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Lobaplatin [1,2-diamminomethylcyclobutane-platinum(II) lactate] is a new platinum compound with interesting preclinical activity and apparently no nephro- or neurotoxicity that is currently undergoing clinical phase II studies. Little is known about the cross-resistance between cisplatin and lobaplatin. The activity of this new compound in comparison with cisplatin and carboplatin was evaluated in cisplatin-sensitive and cisplatin-resistant human testicular, gastric, and ovarian carcinoma cell lines using 96 h continuous drug exposure in a sulforhodamine-B assay. In three cisplatin-sensitive testicular carcinoma cell lines, lobaplatin and cisplatin showed comparable antitumor activity. The 50% growth-inhibitory concentrations (IC50 values) determined for cisplatin ranged from 0.1 to 0.4 μM, and those found for lobaplatin ranged from 0.25 to 0.5 μM. Carboplatin showed markedly lower cytotoxicity in all cell lines tested. Lobaplatin was not cross-resistant to cisplatin in a 10-fold cisplatin-resistant testicular carcinoma cell line and showed only weak cross-resistance in a 20-fold cisplatin-resistant ovarian carcinoma cell line. In contrast, complete cross-resistance between cisplatin and lobaplatin occurred in two cisplatin-resistant human gastric carcinoma cell lines, which were 3.3- and 9-fold resistant to cisplatin and 3.1- and 6.5-fold resistant to lobaplatin, respectively. Furthermore, lobaplatin showed significant activity against cisplatin-resistant human ovarian and testicular carcinoma xenografts in vivo. These data indicate a high level of activity for lobaplatin at clinically achievable concentrations in drug-sensitive testicular, ovarian, and gastric carcinoma cell lines and a lack of complete cross-resistance to cisplatin. Further clinical development of lobaplatin is clearly warranted.  相似文献   

ZD0473 is a new generation hindered platinum agent currently undergoing worldwide Phase II clinical studies. The in vitro cytotoxicity of ZD0473 either alone or in combination with the anticancer drugs paclitaxel, gemcitabine, vinorelbine, topotecan and doxorubicin was determined using four human ovarian carcinoma cell lines and by the sulphorhodamine B assay (SRB). The lines included one model of acquired cisplatin resistance and one isogenic pair differing only in their p53 status. Notably, the simultaneous exposure to ZD0473 and paclitaxel for 96 h resulted in synergy (as defined by a median effect analysis) in all four cell lines (i.e. independent of cisplatin resistance and p53 status). In addition, synergy was observed in 3/4 lines and 2/4 lines following concomitant exposure to topotecan or gemcitabine, respectively. Sequencing studies with ZD0473 and paclitaxel revealed that, for three of the four cell lines, the combination of ZD0473 administered for 24 h prior to paclitaxel for 24 h conferred a greater growth inhibitory effect than the reverse sequential combination. This scheduling effect was particularly marked for the acquired cisplatin-resistant A2780CisR cell line; synergy being observed with ZD0473/paclitaxel, but antagonism with paclitaxel/ZD0473. This effect did not appear to be correlated with changes in drug-induced cell cycle checkpoints. These data suggest that ZD0473 may be usefully combined with various cytotoxics in the clinic, including paclitaxel, topotecan and gemcitabine.  相似文献   

