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三笑玉洁纯牙膏对牙菌斑清除效果的临床试验   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的 评估与比较三笑玉洁纯牙膏与其它二种牙膏在清除牙菌斑方面的临床效果。方法通过以Rustugi等改良Navy菌斑指数记录 6个指数牙的菌斑分布情况 ,筛选合适的志愿者 ,有 60位合适的对象以最初的菌斑指数随机分为三组。志愿者一周后复诊 ,复诊前 2 4h内禁用各种口腔清洁措施。复查时 ,每组分别使用指定的牙膏牙刷刷牙 ,刷牙时间为 60s,分别在刷牙前和刷牙前后检测牙菌斑。结果 发现使用三组牙膏刷牙后清除菌斑均有显著效果 (P <0 .0 5 ) ,在全区 ,龈缘 ,邻间隙牙菌斑指数分析中三笑玉洁纯牙膏刷牙后清除菌斑效果和三笑空白牙膏相比在刷牙后 4h有显著差异 ,菌斑指数分别高出 3 4 .8% ,3 1.3 % ,3 6.5 2 % ,与高露洁全效牙膏相比虽有差值 ,但无统计学意义。结论 三笑玉洁纯牙膏清除菌斑效果和三笑空白牙膏相比在刷牙后 4h有显著差异。  相似文献   

1材料与方法1.1实验对象在中南大学选择具有牙龈炎症,无其他牙周疾病、牙髓及根尖等病变的志愿者120名。1.2实验方法按双盲随机法分组:使用佳仕利医药牙膏的实验组,空白牙膏的对照组。空白牙膏(上海佳仕利日化有限公司提供)除佳仕利有效药物成分外,其他成分均同佳  相似文献   

目的采用临床试验对异型孔牙刷刷牙清除菌斑的效果进行评估。方法通过口腔健康检查筛选合适的志愿者共30名,志愿者在1周和2周后复查,复查前24h内禁用各种口腔清洁措施。每次复查时,志愿者分别使用异型孔牙刷和普通牙刷刷牙,刷牙时间为60s,分别在刷牙前后用Rustugi等改良的修改Navy菌斑指数的方法进行检测,并记录牙颊舌面菌斑指数。结果使用异型孔牙刷对全口菌斑的清除率比普通牙刷要高11.89%(P<0.05),对龈缘菌斑的清除率比普通牙刷要高9.66%(P>0.05),对邻间隙菌斑的清除率比普通牙刷要高11.95%(P>0.05),对光滑面菌斑的清除率比普通牙刷要高23.11%(P>0.05)。结论异型孔牙刷比普通牙刷对全口牙菌斑的清除效果更好。  相似文献   

目的评价含NovaMin生物活性材料的牙膏对牙本质过敏的临床效果.方法遵照随机、双盲、对照的原则.按纳入和排除标准将75名受试者随机分成3组实验组含NovaMin生物活性材料的牙膏;阴性对照组不含NovaMin生物活性材料的牙膏和阳性对照组临床已证明抗过敏有效的牙膏.采用VAS记分评价空气刺激以及冷水刺激4颗过敏牙的的敏感程度.结果使用牙膏6周后,试验组和阳性组可显著减少牙本质过敏症状.试验组经空气刺激和冷水刺激的VAS 记分降低率分别为22%和39%,阳性试验组经空气刺激和冷饮水刺激的VAS 记分分别降低了19%和22%.阴性组使用六周后,VAS记分无显著性差异(P>0.05).结论含NovaMin生物活性材料的牙膏和阳性组牙膏有抗牙本质过敏的临床效果.  相似文献   

