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游戏治疗儿童心理障碍   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
随着社会的发展和人类文明的进步 ,精神疾患和心理健康问题已日益引起人们的广泛关注。心理障碍与精神疾病的发生密切相关 ,而且其生成常常从儿童开始。据 2 2个城市协作调查 ,我国儿童青少年心理行为问题的检出率为12 9% [1] ,而且此检出率呈明显上升趋势[1,2 ] 。因此 ,重视儿童的心理健康 ,及早地纠正其心理障碍与行为异常是当今儿童保健工作的重点之一。近年来 ,国外越来越多的学者将游戏治疗 (playtherapy)用于治疗儿童心理障碍与行为异常 ,取得满意疗效 ,现就此方面的研究作如下综述。一、游戏治疗的概念与分类游戏治疗…  相似文献   

为了推动我国儿童心理行为发育工作的开展,促进儿童发育与行为儿科学的发展,中华预防医学会儿童保健专业分会儿童心理行为学组、湖北省妇幼保健院及《中国儿童保健杂志》编辑部将于2011年6月在武汉召开第8届全国儿童心理行为发育学术研讨会。会议本着实用、可操作、突出临床特点的原则,届时将邀请美国及国内著名儿童心理学、  相似文献   

儿童心理咨询门诊602例   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
儿童心理咨询门诊602例武汉市儿童医院(430016)王凤,吴克颖,吴恋娟,黄静宁指导肖诗豹儿童期是体格发育、生理心理骤变的重要时期。及早地发现儿童的行为、情绪问题,并适时地干预,对预防儿童心理障碍的发生有着重要意义。我院自1991年以来开展儿童心理...  相似文献   

<正>随着医学的发展和环境的变化,儿童心理卫生遇到了前所未有的机遇和挑战。国家卫计委《儿童心理保健技术规范》适时出台,对医务工作者提出了更高的要求。对儿童行为偏离、异常、障碍的识别、鉴别转诊与咨询、干预、治疗等,需要儿童精神神经、心理咨询专业技术的支撑。中南大学湘雅二医院儿童医学中心是湖南省重点学科、博士点,多年来与精神科合作,集监测、干预、行为治疗于一体;中南大学湘雅二医院精神科是卫生部临床重点专科。  相似文献   

<正>随着医学的发展和环境的变化,儿童心理卫生遇到了前所未有的机遇和挑战。国家卫计委《儿童心理保健技术规范》适时出台,对医务工作者提出了更高的要求。对儿童行为偏离、异常、障碍的识别、鉴别转诊与咨询、干预、治疗等,需要儿童精神神经、心理咨询专业技术的支撑。中南大学湘雅二医院儿童医学中心是湖南省重点学科、博士点,多年来与精神科合作,集监测、干预、行为治疗于一体;中南大学湘雅二医院精神科是卫生部临床重点专科。  相似文献   

随着社会发展,家庭、学校和社会中各种应激因素也在增加,给儿童的健康成长带来不利影响,使儿童情绪障碍等心理卫生问题明显增加,已经成为儿童保健工作中的重点之一。卫生部、民政部、公安部和中国残疾人联合会于2004年4月印发的《中国精神卫生工作规划(2002-2010年)》中提出:“  相似文献   

中国医科大学附属盛京医院发育儿科科室(原儿童保健科)由我国著名儿科教授李助萱创建于1982年,是我国较早成立的具有儿童发育、营养、遗传和心理评估的科室之一。随着社会的进步和发展,以及儿科疾病谱和医疗模式的转变,儿童保健的内容不断扩大和发展。2003年儿童保健科更名为发育儿科,发育儿科现设有儿童保健、儿童营养、儿童生长发育、儿童心理和儿童遗传5个专业。后又成立了全国注意力缺陷多动障碍(ADHD)健康教育中心、  相似文献   

<正>随着医学的发展和环境的变化,儿童心理卫生遇到了前所未有的机遇和挑战。国家卫计委《儿童心理保健技术规范》适时出台,对医务工作者提出了更高的要求。对儿童行为偏离、异常、障碍的识别、鉴别转诊与咨询、干预、治疗等,需要儿童精神神经、心理咨询专业技术的支撑。中南大学湘雅二医院儿童医学中心是湖南省重点学科、博士点,多年来与精神科合作,集监测、干预、行为治疗于一体;中南大学湘雅二医院精神科是卫生部临床重点专科。本次培训班由以上两部门共同举办。将于2015年11月6~8日在长沙举办。  相似文献   

《儿童神经心理行为发育评价高级学习班》和《现代儿童与青少年保健学习班》将于2005年5月中-下旬在上海二医大附属 新华医院举办。前学习班的重点为智能测试(Gesell、WPPSI、WISC-R等)、儿童气质;后学习班的重点为讲述儿保新进展(多动注 意缺陷、儿童与青少年心理发展的临床应用、智迟、厌食、现代营养模式等) 项目编号分别为20041203010和20041203009,经考 试及格分别授国家级继续教育Ⅰ类学分12分和12分。欢迎妇幼保健、儿保、儿科医师及相关专业人员参加 联系人:张劲松、蔡 汝刚。地址:上海控江路1665号,新华医院儿童与青少年保健科;邮编:200090;电话:(021)65790000-6703,6701,6700分机  相似文献   

