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Chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting (CINV) in cancer patients are common symptoms most feared by patients. The aim of this study was to analyze the impact of CINV associated to moderate/highly emetogenous chemotherapy regimens on patients’ quality of life (QoL).

Patients and methods

Open, multicenter, prospective observational study was performed. Each patient filled out a patient diary for each cycle from the day before chemotherapy and for the next 5?days that included the number of emetic episodes, the intensity of nausea, and QoL evaluation (functional living index-emesis questionnaire).


Data from 202 consecutive patients from nine university hospitals were collected, but only data from 160 were analyzed (79.2?%). Most of the participants (70?%) were women with a mean age of 50?years (SD 1.2?years). The most frequent cancer site was breast (44?%) followed by lung (16?%) and 76.3?% were receiving highly emetogenous chemotherapy. Despite the use of antiemetic prophylaxis, patients experienced significant nausea and vomiting during 31?% (3.2?% during acute, 15.0?% during delayed phase, and 13.2?% during both phases) and 45.1?% (5.1?% only during the acute phase, 23.5?% only during the delayed phase and 16.5?% during both phases) of the cycles, respectively, having 44.5?% (nausea) and 39.3?% (emesis) of the cycles an impact on patients’ QoL.


The results of the study confirm the detrimental effect of CINV on patients’ QoL despite the use of antiemetic prophylaxis (5HT3 receptor antagonist, steroids, and dopamine receptor antagonists). It is mandatory to intensify the detection of CINV in order to improve the management of these important, albeit frequent, side effects of cancer treatments.  相似文献   

Purpose: This international study aims to examine the size and determinants of the impact of stroke on five-year survivors’ health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in four different European countries.

Method: Patients were recruited consecutively in four European rehabilitation centers. Five years after stroke, the EuroQol-visual analog scale (EQ-VAS) was administered in 226 first-ever stroke patients. Impact of stroke was determined by calculating EQ-VAS z-norm scores (= deviation – expressed in SD – of patients’ EQ-VAS level relative to their age-and gender-matched national population norms). Determinants of EQ-VAS z-norm scores were identified using multivariate linear regression analysis.

Results: Five years post-stroke, patients’ mean EQ-VAS was 63.74 (SD?=?19.33). Mean EQ-VAS z-norm score was ?0.57 [95%CI: (?0.70)–(?0.42)]. Forty percent of the patients had an EQ-VAS z-norm score SD; 52% had an EQ-VAS z-norm score between ?0.75 and?+0.75 SD, only 8% scored >+0.75 SD. Higher patients’ levels of depression, anxiety and disability were associated with increasingly negative EQ-VAS z-norm scores (adjusted R2?=?0.392).

Conclusions: Five years after stroke, mean HRQoL of stroke survivors showed large variability and was more than ½ SD below population norm. Forty percent had a HRQoL level below, 52% on, and 8% above population norm. The variability could only partially be explained by the variables considered in this study. Longitudinal studies are needed to increase our understanding of the size and determinants of the impact of stroke on the HRQoL of long-term stroke survivors.
  • Implications for rehabilitation
  • The current European concept of stroke rehabilitation is focused on the acute and sub-acute rehabilitation phase, i.e., in the first months after stroke. The results of this study show that at five years after stroke, the mean level of HRQoL of stroke survivors remains below the healthy population level. This finding shows the need for continuation of rehabilitation in the chronic phase.

  • At five years after stroke, higher patients’ levels of depression, anxiety and disability were associated with lower scores for HRQoL. This finding implicates that chronic rehabilitation programs should be multi-faceted in order to increase long-term survivors’ psychosocial outcomes.


Purpose. To evaluate whether psychological factors and personality traits influence recovery in terms of quality of life in patients with subacute whiplash associated disorders (WAD).

Method. The data was obtained from a randomized controlled trial (RCT) on 47 patients. The patients completed measures of pain intensity, affective dimension of pain, pain location, psychological stress, heightened somatic awareness, depression, catastrophizing, self-efficacy, fear of movement (re)injury, and physical disability. After three months of physiotherapy interventions, the outcome of quality of life was measured with the Short Form Health survey (SF-12). All variables were entered in a multiple regression analysis, after controlling for age and sex.

