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目的探讨肱骨近端恶性肿瘤切除术后骨缺损的重建方法及疗效。方法对22例肱骨近端恶性肿瘤实施关节内肿瘤切除与重建术:3例采用瘤段切除灭活再植术,6例采用瘤段切除同侧锁骨翻转移植术,8例行瘤段切除人工假体置换术,5例行瘤段切除同种异体骨关节移植。结果 3例失访,19例获得随访,时间9~96(50.0±8.2)个月。局部复发4例,死亡8例。根据Enneking肢体功能评价标准:瘤段切除灭活再植患者得分为(22.8±1.4)分,同侧锁骨翻转移植患者得分为(24.2±1.6)分,异体骨关节移植患者得分为(23.9±1.5)分,人工假体置换患者得分为(26.1±1.8)分。结论肱骨近端恶性肿瘤切除后重建,成年人可首选人工假体置换,儿童及青少年可选用同侧锁骨翻转移植重建。术中需注意肩袖和外展装置的修复,大多数保肢者能保存一定的肩关节功能。  相似文献   

目的 探讨肩胛带骨肿瘤的手术切除方式、重建方法,观察术后功能恢复情况及临床结果.方法 回顾性分析1998年7月至2006年7月收治的71例肩胛骨周围骨肿瘤患者的病例资料,其中恶性肿瘤61例,骨巨细胞瘤10例.15例恶性肿瘤起源于肩胛骨,56例起源于肱骨近端.男42例,女29例;年龄11~62岁,平均36.5岁.手术方法:肩胛带离断术10例,单纯肩胛骨切除3例,肩胛骨切除、人工肩胛骨置换3例,部分肩胛骨及肱骨近端切除、假体置换8例,肱骨近端切除、假体置换47例.结果 10例骨巨细胞瘤患者肩周肌肉保留较好,术后MSTS功能评分平均28分.起源于肱骨近端的原发恶性骨肿瘤患者三角肌止点处均予以切除,术后肩外展30°~60°,MSTS功能评分平均23分.37例肱骨骨肉瘤患者中4例(10.8%)局部复发,2例骨转移,5例肺转移.7例转移患者均死亡.1例恶性骨巨细胞瘤患者出现肺转移死亡.3例尤文肉瘤患者出现肺转移死亡.5例肱骨及5例肩胛骨软骨肉瘤患者术后未见局部复发及转移.结论 肩胛带骨肿瘤切除、人工肱骨近端假体重建能保留完整肘部及手部功能、并发症少,是肩部恶性肿瘤的首选术式;肱骨近端骨肉瘤和下肢骨肉瘤比较预后较好;肱骨近端恶性肿瘤行关节内肿瘤切除和关节外肿瘤切除肿瘤的局部复发率接近,提示对多数肱骨近端恶性肿瘤可以采用关节内切除.  相似文献   

人工关节在骨肿瘤保肢治疗中的应用   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
目的 探讨人工假体在骨肿瘤保肢术中的应用价值。方法 分析50例骨肿瘤患进行人工假体置换术后的效果。生存情况、功能、并发症及处理。肿瘤类型:恶性肿瘤22例,其中骨肉瘤11便,软骨痤瘤5例,恶性纤维组织细胞2例,恶性骨母细胞瘤、腺太肉瘤、横纹肌肉瘤、骨巨细胞肉瘤各1例;良性肿瘤28例,其中骨巨细胞瘤27例,良性纤维组织细胞瘤1例。肿瘤部位:股骨远端24例,股骨近端7例,股骨干2例,股骨近端7例,肱骨  相似文献   