目的评价麦芽糖醇口香糖控制青少年牙菌斑集聚水平的临床效果。方法将30名13~15岁龋易感受试者随机分为A、B、C组,根据分组分别每天咀嚼麦芽糖醇口香糖、木糖醇口香糖、胶母基口香糖5次,每次10 min。采用改良Quigley-Hein菌斑指数记录法分别于基线、4周时检查受试者的菌斑指数情况。应用SPSS 17.0软件对数据进行统计分析。结果咀嚼口香糖4周后,3组受试者的菌斑指数都有明显下降,与基线相比的差异有统计学意义(P=0.000、0.000、0.006);3组菌斑指数变化间的差异也有统计学意义(P=0.015),组间两两比较结果表明,A组与B组菌斑指数变化间的差异无统计学意义(P=0.687),而A组与C组、B组与C组菌斑指数变化间的差异有统计学意义(P=0.019、0.007)。结论麦芽糖醇口香糖对青少年牙菌斑的抑制效果与木糖醇口香糖相似。  相似文献   

咀嚼木糖醇口香糖对牙面菌斑原位pH值的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的通过对牙面菌斑原位pH值的动态检测,观察咀嚼木糖醇口香糖对牙菌斑pH值的影响。方法采用受试者自身对照的试验方法,选择9名健康成人志愿者为受试对象,用pH微电极在口内测定菌斑的原位pH值。在测定受试者牙面48小时成熟菌斑的基线pH值之后用10%的蔗糖溶液漱口,测定漱口后即刻、3、8、13、20、30、40分钟后菌斑的pH值,然后分别咀嚼蔗糖口香糖和木糖醇口香糖,测量相同时间点、相同位点牙菌斑的pH值。结果用10%的蔗糖溶液漱口后牙菌斑pH值迅速下降至5.5以下,咀嚼蔗糖口香糖后牙菌斑pH值也有下降。但下降幅度较小,在即刻、3、8分钟三个时点二者之间有显著性差异(P〈0.05)。咀嚼木糖醇口香糖后牙菌斑的pH值没有下降,在即刻、3、8、13、20分钟五个时点的pH值明显高于咀嚼蔗糖口香糖后的pH值(P〈0.05)。结论咀嚼木糖醇香糖不会导致口腔中牙菌斑pH值的下降,有助于釉质再矿化。  相似文献   

目的:观察含抗龈炎IgY牙膏对减轻牙龈炎、控制牙菌斑的临床效果.方法:采用随机、对照、双盲研究方法,筛选100名符合试验要求的受试者,随机分为试验组和对照组.试验组使用含抗龈炎IgY牙膏,对照组使用不含抗龈炎IgY的牙膏.在使用前、使用6周和使用12周后,分别记录受试者牙龈指数(gingival index,GI)、菌斑指数(plaqueindex,PI)及牙龈出血指数(bleeding on probing,BOP)情况.采用SPSS 13.0软件包对数据进行统计学分析.结果:使用12周后,试验组GI、BOP与对照组有显著差异(P<0.05),试验组PI与对照组无显著差异(P>0.05).结论:含抗龈炎IgY牙膏对改善牙龈炎症状有一定效果.  相似文献   

葡萄柚漱口液抑制菌斑形成的体内研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的:研究葡萄柚漱13液在体内对菌斑的抑制作用.方法:采用双盲一自身前后对照实验研究葡萄柚漱口液的菌斑抑制能力,并与口泰和西吡氯铵漱口液进行比较.结果:葡萄柚漱口液的菌斑抑制能力与西吡氯铵漱口液相比无显著差异,弱于口泰漱口液,且与另两种漱口液相比口感好,易被受试者接受.结论:葡萄柚漱口液作为一种新型天然植物提取物漱口液,具有良好的菌斑抑制效果.  相似文献   