<正> 儿童情绪障碍是发生在儿童和青少年时期的一组心理障碍,发生率逐年增高,20世纪90年代初期还不多见,近年逐渐上升为儿童、青少年心理障碍的第2位[1]。文献报道[2]我国4~16岁儿童心理卫生问题检出率为12.9%,因其表现与成人有较大差异,表现不典型,以躯体症状为主,可以是任何器官或系统的症状,容易误诊。我们总结了近3年来收治误诊的儿童情绪障碍15例,报告如下。  相似文献   

Conduct Disorder   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

We compared the formal thought disorder ratings of 27 children with complex partial seizure disorder, 31 schizophrenic children and 58 normal children. The epileptic children with fullscale IQ scores below 100 had significantly more formal thought disorder than normal children with a similar IQ. The severity of their formal thought disorder was related to the age of seizure onset, seizure control and a diagnosis of schizophrenia spectrum disorder. The schizophrenic children had thought disorder irrespective of IQ scores. The cognitive correlates of their formal thought disorder scores differed from those of the epileptic children. Possible anatomical substrates of thought disorder in childhood complex partial seizure disorder and schizophrenia are discussed.  相似文献   

Children are exposed to a variety of traumatic experiences, and each child is unique in his or her response to that trauma. The most common psychiatric disorder that develops after exposure to trauma is posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). This article will help pediatric nurse practitioners understand PTSD in terms of diagnosis, epidemiology, risk factors, comorbidity, and treatment. DSM-IV diagnostic criteria will be discussed, along with modifications to consider when evaluating very young children for PTSD. Implications for practice will be discussed along with suggested questions to ask parents and children to assess for exposure to trauma.  相似文献   

Subjects with oppositional disorder (OD, N = 21) and conduct disorder (CD, N = 22) were compared with normal controls (NC, N = 20) to determine whether OD is a distinct disorder. OD subjects exhibited high rates of associated attention deficit, emotional and learning disorders. Compared with NC, OD subjects had high rates of problems in social relationships and came from families characterized by marital fights, dysfunction, and paternal psychopathology. Compared with CD, OD was less often characterized by undersocialization and separations from fathers and more often characterized by dissatisfaction in the marital relationship. These results suggest that OD is a variant of CD rather than of normality.  相似文献   

The Kiddie Formal Thought Disorder Rating Scale (K-FTDS) was examined in a sample of 29 schizophrenic, 10 schizotypal, and 54 normal children, aged 5-12.5 yrs. The schizophrenic and schizotypal children had significantly more illogical thinking and loose associations than the normal children. There were no significant differences between the illogical thinking and loose associations ratings of the schizophrenic and schizotypal children. Young schizophrenic, schizotypal, and normal children had more illogical thinking and loose associations than older children in their respective groups. The diagnostic, developmental, and cognitive implications of the study's results are discussed.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. In many European countries hyperkinesis is a relatively rare clinical diagnosis compared with the United States. Though systematic international studies comparing the diagnostic process with regard to this disorder are still lacking, it is likely that the reasons for the vast differences in the rates of the disorder do not lie in the differences of the children's behaviour but in diagnostic practice. Individual components of hyperactivity, namely overactivity, restlessness and poor concentration are common among children attending clinics as well as in randomly selected samples in the general population. Treatment for hyperactivity is largely the same as for the majority of child psychiatric disorders which predominantly involve disturbances of conduct. As the 'causes', as well as the factors maintaining the symptoms, are often complex, one form of treatment is seldom adequate. In most cases a combination of psychological and educational treatments is necessary. Stimulant drugs, though in a few instances capable of producing instant and dramatic therapeutic effects, should not be used as a treatment of first choice.  相似文献   

儿童变态反应性疾病   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
儿童变态反应性疾病的发病率近年来明显升高,严重影响儿童的生活质量。儿童变态反应性疾病的发病机制主要与遗传因素、妊娠环境、出生后的环境以及呼吸道感染等因素相关,临床主要表现为湿疹、变应性鼻炎、变应性结膜炎、变应性哮喘及变应性胃肠炎。治疗应重视早期干预、避免接触变应原,选择合适的药物治疗以及变应原特异性免疫治疗。  相似文献   


In the absence of a gold standard to identify the presence of developmental coordination disorder in children, it is useful to examine the consistency of different tests used in physical and occupational therapy. This study examined three measures of motor skills to determine whether they consistently identified the same children. In total, 379 children participated in this study. The final matched samples consisted of 202 children ranging in age from 8 to 17 years: 101 met criteria for DCD and 101 children did not show any evidence of DCD. The results indicated that the overall agreement between the Bruininks Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency (BOT), the Movement Assessment Battery for Children (M-ABC) and the Developmental Coordination Disorder Questionnaire (DCDQ) was less than 80%. The difference in structure and style of administration between the BOT and the M-ABC appears to contribute to their tendency to identify different children. This studyemphasizes the need for therapists to use clinical reasoning to examine multiple sources of information about a child's abilities.  相似文献   

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