Results. Forty patients (85%) completed the trial. The self-efficacy scale (SES) was the only variable in the model that significantly explained the fraction of the SF12-score. The correlation between the SES and SF-12 was B = 0.64 (p < 0.01), and the adjusted R2 was 0.40 (p < 0.05), which means that 40% of the variation in the SF12 outcomes was explained by the SES.

Conclusion. In order to improve health-related quality of life in patients with WAD, the present study stresses the importance of targeting self-efficacy. A special effort should be made to enhance these beliefs in the rehabilitation process.  相似文献   

Impact of cancer patients’ quality of life on that of spouse caregivers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Goals of work This study aimed to examine the correlation between quality of life (QOL) in cancer patients and that of their spouse caregivers and to identify factors that influence this correlation.Patients and methods This cross-sectional study collected data from 121 cancer patient/spouse caregiver dyads. The Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy Scale-General (FACT-G) was used to measure patients QOL, and the Caregiver Quality of Life Index (CQLI) was used to measure spouse caregivers QOL. Correlation coefficients between patients and caregivers QOL were computed for four dimensions of QOL, as well as a total score for QOL. Correlations between patients and caregivers total QOL scores were furthered analyzed by three groups of factors: disease-/treatment-related, caregiving-related, and relationship-related variables.Main results Only the social/family and functional dimensions of patient QOL and total score for patient QOL were associated with each dimension of their caregivers QOL and with the total score (r=0.27–0.44). Physical and emotional dimensions of patients QOL did not significantly influence spouse caregivers QOL for any dimension nor for the total score. Factors influencing the association between patients and caregivers overall QOL included cancer diagnosis, length of hospitalization, caregiving intensity and duration, marital satisfaction, and caregiving self-esteem.Conclusions Social and functional aspects of patients QOL play a significant role in determining the QOL of their spouse caregivers. The strength of association between patients and spouse caregivers overall QOL can be moderated by some factors.  相似文献   



Little research has addressed exercise and nutrition-based interventions for cancer caregivers. This study explored cancer caregivers’ perceptions of participating in a structured exercise and nutrition program alongside cancer survivors for whom they provided care.


In-depth, semi-structured interviews were conducted by one interviewer with 12 cancer caregivers about their experiences participating in a structured, 12-week exercise and nutrition program designed for cancer survivors and caregivers to complete concurrently. Interviews were conducted until data saturation was reached.


Inductive content analysis from individual interviews indicated three separate, but interrelated, themes: (1) the program was a positive mechanism through which caregivers shared and supported the cancer journey concurrently with survivors, (2) the program led to perceived physical and psychological benefits for both caregivers and survivors, and (3) participants perceived that participation in the program led to feeling increased social support in their caregiving duties.


Findings from this study suggest that participating in an exercise- and nutrition-based intervention is viewed positively by caregivers and that the outcomes are seen as beneficial to both caregivers and survivors. Interventions that address the health needs of both members of the caregiver–survivor dyad should continue to be encouraged by allied health professionals.  相似文献   

Purpose.?To find out if the quality of life (QOL) and self-concept of the children with cerebral palsy (CP) was different from that of children without disability, to investigate predictive variables that could affect self-concept and QOL.

Methods.?A total of 40 children with CP and 46 age-matched peers were included. The baseline characteristics including sex, type of CP, the level of disability according to Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS) were recorded. Education levels of both children and parents, demographic features of parents, features of living area, usage of devices and associated impairments were filled out. Self-concept was measured using Piers–Harris Self-concept (PH) Scale. Quality of life was measured by Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory 4.0 (PedsQL). The physical and psychosocial health subscale scores of PedsQL (P-PedsQL and PS-PedsQL) were recorded.

Results.?Significant differences in mean scores favouring the control group were found for PH scale, PedsQL scale (p?<?0.001). P-PedsQL and PS-PedsQL of the CP group were lower than the control group (p?<?0.001). PS-PedsQL report was significant predictor of self-concept. The presence of incontinence and GMFCS level were significant predictors of PedsQL and PPedsQL, respectively.