Resistance to the clinically used platinum-based drugs cisplatin and carboplatin represents a major limitation to their clinical effectiveness. Using cisplatin-sensitive and-resistant human ovarian carcinoma cell lines previously characterized in terms of their major underlying mechanisms of resistance, we attempted to potentiate the cytotoxic effects of cisplatin and carboplatin using the clinically used antifungal agent amphotericin B (AmB). Using nontoxic concentrations of AmB (up to 15 g/ml) and continuous exposure to cisplatin, a concentration-dependent selective potentiation (maximum of 3.2-fold) of cisplatin cytotoxicity was observed in two cisplatin-resistant cell lines (41 McisR6, acquired resistant, and HX/62, intrinsically resistant). In both these cisplatin-resistant cell lines, previous studies have shown resistance to be due primarily to reduced platinum uptake. Notably, no significant potentiation was observed in the parent 41M cell line, in the intrinsically resistant SKOV-3 cell line (where reduced drug accumulation plays only a partial role in determining resistance) or in a pair of cell lines (CH1 and its acquired-resistant variant CH1cisR6) where reduced drug uptake does not play any role in determining resistance. The potentiating effect of AmB was lower with carboplatin and not significant in all cell lines. Platinum uptake following a 2-h exposure of cells to cisplatin was enhanced 3.5-fold in 41McisR6 cells (producing platinum levels similar to those obtained in the parental line) and 1.7-fold in 41M cells by the concomitant exposure to AmB. These data indicate that the potentiation of cisplatin (and carboplatin) cytotoxicity by AmB is not due to a generalized membrane disruption, as effects were observed only in resistant lines where reduced drug transport was apparent. Moreover, AmB did not increase the cytotoxicity of JM216 [bis-acetatoammine(cyclohexylamine)dichloroplatinum (II)], a recently developed, more lipophilic orally active platinum drug, in the 41M/41McisR6 lines. JM216 has previously been shown to circumvent acquired cisplatin resistance due to decreased drug uptake. In vivo, however, using the HX/62 xenograft, AmB (at its maximum tolerated dose of 20 mg/kg; q7d×4 schedule) did not enhance the antitumour effect of carboplatin (at its maximum tolerated dose of 80 mg/kg; q7d×4 schedule).This study was supported by grants to the Institute of Cancer Research from the Cancer Research Campaign and the Medical Research Council, the Johnson Matthey Technology Centre and Bristol Myers Squibb Oncology  相似文献   

Pyrrolidino-4-iodotamoxifen (idoxifene) is a new non-steroidal antioestrogen currently undergoing phase I clinical evaluation. Using idoxifene and tamoxifen and two additional analogues of tamoxifen (3-hydroxytamoxifen and 4-iodotamoxifen) and the imidazole-based calmodulin inhibitor, calmidazolium, a strong positive correlation (r2 > 0.95) was observed between cytotoxicity and inhibition of calmodulin-dependent cyclic AMP phosphodiesterase (e.g. mean IC50 across four human ovarian carcinoma cell lines of 4.5 microM for idoxifene and 6.3 microM for tamoxifen). Using two parent human ovarian carcinoma cell lines (41M and CH1; both oestrogen receptor negative) in which acquired resistance to doxorubicin or cisplatin has been generated, we have determined the ability of idoxifene to overcome resistance in these lines. At a non-toxic concentration of 2 microM, idoxifene appeared at least as effective as the clinically used multidrug resistance modifiers verapamil and tamoxifen in overcoming doxorubicin resistance in two acquired resistant cell lines shown to overexpress the P-170 efflux glycoprotein. Non-cross-resistance between cisplatin and idoxifene was observed in two acquired resistant cell lines possessing contrasting mechanisms of resistance to cisplatin (41McisR6 reduced drug transport and CH1cisR6 resistance mediated at the level of DNA). In one of four cell lines (CH1), synergism between idoxifene and cisplatin was observed by median effect analysis. However, with the 41M and its 6-fold cisplatin-resistant variant, antagonism was observed. These observations made by median effect analysis appeared to be unrelated to platinum uptake or removal of platinum-induced DNA interstrand cross-links. These in vitro data suggest that idoxifene may be usefully combined with doxorubicin in the clinical setting, but caution should be exercised in combining it with cisplatin in the treatment of certain tumours.  相似文献   