目的 评价低摩擦抗敏牙膏与非抗敏牙膏在控制菌斑方面的效果。方法 本试验采用双盲、随机对照方法,选取符合纳入标准的50名受试者,每位受试者随机选取左右一侧使用1号牙膏,另一侧使用2号牙膏,后期揭盲1号牙膏为含8%精氨酸的低摩擦抗敏牙膏,2号牙膏为非抗敏牙膏。记录左右侧分别刷牙15 s、30 s、60 s、120 s时的左右半口牙菌斑指数,统计分析使用2种牙膏后的菌斑指数,评价低摩擦抗敏牙膏在控制菌斑方面的效果。结果 在单侧刷牙60 s内非抗敏牙膏菌斑清除效率高于低摩擦抗敏牙膏,但在120 s后两者菌斑清除效率无统计学差异。结论 使用低摩擦抗敏牙膏刷牙超过120 s,可以达到与非抗敏牙膏相同的菌斑清除效果。  相似文献   

Dentifrices have typically been formulated as pastes. Recently however, a number of liquid products have become available. The chemical plaque inhibitory activity of such products has so far received little attention. The aim of this study was to determine the plaque inhibitory effect of a proprietary liquid dentifrice by comparison to a negative control (water) and a conventional fluoride toothpaste. The study design was a randomised single centre, single blind 3-way cross-over trial with the objective of validating claims of plaque inhibition for the liquid dentifrice. Volunteers were rendered plaque free then asked to brush for one minute with one of the three test products, following which they abstained from oral hygiene for the subsequent 24 h. The plaque area was recorded and then measured planimetrically. The results showed that more plaque accumulated with water and the liquid dentifrice compared with the fluoride toothpaste. Thus, there was a statistically significant difference between the fluoride toothpaste and water and between the fluoride toothpaste and the liquid dentifrice. There was no significant difference between the liquid dentifrice and water. It is concluded that in this particular model system, the liquid dentifrice provided little chemical plaque inhibitory action.  相似文献   

The aim was to evaluate the effects of frequent mouthrinses with palatinose, xylitol and a mixture of palatinose and xylitol on plaque pH, plaque formation and cariogenic microorganisms. 15 subjects refrained from toothbrushing during 3 test periods and rinsed 15 × daily for 4 d with 10 nil of: (1) 50% palatinose, (2) 37.5% palatinose+ 12.5% xylitol, or (3) 50% xylitol. A contrast period with no mouthrinses was also carried out. The 4 periods were carried out in a randomized order with a cross–over design. After the 4–day periods, 3 parameters were measured: (1) plaque pH during the first 30 min after a mouthrinse with palatinose, a mixture of palatinose and xylitol or xylitol alone, directly followed by a 2nd rinse with 10% sucrose; (2) number of mutans streptococci and lactobacilli in plaque and saliva; (3) plaque index. The most pronounced pH drop for the sugar substitutes was found when rinsing with 50% palatinose after the palatinose period, and the least pH drop with 50% xylitol after the xylitol period. The sucrose rinse gave similar pH fall after all 4 periods. The microbial data showed no differences between the 4 periods, but the mutans streptococcus counts in saliva decreased after the xylitol period in contrast to the 3 other periods. Regarding the plaque index, xylitol gave lower scores compared to the other 3 periods.  相似文献   

木糖醇加锌漱口液对牙菌斑pH值影响的实验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:对比含锌漱口液、木糖醇加锌漱口液以后对含漱蔗糖溶液后菌斑pH值变化的影响,从菌斑代谢角度探讨木糖醇的抗龋机制。方法:采用微型pH电极接触法,原位测定含锌和含木糖醇加锌漱口液 30、60、120min后,含漱蔗糖溶液 1h内的菌斑pH值变化。结果:使用含锌漱口液 60min后,仍可以抑制细菌糖代谢产酸;而用含锌和木糖醇的溶液可以持续发挥抑制作用达 120min。结论:含锌的木糖醇溶液具有抑制牙菌斑细菌糖代谢产酸的能力,在相同的锌离子浓度下,含锌和木糖醇溶液比单纯含锌溶液的抑制细菌代谢产酸力强,并且作用的时间也明显延长,这可能是两者共同作用的结果。  相似文献   

