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Transformation of Lymphocytes in Gonorrhea Before and After Therapy   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Patients were studied for lymphocyte transformation responses to a variety of Neisseria gonorrhoeae antigens and to a Neisseria catarrhalis sonicate. Cells from infected patients manifested significant uptake of tritiated thymidine in response to one or more gonococcal antigens. In some cases, deoxyribonucleic acid synthesis was so marked in lymphocytes not challenged by antigens in vitro that added blastogenesis was either obscured or inhibited. At five weeks posttherapy, lymphocytes were relatively nonreactive to gonococcal antigenic stimulation. Blastogenesis in response to N. catarrhalis was also seen for a few gonorrhea patients and normal controls. Cross-antigenicity of catarrhalis organisms and gonococci was indicated by the disappearance of reactivity to catarrhalis sonicate by the lymphocytes of almost all convalescent gonorrhea patients.  相似文献   

目的比较准分子激光原位角膜磨镶术前后客观验光和主观验光的准确性和相关性.方法对在我中心接受 LASIK手术69例123 眼,在术前和术后一个月进行客观验光(NIDEK ARK-700)和主观验光(RODENSTOCK综合验光头),对获得的数据进行相关分析.结果 LASIK术后,客观验光的准确性较术前下降,客观验光和主观验光测量结果的差值明显增加;术前近视度越高,术后客观验光和主观验光测量结果的差别越大.在测量散光中,术后1月,客观验光和主观验光测量散光的差值明显增加,客观验光不能准确测量散光的量和轴向.结论 LASIK 术前用自动验光仪进行的客观验光可靠性较高,与主观验光法测量屈光不正的结果接近;术后,客观验光的准确性较术前下降,不能有效评判屈光不正的性质和量.  相似文献   

The mechanisms underlying maternal tolerance of the semi-allogeneic fetus are not completely understood. The maternal immune system's response to the male antigen, H-Y is an example of the conflicting evidence that both supports and refutes the idea that the immune system in pregnant females is fundamentally different from that in non-pregnant females. Although multiple pregnancies may inactivate H-Y specific T cells, the immune system of the pregnant female can also generate a cytotoxic response to this antigen. To help understand this apparent conflict, we immunized female mice against H-Y with male spleen cells before pregnancy and examined the subsequent anti H-Y response during mid-pregnancy. The pregnant mice studied were able to mount cytotoxic immune responses to H-Y that were equivalent to those generated in their non-pregnant counterparts. Moreover the experience of pregnancy did not impair the ability to maintain immunologic memory to H-Y. The data support the idea that pregnancy does not violate general rules of antigen specific immunity, even if the antigen is expressed on the fetus.  相似文献   

目的 了解住院治疗对精神分裂症幻觉特征的影响 .方法 应用自编幻觉特征调查表检查 10 4例初发精神分裂症病人治疗前后的幻觉特征 .结果 治疗 8周后仍有 46例病人存在幻觉 ,但幻觉特征与治疗前明显不同 ,幻觉出现频率和持续时间减少 ,形象模糊 ,伴随的负性情感反应和行为反应减弱 .结论 即使治疗不能消除幻觉 ,也能改变幻觉特征 ,减低幻觉所造成的负面影响 ,有着重要的临床意义 .  相似文献   



Social support has been identified as an important factor in facilitating recovery from injury. However, no previous authors have prospectively assessed the change in social support patterns before and after injury.


To examine the preinjury and postinjury social support patterns among male and female collegiate athletes.


Prospective observational study.


A Big Ten Conference university.

Patients or Other Participants:

A total of 256 National Collegiate Athletic Association Division I male and female collegiate athletes aged 18 or older from 13 sports teams.

Main Outcome Measure(s):

Injury incidence was identified using the Sports Injury Monitoring System. Social support was measured using the 6-item Social Support Questionnaire. Data on preinjury and postinjury social support patterns were compared.


Male athletes reported more sources of social support than female athletes, whereas female athletes had greater satisfaction with the support they received. Athletes'' social support patterns changed after they became injured. Injured athletes reported relying more on coaches (P  =  .003), athletic trainers (P < .0001), and physicians (P  =  .003) for social support after they became injured. Athletes also reported greater postinjury satisfaction with social support received from friends (P  =  .019), coaches (P  =  .001), athletic trainers (P < .0001), and physicians (P  =  .003).


Our findings identify an urgent need to better define the psychosocial needs of injured athletes and also strongly suggest that athletic trainers have a critical role in meeting these needs.  相似文献   

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