目的探讨肩胛带区骨肿瘤的保肢手术方法及相关的临床效果。方法35例肩胛带骨肿瘤患者,男24例,女11例,平均年龄34岁(12~74岁)。肿瘤部位:肱骨上段21例,肩胛骨12例,锁骨2例;肿瘤类型:骨肉瘤10例,软骨肉瘤7例,恶性纤维组织细胞瘤3例,尤文肉瘤3例,纤维肉瘤1例,骨髓瘤1例,骨巨细胞瘤7例,转移瘤3例。按照Malawer等提出的手术分类方法进行分类。保肢手术方法:肿瘤假体置换8例,瘤段骨灭活回植4例,异体骨关节移植3例,自体腓骨移植2例,髓针骨水泥假体置换1例,Tikhoff-Linberg手术3例,瘤段肢体切除、上肢短缩再植2例,全肩胛骨或关节盂切除、肱骨头悬吊4例,部分肩胛骨切除6例,锁骨瘤段切除2例,其中16例作了化疗。结果本组患者平均随访71个月(6~186个月),局部复发4例,远处转移6例,死亡9例,无瘤存活22例。按MSTS上肢功能评分标准,35例患者上肢功能评分平均为77%(40%~100%),上肢功能与手术切除范围密切相关。并发症:切口感染裂开4例,移植骨骨折2例,暂时性桡神经麻痹2例,肩关节半脱位3例。结论肩胛带区骨肿瘤的治疗应根据患者情况、肿瘤类型及侵袭范围等因素决定切除范围并选择应用肿瘤假体置换、自体或异体骨关节移植、瘤段骨骨灭活回植及Tikhoff-Linberg手术等重建方法,可以达到控制肿瘤、稳定无痛的肩关节重建和保留良好的肘部与手部功能的目的。  相似文献   

[目的]对肱骨近端骨肉瘤病例的临床及影像资料进行回顾性分析,总结保肢治疗效果,以及局部复发与切除范围和影像评估的关系.[方法]对38例肱骨近端骨肉瘤患者进行新辅助化疗及保肢治疗,平均随访43.2个月.其中5例接受关节外切除,33例接受关节内切除;重建方法包括定制型肱骨近端假体置换31例、人工假体异体骨复合物4例、骨水泥临时假体1例,2例自体骨移植.分析关节内切除病例的影像资料,以判断肩胛盂及三角肌是否可能受到侵犯.[结果]5例(13.2%)患者发生局部复发.关节外切除的复发率为20%(1/5),关节内切除为12.1%(4/33).在接受关节内切除的患者中,7例影像评估显示肩胛盂及三角肌受侵犯,其中4例局部复发.患者总体5年生存率为56.4%,无瘤生存率为40.5%.并发症包括2例自体移植骨骨折,1例上肢动脉栓塞合并桡神经损伤,4例关节内切除人工假体重建的患者出现肩关节不稳定,总体并发症发生率18.4%(7/38).MSTS上肢功能评分平均22.7分(75.6%).关节外切除患者肩部主动外展活动均未能超过30°,关节内切除患者为平均45°.[结论]对影像检查没有肩胛盂或三角肌侵犯的肱骨近端骨肉瘤病例进行关节内切除,可获得较好的肿瘤学和功能结果.肱骨近端人工假体重建的并发症发生率低,较好的维持了上肢和手部的功能.  相似文献   

目的探讨肱骨近端骨肿瘤切除后人工假体重建肩关节的功能的临床效果。方法对18例肱骨近端骨肿瘤患者采用肿瘤型肱骨近端假体重建肩关节,肿瘤类型:骨肉瘤6例,软骨肉瘤4例,浆细胞瘤1例,恶性骨巨细胞瘤4例,转移癌3例。骨肉瘤、浆细胞瘤患者手术前后均接受化疗。术后6个月采用MSTS功能评分系统评价术后肩关节功能。结果 1例失访,17例获随访,时间10~96(52.8±8.4)个月。死亡4例,复发1例,肩关节半脱位2例。肩关节MSTS功能评分为9~27(18.6±3.5)分,其中优8例,良5例,中2例,差2例,优良率13/17。结论应用肿瘤型肱骨近端假体治疗肱骨上段肿瘤能降低术后并发症,需注意肩袖和外展装置的修复,大多数保肢患者肩关节功能恢复满意。  相似文献   

目的探讨特制人工假体在髋部肿瘤保肢术中的应用价值。方法回顾性分析我院自1999年3月至2005年5月髋部原发肿瘤患者行特制人工假体置换术后疗效、并发症及处理资料。本组肿瘤病例中,髋臼11例,股骨近端15例;肿瘤类型:软骨肉瘤3例,骨肉瘤6例,滑膜肉瘤1例,骨巨细胞瘤12例,良性纤维组织瘤2例,动脉瘤样骨囊肿2例。假体类型:人工全髋关节假体17例,人工双极股骨头7例,马鞍式关节假体2例。结果随访时间为18个月~6年,平均4年3个月;10例恶性肿瘤局部复发率40%,保肢率60%,16例中间性及良性肿瘤复发率12.5%,保肢率87.5%,参照Enneking(MSTS)评定标准平均得分19分,优良率76.9%。结论特制人工髋关节假体具有良好的术后肢体功能,是髋部骨肿瘤较为满意的保肢治疗方法之一。  相似文献   