Conclusion.?Self-concept and QOL of the CP children were lower than the children without CP. Presence of incontinence, self-concept rating and GMFCS level were important to predict domains of QOL.  相似文献   

The relationship between quality of life and adequacy of dialysis is unclear, despite being an important clinical issue. Indeed, no studies have examined this relationship in a UK population. In this study, 24 adequately dialysed and 24 inadequately dialysed renal patients were compared on self-report measures of quality of life (Kidney Disease Quality of Life instrument and Hospital Anxiety and Depression scale). On two sub-scale measures of the KDQOL instrument, role – physical and pain and against the predicted direction, inadequately dialysed patients were found to have a better quality of life than adequately dialysed patients. The premise that better dialysis adequacy is associated with a greater quality of life was not supported. Moreover, evidence was found to suggest that the crucial issue in obtaining an optimal quality of life is the process of adaptation and acceptance of chronic illness.  相似文献   



Deciding on artificial nutrition and hydration (ANH) at the end of life (EoL) may cause concerns in patients and their family caregivers but there is scarce evidence regarding their preferences. Therefore, the aim of this study was to assess the impact of factors associated with ANH decision making.


Prospective, Cross-sectional survey. Adult patients admitted to hospital for symptoms of advanced cancer as well as their family caregivers completed a self-administered questionnaire. Items included personal views and concerns about ANH. Family caregivers additionally recorded their preference for their loved one and, if applicable, previous experience with ANH decisions.


Thirty-nine out of sixty-five patients and 30/72 relatives responded. Higher age of the patient was significantly correlated with both the patient’s and the relative’s decision to forgo ANH (Kruskal-Wallis test, p?χ 2 test, p <0.001), while 23, 23 and 24 %, respectively, wished to receive ANH. Patients felt more confident about decisions on artificial nutrition (AN) than caregivers (T test, p?χ 2 test, p?p?Conclusion Cancer patients and their relatives have similar preferences regarding ANH at the EoL, but relatives are reluctant to withhold AH if deciding for their loved one. While patients seem to be confident with ANH decision making, their caregivers may particularly benefit from discussing ANH options to dissipate fears.  相似文献   



We compared two health-related quality of life (HRQOL) instruments used for cancer patients [the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality of Life Questionnaire-C30 (EORTC QLQ-C30) and the Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy-General (FACT-G)] to identify which instrument cancer patients most preferred.


Adult cancer patients who had received cancer treatments within the previous 2 years (n?=?395) completed both surveys; participants assessed the importance, necessity, and appropriateness of each as an indicator of their quality of life.


The patients significantly preferred the FACT-G over the EORTC QLQ-C30 as a more important (effect size (ES)?=?0.37, P?P?P?=?0.005). The subgroups of patients with good performance status, and those who reported low levels of work disruption, significantly preferred the FACT-G more than the other. The corresponding correlation coefficients were the following: physical functioning and well-being subscale, r?=?0.65; emotional functioning and well-being subscale, r?=?0.60; social functioning and social/family well-being subscale, r?=?0.00; and role functioning and functional well-being subscale, r?=?0.41.


We recommend using the FACT-G if the performance status of the subject is good, e.g., in outpatient or cancer survivor surveys, based on the observed patient preferences. When performance status is not good, an instrument should be chosen after considering the differences between their scale structures and social domains and based on the availability of disease-specific modules.  相似文献   


Purpose: To assess the determinants of health-related quality of life (HrQoL) in people with Parkinson’s disease (PD). Method: Eighty-one people with a diagnosis of idiopathic PD took part in a cross-sectional questionnaire-based study. Measures were collected in a community setting and included established determinants of HrQoL (demographic, clinical and cognitive variables) but also included a wide range of mental health variables (depression, anxiety and stress) and, for the first time, positive psychological functioning (optimism and self-esteem). HrQoL was measured by the full version of the Parkinson’s Disease Questionnaire (PDQ-39) which includes eight domains of functioning. Results: Mental health measures (depression, anxiety and stress) were more influential than any other block of determinants and influenced a broader array of HrQoL domains including physical ones. There was some evidence of domain-specific relationships, e.g. between physical determinants and the more physically-oriented HrQoL domains, and between mental health determinants and emotional well-being. However, cognitive ability did not influence the HrQoL domain of cognitive impairment. Conclusions: The contribution of a multi-disciplinary approach is crucial given the many variables which affect HrQoL; in particular, significant overall improvements on HrQoL are unlikely if only physical rehabilitation is offered. Rehabilitation is likely to be beneficial in terms of HrQoL only if it is planned and delivered holistically.
  • Implications for Rehabilitation
  • Interventions to improve physical function may have only limited impact on quality of life and might be limited to more physical HrQoL domains.

