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The effect of the 3-adrenoceptor agonist BRL37344 on gastric acid secretion evoked by different secretory stimuli was investigated in anaesthetized rats with lumen-perfused stomachs in comparison with the 2-adrenoceptor agonist clenbuterol. Intravenous injections of BRL37344 (1–10 mol/kg) and clenbuterol (0.01–1 mol/kg) dose-dependently reduced 2-deoxy-D-glucose-induced acid secretion, with BRL37344 about forty times less potent than clenbuterol. BRL37344 (0.1–3 mol/kg) inhibited pentagastrin-induced acid output, whereas clenbuterol was effective only at high doses (10–100 mol/kg). The inhibitory effect of BRL37344 on pentagastrin-induced acid secretion was not modified by the nonselective –adrenoceptor antagonist propranolol, but it was prevented by bupranolol, a 3-adrenoceptor antagonist. Furthermore, neither BRL37344 (10 mol/kg) nor clenbuterol (100 mol/kg) modified the acid secretion induced by histamine. These data suggest that 3 adrenoceptors have an inhibitory role in the control of rat gastric acid secretion induced by indirect stimuli.  相似文献   

Determination of plasma and tissue cytokinelevels in inflammatory bowel disease have frequentlyresulted in conflicting data. In the present study wedetermined in patients with ulcerative colitis (UC), the levels of the proinflammatory cytokinesinterleukin (IL)-1, IL-6, interferon(IFN)-, and tumor-necrosis factor (TNF)-liberated by peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC)and lamina propria mononuclear cells (LPMC) after 48-hrculture with pokeweed mitogen (PWM). IL-1, IL-6,IFN- and TNF- in the supernatant weredetected by ELISA. Results show low basal levels ofIL-1 secretion by PBMC and LPMC, and a considerableincrease after mitogen stimulation. Basal IL-6production by PBMC was higher in UC patients than incontrols [2029 pg/ml, CI9 (–165 to4223) vs 572 pg/ml (–383 to 1527) respectively, P = 0.05] and also afterPWM activation [14,995 pg/ml (7759 -22230) vs 6598 pg/ml(3240-9956), respectively, P = 0.05]. In LPMC, nodifferences in IL-6 secretion were observed. TNF- in activated PBMC of patients with UC was notsignificantly increased in relation to control (P =0.09). No constitutive secretion of IFN- wasobserved in mononuclear cells. IFN- levelssecreted by activated LPMC were lower in patients withUC than in controls [1571 pg/ml (–108 to 3251) vs7953 pg/ml (3851-12,055), respectively, P = 0.03]. Theseresults suggest that IL-6, IL-1, and TNF- participate as mediators in the inflammatoryphenomena observed in UC. Further studies are necessaryto evaluate the role of IFN- in thiscondition.  相似文献   

Long-term survival of small bowel transplants ishampered by chronic rejection. Epidermal growth factor(EGF) and transforming growth factor (TGF-)have opposing, regulatory roles in normal intestinal physiology and may be involved in thepathogenesis of chronic intestinal rejection. Our aimwas to investigate the expression of EGF andTGF-1 in chronically rejecting smallbowel transplants. Orthotopic small bowel transplantation was performed inthe allogeneic DA-to-AS rat combination; Cyclosporin wasadministered temporarily to prevent acute rejection.Controls were DA isografts and normal DA rats. PreproEGF and TGF-1 geneexpression was evaluated by northern blot analysis ofthe ileum RNA and standardized againstglyceraldehyde-3-phosphate-dehydrogenase expression.Allografts demonstrated functional impairment and histological features of chronicrejection, whereas isografts appeared normal. Allograftsdemonstrated a significant reduction of EGF mRNA whencompared to DA isografts. No significant changes were detected in TGF-1expression in either allogeneic or syngeneic grafts. Inconclusion, this study demonstrates reduced preproEGFand preserved TGF-1 gene expression inchronically rejecting small bowel transplants.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Es wird über einen Krankheitsfall berichtet, welcher nach der bisherigen Nomenklatur als Gewebsmastzellen-Leukämie oder als maligne Mastocytose mit leukämieartigen Manifestationen (Efrati et al., 1957) bezeichnet worden ist; er muß als akute subleukämische Gewebsmastzellen-Reticulose klassifiziert werden.
Summary The author reports a case which, according to the past nomenclature, was designated as tissue-mast-cell leukemia or as malignant mastocytosis with leukemia-like manifestations (Efrati et al., 1957). This case must be classified as an acute subleucemic tissue-mast-cell reticulosis.