骨肉瘤保肢重建术式与患者预后   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:评价骨肉瘤保肢手术重建方法与患者的远期预后的关系。方法:回顾性研究1985~1999年50例行保肢手术的IIB期肢体骨肉瘤患者。重建方法:灭活再植25例,肿瘤型人工假体置换12例,异体半关节置换9例,带血管腓骨移植4例。统计学分析不同重建方法与患者远期预后的关系。结果:保肢手术中非瘤段保留组患者较瘤段保留组患者局部复发率低,远期生存率高;有统计学差异。结论:骨肉瘤保肢术应首选人工关节置换、异体骨移植等非瘤骨保留型重建手术。  相似文献   

同种异体骨复合人工关节置换治疗骨肿瘤   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的:探讨分析同种异体同关节复合人工假体移植治疗骨肿瘤的临床应用及疗效。方法:对应用同种异体骨关节复合人工假体移植治疗骨肿瘤12例进行临床回顾分析。其中髋关节周围7例,膝关节周围3例,肩关节周围(肱骨近端)2例,病变性质;骨巨细胞瘤6例,皮质旁骨肉瘤2例,软骨肉瘤2例,转移性腺癌2例,均行肿瘤切除及异体骨关节复合人工假体移植。结果:本组12例病人手术均顺利,肿瘤获彻底切除,平均随访时间2.5年(1-5年),伤口均一期愈合无1例感染,关节功能按Mankin标准评定,优良率为91.6%,结论:同种异体骨关节复合人工假体移植是修复骨肿瘤的有效手段。  相似文献   

四肢恶性骨肿瘤功能重建后的并发症防治   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目的分析四肢恶性骨肿瘤功能重建后并发症的发生原因与防治。方法自2002年9月至2004年12月共有22例患者接受保肢治疗。年龄10~63岁,平均26.3岁。男10例,女12例。其中骨肉瘤15例,恶性骨巨细胞瘤2例,软骨肉瘤5例。15例骨肉瘤患者术前均接受了2~3次化疗。待伤口愈合后再接受5~6次化疗。肿瘤部位:胫骨近端5例,股骨远端12例,股骨近端1例,股骨中段2例,肱骨近端2例。手术方法为局部肿瘤完整切除,大段异体骨移植术、人工假体重建术和肿瘤灭活再植术。其中10例行人工假体重建术,10例行大段异体骨移植术,2例行肿瘤灭活再植术。结果随访7~27个月,3例骨肉瘤患者术后局部复发,复发时间分别为术后3个月、7个月、1年,后行截肢术。1例患者术后3个月出现肺转移,经化疗后肺部肿块消失;2例大段异体骨移植术患者术后出现排斥反应,伤口不愈伴感染,后经清创、腓肠肌肌皮瓣转移术后愈合。1例人工假体重建术后2周,伤口出现渗液,后经局部换药后愈合。结论恶性骨肿瘤采取保肢的术后并发症与适应证的选择、肿瘤对化疗的敏感性、瘤体切除的方式、功能重建选择的方法等都有密切的关系。因此,在对恶性肿瘤采取保肢手术治疗时,必须综合考虑上述因素,才能减少并发症的发生。  相似文献   

Objective: To evaluate functional outcomes and complications of reconstruction of the proximal humerus after intra‐articular tumor resection. Methods: Twenty‐five patients who underwent Malawer I type resection and reconstruction of the proximal humerus for treatment of malignant or invasive benign tumors from August 1999 to August 2005 were evaluated. A variety of reconstructive procedures, including modular tumor prosthesis, osteoarticular allograft, and allograft‐prosthetic composite (APC), were performed after resection of tumor. Oncological and radiographic parameters were evaluated. The modified Musculoskeletal Tumor Society (MSTS) evaluation system was used to assess limb functional outcome. Results: The study group consisted of 10 male and 15 female patients, among which there were 20 malignant and 5 benign tumors. Restoration of shoulder function was achieved with a prosthesis in 6 patients, osteoarticular allograft in 12, and allograft‐prosthesis composite in 7. At a mean of 48 months follow‐up, 2 patients had died of disease. Two patients had local recurrence and 2 had metastatic disease. On the basis of the modified MSTS functional evaluation, the mean scores were 22.50 in the modular prosthesis group, 24.58 in the osteoarticular allograft group, and 27.00 in APC group, respectively. Joint instability and subluxation were serious complications affecting shoulder function in 10 patients. Conclusion: Reconstruction of the proximal humerus is an option that provides good relief of pain and preserves manual dexterity. Functional outcomes are better for APC and allograft than for modular prosthesis, due to retention of the rotation cuff. Complications in the APC group were less than in the allograft one.  相似文献   

