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1例三胎妊娠合并多种并发症患者的整体护理 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
人类多胎妊娠以双胎妊娠为主 ,三胎妊娠较少见。文献报道多胎妊娠发生率为 1∶80 n -1(n为妊娠的胎儿数 ) [1] 。多胎妊娠属高危妊娠 ,在孕期和分娩期并发症较多 ,对母儿均可造成严重危害[2 ] 。 2 0 0 2 - 0 3我科收治了一名由他院转入的妊 3 1+ 3周三胎妊娠合并多种并发症的病人 ,病情危重 ,经医护人员精心的治疗和护理 ,并适时行剖宫产术终止妊娠 ,最终挽救了母儿的生命 ,平安出院。在护理过程中 ,我们按照护理程序实施了整体护理 ,取得了满意的效果。现介绍如下。1 病例介绍孕妇 ,汉族 ,2 7岁 ,三胎妊娠合并中度贫血 ,妊娠水肿 ,在当… 相似文献
经阴道彩色多普勒超声在多囊卵巢综合征中的临床应用 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
多囊卵巢综合征(polycystie ovary syndrome,PCOS)是妇科内分泌常见疾病,具有高度的异质性,多见于生育期的妇女,是引起无排卵性不孕的主要原因。超声检查利用经阴道超声探头测量一组PCOS患者的卵巢体积,观察卯泡的大小、数量,利用彩色多普勒技术观察卯巢内血流特征,探讨其对PCOS的临床诊断价值。 相似文献
患者 女,32岁。以往月经规律,近来月经淋离不尽伴间断性下腹坠痛13天,血β-HCG712mIU/ml,尿妊娠(+)。经阴道超声检查所见:子宫前位,大小约6.2cm×4.8cm×5.6cm.肌层回声均匀,官腔线欠清晰,宫内未见明确妊娠囊回声,宫内节育器位置正常。 相似文献
目的探讨超声检查对卵巢妊娠的诊断与鉴别诊断价值。方法回顾性分析23例经病理证实的卵巢妊娠患者的病历资料、超声声像图,并与手术及病理结果对照。结果卵巢妊娠的二维声像图特征分为3种类型:Ⅰ型(胚囊型)4例(18.18%),Ⅱ型(不均质偏强回声或囊性混合回声型)4例(18.18%),Ⅲ型(杂乱回声型)14例(63.64%)。20例诊断为宫外孕,其中进一步提示部位在卵巢者3例,误诊2例,漏诊1例。结论超声检查对卵巢妊娠的诊断具有重要作用,尤其对胚囊型卵巢妊娠的早期诊断具有重要的临床意义。 相似文献
宋倩 《中国中西医结合影像学杂志》2011,9(5):447-449
<正> 随着多囊卵巢综合征(ploycystic ovary syndrome,PCOS)在青年妇女中发病率的日益提高,患者多以月经延迟、闭经、不孕等临床症状就诊,并因超声表现为卵巢形态的多囊改变和实验室血液检查内分泌激素水平改变而引起重视。彩色多普勒超声以其便捷、无不良反应、可重复性等优势,成为PCOS诊断中的重要手段。 相似文献
股骨干骨折及股骨颈骨折均为临床常见损伤,但同时发生同侧损伤较为罕见,易漏诊股骨颈骨折。我院1995年-2005年共漏诊4例病人,现汇报如下。 相似文献
<正>女,21岁,因停经1个半月于2012年10月20日在当地医院就诊,超声提示:①双子宫。②右侧宫腔早孕。于11月5日因轻微腹痛1d在十堰市中心医院就诊,超声提示:右侧附件包块,异位妊娠待排。遂立即转诊我院。经阴道彩超检查:盆腔内偏左见子宫声像,形态正常,于右侧见一团块,内见26mm×18mm孕囊回声,内见卵黄囊回声(见图1),直径约9mm,周边环状血流信号异常丰富,斜切可见菲薄肌层回声(见图2),并可见该团块与子宫下段相连。两者相距较远。考虑:①子宫形态异常,双子宫可能性大;②右侧宫腔内早孕。遂行保胎治疗,15d后来我院复查,腹部彩超见子宫 相似文献
妊娠黄体瘤是一种激素依赖性卵巢瘤样病变,多发生于妊娠晚期,一般无特殊临床症状,多在剖宫产术或输卵管结扎术中被偶然发现。其发病率极低,临床医师容易误诊为卵巢恶性肿瘤而将卵巢切除。该文报告卵巢妊娠黄体瘤1例。患者因停经8个月余,间断阴道流液30 min收入院。妊娠期规律产检,妊娠6个月起面部出现痤疮,体毛增多,体味加重,伴有声音低沉,无明显喉结增大。自妊娠以来无腹痛、腹胀等不适。妊娠35周彩色多普勒超声(彩超)检查,左附件区见大小约13.0 cm×8.3 cm囊性肿物,边界清,内呈多房性。诊断为胎膜早破、附件区囊肿、先兆早产。急诊行子宫下段剖宫产术。术中见双侧卵巢均不规则增大至胎儿头大小,并可见大小不一滤泡样改变,分别取双侧卵巢部分组织送冷冻病理检查。于子宫后方放置引流管1枚自左下腹壁引出。术后恢复良好。病理诊断为(双侧)卵巢黄体囊肿。顺利分娩一男婴,婴儿外观未见明显异常。术后42天随访,患者男性化体征逐渐消失,激素水平恢复正常;超声复查卵巢肿块消失,卵巢恢复正常大小,术后6个月月经来潮。该例提示,卵巢妊娠黄体瘤虽发病率极低,但临床医师仍须引起高度重视,提高对本病的认识水平。遇有孕产妇妊娠... 相似文献
Ultrasound in the first trimester of pregnancy 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
High-resolution sonography, including transvesical and endovaginal techniques, has resulted in enhanced visualization of embryonic and extraembryonic structures. With endovaginal sonography, the gestational sac may be seen within the decidua at about 4.5 weeks menstrual age. The yolk sac is the first structure to be seen within the gestational sac, and confirms the presence of a gestational sac rather than a decidual cast. The embryo is identified by endovaginal sonography early in the 6th week, and cardiac activity is routinely identified by a crown-rump length of 3 to 5 mm. On endovaginal sonography, absent cardiac activity in an embryo having a crown-rump length of greater than 3 to 5 mm indicates embryonic death. With endovaginal scanning, a gestational sac of greater than 8 mm without a yolk sac, or greater than 16 mm without an embryo, also indicates a nonviable pregnancy. Routine sonography primarily to assess the menstrual age should be performed in the second trimester, when added clinically relevant information may be obtained. Although it is possible to diagnose some anomalies in the first trimester, most remain second trimester sonographic diagnoses. 相似文献
