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The crown gall teratoma tumor line BT37, incited by Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain T37, has been found to contain part of the tumor-inducing plasmid, pTi T37, of the inciting strain. This foreign DNA segment, called T-DNA, is maintained at several copies per diploid tumor cell. We have examined subcellular DNA fractions from this tumor line in an effort to determine whether T-DNA is in chloroplasts, mitochondria, or nuclei. Tumor cell chloroplast DNA exhibited EcoRI and Bst I endonuclease cleavage patterns identical to those of normal tobacco chloroplast DNA. Tumor cell mitochondrial DNA exhibited a complex Bst I cleavage pattern that did not differ detectably from that of normal tobacco mitochondrial DNA. Southern blots of tumor chloroplast and mitochondrial cleavage products did not hybridize with labeled pTi T37 DNA, whereas blots of tumor cell nuclear DNA cleavage products hybridized strongly. We conclude that T-DNA is located not in chloroplasts or mitochondria but rather in the nuclear fraction of this tumor line.  相似文献   

In order to detect proteins that may be produced in crown gall tumors as a result of expression of incorporated Agrobacterium tumefaciens Ti plasmid DNA (T-DNA), we have isolated mRNA complementary to T-DNA and translated this in a protein-synthesizing system derived from wheat germ. mRNA prepared from cultured E1 tumor from Nicotiana tabacum hybridized with HindIII fragment 1 sequences of T-DNA immobilized on cellulose nitrate filters. Two proteins of 30,000 and 16,500 Mr were produced when this selected RNA was released and translated. Other tumor lines from N. tabacum were investigated, and a protein of slightly less than 30,000 Mr was encoded by HindIII fragment 1 sequences of 15955/01 tumor. No products were observed for 15955/1 tumor line, which differs from E1/B6-806 and 15955/01 in that it does not produce octopine. mRNA species of each of the tumor lines hybridized to Bst I fragment 8 sequences of T-DNA and produced a common protein of 15,000 Mr. Because this protein is derived from the region of the T-DNA that is conserved in octopine- and nopaline-type crown gall tumors, it may play a role in oncogenicity.  相似文献   

Agrobacterium tumefaciens transfers the T-DNA portion of its Ti plasmid to the nuclear genome of plant cells. Upon cocultivation of A. tumefaciens strain A348 with regenerating tobacco leaf protoplasts, restriction endonuclease fragments of the T-DNA were generated that are consistent with double-stranded cleavage of the T-DNA at the border sequences. The T-DNA border cleavage was also induced by acetosyringone, a compound that induces many of the virulence genes. T-DNA cleavage did not occur in Agrobacterium strains harboring Tn3-HoHo1 insertions in the virA, -D, or -G genes. Insertion mutations in virB, -C, or -E did not have any effect on the T-DNA cleavage. Complementation of the mutations in virA, -D, or -G with cosmids containing the respective wild-type genes restored the T-DNA cleavage. Since virA and -G are essential in regulating the expression of other vir genes in response to plant signal molecules, the virD gene product(s) appear to mediate double-stranded T-DNA border cleavage.  相似文献   

We have developed a sensitive leaf disc transformation procedure for studying early and/or transient T-DNA expression during Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation of plant cells. Using this system, we have examined the function of T-DNA border sequences on the early expression of T-DNA genes and on the stable integration of those genes in infected cells. Deletion of the right border from the T-DNA appears to permit transfer of T-DNA genes from the tumor-inducing (Ti) plasmid but greatly reduces the frequency of their stable integration. A binary vector has been constructed to permit examination of T-DNA border function in trans to the Ti plasmid. In this situation, a single T-DNA border is necessary for early expression of T-DNA genes and is sufficient for stable integration in any orientation.  相似文献   