Complex segmental elbow reconstruction after tumor resection   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Twenty-three patients were reviewed retrospectively to determine their oncologic and functional outcomes after resection of 15 primary or eight metastatic tumors about the elbow between 1985 and 2000. The indications for resection were dictated by the histologic features of the tumor, location of the lesion, and extent of bone destruction. A total humeral reconstruction was done in 12 patients. Of this group, an endoprosthesis was used in seven patients and a total humeral allograft with a proximal humeral prosthesis and osteoarticular elbow reconstruction (allograft-prosthetic composite) was used in five patients. Eleven additional patients had a segmental total elbow replacement after resection of the distal humerus or proximal ulna. Local disease control was achieved in 17 patients (74%). Fourteen patients presented with (48%) or had (13%) distant metastasis develop, but only eight (35%) died of their disease. Periprosthetic lysis or allograft resorption was present in five patients (22%), and two (18%) humeral components of total elbow prostheses required revision for loosening. The mean Musculoskeletal Tumor Society functional score was 23 of 30 points (77%) in the 12 living patients followed up for a mean of 46 months (range, 24-124 months). It was 83% in patients with a segmental total elbow reconstruction and 71% in patients with a total humeral reconstruction. Aggressive limb salvage of the humerus or elbow or both provides a satisfactory functional outcome without jeopardizing overall survival.  相似文献   

目的探讨应用组合式假体翻修大段异体骨感染或骨折的疗效。方法回顾性研究了美国迈阿密大学医学院和中山大学附属第一医院骨肿瘤科共22例肩关节或膝关节周围肿瘤的患者,大段异体骨保肢失败后,应用肿瘤型假体重建肢体功能。最初诊断包括骨肉瘤11例、软骨肉瘤4例、恶性纤维组织细胞瘤3例、骨巨细胞瘤2例、恶性血管内皮瘤1例和鼻咽癌转移瘤1例。发病部位包括股骨远端15例、肱骨近端3例和胫骨近端4例。结果异体骨失败原因包括:骨折14例、感染6例、持久不愈合1例、合并骨折和感染1例。异体骨移植后平均随访154.2(63~293)个月,假体翻修后平均随访73.4(24~234)个月。90.9%(20/22)的患者最终肢体功能良好,MSTS功能评分为76.5%(60%~93.3%)。81.8%(18/22)的患者假体翻修手术成功,在翻修失败的患者中,1例肱骨近端肿瘤患者为了改善功能经历了多次翻修手术,另1例股骨远端的患者,异体骨移植失败假体翻修后,由于假体近端松动而进行二次翻修——全股骨置换术,另外2例股骨远端的患者翻修后合并感染和骨折而截肢。结论异体骨重建因骨折或感染失败后,再次行假体翻修重建肢体功能是可靠的,并发症较低。翻修技术会影响重建肢体的功能。对于异体骨感染的患者,建议分期翻修重建肢体功能。  相似文献   

In the majority of cases with malignant tumors in the proximal part of the humerus a limb saving tumor resection is possible. Reconstruction of the defect is necessary to maintain the length of the arm and to create a fulcrum for elbow flexion and extension. Several methods of reconstruction have been described in the literature including the fixation of distal humerus to the second rib or to the clavicle by means of Küntscher-nails, the implantation of a proximal humerus prosthesis without or with accompanying bone transplantation, a bridging of the defect using an allograft or an arthrodesis of the shoulder joint using free or vascularized bone transplants. The following paper describes a new surgical procedure whereby the vascularization of the clavicle is preserved and the clavicle used to bridge the defect. Although the follow-up period of the patients operated on so far in this way is relatively short, the functional advantages of this operation over the other forms of reconstruction can already be observed.  相似文献   



The proximal tibia is one of the most challenging anatomic sites for extremity reconstructions after bone tumor resection. Because bone tumors are rare and large case series of reconstructions of the proximal tibia are lacking, we undertook this study to compare two major reconstructive approaches at two large sarcoma centers.