Cellular sensitivity to cis-diamminedichloroplatinum(II) (cDDP) can be regulated by protein kinase C (PKC) signal transduction pathway. Activators of PKC were shown to en- hance the sensitivity of human ovarian carcinoma 2008 cells to cDDP. We have examined whether or not the PKC signal transduction pathway is affected during-development of resistance by tumor cells to cDDP. A 2-fold decrease in PKC activity was observed in cDDP-resistant ovarian carcinoma 2008 J. C13*5.25 cells compared with the drug-sensitive 2008 cells. Subceflular distribution studies revealed a reduction in both cytosolic and paniculate PKC activities in 2008/C13*5.25 cells. The pattern of PKC isoform expression was compared in cDDP-sensitive and -resistant cell lines by Western blot analysis with isoform-specific antibodies to PKC. The parental cells expressed PKCα, -ε, and -ζ isoforms. The abundance of PKCα decreased significantly in 2008/C 13*5.25 cells, whereas the amount of PKCe increased moderately in the resistant variant, with no alteration in PKCε content. Therefore, a reduction in PKCa and/or an increase in PKCε expression may be associated with the drug-resistant phenotype. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Summary Using the sulforhodamine B assay, we compared the cytotoxic properties of the novel microtubule agent taxol and the semi-synthetic related compound Taxotere in nine human ovarian-carcinoma cell lines, including three pairs of cell lines rendered resistant to cisplatin or carboplatin. In addition, the cytotoxicity of the commonly used anticancer drugs cisplatin and adriamycin and the topoisomerase II inhibitor etoposide was determined. The results of continuous drug exposure showed that taxol [mean concentration producing 50% growth inhibition (IC50), 1.1×10–9 m; range, 2.8×10–9–5×10–10 m and Taxotere (mean IC50, 5.1×10–10 m; range, 7.2–3.3×10–10 m) were >1,000 times more cytotoxic than either cisplatin (mean IC50, 3.1×10–6 m;P<0.05) or etoposide (mean IC50, 2.3×10–6 m;P<0.05) and >100 times more cytotoxic than Adriamycin (mean IC50, 6.9×10–8 m;P<0.05). Taxotere was more cytotoxic than taxol; following continuous exposure, the mean difference across the cell lines was 2 orders of magnitude (range, 1.1–3.9 orders of magnitude for individual lines). Although this difference did not reach statistical significance for any individual cell line (P values ranged from 0.17 for HX/62 to 0.9 for OVCAR-3), when all IC50 values for the 96-h experiments were pooled, Taxotere was found to be significantly more potent than taxol (P=0.05). Following 2 h exposure, the mean cytotoxicity of Taxotere was 3.9-fold > that of taxol across the nine lines (range, 0.75- to 10-fold;P<0.05 for the CH1 cell line; overall pooled IC50 data,P=0.05). Although a 71-fold range of sensitivity to cisplatin was observed across the six parent cell lines (IC50 most resistant line/IC50 most sensitive line), this was largely abolished by treatment with taxol (5.6-fold range) and Taxotere (2.2-fold rante). Following continuous exposure of the three pairs of lines exhibiting acquired resistance to platinum, no cross-resistance with either Taxotere or taxol was found (resistance factors, <1.5). In the 41M and 41McisR pair of lines, in which previous studies have shown resistance to be due to reduced platinum accumulation, taxol and Taxotere exhibited some collateral sensitivity (resistance factors, 0.69 and 0.66, respectively). Taxotere and, particularly, taxol showed a pronounced concentration times exposure duration (CxT) dependence as compared with cisplatin (P<0.05). The mean loss in potency across the nine lines for 2 vs 96 h exposure was 97 for taxol, 35 for Taxotere, 30 for Adriamycin and only 9.9 for cisplatin. However, these differences in potency loss observed between taxol and Taxotere did not reach statistical significance (P=0.18). These data indicate that Taxotere is approximately 2 times more cytotoxic than taxol and shows an encouraging lack of cross-resistance in three cell lines exhibiting acquired resistance to cisplatin and carboplatin.This study was supported by grants to the Institute of Cancer Research, Royal Cancer Hospital, from the Cancer Research Campaign and, through the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) Clonogenic Assay Screening Group, by grant 90031 from Rhone-Poulenc Rorer.  相似文献   