The T-DNA transfer apparatus of Agrobacterium tumefaciens mediates the delivery of the T-DNA into plant cells, the transfer of the IncQ plasmid RSF1010 into plant cells, and the conjugal transfer of RSF1010 between Agrobacteria. We show in this report that the Agrobacterium-to-Agrobacterium conjugal transfer efficiencies of RSF1010 increase dramatically if the recipient strain, as well as the donor strain, carries a wild-type Ti plasmid and is capable of vir gene expression. Investigation of possible mechanisms that could account for this increased efficiency revealed that the VirB proteins encoded by the Ti plasmid were required. Although, with the exception of VirB1, all of the proteins that form the putative T-DNA transfer apparatus (VirB1–11, VirD4) are required for an Agrobacterium strain to serve as an RSF1010 donor, expression of only a subset of these proteins is required for the increase in conjugal transfer mediated by the recipient. Specifically, VirB5, 6, 11, and VirD4 are essential donor components but are dispensable for the increased recipient capacity. Defined point mutations in virB9 affected donor and recipient capacities to the same relative extent, suggesting that similar functions of VirB9 are important in both of these contexts.  相似文献   

The octopine tumor-inducing (Ti) plasmid pTiA66 has an insertion mutation in its T region (the DNA region incorporated into the plant genome) that results in the slow growth of crown gall tumors. These tumors exhibit hormonal autonomy different from that of the crown gall tumors caused by wild-type Ti plasmids. In the present study, the nucleotide sequences of both the DNA segment inserted into pTiA66 and its target site have been determined. The inserted segment is 2548 base pairs long and has 20-base-pair terminal inverted repeats. An 8-base-pair sequence at the target site is duplicated at both integration junctions. These structural features of the insert suggest that it is a bacterial insertion sequence (IS) element, which we have named IS66. Blot-hybridization analyses using IS66 probes revealed that genomes of octopine Ti plasmids contain at least three sequences homologous to IS66: two homologues are located in the virulence region and one is located between the left-hand (TL-DNA) and right-hand (TR-DNA) portions of T-DNA. The chromosome of Agrobacterium tumefaciens A66 also contains two sequences highly homologous to IS66. These results suggest that the mutant pTiA66 plasmid was generated by translocation of one of the sequences showing homology with IS66 into the T region. The fact that a sequence homologous to IS66 is present between TL-DNA and TR-DNA also suggests that the octopine T region was split into two portions, TL-DNA and TR-DNA, by translocation of IS66 or its relatives. Thus, IS66 may cause genetic and structural variations of the T region and the vir region of the octopine Ti plasmids.  相似文献   

The Ti plasmid sequences (T-DNA) from the octopine-producing crown gall tumor A6S/2 were isolated by molecular cloning, using the bacteriophage λ vector Charon 4A. Analysis of the cloned DNA segments indicates that the Ti plasmid sequences are covalently joined to plant nuclear DNA. These data demonstrate that genetic recombination between a eukaryote and a prokaryote can occur as a natural phenomenon.  相似文献   

The virD locus of Agrobacterium tumefaciens Ti plasmid encodes functions necessary for endonucleolytic cleavage of transferred DNA (T-DNA) prior to its transfer to plant cells. For the overproduction of the VIRD proteins in Escherichia coli a tac-virD operon fusion was constructed. A significant increase in the accumulation of VIRD proteins was observed in a lon protease-deficient E. coli host. The presence of an overlapping open reading frame (ORF) upstream of the VIRD1 coding sequence had a negative effect on VIRD1 production. A preparation containing VIRD proteins catalyzes the conversion of supercoiled (form I) DNA to relaxed (form IV) DNA. This activity is similar to that of a DNA topoisomerase. The relaxation activity lacks DNA sequence specificity, requires magnesium ion, and has no requirement for an energy source. Studies with plasmids that had lost defined DNA segments encompassing various virD coding regions showed that VIRD1 is the DNA-relaxing enzyme. In a density gradient centrifugation experiment, the DNA-relaxing activity sedimented as a 21-kDa polypeptide. Earlier studies of Jayaswal et al. [Jayaswal, R., Veluthambi, K., Gelvin, S. & Slightom, J. (1987) (J. Bacteriol. 169, 5035-5045] have shown that in E. coli VIRD2 alone is not sufficient for endonucleolytic cleavage of T-DNA and requires VIRD1 for its activity.  相似文献   