Abstract: Background: Maintaining an adequate low level of plaque through daily tooth brushing is often not feasible. Effective chemotherapeutic agents as an adjunct to mechanical plaque control would therefore be valuable. Chlorhexidine (CHX) mouthwash has proved to be an effective inhibitor of plaque accumulation. Aim: The purpose of the present study was to assess the effect of application of 0.12% CHX dentifrice gel on de novo plaque accumulation. Material and methods: The study was designed as a single blind, randomized three‐arm parallel clinical trial. At the beginning of the test period all volunteers received a thorough professional oral prophylaxis. Subjects were randomly assigned to one of three regimens. During a 3‐day non‐brushing period, subjects abstained from all forms of mechanical oral hygiene. One regimen (test group) used 0.12% chlorhexidine dentifrice gel (CHX‐DGel, Perio·Aid®) applied in a fluoride gel tray, the benchmark control group used a regular dentifrice applied in a fluoride gel tray (RegD, Everclean® HEMA). The positive control group rinsed with a 0.12% chlorhexidine mouthwash (CHX‐MW, Perio·Aid®). The Quigley and Hein plaque index (PI) from all subjects was assessed after 3 days of de novo plaque accumulation. Subsequently, all subjects received a questionnaire to evaluate their attitude, appreciation and perception towards the products used employing a Visual Analogue Scale scores. After the experimental period, habitual oral hygiene procedures were resumed. Results: Ninety‐six systemically healthy subjects completed the study. After 3 days, the full‐mouth PI for the CHX‐DGel regimen was 1.87 compared with 1.93 for the RegD regimen and 1.55 for the CHX‐MW regimen. The two dentifrices (CHX‐DGel and RegD) were significantly less effective as the CHX‐MW (P = 0.0006). No significant difference between scores of the dentifrices was found. Conclusion: Within the limitations of the present 3‐day non‐brushing study design, it can be concluded that application of 0.12% CHX dentifrice gel is not significantly different from application of regular dentifrice on plaque accumulation. Use of a 0.12% CHX mouthwash is significantly more effective. CHX‐DGel appears a poor alternative for a dentifrice. It is not an effective inhibitor of plaque growth and does not possess fluoride.  相似文献   

Chewing gums may be suitable vehicles for the delivery of xylitol (X) and chlorhexidine acetate (CHX), both of which can aid oral health. The aim of this study was to determine the clinical effectiveness of chewing gums containing X or a combination of X and CHX in a double-blind, randomised, cross over, 5-day clinical trial, with a 9-day washout period in a group of participants over 40 years old. After professional tooth cleaning, 8 subjects (mean age 51.3+/-10.4 years) used in a random order 2 pieces of ACHX (a liquorice flavoured CHX/X) gum, 2 pieces of BCHX (a chocolate mint flavoured CHX/X), 2 pieces of X (a liquorice flavoured X gum) and 1 piece of ACHX. Gums were chewed 2x daily for 15 min and volunteers refrained from all other oral hygiene procedures. Data were analysed using Friedman nonparametric analysis of variance. Plaque indices for chewing 2 pieces of ACHX gum (0.78+/-0.15) and BCHX gum (0.52+/-0.15) were significantly lower (p<0.0006) than for X gum (1.57+/-0.08). The gingival index was significantly greater (p<0.05) for X containing gum than for the other chewing regimes. The subjects' attitudes to the gums were also assessed by structured questionnaires which showed that all gums were easy to chew, did not adhere to dentures, teeth or restorations and that the subjects preferred to chew 2 pellets rather than 1.  相似文献   