Gemcitabine (dFdC) can increase the sensitivity of both cisplatin (CDDP)-sensitive and -resistant cell lines. It has been postulated that both formation and repair of platinum-(Pt)-DNA adducts are related to these effects. Therefore, we investigated the effects of dFdC on the formation and repair of Pt-DNA adducts in the human ovarian cancer cell line, A2780, and its CDDP- or dFdC-resistant variants, ADDP and AG6000, which have a different expression of various repair enzymes. Cells were exposed for 1 h to CDDP alone or combined with dFdC in IC50 concentrations, followed by a 1-h exposure to thiourea and, subsequently, by a drug-free period of 1, 3 or 23 h (i.e. 2, 4 or 24 h after CDPP +/- dFdC removal). Pt-DNA adducts were quantified with 32P-post-labeling. The gene expression of the repair enzymes, XPA and XRCC1, was the same in all 3 cell lines but ERCC1, ERCC3 and XPC were 2-6 times higher in AG6000 compared to A2780 cells. In contrast, both ERCC1 and ERCC3 were 10- and 1.5-fold lower in ADDP cells compared to A2780. The mismatch enzyme, MLH1, was lower in ADDP cells. At equally toxic CDDP concentrations, all cell lines formed comparable peak levels of total Pt-DNA adducts (36-48 fmol/microg DNA). However, the time at which peak levels were reached showed large variation. The repair of the adducts was very efficient in the resistant cell lines whereas, in A2780 cells, plateau levels were retained until 24 h after CDDP exposure. In A2780 cells, dFdC shifted the adduct peaks from 4 h to directly after CDDP exposure and increased peak levels by >3.9-fold. dFdC also enhanced the repair of adducts by >1.7-fold and increased the Pt-GG:Pt-AG ratio compared to CDDP alone by >1.4-fold. Overall, dFdC decreased the area under the Pt-DNA adduct-time curve (AUA0-25 h) in A2780 cells by 2.7-fold. In ADDP cells, dFdC shifted the adduct peaks from 2 to 4 h and increased them by >2.2-fold. dFdC also increased the Pt-GG:Pt-AG ratio during the repair process by 1.4-fold. Overall, dFdC increased the AUA0-25 h in ADDP cells by 1.7-fold. In AG6000 cells, dFdC increased the Pt-GG:Pt-AG ratio by 1.6-fold directly after exposure but did not clearly affect the AUA0-25 h. In conclusion, dFdC can affect both Pt-DNA adduct formation and repair, depending on the initial sensitivity of the cells.  相似文献   

Paclitaxel has demonstrated broad clinical activity in a variety of malignancies both alone and in combination with other chemotherapeutic agents. The in vitro cytotoxicity of a 2 h exposure to paclitaxel, hydroperoxy-ifosfamide and etoposide alone, in combination and in sequence, was evaluated against established cisplatin-sensitive and cisplatin-refractory human ovarian carcinoma cell lines using isobologram analysis. The combinations of either paclitaxel-hydroperoxy-ifosfamide or paclitaxel-etoposide were found to be additive or synergistic when the drugs were given simultaneously or when paclitaxel was given 24 h before hydroperoxy-ifosfamide or etoposide respectively. However, when etoposide or hydroperoxy-ifosfamide were given before paclitaxel, antagonistic interactions were observed. With regard to etoposide this antagonism was evident for up to 24 h. In agreement with our data with the schedule-dependent interactions of paclitaxel and cisplatin in human gastric and ovarian carcinoma cell lines, these data demonstrate that the interactions of paclitaxel, etoposide and hydroperoxy-ifosfamide are also highly schedule dependent and applications of etoposide or ifosfamide before paclitaxel may result in pronounced antagonism. These findings could have implications for the design of further clinical protocols.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Arsenic compounds have been found to be effective in the treatment of acute promyelocytic leukemia through the downregulation of bcl-2 expression. Resistant ovarian cancer cells often overexpress bcl-2 or p53 proteins or both. We hypothesized that arsenic compounds, such as As2O3 and As2S3, could also be active against gynecological cancers resistant to conventional chemotherapy. METHODS: We investigated the effects of these two arsenic compounds in vitro on ovarian cancer cell lines sensitive (OVCAR, GG, JAM) and resistant (CI80-13S) to cisplatin (CDDP) and on human cervical cancer cell lines (HeLa) in comparison with their effects on human fibroblasts (HF). A fluorometric assay based on measurements of fluorescein diacetate (FDA) in cells was used to determine cell viability. Apoptosis was assessed in terms of cell morphology, by flow cytometry and by a DNA fragmentation assay. RESULTS: Treatment of each cell line with the As2O3 or As2S3 led to a marked dose-dependent decrease in cell growth. The IC50 of the two compounds indicated a significantly greater cytotoxic effect against all the cancer cells tested than against the normal HF. At a clinically achievable concentration (2 microM), As2O3 selectively inhibited the growth and induced apoptosis in CI80-13S, OVCAR and HeLa cells but had no significant apoptotic effect on GG or JAM cells or HF. Following treatment with 5 microM As2S3, the CI80-13S, OVCAR and HeLa cells also exhibited growth inhibition and induction of apoptosis. CONCLUSIONS: Arsenic compounds (As2O3 and As2S3) can inhibit growth and induce apoptosis in human ovarian and cervical cancer cells at clinically achievable concentrations, indicating that As2O3 and As2S3 could be effective in the treatment of gynecological cancer.  相似文献   