The purpose of this study was to compare groups of patients treated with endoprosthetic replacement or osteoarticular allograft reconstruction for proximal tibia bone tumors in terms of (1) limb salvage reconstruction failures and risk of amputation of the limb; (2) causes of failure; and (3) functional results.


Between 1990 and 2012, two oncologic centers treated 385 patients with proximal tibial resections and reconstruction. During that time, the general indications for those types of reconstruction were proximal tibia malignant tumors or bone destruction with articular surface damage or collapse. Patients who matched the inclusion criteria (age between 15 and 60 years old, diagnosis of a primary bone tumor of the proximal tibia treated with limb salvage surgery and reconstructed with endoprosthetic replacement or osteoarticular allograft) were included for analysis (n = 149). In those groups (endoprosthetic or allograft), of the patients not known to have reached an endpoint (death, reconstructive failure, or limb loss) before 2 years, 85% (88 of 104) and 100% (45 of 45) were available for followup at a minimum of 2 years. A total of 88 patients were included in the endoprosthetic group and 45 patients in the osteoarticular allograft group. Followup was at a mean of 9.5 (SD 6.72) years (range, 2–24 years) for patients with endoprosthetic reconstructions, and 7.4 (SD 5.94) years for patients treated with allografts (range, 2–21 years). The following variables were compared: limb salvage reconstruction failure rates, risk of limb amputation, type of failures according to the Henderson et al. classification, and functional results assessed by the Musculoskeletal Tumor Society system.


With the numbers available, after competitive risk analysis, the probability of failure for endoprosthetic replacement of the proximal tibia was 18% (95% confidence interval [CI], 10.75–27.46) at 5 years and 44% (95% CI, 31.67–55.62) at 10 years and for osteoarticular allograft reconstruction was 27% (95% CI, 14.73–40.16) at 5 years and 32% (95% CI, 18.65–46.18) at 10 years. There were no differences in terms of risk of failures at 5 years (p = 0.26) or 10 years (p = 0.20) between the two groups. Fifty-one of 88 patients (58%) with proximal tibia endoprostheses developed a reconstruction failure with mechanical causes being the most prevalent (32 of 51 patients [63%]). A total of 19 of 45 osteoarticular allograft reconstructions failed (42%) and nine of 19 (47%) of them were caused by early infection. Ten-year risk of amputation after failure for endoprosthetic reconstruction was 10% (95% CI, 5.13–18.12) and 11% (95% CI, 4.01–22.28) for osteoarticular allograft with no difference between the groups (p = 0.91). With the numbers available, there were no differences between the groups in terms of the mean Musculoskeletal Tumor Society score (26.58, SD 2.99, range, 19–30 versus 27.52, SD 1.91, range, 22–30; p = 0.13; 95% CI, ?2,3 to 0.32). Mean extension lag was more severe in the endoprosthetic group than the osteoarticular allograft group: 13.56° (SD 18.73; range, 0°–80°) versus 2.41° (SD 5.76; range, 0°–30°; p < 0.001; 95% CI, 5.8–16.4).


Reconstruction of the proximal tibia with either endoprosthetic replacement or osteoarticular allograft appears to offer similar reconstruction failures rates. The primary cause of failure for allograft was infection and for endoprosthesis was mechanical complications. We believe that the treating surgeon should have both options available for treatment of patients with malignant or aggressive tumors of the proximal tibia. (S)he might consider an allograft in a younger patient to achieve better extensor mechanism function, whereas in an older patient or one with a poorer prognosis where return to function and ambulation quickly is desired, an endoprosthesis may be advantageous.

Level of Evidence

Level III, therapeutic study.