  • Psychological interventions have the potential to improve quality of life over a wider range of both emotional and physical HrQoL domains.

  • Clinician-measured level of functioning does not necessarily translate into patient-perceived levels of functional ability and relatively small objective decreases in ability can be appraised much more significantly disabling by people with PD.


Health-related quality of life after stroke: what are we measuring?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
As there is no single, accepted definition of health-related quality of life (HRQOL), it is assumed to be a broad, multidimensional construct referring to those aspects of people's lives that reasonably relate to their health. Although many scales are used to assess HRQOL, the operationalization of this construct within each tool is unclear. To clarify what each tool is measuring, this study reviewed eight scales commonly used to evaluate HRQOL after stroke. Two reviewers classified scale items from five generic and three stroke-specific scales within an established framework with nine dimensions; physical functioning, symptoms, global judgments of health, psychological well-being, social well-being, cognitive functioning, role activities, personal constructs, and satisfaction with care. All scales reviewed provide multidimensional assessment, but vary in number and combination of dimensions. All include assessment of physical functioning and most incorporate concepts, such as psychological well-being, social well-being, and role activities. One generic (Sickness Impact Profile) and two stroke-specific scales (Stroke Impact Scale and Stroke-Specific Quality of Life Scale) seemed most comprehensive. Evaluated against a common framework of dimensions, scales commonly used in the assessment of HRQOL after stroke provide varying multidimensional assessments of aspects of life function related to health. Whether any of these assessments are sufficient to describe HRQOL in its entirety is unclear.  相似文献   

Objective Analysis of mortality and quality of life (QOL) after intensive care unit (ICU) discharge.Design Prospective, observational study.Setting Mixed, 31-bed, medico-surgical ICU.Patients Consecutive adult ICU admissions between June 25 and September 10, 2000, except admissions for uncomplicated elective postoperative surveillance.Interventions None.Measurements and results Age, past history, admission APACHE II, SOFA score (admission, maximum, discharge), ICU and hospital mortality were recorded. A telephone interview employing the EuroQol 5D system was conducted 18 months after discharge. Of 202 patients, 34 (16.8%) died in the ICU and 23 (11.4%) died in the hospital after ICU discharge. Of the 145 patients discharged alive from hospital, 22 could not be contacted and 27 (13.4%) had died after hospital discharge. Of the 96 patients (47.5%) who completed the questionnaire, 38% had a worse QOL than prior to ICU admission, but only 8.3% were severely incapacitated. Twenty-three patients (24%) had reduced mobility, 15 (15.6%) had limited autonomy, 24 (25%) had alteration in usual daily activities, 29 (30.2%) expressed more anxiety/depression, and 42 (44%) had more discomfort or pain. Twenty-eight (62.2% of those who worked previously) patients had returned to work 18 months after ICU discharge.Conclusions Comparing QOL after discharge with that before admission, patients more frequently report worse QOL for the domains of pain/discomfort and anxiety/depression than for physical domains. Factors commonly associated with a change in QOL were previous problems in the affected domains, prolonged hospital length of stay (LOS), greater disease severity at admission and degree of organ dysfunction during ICU stay.  相似文献   

Purpose Interventions focused on singing may provide additional benefits to established voice and respiratory therapies, due to their greater emphasis on the respiratory muscle control system in those with Parkinson’s disease (PD) progresses. The purpose of this study was to examine if singing can improve voice, respiratory pressure and quality of life (QOL) in persons with PD. Methods This pilot study measured the effects of a singing intervention in 27 participants with PD. Participants were assigned to a high (met twice weekly) or low (met once weekly) dosage group. Voice, respiratory and QOL measures were recorded before and after an 8-week singing intervention. Sessions were led by board-certified music therapists and included a series of vocal and articulation exercises and group singing. Results Both groups demonstrated significant improvements in maximum inspiratory and expiratory pressure, as well as phonation time. While other voice measures improved, they did not reach statistical significance. Voice QOL and whole health QOL also significantly improved. Conclusion These results suggest singing may be a beneficial and engaging treatment choice for improving and maintaining vocal function and respiratory pressure in persons with PD.