Vortrag auf dem 12. Kongreß der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Hämatologie, Berlin 1966.  相似文献   

Summary Of 743 first degree relatives of diabetics in whom oral glucose tolerance tests had been performed in 1967 488 were re-tested in 1972. Among the original normals (n = 353) 17.6% had developed a subclinical and 1.3% an overt diabetes within 5 years. The original subclinical diabetics (n = 118) showed a remission to normal in 35.6% and a progression to overt diabetes in 13.6%. 3 out of the 17 formerly overt diabetics were found to be normal after 5 years and 3 were subclinical diabetics. Thus the performance of an oral glucose tolerance test is of limited prognostic value in the individual case. In both studies a higher prevalence of abnormal test results occurred in the older age groups and in overweight subjects. Remission or deterioration did not depend, however, on age or on weight changes. The frequency of abnormal tests was higher in males than in females, but the tendency towards the development of diabetes was more pronounced in females, in accordance with a previous observation of a higher age dependance of glucose tolerance in females.  相似文献   

Gastric mucosal thickening of variable degree occurs in the vicinity of gastric carcinomas and is possibly related to simultaneous tumor expression of epidermal growth factor and its receptor. Seventeen cases in which both endoscopic biopsy and subsequent resection for gastric carcinoma had been performed were studied to see if putative tumor-related mucosal thickening had an effect on endoscopic biopsy sensitivity. Biopsy fragment positivity rate was greater in cases with exophytic, protruding tumor masses (46.8± 8.5%) than in all other cases (17.0± 4.7%; P=0.02). Thickness of nontumorous mucosa adjacent to carcinomas did not significantly affect the biopsy fragment positivity rate in cases with exophytic masses (thin subgroup, 51.0±16.2%; thick subgroup, 44.0±10.8%; P=0.7) but did reduce the positivity rate significantly (P=0.05) in ulcerative or infiltrative tumors without exophytic components (thin subgroup, 23.3±4.1%; thick subgroup, 8.4±2.1%). This reduction in biopsy sensitivity related to mucosal thickening occurring adjacent to nonprotuberant lesions may explain, at least in part, the variable rates of positive biopsies observed with gastric cancers.Supported in part by a grant (AM07130) from the United States Public Health Service.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Es werden an Hand von 5 Sektionsfällen die beim Lupus erythematodes visceralis auftretenden Arterienveränderungen an Milz, Nieren, Herz, Leber und Lungen eingehend untersucht und beschrieben. Als kennzeichnendes morphologisches Substrat der Arterienveränderung ergibt sich eine seröse bis fibrinöse und fibrinös-nekrotisierende Arteriitis ohne oder mit nur geringer entzündlicher Zellreaktion, die sich nicht zwanglos in die bekannten Formenkreise der Arteriitiden einordnen läßt, so daß die Herausstellung der Lupus-Arteriitis als Sonderform berechtigt erscheint. Auch die Milzarterien durchlaufen das Entzündungsstadium und vernarben mit einer zirkulär angeordneten perivaskulären Fibrose. Da die Gefäßveränderungen vorwiegend nur im akuten Stadium vorliegen, wird geschlossen, daß der Lupus erythematodes visceralis im fortgeschrittenen Stadium zu einer generalisierten Gefäßerkrankung wird und durch die dabei an lebenswichtigen Organen auftretenden Kreislaufstörungen zum Tode führt.Mit 7 Abbildungen in 14 Einzeldarstellungen  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung 133 Patienten einer Intensivpflegestation, die bei der Aufnahme keine Symptome bakterieller Infektion zeigten und noch keine Antibiotika erhalten hatten, wurden nach dem Zufallsprinzip zwei Gruppen zugeordnet. Eine Gruppe (+Pat.) erhielt eine Antibiotikaprophylaxe mit Penicillinen oder Cephalosporinen, die zweite Gruppe (–Pat.) erhielt keine Antibiotika. Staph. aureus war bei –Pat. im Trachealsekret und in der Umgebung der häufigste potentiell pathogene Keim. Staph. aureus war im Trachealsekret und in der Umgebung der –Pat. signifikant häufiger als bei +Pat.. Klebsiella spp. standen im Trachealsekret und in der Umgebung von +Pat. an erster Stelle. Sie waren im Trachealsekret von +Pat. signifikant häufiger als bei –Pat.. In der ersten Woche des Stationsaufenthaltes traten bei +Pat. starke Veränderungen in der Keimflora der Trachealsekrete auf: die Besiedelung mit gramnegativen Keimen stieg auf fast 100% an, gleichzeitig ging die Frequenz von Staph. aureus zurück. In den Abklatschuntersuchungen aus der Patientenumgebung traten gramnegative Stäbchen bei +Pat. in signifikant höheren Koloniezahlen auf als bei –Pat.. Die paarweisen Vergleiche von Bakterienstämmen aus den Trachealsekreten und aus der Patientenumgebung ergaben, daß +Pat. gramnegative Keime und –Pat. Staph. aureus signifikant häufiger an die Umgebung abgaben. Auf die Kontamination der Patientenumgebung mit Staph. aureus wirkte sich der Faktor der trachealen Intubation nicht aus. Gramnegative Keime waren im Trachealsekret von intubierten Patienten signifikant häufiger als bei nicht intubierten. Derselbe Trend zeigte sich auch in der Patientenumgebung. Die Antibiotikaprophylaxe konnte, wie die klinischen Ergebnisse der Studie zeigten, die Patienten nicht im erwarteten Ausmaß vor Infektionen schützen. Patienten, insbesondere tracheal-intubierte, die Antibiotika erhalten, sind als Streuquellen für hochresistente gramnegative Keime anzusehen.
The patient as a source of bacteria in intensive care units: Influence of antibiotics and tracheal intubation
Summary 133 patients in an intensive care unit, who prior to admission had not shown any signs of bacterial infection and had not received antibiotic treatment, were assigned to two groups at random. One group received antibiotic prophylaxis with penicillins or cephalosporins (+Pat.), the other group did not receive antibiotics (–Pat.). Staph. aureus was the most frequent facultative pathogen in tracheal secretions and in the environment of –Pat.. This organism was significantly more frequent in –Pat. than in +Pat. in both the tracheal secretions and the enviroment. Klebsiella spp. outnumbered all other species in +Pat.. They were significantly more frequent in tracheal secretions of +Pat. than of –Pat.. In the first week of hospitalisation marked changes were seen in bacterial flora of tracheal secretions of +Pat.. Colonization with gramnegative bacteria rose to nearly 100%, the frequency of Staph. aureus diminishing at the same time. Monitoring by contact cultures revealed that gramnegative rods were significantly more numerous in the environment of +Pat. than of –Pat.. Matching bacterial strains cultured from tracheal secretions and from the environment of the patients proved that +Pat. spread significantly higher numbers of their gramnegative bacteria into the environment. The same is true of –Pat. for Staph. aureus. Intubation had no noticeable effect on the degree of contamination of the surroundings with Staph. aureus. Gramnegative rods were significantly more frequent in tracheal secretions of patients with intubation than in patients without. The same trend was observed for environmental contamination. As the clinical results of this study have shown, antibiotic prophylaxis does not protect patients from infections to the extent expected. Patients, and particularly intubated patients, receiving antibiotic treatment have to be considered as sources of highly resistant gramnegative organisms.