 Repair of cisplatin-damaged DNA was investigated in a human ovarian carcinoma cell line (2008) and its cisplatin-resistant variant (C13*) using a host-cell reactivation (HCR) assay. The HCR of cisplatin-damaged adenovirus (Ad) was not significantly different in C13* cells compared to 2008 cells. The cisplatin concentrations required to reduce the amount of viral DNA replicated to 50% were 0.12±0.02 μM and 0.10±0.01 μM after 48 h of repair in 2008 and C13* cells respectively. Similarly, the cisplatin concentration required to reduce the expression of a reporter gene inserted in the viral DNA was not significantly altered in C13* cells compared to the parental line (IC50 values were 0.28±0.04 μM in 2008 cells and 0.17±0.06 μM in C13* cells after 48 h of repair). Pretreatment of the cells with cisplatin, immediately prior to Ad infection, did not significantly alter the HCR of cisplatin-damaged Ad in either cell type. In addition, a cisplatin-sensitive variant derived from the C13* cells, namely the RH4 cells, did not differ significantly from either the 2008 or C13* cells in their ability to reactivate cisplatin-damaged Ad. Furthermore, a component of the nucleotide excision repair (NER) pathway, DNA polymerase α, was investigated using the competitive inhibitor aphidicolin. The combination of cisplatin and aphidicolin resulted in similar synergistic growth inhibition in both the 2008 and C13* cells providing additional support to the HCR results which suggest that enhanced NER is not responsible for the cisplatin resistance in C13* cells. Received: 21 April 1995/Accepted: 9 October 1995  相似文献   

We evaluated the effects of the trinuclear platinum complex, BBR 3464, in a human ovarian carcinoma cell line (OAW42) and in its cisplatin (CDDP)-resistant counterpart (OAW42MER). A 14-fold increased sensitivity to a 1-h BBR 3464 exposure was found in OAW42MER cells compared with their parental cell line. Flow cytometric experiments showed that BBR 3464 was able to induce a persistent block of OAW42 and OAW42MER cells in the G2M phase, whereas CDDP caused an initial accumulation of cells in the S phase followed by an increase in the G2M cell fraction in both cell lines. Exposure to equitoxic (IC(50)) drug concentrations induced programmed cell death in both cell lines. However, the percentage of cells with an apoptotic nuclear morphology was slightly higher after CDDP than BBR 3464 treatment in OAW42 cells, whereas the opposite pattern was observed in OAW42MER cells. Degradation of the nuclear lamin B was detected in OAW42 cells after exposure to each drug. Conversely, in OAW42MER cells lamin B cleavage was only appreciable after BBR 3464 exposure. In OAW42 cells, CDDP and BBR 3464 did not appreciably affect the mitochondrial membrane potential (Deltapsi(mt)), whereas in the OAW42MER cell line a marked Deltapsi(mt) reduction was observed after exposure to BBR 3464, but not to CDDP. The results of the study would suggest that the sensitivity to BBR 3464 observed in the CDDP-resistant OAW42MER cell line might be attributable to the ability of the trinuclear platinum complex to modify DNA in a way which is different from that of CDDP and, as a consequence, to induce different cellular responses to DNA damage such as the triggering of specific apoptotic pathways.  相似文献   

