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梁恒 《中国实用医药》2013,(24):243-243
《内经》曰"脾胃者,仓廪之官",主受纳,腐熟,运化水谷,通降浊阴。受纳是腐熟的前提条件,通降则是胃气和畅的基础。又曰"六腑者,传化物而不藏,故实而不能满也"。胃之六腑之一,水谷之海,以通为用,以通为补,以降为顺,通降则生化有源,出入有序;失之通降则传化无由,壅滞而病。通降是胃的生理特点,叶天士认为"脾宜升则健,胃宜降则和",说明脾主升清,胃主降浊,脾升胃降,气机流畅,助其运化。反之脾升太过,则胃气上逆;胃降太过,则中气下陷。  相似文献   

江海涛 《家庭医药》2014,(11):81-81
阴阳、脏腑是中医理论的核心,特别关注五脏六腑。所谓五脏,是肝、心、脾、肺、肾的总称;而六腑,是胆、小肠、胃、大肠、膀胱、三焦的总称。有意思的是,古代中医就把五脏六腑分配了"官职",用社会现象来比喻人体。  相似文献   

汪受传教授认为小儿胃肠动力障碍性疾病大多由脾胃失调,升降失司所致。在治疗上以脾胃升降理论为指导,遵“六腑以通为用”,灵活应用运脾法、调脾法、和胃法、疏肝法等,从调节小儿脾胃气机升降入手治疗胃肠动力障碍性疾病,临床每获验效。  相似文献   

一、经方的定义及由来汉书艺文志载,医经七家:黄帝內经十八卷,外经三十七卷,扁鹊內经九卷、外经十二卷,白氏內经三十八卷、外经三十六卷、旁篇七卷;右医经七家,二百一十六卷。经方十一家:五脏六腑痺十二病方四○卷,五脏六腑疝十六病方四○卷,五脏六腑痺十二病方四○卷,风塞热十六病方二十六卷,秦始黄帝扁鹊俞拊方二十三卷,五脏伤中十一病方三十一卷,客疾  相似文献   

在中医学发展史中有六经辨证、卫气营血辨证和三焦辨证,晚清医家周学海继承前人的学术思想,并结合自己的临床实践,提出了新的辨证体系——升降出入辨证。在他的代表作《读医随笔》中,他分别从病机、证候类型、治疗宗旨以及升降出入产生障碍的原因等方面阐述了升降出入辨证理论体系的形成,对中医理论和临床有着重大的意义。  相似文献   

李道政老师针对肺系疾病虚人易感、易于传里、涉及多脏的特点, 认为本类疾病基本病机为肺失宣降, 五脏不调, 相应提出了"以通为治, 五脏并调"的虎符铜砭刮痧疗法。方案以刮肺经、膀胱经、胸腺、督脉为重点, 疗效颇佳。兹整理医案1则, 以飨同道。  相似文献   

结合钱乙所制方剂中对升降药物的运用,剖析了其依据小儿病机、病位、病势、病性以及药物的升降开阖,着眼于"动"的制方机理。  相似文献   

小儿抽动障碍病位虽在肝,却与五脏六腑的功能活动密切相关,基于小儿五脏的生理病理特点,结合抽动障碍的病因病机,提出“五脏皆令小儿动,非独肝也”的辨证思路。从“小儿病有诸于内,必形诸于外”的中医整体观念出发,围绕“抽动”的表象,联系脏腑理论,结合小儿五脏的生理病理特点,求“引动”之本。同时指出,治疗应该从见“动”止动,转变为辨证治“动”,如此方可达到药到“动”止的效果。  相似文献   

正健忘是一种与五脏六腑、痰浊、淤血都有密切联系的综合性、复杂性病证,任何可以造成脏腑功能紊乱、气血运行异常的原因都能够形成健忘。但在健忘的病机中并非五脏均等,而是以脾肾的亏损为核心,先、后天之本的不足,既能够影响其他脏腑,又能够形成痰浊和淤血。因此,健忘的病机在本质上是脾肾的亏虚。  相似文献   

升降理论是中医基础理论的精髓,是人体气机运动的主要形式。升降运动的基本过程通过取类比象,从自然界的升降出入运动化生了万物,引到人体的气血生化,脏腑功能活动产生的生理病理等。故《素问·天微旨大论》日:“出入废则神机化灭,升降息则气立孤危,故非出人则无以生长壮老已,非升降则无以生长化收藏”,进一步揭示了升降出入理论在人体生理病理变化方面的重要性。  相似文献   

Human African Trypanosomiasis (HAT) also called sleeping sickness is caused by subspecies of the parasitic hemoflagellate Trypanosoma brucei that mostly occurs in sub-Saharan Africa. The current chemotherapy of the human trypanosomiases relies on only six drugs, five of which have been developed more than 30 years ago, have undesirable toxic side effects and most of them show drug-resistance. Though development of new anti-trypanosomal drugs seems to be a priority area research in this area has lagged far behind. The given review mainly focus upon the recent synthetic and computer based approaches made by various research groups for the development of newer anti-trypanosomal analogues which may have improved efficacy and oral bioavailability than the present ones. The given paper also attempts to investigate the relationship between the various physiochemical parameters and anti-trypanosomal activity that may be helpful in development of potent anti-trypanosomal agents against sleeping sickness.  相似文献   

总结了钱乙对小儿的生理病理特点、五脏辨证及小儿常见疾病的辨治方法方面的论述。其提出的“脏腑柔弱,易虚易实,易寒易热”的观点,至今还指导着我们的临床;首先把五脏辨证的方法运用于儿科临床,并有一定的发挥,直至现代这些诊断手段也富有实际意义,使临证时有章可寻,有法可依;用药讲究柔润,轻巧灵动,善用成药,对现代儿科疾病的治疗有深刻的指导意义;中病即止、顾护脾胃功能、先证而治、加强剂型改革等,均指导着现代中医儿科临床实践。  相似文献   