Summary A role for the Epstein-Barr virus in initiating Type 1 (insulin-dependent) diabetes mellitus has been proposed since Epstein-Barr virus BOLF1(497–513) AVTPL RIFIVPPAAEY has an 11 amino acid identity with HLA-DQw8 (49–60) AVTPL GPPAAEY. Rabbit antisera to the BOLF1 (496–515) peptide crossreacted with the homologous DQw8 (44–63) peptide but not with the related DQw7(44–63) peptide, which differed from the DQw8 peptide only in an ALA to ASP substitution in position 57. Antisera to DQw8(49–60) reacted with the DQw8(44–63) peptide and BOLF1 (496–515), but not with DQw7 (44–63). The antiserum to the BOLF1 peptide bound to denatured class II major histocompatibility complex chains from Epstein-Barr virus-transformed DQw8-positive lymphocytes in an immunoblotting analysis. Epstein-Barr virus antibodies were detected at equal frequencies and similar titres in sera of 30 patients with Type 1 diabetes (16 of 30;63%) and in sera of 20 non-diabetic control subjects (13 of 20;65%). Sera from diabetic patients did not bind to DQw8 (44–63) or BOLF1(496–515) peptides. From these data we conclude that there is no simple relationship between serological evidence of Epstein-Barr virus infection and crossreactions between homologous Epstein-Barr virus and class II major histocompatibility complex peptides.  相似文献   