 The cytotoxicity of mitotic spindle poisons, vinca alkaloids and the anthracycline, adriamycin, against cisplatin-sensitive and -resistant rat lymphoma and human ovarian carcinoma cell lines was investigated. Interestingly, it was found that all cell lines were more sensitive to the mitotic spindle poisons, vincristine and vinblastine. Adriamycin was the least effective and taxol had intermediate activity. The Walker rat lymphoma cell line resistant to cisplatin (WR) exhibited the multiple drug resistance phenotype since it showed collateral resistance to all drugs (ranging from twofold to taxol, colcemid and colchicine and sixfold to the vinca alkaloids). Verapamil potentiated the cytotoxic activity of adriamycin and vincristine in a striking fashion with the Walker cells. P-glycoprotein was found to be present in the plasma membranes of the Walker cells with approximately a 2.5-fold increase in the WR as compared to the sensitive (WS) cells. Glutathione levels were elevated in all of the cisplatin-resistant cell lines when compared to the cisplatin-sensitive parental cell lines. A profound effect of buthionine sulfoximine pretreatment on adriamycin cytotoxicity was observed. Glutathione S-transferase (π) was present in all the human cell lines but the WS cells had markedly lower levels (almost negligible) when compared to the WR cells. These observations imply that cisplatin-resistant cells may be more sensitive to mitotic spindle poisons and vinca alkaloids, irrespective of the mechanism of platinum resistance, and that the cytotoxicity of vinca alkaloids could be further modulated by verapamil, irrespective of the presence or absence of P-glycoprotein. Received: 8 November 1994/Accepted: 22 May 1995  相似文献   

The effect of taxol (TX) and cisplatin (CDDP), singly or in association, was assessed on two human ovarian cancer cell lines, one sensitive (A2780) and one resistant (A2780 cp8) to CDDP. Cell lines showed a similar sensitivity to TX, whereas different cytotoxicity results were obtained in the two cell lines as a function of TX and CDDP sequence. Specifically, TX followed by CDDP induced simply additive effects in both cell lines, whereas the opposite sequence produced antagonistic effects in A2780 cells and synergistic effects in A2780 cp8 cells. TX, with or without CDDP, induced oligonucleosomal DNA fragmentation typical of the apoptotic process, but the biochemical mechanisms undergoing apoptosis were different in the two cell lines. In fact, in A2780 cells, TX (with or without CDDP) treatment markedly increased p53 as well as p21waf1 protein expression. In A2780 cp8 cells, drug treatment enhanced p53 levels, whereas the expression of p21waf1 was always undetectable at mRNA and protein levels. In the latter cell line, a premature activation of p34cdc2 kinase was observed in correspondence with the drug-induced increase in the S-phase cell fraction. Such an activation was not ascribable to an increase in the overall expression of p34cdc2 or cyclin B1 proteins, but to a dephosphorylation of p34cdc2 kinase. Overall, our results indicate that TX-induced apoptosis in human ovarian cancer cells may be sustained by different events at the cell cycle-control level.  相似文献   

The role of glutathione (GSH) and GSH-S-transferase (GST) activity in modulating the cytotoxicity of four platinum drugs and melphalan was evaluated in eight human ovarian carcinoma cell lines. The cell lines were established from solid and ascitic tumours from pretreated and untreated patients, and showed a wide spectrum of sensitivity to several platinum II and platinum IV drugs; cisplatin, carboplatin, CHIP and tetraplatin. Intracellular glutathione concentration measured in the cell lines showed a significant (P = 0.05) correlation with IC50 values for cisplatin (r = 0.91), carboplatin (r = 0.87) and CHIP (r = 0.88). The correlation between GSH levels and IC50 values for melphalan (r = 0.76) or tetraplatin (r = 0.60) was not as significant. GST activity showed no correlation with IC50 values, for the four platinum drugs. To determine the significance of the elevated GSH concentration in the refractory cell lines, the effect of D,L-buthionine-S, R-sulfoximine (BSO) mediated GSH depletion on platinum drug cytotoxicity was examined in one of the most sensitive (CH1) and two of the least sensitive (relatively resistant; SKOV-3, HX/62) cell lines. Comparison was made with the effect of GSH depletion on melphalan cytotoxicity in these three lines. These lines were differentially sensitive to BSO, with the two most platinum drug resistant lines being more tolerant to BSO than the sensitive CH1 line. Depletion of cellular GSH, ranging between 61 and 88%, had a differential effect on the sensitivity to PtII vs PtIV drugs in the three cell lines: cytotoxicity of the PtIV drugs, tetraplatin and CHIP, was substantially enhanced in both the resistant and sensitive cell lines; in contrast, the cytotoxicity of the PtII drugs, cisplatin and carboplatin, was only significantly increased in one of the two relatively resistant lines (SKOV-3) and in the sensitive (CH1) line after GSH depletion. Moreover the dose modification factor (DMF) for the PtII agents were lower than those for PtIV agents in the three cell lines. The dose modification factor for tetraplatin after BSO treatment was similar to that observed for melphalan in all three cell lines. In the SKOV-3 cell line extending the BSO pretreatment period to 48 h from 24 h marginally reduced the cytotoxicity of cisplatin, whereas the cytotoxicity of the other three drugs remained similar to that observed after 24 h BSO pretreatment. In contrast, extending the BSO treatment to 24 h after drug exposure potentiated the cytotoxicity of cisplatin, CHIP and tetraplatin.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