Segmental limb reconstruction after tumor resection   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Limb salvage of large segmental and osteoarticular defects after tumor resection has become the standard of care for most patients with musculoskeletal tumors because overall survival is the same when compared with that seen in amputation patients. This study examines limb salvage for the surgical management of large segmental defects in terms of local recurrence, complications, and functional outcome in both primary and metastatic lesions. We retrospectively identified 32 patients with benign or malignant tumors of bone who underwent resection and limb salvage reconstruction by means of a custom or modular metal implant between 1985 and 1995. The most common tumor sites were the proximal femur (41%), distal femur (37.5%), and proximal humerus (12.5%). Primary bone lesions accounted for 18 patients (56%); metastatic disease accounted for 14 patients (44%). Osteosarcoma (n = 11) and chondrosarcoma (n = 3) were the most frequent primary tumors. The overall limb salvage rate (91%) was high, yet complications (28%) were common. Except for 3 patients who underwent amputation after prosthetic failure, all surviving patients were independent with or without assistive devices at latest follow-up. In patients with advanced metastatic disease, average survival was 7.6 months. No cases of aseptic loosening or implant breakage were observed in patients followed up for 2 years or more. Treatment after tumor resection with a limb salvage prosthetic reconstruction has shown good functional outcomes with an acceptable complication rate. This modality, therefore, offers patients a more favorable functional outcome with a more energy-efficient gait when compared with limb amputation.  相似文献   

BackgroundJoint reconstruction following resection of malignant bone tumors is challenging in itself in spite of several options in hand. Ability to restore joint anatomy, function and mobility while achieving optimal oncological outcomes are the requirement of reconstructions today. While biological reconstructions (allograft or recycled tumor autografts) following tumor bone surgery are popular for intercalary resections not involving the joint, their use for osteo-articular reconstructions are associated with concerns over cartilage and joint health. We have used extracorporeal radiation therapy (ECRT) and re-implantation of the osteoarticular segment as a size matched recycled tumor autograft reconstruction after complex acetabular and proximal ulnar resections; owing to the lack of significantly superior reconstruction alternatives in these locations and also review the current literature on other biological/non-biological reconstruction options.Questions/purposes(1) What are the oncological, reconstruction and functional outcomes with osteo-articular reconstruction using ECRT and re-implantation of recycled tumor autograft for the acetabulum and olecranon? (2) Is there an evidence of cartilage loss, joint damage or avascular necrosis resulting from irradiation of the articular autograft?Methods19 patients with primary bone tumors underwent limb salvage surgery with en-bloc resection and reconstruction using the resected articular tumor bone after treating it with extra-corporeal irradiation of 50–60Gy. These included 16 acetabular and 3 proximal ulnar. While all patients were included for oncological assessment; minimum follow-up of 24 months was considered for final outcome assessment of function and joint status.ResultsMSTS scores of the 16 acetabular reconstruction patients with minimum 2 years follow-up was 87% (26/30). Neither delayed union, non-union at osteotomy sites nor was any fractures reported in the irradiated graft. There was no local recurrence within the irradiated graft and only 1 patient required graft excision for uncontrolled infection. All 3 patients of proximal ulna reconstruction achieved healing and full range of movement of the elbow. Scores of MSTS: 100% (30/30), MEPS: 100 and DASH: zero was achieved. Two patients developed osteonecrosis of the femoral head; one requiring a joint replacement and one awaiting replacement. One patient of acetabular reconstruction has joint space narrowing on radiographs with mild clinical symptoms.ConclusionsExtracorporeal radiotherapy and re-implantation after osteo-articular resection is an oncologically safe option offering promising outcome in our small series. The availability of size-matched graft, thus avoiding inherent problems of allograft also provides a better economic option over endoprosthesis and its associated complications in select sites. The results can deteriorate over time that may require secondary reconstructive procedures like joint replacement.Level of evidenceLevel IV, Therapeutic Study.  相似文献   

Sacrifice of major growth plates during resection and fixed-length reconstruction of a limb in a skeletally immature child with osteosarcoma may result in a significant limb-length inequality as growth progresses. A limb-length discrepancy in the humerus may cause minor cosmetic problems but does not generally result in a significant functional deficit. In the lower extremity, tumors about the knee, including the distal femur and proximal tibia, usually present the dilemma of whether limb salvage by arthrodesis, osteoarticular allograft, or endoprosthetic replacement would result in a significant limb-length inequality and whether amputation of the extremity is a preferable procedure. The techniques of rotationplasty and an expandable endoprosthesis have been successfully used for treating skeletally immature patients with osteosarcoma of the distal femur. With regard to survival and function, the results obtained with these innovative methods are favorable compared with those of a high above-knee amputation.  相似文献   

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