Serum cytokines such as interleukin 1 (IL-1), interferon (IFN-), and tumor necrosis factor (TNF) were measured in 40 patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). In the 40 patients studied, serum IL-1 was detected in 5 patients, IFN- in 10 patients, and TNF in 20 patients. The IL-1-positive group showed increased values of activity indices compared to the IL-1-negative group. Values of serum IFN- correlated well with the number of peripheral blood lymphocytes and CD3+ cells and with the percentage of CD3+ CD26+ cells. Values of serum TNF correlated positively with the number of peripheral blood monocytes and the percentage of CD3+ HLA-DR+ and CD3+ CD25+ cells. These results indicated that serum IL-1 in RA patients reflects the activity of RA, while the serum IFN- and TNF in RA patients may be related to circulating activated lymphocytes and monocytes, respectively.  相似文献   

Background Gabexate mesilate, a synthetic protease inhibitor, is used to treat acute pancreatitis and disseminated intravascular coagulation because it inhibits various serine proteases; however, whether gabexate mesilate prevents acute liver failure has not yet been studied. The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of gabexate mesilate in carbon tetrachloride (CCl4)-induced liver injury in rats.Methods Acute hepatic failure was induced by administration of CCl4 intragastrically to male Sprague–Dawley rats. The effects of gabexate mesilate were examined in terms of serum transaminase levels, liver histology, and the prognosis of rats.Results Gabexate mesilate treatment significantly decreased the elevation of serum transaminase levels and improved liver histology 24h after the administration of CCl4 (0.2ml/100g rat weight). Plasma tumor necrosis factor- (TNF-) and interleukin-1 (IL-1) decreased significantly in the gabexate mesilate-treated rats compared with saline-treated rats. Gabexate mesilate treatment also significantly improved survival rate after a lethal dose of CCl4 (0.5ml/100g rat weight) from 0% to 20%.Conclusions Gabexate mesilate treatment attenuated CCl4-induced liver injury via a suppression of proinflammatory cytokine production. In addition, these investigations suggest that gabexate mesilate treatment may provide therapeutic strategies for human acute liver failure.  相似文献   

Dominant inherited -thalassemias describe those -thalassemia variants that result in a thalassemia intermediate phenotype in individuals who have inherited only a single copy of the abnormal gene. This form of thalassemia is characterized by moderately severe anemia with jaundice and splenomegaly; it is also characterized by the presence of inclusion bodies in the red blood cell precursors and has, therefore, previously been referred to as inclusion body -thalassemia. We describe a case of inclusion body -thalassemia in a 51-year-old Spanish male caused by a deletion of 11 bp (CD 131–134) in exon 3 of the -globin gene. The deletion of 11 bp in exon 3 of the -globin chain is predicted to produce an anomalous chain of 134 amino acids instead of the normal 146 with an extremely altered amino acid sequence from residues 131–134. Although this shortened variant would lead to a missing H helix, which is involved in 11 contact and 12 subunit interactions, the variant chain can still be bound to the heme group and acquire a secondary structure that is not suitable for the formation of stable dimers or tetramers and also less susceptible to proteolytic degradation. This is the first report of such a -thalassemia mutation.  相似文献   

Ohne ZusammenfassungHerrn Prof. Dr.B. Kisch zum 70. Geburtstage gewidmet.Professor für Kardiologie in der Escuela Nacional de Medicina del Trabajo. Chef der Kardiologie-Abteilung in dem Ambulatorio Matias Montero des (S.O.E.) und des Instituto Nacional de Medicina del Trabajo in Madrid.  相似文献   