AIM: A randomised, controlled, double-blind, clinical trial was conducted to investigate the effect of a chlorhexidine acetate/xylitol gum (ACHX) on the plaque and gingival indices of 111 elderly occupants in residential homes. A gum containing xylitol alone (X) and a no gum (N) group was included. Participants' opinions about chewing gum were also investigated. METHODS: Subjects chewed 2 pellets, for 15 min, 2x daily for 12 months. RESULTS: In the ACHX group, the plaque and gingival indices significantly decreased (p<0.001) over the 12 months. In the X group, only the plaque score significantly decreased (p<0.05) and in the N control group, both indices remained high and did not change significantly. The acceptance of both chewing gums was high but more participants in the ACHX group felt that the gum kept their mouth healthy (p<0.05). The effect of the ACHX gum on plaque and gingival indices was significantly greater than for the X gum. CONCLUSION: The long-term use of a chlorhexidine acetate/xylitol chewing gum may therefore support oral hygiene routines for an elderly dependent population.  相似文献   

The effect of daily use of three different dentifrices on glucose retention after glucose mouth rinsing was tested in this study regarding xylitol and fluoride. Six experimental groups used three different dentifrices produced by two different companies: xylitol- and fluoride-containing dentifrice (XF), non-xylitol- and fluoride-containing dentifrice (F), and non-xylitol- and non-fluoride-containing dentifrice (NonX-NonF).Subjects were divided at random and rinsed their mouths for 15s with 20ml of 0.5M glucose solution. Glucose and lactate retention were determined by collecting samples of saliva from the approximal areas of the maxillary and mandibular anterior teeth and using the enzyme membrane test. Samples were collected 0, 1 and 2 months after the start of regular dentifrice use.There were significant differences in glucose retention in relation to the dentifrice used, month of sampling, site of sampling, and time since start of rinsing. Their contribution ratios were 2.0, 4.4, 11.7 and 7.4%, respectively (P<0.01). There were significant differences observed between the XF and NonX-NonF groups, with the XF group presenting lower glucose retention than the NonX-NonF group. The XF group presented lower glucose retention than the F group. The F group showed lower glucose retention than the NonX-NonF group. There were significant differences in lactate retention in relation to the month and site of sampling, and their contribution ratios were 3.3 and 2.8%, respectively (P<0.01). There were, however, no significant differences in glucose and lactate retention in relation to the dentifrice manufacturer.It was concluded that the XF dentifrice was the most effective, and the F dentifrice was more effective in reducing glucose retention than the NonX-NonF dentifrice.  相似文献   

Abstract – In two previous studies gingival health was maintained for at least 12 months by a dentifrice containing zinc citrate and triclosan. The aims of the present study were to determine if a zinc/triclosan dentifrice would stabilize gingival health if a lower concentration of zinc was used and to investigate its effect on the formation of calculus. 101 men and women were given oral hygiene instruction and their teeth were professionally cleaned. Two balanced groups were then formed, based on the prestudy levels of gingival bleeding and calculus. One group used the zinc/triclosan dentifrice for 6 months, while the other used a control. Results were assessed after 3 months and 6 months. Following the oral hygiene instruction, plaque and gingival bleeding were assessed at the end of the 4-wk period preceding the experimental phase, and both had been reduced. This improvement was not maintained by the control group, whereas the test group exhibited significantly lower plaque levels and a higher standard of gingival health throughout the 6 months. After 3 months, levels of calculus in the control group had returned to prestudy levels. At both the 3- and 6-month assessments, significantly less calculus was observed in the test group. The improved plaque control, stabilized gingival health, and reduced calculus formation support the conclusion that a dentifrice containing 0.5% zinc citrate and 0.2% triclosan can contribute to oral care.  相似文献   

Abstract – Xylitol has previously been shown to inhibit acid production in vitro when glucose is used as energy source, and the present studies were carried out to investigate whether this effect was valid in vivo. A solution containing both xylitol and glucose was applied on sucrose—induced 4-day-old plaque in vivo. The xylitol added to the glucose solution inhibited the acid production in the plaque, measured as a drop in pH, compared to using glucose alone. A further reduction in acidogenicity was obtained when xylitol was used as a rinse for 1 hr continuously prior to the glucose challenge.  相似文献   

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