Trypanosomes are the causative agents of Chagas’ disease in Central and South America and sleeping sickness in sub-Saharan Africa. The current chemotherapy of the human trypanosomiases relies on only six drugs, five of which were developed > 30 years ago. In addition, these drugs display undesirable toxic side effects and the emergence of drug-resistant trypanosomes has been reported. Therefore, the development of new drugs in the treatment of Chagas’ disease and sleeping sickness is urgently required. This article summarises the recent progress in identifying novel lead compounds for antitrypanosomal chemotherapy. Particular emphasis is placed on those agents showing promising, selective antitrypanosomal activity.  相似文献   

Trypanosomes are the causative agents of Chagas' disease in Central and South America and sleeping sickness in sub-Saharan Africa. The current chemotherapy of the human trypanosomiases relies on only six drugs, five of which were developed > 30 years ago. In addition, these drugs display undesirable toxic side effects and the emergence of drug-resistant trypanosomes has been reported. Therefore, the development of new drugs in the treatment of Chagas' disease and sleeping sickness is urgently required. This article summarises the recent progress in identifying novel lead compounds for antitrypanosomal chemotherapy. Particular emphasis is placed on those agents showing promising, selective antitrypanosomal activity.  相似文献   

高原反应是指短时间内由平原进入高原或者由低海拔区域上升到高海拔区域时,因对低压缺氧环境的适应能力不足或者失调而出现的肺脑综合征,给人类身心健康造成了严重威胁.本文就防治高原反应的西药和中药进行系统综述,以期为高原反应的合理用药提供参考.  相似文献   

Liposomes are hollow particles, the internal space of which is bounded by a lipid membrane. Liposomes are promising drug delivery systems for organs and tissues because of their colloidal properties, controlled size, surface characteristics, membrane action, and biocompatibility. Liposomal drugs have found wide use in the diagnosis and chemotherapy of cancer, vaccinology, ophthalmology, pulmonology, and the treatment of other pathologies. This review describes the methods of encapsulation of biologically active compounds with various physicochemical properties in liposomes, which is very important for the production of liposomal drugs.  相似文献   

BackgroundWhile studies have found a social gradient in negative consequences of drinking and smoking, evidence is less clear for a gradient also in alcohol use and smoking's association with sickness absence. We investigate the association between alcohol use and cigarette smoking and general sickness absence, and examine the moderating role of socio-economic status for these associations when controlling for general health status.MethodQuestions on alcohol use, measured by the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT-C), smoking, general health and sickness absence were included in annual national cross-sectional telephone surveys on alcohol, tobacco and drug use (2015–18) amongst Norwegian adults aged 16–79-years (average response rate=59%). The analytic sample comprised 4719 full- and part-time employees aged 25–79 years (46.7% were female, mean age=44.3 years). Individual-level data on education were obtained from national registries.ResultsIn adjusted negative binomial regression analyses, current and former daily smoking were associated with a higher occurrence of sickness absence in groups with low educational attainment, but not in groups with high educational attainment. Alcohol use was negatively associated with sickness absence. While a significantly higher number of sickness days was reported by smokers in the low compared with the high education group, educational attainment did not moderate the alcohol use – sickness absence association.ConclusionDaily smoking is associated with sickness absence. A negative social gradient was found in the smoking – absence association. Reduced daily smoking might give a reduction in sickness absence.  相似文献   

There is considerable evidence that the peripheral immune system can signal the brain to elicit a sickness response during infection and inflammation. The induction of the sickness response involves the expression of proinflammatory cytokines such as interleukin (IL)-1beta, tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha), and IL-6, both in the periphery and in the brain. The mechanisms by which peripheral cytokines can affect brain function have been the subject of much debate. The precise mechanisms by which cytokines signal the central nervous system (CNS) are unknown, but possibilities include: 1) the direct entry of cytokine into the brain across the blood-brain barrier by a saturable transport mechanism: 2) the interaction of cytokine with circumventricular organs such as the orgnum vasculosum of the lamina terminalis [OVLT] and area postrema, which lack the blood-brain barrier; and 3) activation of afferent neurons of the vagus nerve. Increasing evidence has suggested that the afferent vagus nerve is an important pathway for immune-to-brain communication. However, there are inconsistent findings for the involvement of the afferent vagus nerve in the mediation of transmitting inflammatory signals to the brain. Thus, we describe here the functional relevance of the vagal afferent nerve in mediating these effects. An understanding of the mechanisms involved in immune-to-brain communication should permit us to create new drugs as therapeutic targets to decrease sickness or promote recovery. This review focuses on recent discoveries of the multipathway mechanisms for the induction of sickness behavior mediated through neuroimmune interactions in the CNS.  相似文献   

Hollow polystyrene microspheres have been prepared by a modified interfacial polymer deposition technique. The hollow microspheres were characterized using scanning electron microscopy. The effects of polymer concentration and the quantity of the internal phase material (methanol) used on the microsphere size and their wall thickness were studied. Increase in polymer concentration causes increase in wall thickness while increasing internal phase material increases microsphere size and deforms them from a spherical shape.  相似文献   

总结肖诏玮名老中医辨治小儿久咳的临证经验13法,常用地方草药在本证中的应用体会及分辨虚实,慎察寒热;重在化痰,顺气当先;刚柔并济,脏腑兼顾;因时施治,勿忘局部;一法百法,外治举隅之治法心得。  相似文献   

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