Summary The phenotype of bovine-mannosidosis (-mannosidase deficiency), recently identified in Salers cattle, is similar to the caprine form of the disease (Abbittet al., 1991). This investigation was designed to characterize accumulated kidney oligosaccharides in bovine-mannosidosis. Oligosaccharides were extracted from the kidney of an affected Salers calf and purified by chromatographic techniques. The amount of accumulating oligosaccharides in 1 g of wet tissue was about 21µmol. Structures of derivatized oligosaccharides were characterized by high-performance liquid chromatography, mass spectrometry, methylation analysis and sequential exoglycosidase digestions. The major accumulating oligosaccharides were Man1-4GlcNAc and Man1-4GlcNAc1-4GlcNAc. Oligosaccharides accumulating in minor amounts were Man1-4GlcNAc1-4Man1-4GlcNAc, Man1-6Man1-4GlcNAc1-4GlcNAc and Man1-4GlcNAc1-4Man1-4GlcNAc1-4GlcNAc. As in caprine-mannosidosis, oligosaccharides with terminal-mannose residues and cleaved as well as uncleaved chitobiose linkages were identified in bovine-mannosidosis kidney. The accumulating oligosaccharides in tissue were thus identical in bovine and caprine-mannosidosis; however, the source of the novel oligosaccharides remains to be determined.  相似文献   

Summary Cytokines may play importmant roles in the pathogenesis of insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM). We analysed a dinucleotide repeat polymorphism within the first intron of the interferon (IFN-) gene in Japanese diabetic patients (175 IDDM and 145 non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus) and 267 control subjects. A significant difference was observed in the global allele distribution of the polymorphism between the IDDM and control groups (p=0.039). The difference from the control group was more evident in the patients whose insulin therapy started within 1 year from onset (p=0.006) or in the young-onset (<10 years) patients (p=0.0006). The alleles 3 and 6 were increased in the IDDM patients, and a significant increase in the frequency of the 3/6 genotype was observed in the IDDM patient group (9.1%, RR 2.9, p=0.010), in the patients with initial insulin therapy less than 1 year from onset (10.6%, RR 3.4, p=0.004), or in the young-onset patients (16.7%, RR 5.7, p=0.0003) in comparison to the control subjects (3.4%). There was a tendency towards frequent occurrence of clinical characteristics which reflect young or abrupt onset of diabetes or both, and depletion of insulin secretion capacity in the patients with 3/6 or 6/6 in comparison to the patients with other genotypes. These results suggest that the IFN- gene region may contribute to the pathogenesis of IDDM and could be a genetic marker for IDDM.Abbreviations IDDM Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus - HLA human leucocyte antigen - IFN- interferon - NIDDM non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus - PCR polymerase chain reaction - ICA islet cell antibody - TNF- tumour necrosis factor - IL-1 interleukin-1 - INS insulin gene  相似文献   

The purpose of these experiments was to characterize the pattern of digestive myoelectric activity produced by four different test meals in dogs. A new approach for the analysis of the myoelectric activity of the small intestine was used. In contrast with methods dividing the tracings into present time periods, the present method respected the motor entities, hence the continuity, of the tracing. Two types of motor entities occurred: activity units which are groups of consecutive slow waves with spiking, and rest units, which are groups of consecutive slow waves without spiking. The frequency of occurrence and frequency of alternation of the various activity and rest units occurring during digestion was calculated. Digestive myoelectrical activity was characterized by the frequent occurrence and alternation of short activity and rest units. Three different patterns of digestive activity could be discriminated, ie, a fat, a protein and carbohydrate, and a canned food pattern.  相似文献   

Proton-pump inhibitors (PPIs) have revolutionized the treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and peptic ulcer. To evaluate the efficacy of the new PPI rabeprazole, 12 controlled clinical trials were conducted worldwide—three for each indication (erosive or ulcerative GERD healing, long-term GERD healing maintenance, duodenal ulcer healing, and gastric ulcer healing). Rabeprazole was compared to placebo, the H2-receptor antagonist ranitidine, and the PPI omeprazole. Treatment duration ranged from 4 weeks for duodenal ulcer to 6 weeks for gastric ulcer, 8 weeks for GERD healing, and 1 year for maintenance of GERD healing. Rabeprazole was as effective as omeprazole for each indication and significantly more effective than ranitidine for healing of GERD (87% vs 66%) and duodenal ulcer (83% vs 73%). Rabeprazole was also superior to ranitidine in providing symptom relief, particularly in GERD.  相似文献   

