercise. The findings reinforce the importance of diminished visceral fat in the treatment of insulin resistance.  相似文献   



Comorbid medical conditions are common among breast cancer survivors, contribute to poorer long-term survival and increased overall mortality, and may be ameliorated by weight loss. This secondary analysis evaluated the impact of a weight loss intervention on comorbid medical conditions immediately following an intervention (12 months) and 1-year postintervention (24 months) using data from the Exercise and Nutrition to Enhance Recovery and Good health for You (ENERGY) trial—a phase III trial which was aimed at and successfully promoted weight loss.


ENERGY randomized 692 overweight/obese women who had completed treatment for early stage breast cancer to either a 1-year group-based behavioral intervention designed to achieve and maintain weight loss or to a less intensive control intervention. Minimal support was provided postintervention. New medical conditions, medical conditions in which non-cancer medications were prescribed, hospitalizations, and emergency room visits, were compared at baseline, year 1, and year 2. Changes over time were analyzed using chi-squared tests, Kaplan-Meier, and logistic regression analyses.


At 12 months, women randomized to the intervention had fewer new medical conditions compared to the control group (19.6 vs. 32.2 %, p < 0.001); however, by 24 months, there was no longer a significant difference. No difference was observed in each of the four conditions for which non-cancer medications were prescribed, hospital visits, or emergency visits at either 12 or 24 months.


These results support a short-term benefit of modest weight loss on the likelihood of comorbid conditions; however, recidivism and weight regain likely explain no benefit at 1-year postintervention follow-up.

AIM: This paper reports a study whose main aim was to understand the correlation between stages of exercise and health-related qualities of life among overweight and obese adults in Taiwan. BACKGROUND: Regular exercise has been shown to improve health-related quality of life in the general population and among patients with chronic diseases. Nevertheless, systematic investigations of the correlation between exercise stages and the health-related quality of life among overweight and obese adults are lacking in Taiwan. METHOD: A cross-section of people from the weight loss clinics of a medical centre in Taipei was recruited to the study. The Chinese version of the Stages of Exercise and the Taiwanese version of Short Form 36 questionnaires were used to collect data from those whose body mass indexes were equal to or >24 kg/m2. The data were collected in 2003. RESULTS: In total, 212 overweight and obese adults participated in the study. The majority were in the preparation (38.2%) or contemplation (31.6%) stages of exercise; relatively few were in the action (14.2%) or maintenance (11.3%) stages, and the smallest number (4.7%) were in the precontemplation stage. Although over 70% of respondents were not in the habit of taking regular exercise, their motivations were very high. For the Short Form 36 scales, the highest scores were for physical functioning (84.5 +/- 17.3), while the lowest were for general health (55.5 +/- 20.9), vitality (59.8 +/- 18.1), and mental health (MH) (66.0 +/- 17.9). Different stages of exercise showed statistically significant differences within the eight domains of Short Form 36 (Wilks = 0.733, P = 0.001); a statistically significant difference was also found for physical functioning (P < or = 0.001), general health (P = 0.003), and vitality (P = 0.005). CONCLUSION: Since stages of exercise are correlated with health-related quality of life among overweight and obese adults, healthcare providers need to understand what stages people are at in order to educate them to achieve a better quality of life and to motivate those who are inactive to do more exercise on a regular basis.  相似文献   

Exercise enjoyment has been shown to be important for adherence. Minimal data exist on enjoyment of intense exercise, especially in clinical populations. The purpose of this study was to evaluate enjoyment levels of overweight and obese subjects undergoing 3 weeks of high-intensity interval training. Forty-two generally healthy overweight and obese men and women (body mass index = 30·8 ± 4·8 kg × m−2) volunteered for this study. Exercise enjoyment was quantified using the Exercise Enjoyment Scale before and after each of nine total interval training sessions, over a three-week period. Heart rate and ratings of perceived exertion (RPE) were measured at the end of each interval and training session. There were no significant differences in enjoyment between training groups (P > 0·05). Exercise enjoyment improved significantly over the three-week training phase (P < 0·05). Enjoyment levels were relatively high to begin training: mean ± SD: 4·2 ± 1·0 out of a 7 point scale. Heart rate and RPE were significantly reduced (P < 0·05) from pre- (day 1) to post-training (day 9). High-intensity interval training may be an enjoyable form of exercise for overweight and obese men and women. Enjoyment levels may continue to increase following initial introduction to this type of training. Due to the small time demand and high enjoyment, interval training may be an effective exercise approach in a sedentary population.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine how an exercise adherence intervention affects the physiological, functional, and quality of life outcomes of patients with heart failure (HF). Sixteen HF patients were randomly assigned to an exercise-only group (n = 8) or to an exercise-with-adherence group (n = 8). Two of the 16 people died from nonexercise related causes during the study and were not included in the analysis. The intervention was tested over a 24-week period in which patients participated in a 12-week supervised exercise program (Phase 1) followed by 12 weeks of unsupervised home exercise (Phase 2). The intervention format was one of individualized graphic feedback on exercise goals and participation and problem-solving support by nurses. Results indicate that patients who received the intervention exercised more frequently and experienced improved outcomes during both phases. The adherence intervention may encourage HF patients to continue to exercise and thereby maintain the health benefits gained in both phases of an exercise program.  相似文献   

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