G Chen  E Frei  W J Zeller 《Cancer letters》1989,46(3):207-211
The level of GSH in ovarian carcinoma cells which were sensitive and resistant to cisplatin was serially determined following tumor removal from the animals, in addition, activities of GSH-reductase and GSH-S-transferase were assessed. The GSH level in the resistant line (O-342/DDP) was almost twice as high as that in its sensitive counterpart (O-342), when determined immediately following removal of the tumor (1.55 +/- 0.47 vs. 0.81 +/- 0.32 nmol/10(6) cells). Culturing the cells resulted in a decrease of GSH levels in both cell lines during the first 4 h. Thereafter, GSH levels in both cell lines increased up to 24 h. At this time the GSH level was higher in O-342 than in O-342/DDP. GSH-reductase activity in O-342/DDP cells was significantly higher than in O-342 cells when the enzyme was determined immediately after tumor removal; at the same time there was no difference in activity of GSH-S-transferase between two cell lines. After 24 h in culture, no significant difference between O-342 and O-342/DDP cells could be observed in the activity of the two enzymes.  相似文献   

In this study, the effects of mild protracted hyperthermia, combined with prolonged exposure to cisplatin and low dose-rate irradiation (LDRI), were examined in two human cell lines. The cell lines are human glioma parental and cisplatin resistant variant cells. The results show that mild hyperthermia at 40d`C was able to sensitize both the parental and the variant cisplatin-resistant cells to cisplatin treatments (1 μg/ml for up to 20 h) when the two treatments were given concur rently. When mild hyperthermia and cisplatin were given with LDRI concurrently, additional enhanced cell killing was observed in both the parental and the cisplatin-resistant variant cells. Further analysis of the results showed that when the effects of the trimodality treatment were normalized to the effects of the combined treatment of mild hyperthermia with cisplatin, the residual cell killing was still greater than that observed for radiation alone, indicating a synergistic interaction. This synergistic interaction was greater for the parental line compared to the cisplatin-resistant line. Thus, these data show that the concurrent application of mild hyperthermia, low concentration, long duration, cisplatin and low dose-rate irradiation may be an effective form of treatment in both normally responding and cisplatin-resistant variant human tumour cell lines.  相似文献   

Ten human ovarian carcinoma cell lines have been studied as a potential in vitro screen for the development of novel anticancer platinum complexes. Lines have been established and developed both from solid and ascitic tumours, from pretreated and untreated patients, and are available at a range of in vitro passage numbers. The biological properties of the lines were consistent with them being human, epithelial and of ovarian carcinoma origin. Using a tritiated thymidine or leucine uptake method, and a 96 hour continuous drug exposure, the lines have been calibrated against four platinum-containing chemotherapeutic agents: cisplatin, iproplatin, carboplatin and tetraplatin. Striking differences in cytotoxicity were observed across the lines for each agent. Some lines were consistently resistant, others generally sensitive, whereas some showed clear evidence of differential sensitivity to a particular agent. Statistical analysis (Spearman rank correlation) involving the six possible pairings of drugs showed that cisplatin, iproplatin and carboplatin elicit a very similar pattern of response in these lines whereas tetraplatin elicits a completely different response pattern. Similar cytotoxicity values were obtained using a soft agar cloning assay. Results using a tetrazolium dye reduction assay, however, gave somewhat higher and more variable values, particularly with tetraplatin. The thymidine uptake assay will be adopted in further studies on a selected panel of six lines. This panel encompasses the spectra of sensitivities identified for each of the four agents against the original ten lines and may provide a useful screening facility for the development of novel platinum drugs, in that it detects both cell line-determined and structure-determined differences in cytotoxicity.  相似文献   