  • Implications for Rehabilitation
  • In a small sample, group singing proved beneficial for improving voice and respiratory impairment in persons with Parkinson’s disease.

  • Completing group singing one time per week for 8 weeks was as effective as completing group singing two times per week for 8 weeks in persons with Parkinson’s disease.

  • Group singing is an effective means of improving overall quality of life in persons with Parkinson’s disease.


BackgroundNurses working in critical care environments, such as intensive care units, are susceptible to impaired professional quality of life. Those caring for babies and children, even more so.AimTo appraise the extant literature regarding neonatal nurses’ professional quality of life and propose recommendations for neonatal nursing practice, policy, and research.MethodThis integrative review aligns with the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) framework and Whittemore and Knafl's five-stage methodology. A systematic search of the CINAHL, Medline, and PsychInfo electronic databases and grey literature was conducted. Peer reviewed articles referring to neonatal nurses’ work-related stressors and satisfiers which had been published in English language between 1990 and 2020 were included.FindingsNeonatal nurses of varying ages, experience levels and cultures, report burnout, secondary and post-traumatic stress; however, the cumulative impacts result in higher prevalence among experienced clinicians. Compassion fatigue is mitigated by compassion satisfaction.DiscussionNeonatal nurses’ report lower resilience and higher emotional exhaustion and sensitivity to organisational change than their medical colleagues. Despite workplace adjustments some nurses may remain disproportionately at risk due to factors associated with their personality traits, affect, and practice environments.ConclusionFurther research exploring the relationships between structural factors impacting neonatal nurses’ professional quality of life and organisational outcomes is required. The generalisability of future studies will be enhanced by longitudinal design, recruitment of heterogeneous samples, and use of scales with psychometric adequacy to capture complex interrelationships between variables.  相似文献   

Purpose: In this study, we aimed to investigate effects of Ai Chi on balance, functional mobility, health-related quality of life, and motor impairment in patients with Parkinson’s disease.

Method: This study was conducted as an open-label randomized controlled trial (ISRCTN26292510) with repeated measures. Forty patients with Parkinson’s disease stages 2 to 3 according to the Hoehn and Yahr Scale were randomly allocated to either an Ai Chi exercise group or a land-based exercise control group for 5 weeks. Balance was measured using the Biodex-3,1 and the Berg Balance Scale. Functional mobility was evaluated using the Timed Up and Go Test. Additionally, health-related quality of life and motor activity were assessed with the Parkinson’s Disease Questionnaire-39 and the Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale-III.

Results: Although patients in both groups showed significant improvement in all outcome variables, improvement of dynamic balance was significantly greater in the Ai Chi group (p?p?p?=?0.002), Parkinson’s Disease Questionnaire-39 (p?p?Conclusion: Our results suggest that an Ai Chi exercise program improves balance, mobility, motor ability, and quality of life. In addition, Ai Chi exercise was more effective as an intervention than land-based exercise in patients with mild to moderate Parkinson’s disease.
  • Implications for rehabilitation
  • Ai Chi exercises (aquatic exercises) may help improve balance, functional mobility, health-related quality of life, and motor ability in patients with mild to moderate Parkinson’s disease more efficiently than similar land-based exercises.

  • Ai Chi exercises should be considered as a rehabilitation option for treatment of patients with mild or moderate Parkinson’s disease.