Imaging of pelvic pain in the first trimester of pregnancy 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Pelvic pain during the first trimester of pregnancy can pose a challenge to the clinician. The noninvasive nature, safety, and reliability of ultrasonography make it the diagnostic method of choice for pregnant patients who have pelvic pain. Sonography provides information that allows for diagnosis of both pregnancy-related pain, such as a ruptured ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage, or threatened abortion; and may be useful in the diagnosis of pain unrelated to pregnancy, such as that seen in appendicitis and nephrolithiasis. 相似文献
It is possible both to accurately measure foetal size and visualize the yolk sac and the amniotic membrane by ultrasound scanning in the first trimester of pregnancy. In threatened abortion an intrauterine haematoma or a foetal size smaller than normal are ominous signs. Likewise, too small a foetal size in early diabetic pregnancy indicates an increased risk of foetal malformation. 相似文献
Of 963 physicians surveyed to determine therapeutic attitudes toward, and experience with inadvertent radioiodine therapy for hyperthyroidism during the first trimester of pregnancy, 116 physicans (of 517 responding) reported 237 cases. Therapeutic abortion was advised for 55 patients by 22 physicans. From the 182 remaining pregnancies there were two spontaneous abortions, two stillborn, one neonate with biliary atresia, and one with respiratory distress. This complication rate was not greater than might be expected in a similar number of random pregnancies. On the other hand, six infants were hypothyroid (transient for one) and four of these were mentally deficient. Three mothers of hypothyroid infants had received radioiodine therapy in the second trimester. None of the six mothers of hypothyroid infants had had pregnancy tests prior to radioiodine therapy. Survey responses indicate that routine pregnancy testing prior to radioiodine therapy for patients in the child-bearing age is not yet a standard procedure. It should be. 相似文献
U. Kushnir J. Shalev M. Bronstein D. Bider S. Lipitz L. Nebel S. Mashiaeh Z. Ben-Rafael 《Neuroradiology》1989,31(3):222-225
Summary The normal values and ranges of fetal intracranial structures were studied by high resolution transvaginal ultrasonic scan at 12, 13 and at 14 weeks' gestation. The data including measurements of crown rump length (CRL), bi-parietal diameter (BPD), head circumference (HC), hemispheric width (HW), lateral ventricle width (LVW), LVW/HW ratio, thalamus and cerebellum may be useful in determining deviations from the normal and also in expanding the range of prenatal diagnoses of fetal structural abnormalities in early pregnancy. 相似文献
卵巢扭转是较少见的妇产科急诊,妊娠合并卵巢扭转发病率约0.3%,妊娠合并卵巢扭转大多数发生于妊娠早期,晚期少见。晚期妊娠合并卵巢扭转如不及时诊治可对孕妇及胎儿造成严重后果。我院2009年4月诊断晚期妊娠合并卵巢扭转1例后经手术证实,现报道如下。 相似文献