G Bradley  M Naik  V Ling 《Cancer research》1989,49(10):2790-2796
Multiple selections with either vinblastine or vincristine in the human ovarian carcinoma cell line SKOV3 resulted in variants with increasing degrees of multidrug resistance. SKOV3 derivatives that span a wide range in resistance (4- to 2000-fold) were obtained and analyzed for P-glycoprotein expression. In general, we observed a progressive increase in P-glycoprotein level (detected by Western blot) that paralleled the increase in multidrug resistance. However, a more detailed analysis of the P-glycoprotein mRNA and gene level indicated that the amount of P-glycoprotein expressed may be under complex control. At low levels of resistance, only an increase in P-glycoprotein mRNA and protein was observed. At intermediate to high levels of resistance P-glycoprotein gene amplification became evident. At the high level of resistance, an example was observed where only the amount of P-glycoprotein was increased without a concomitant increase in mRNA or gene copy. The mechanisms through which the content of P-glycoprotein in the plasma membrane is mediated are not understood; it is possible that the resistant variants identified here represent perturbations at different levels of regulation.  相似文献   

We report 8 newly established gastric-carcinoma cell lines (SNU-216, 484, 520, 601, 620, 638, 668, 719) from Korean patients. Morphologic study was carried out using light and electron microscopes. CEA, αFP, and CA 19-9 and TPA in supernatant and in cell lysate were measured by radioimmunoassay. p53 and c-Ki - ras gene mutations were screened and confirmed by sequencing. The cell lines, derived from tumors with moderate differentiation, grew as a diffuse monolayer, and those from tumors with poor differentiation and minimal desmoplasia grew exclusively as non-adherent. Out of the 8 gastric-cancer cell lines, 5 had detectable levels of CEA both in supernatant and in cell lysate; there was no expression or secretion of αFP in these cells; 4 cell lines showed high levels of CA 19-9 in cell pellets. All cell lines except SNU-484 had high concentrations of TPA both in cell lysate and in supernatants. p53 mutation was found in 6 cell lines (75%): 2 (SNU-216 and SNU-668) had mutations in exon 6, and other 3 in exon 8. The c-Ki - ras mutation was found in 2 cell lines (25%), SNU-601 and SNU-668. The former showed GGT-to-GAT transition mutation at codon 12, while the latter showed CAA-to-AAA transversion mutation at codon 61. DNA profiles using restriction endonuclease Hinfl and polymorphic DNA probes ChdTC-15 and ChdTC-114 showed different unique patterns; which suggests that these cell lines are unique and not cross-contaminated. We believe that the newly characterized gastric-cancer cell lines presented in this paper will provide a useful in vitro model for studies related to human gastric cancer. Int. J. Cancer, 70:0–0, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Human ovarian cancer cell lines with stable cisplatin resistance have been developed by chronic exposure of the parent cisplatin-sensitive A2780 line to increasing concentrations of cisplatin. 2780CP8 (CP8 refers to this cell line's growth in medium containing 8 microM cisplatin) has several clonal cytogenetic abnormalities but lacks homogeneously staining regions or double-minute chromosomes. It has a significantly greater monolayer growth rate, cloning efficiency in agarose, and total glutathione content compared to the A2780 line, but similar activities of several glutathione-dependent enzymes. The 2780CP8 subline is 7.3-fold resistant to cisplatin compared to the A2780 line, as well as cross-resistant to irradiation and melphalan. It is not cross-resistant to Adriamycin, but this develops with increased cisplatin resistance (14-fold) obtained by further cisplatin exposure of 2780CP8. Of the cisplatin analogues tested which are of current clinical interest, carboplatin, iproplatin, and tetraplatin, only the latter is more cytotoxic than cisplatin in the A2780 and 2780CP8 lines. The 2780CP8 subline is also cross-resistant to these analogues in the relative order carboplatin greater than iproplatin greater than tetraplatin (most to least cross-resistant). Treatment of a highly cisplatin resistant cell line (2780CP70) with either melphalan or cisplatin was associated with a significant increase in [3H]thymidine incorporation into DNA in the presence of 10 mM hydroxyurea compared with the parent sensitive cell line which showed essentially no capacity to repair DNA damage by these drugs. A2780 and its cisplatin-resistant cell lines may thus be useful in studying drug resistance mechanisms, in screening new drugs for activity (especially against drug resistant tumors), and in formulating induction and salvage therapies for ovarian cancer.  相似文献   

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