Purpose: Group singing could be a promising component of neurorehabilitative care. This article aims to conceptualize how group singing may enable people with Parkinson’s disease (PD) to synchronize their movement patterns to musical rhythm and enhance quality of life. Method: Spanning the medical and social sciences, the article draws conceptually on literature on PD, group singing and rhythm in music; personal experience; and reasoning. Results: Conceptualizing PD in terms of disruptions to social and biological rhythms, we hypothesize how group singing may produce two socio-psychological states – connectedness and flow – that may entrain rhythm in people with PD. The states connect during group singing to elicit and enhance motor processes but may also reawaken after the group singing, through the recall and reactivation of the musical rhythms encoded during group singing. Conclusions: In people with PD, this continuity of flow is hypothesized to be conducive to rhythmic entrainment during and after group singing and in turn to reduced deficits in motor timing and emotional processing, and improvements in quality of life. Empirical studies are needed to test this hypothesis in people with movement disorders such as PD.
  • Implications for Rehabilitation
  • Musical rhythm in group singing may enhance quality of life, and rehabilitation, in people with PD.

  • Use group singing to produce two socio-psychological states – connectedness and flow – that may yield these health benefits.

  • Include people with PD in singing groups to facilitate perceptual exposure to familiar music with melodic distinctiveness and a regular beat.


Purpose: Supportive interventions to enhance return to work (RTW) in cancer survivors hardly showed positive effects so far. Behavioral determinants might have to be considered in the development of interventions to achieve sustained employability. This study aimed to explore cancer survivors’ perspectives and experiences regarding behavioral determinants of RTW and continuation of work.

Materials and methods: In this qualitative study, semi-structured telephone interviews were held with 28 cancer survivors. All participants were at working age, 1–2 years after diagnosis and employed at time of diagnosis. Thematic content analysis was performed.

Results: Work turned out to be a meaningful aspect of cancer survivors’ life, and most participants reported a positive attitude towards their job. Social support to RTW or to continue working was mainly received from family and friends, but pressure to RTW from the occupational physician was also experienced. Changes in expectations regarding work ability from negative to positive during the treatment process were observed. Those who applied active coping mechanisms felt equipped to deal with difficulties regarding work.

Conclusions: Behavioral determinants should be taken into account in the development of future interventions to support cancer survivors’ RTW. However, the causal relationship still has to be determined.

  • Implications for rehabilitation
  • Factors influencing occupational motivation among cancer survivors need to be understood in more detail.

  • Previous studies in non-cancer populations have demonstrated that behavioral determinants, such as a positive attitude towards work, high social support and self-efficacy may increase return to work rates or shorten the time to return to work.

  • Addressing behavioral determinants in future development of work-related interventions for cancer survivors is essential in achieving sustained employability.


The effects of physical-therapy intervention on the motor function of upper limbs and the quality of life in patients with Parkinson’s disease (PD) are not fully understood. We evaluated the effects of a progressive muscle-strengthening protocol for upper limbs on the functionality and quality of life. Patients were divided into two groups: Intervention (n = 6) and Control (n = 7). Assessment tools used were: Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS), Parkinson’s Disease Questionnaire, Nine-Hole Peg Test (9HPT), Test d’Évaluation des Membres Supérieurs de Personnes Âgées (TEMPA), 10-Repetition Maximum (10-RM) and handgrip dynamometer, which were applied pre- and post-intervention, with follow-up for one month after the last training session. Only, the Intervention group (post-intervention) showed significant statistical differences, with the following outcomes: UPDRS III (p = 0.042); 9HPT, right (p = 0.028) and left side (p = 0.028); TEMPA for total right side (p = 0.028), left side (p = 0.028) and total bilateral tasks (p = 0.028); TEMPA task 2 – open a jar and take a spoonful of coffee (p = 0.028), task 3 – pick up a pitcher and pour water into a glass for right (p = 0.046) and left side (p = 0.028), task 5 – write on an envelope and stick on a stamp (p = 0.028), and task 6 – shuffle and deal playing cards (p = 0.028). We observed significant statistical differences between groups (post-intervention) for TEMPA task 6 (p = 0.032), total right side (p = 0.032), and total bilateral tasks (p = 0.032). An increase in the maximum load in the post-intervention stage, based on the 10-RM test, was observed on the right (p = 0.003) and left (p = 0.007) sides. Our results showed an improvement in upper-limb functionality in PD patients submitted to progressive muscle-strength training, although not in quality of life.  相似文献   

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