Summary Interleukin 1, potentiated by tumour necrosis factor , is cytotoxic to pancreatic Beta cells in vitro. We have hypothesized that interleukin 1 induces oxygen free radicals in Beta cells. Since cytotoxicity induced by free radicals and by heat may activate the same cellular repair mechanism (the heat shock response), the aim of this study was to investigate the pattern of protein synthesis in isolated islets after exposure to interleukin 1 (150 pg/ml, 24 h), tumour necrosis factor (50 ng/ml, 24 h), heat shock (43°C, 30 min) and H2O2 (0.1 mmol/l, 20 min). By polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, autoradiography, Western-blot analysis and partial peptide mapping of 35S-methionine labelled islets, interleukin 1 was found to induce a 73 kilodalton protein belonging to the heat shock protein family heat shock protein 70, a heat shock protein 90, and haem oxygenase. A minor induction of heat shock protein 73 and haem oxygenase was seen after H2O2. Interleukin 1 did not induce heat shock proteins in rat thyroid cells, rat mesangial cells or in human monocytes. Tumour necrosis factor did not induce selective protein synthesis. Pre-exposure of islets to heat, tumour necrosis factor , or H2O2 did not prevent the impairment of glucose-stimulated insulin release seen after 24 h of interleukin 1 exposure. The data are compatible with free radical induction by interleukin 1. However, the heat shock response is not specific for oxidative injury, and previous studies have shown discrepant effects as to a protective effect of free radical scavengers against interleukin 1-mediated beta-cytotoxicity. Thus, a role for free radicals in this context is not definitely proven.  相似文献   

To elucidate the role of - and -adrenoceptors in the mechanism of intragastric nicotine protection against ethanol-induced gastric mucosal injury, the following studies were performed. At 0.5-hr prior to the injury study, rats were pretreated with: subcutaneous control, prazosin (0.5 mg/kg) or yohimbine (5 mg/kg) to block 1- or 2-adrenoceptors; or intraperitoneal control, metoprolol (2 mg/kg) or butoxamine (4 mg/kg) to block 1- or 2-adrenoceptors, respectively. At 1-hr intervals, rats received intragastric vehicle or nicotine (4 mg/kg) and 40% ethanol (10 ml/kg). Total lengths of the linear gastric corpus mucosal lesions were measured by an unbiased observer using a caliper. In a separate study, 0.5-hr after subcutaneous control or yohimbine (5 mg/kg), rats were treated with intragastric vehicle or nicotine (4 mg/kg). One hour later, gastric mucus volume, gastric juice volume and pH, and titratable acid in the gastric juice were measured. In the rat stomach, the intragastric nicotine protection against 40% ethanol-induced mucosal injury was not blocked by selective 1-(prazosin), 1-(metoprolol), or 2-(butoxamine) adrenoceptor antagonists. The protection was significantly reduced although not completely abolished by selective 2-(yohimbine) adrenoceptor antagonist. Yohimbine also significantly reduced basal and nicotine-stimulated increase in gastric mucus volume. These data suggest that 2-adrenoceptors are involved in the protective effect of intragastric nicotine against 40% ethanol-induced gastric mucosal injury possibly by a mucus-dependent mechanism.Supported by Veternas Administration Medical Research Funds, and in part by research grants (0162-01, 02, and 291-01) from the Smokeless Tobacco Research Council, Inc., and by funds (1RT 80) provided by the Cigarette and Tobacco Surtax Fund of the State of California through the Tobacco-Related Disease Research Program of the University of California to F.W.L. Dr. Endoh is a recipient of the University of California Tobacco-Related Disease Research Program Research Fellowship Award (FT 37).  相似文献   

Portal-systemic encephalopathy is the prototype among the neuropsychiatric disorders that fall under the term Hepatic Encephalopathies. Ammonia toxicity is central to the pathophysiology of Portal-systemic encephalopathy, and neuronal ammonia toxicity is modulated by activated astrocytes. The calcium-binding astroglial key protein S100 is released in response to glial activation, and its measurement in serum only recently became possible. Serum S100 was determined by an ultrasensitive ELISA in patients (n=36) with liver cirrhosis and transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic stent-shunt. Subclinical portal-systemic encephalopathy and overt portal-systemic encephalopathy were determined by age-adjusted psychometric tests and clinical staging, respectively. Serum S100 was specifically elevated in the presence of subclinical or early portal-systemic encephalopathy, but not arterial ammonia. S100 levels elevated above a reference value (S100 110pg/ml) or the cut off value determined in our group of patients (112pg/ml) predicted subclinical portal-systemic encephalopathy with a specificity and sensitivity of 100 and 56.5%, respectively. Serum S100 was significantly dependent on liver dysfunction (Child-Pugh score), but was more closely related to cognitive impairments than the score. Serum S100 seems to be a promising biochemical surrogate marker for mild cognitive impairments due to portal-systemic encephalopathy.  相似文献   

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