The oriT (origin of transfer) sequence and mob (mobilization) genes of plasmid RSF1010 can functionally replace transfer DNA (T-DNA) borders to generate an RSF1010 intermediate transferable to plants through activities of the tumor-inducing (Ti)-plasmid virulence (vir) genes of Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Because the Ti plasmid virB gene products are hypothesized to form a membrane-localized T-DNA transport apparatus, we investigated whether specific virB genes were needed for RSF1010 transfer. Here we report that transformation of Nicotiana tabacum leaf explants by an RSF1010-derivative plasmid (pJW323) requires the essential virulence genes virB9, virB10, and virB11, consistent with the hypothesis that both the T-DNA and RSF1010 transfer intermediates utilize the same transport machinery. Further, while pJW323 is transferred into plant cells by Agrobacterium strains harboring both pJW323 and pTiA6, the initiation of crown gall tumors (i.e., T-DNA transfer) is greatly suppressed. Coordinate overexpression of the virB9, virB10, and virB11 gene products relieves pJW323-mediated oncogenic suppression and restores tumorigenicity, but does not increase the transfer frequency of pJW323 into plant cells. We propose that the virB9, virB10, and virB11 gene products function coordinately and stoichiometrically to enhance DNA transfer in a fashion specific for the T-DNA intermediate.  相似文献   

The T-DNA of the Ti plasmid of Agrobacterium is flanked by 25-base-pair imperfect direct repeats that are required in cis for transfer to the genome of the plant host. Another sequence, designated overdrive, is located adjacent to the right-border repeats and functions in cis to enhance tumor formation. We have examined the effect of the overdrive sequence on the early steps in T-DNA processing. We report here that overdrive greatly enhances cleavage by the site-specific endonuclease in Agrobacterium, perhaps by directing the endonuclease to the adjacent border sequences. We also show by a gel mobility-shift assay that overdrive affinity-purified proteins from acetosyringone-induced Agrobacterium cells interact with T-DNA border and overdrive sequences. Further, we show that in vivo the virC operon enhances cleavage at the T-DNA borders, most likely by interaction between the VirC1 protein and the overdrive sequence.  相似文献   

Induction of Agrobacterium tumefaciens vir gene expression by wounded plant cells results in production of a free transferable single-stranded (ss) copy of T-DNA, the T-strand. One of the Vir proteins, the VirE2 polypeptide, is a ssDNA-binding protein. In the present work, interaction of nopaline-specific VirE2 protein (Mr 69,000) with ssDNA was studied by using nitrocellulose filter binding, gel retardation, and electron microscopy techniques. The VirE2 protein was found to bind to ssDNA molecules with strong cooperativity, forming VirE2-ssDNA complexes with a binding site of 28-30 nucleotides. The VirE2-ssDNA complexes are stable at high salt concentrations and resistant to exonucleolytic activity. When examined under the electron microscope, the VirE2 protein converted collapsed free ssDNA molecules into unfolded and extended structures. The structure and properties of VirE2-ssDNA complexes predict possible functions in Agrobacterium virulence to (i) protect the T-strands from cellular nucleases and (ii) facilitate transfer of the T-strands through bacterial membranes possibly by specific interaction with putative membrane pores formed in plant-induced Agrobacterium cells.  相似文献   

To obtain bacterial-mediated oncogenic transformation of plants, the transferred DNA (T-DNA) of the tumor-inducing (Ti) plasmid of Agrobacterium tumefaciens is transferred to its plant host cells during infection. The initial phases of transformation involve the processing of the T-DNA in the bacterial cell after induction of the vir genes located on the Ti plasmid. The kinetics and conditions of this processing were examined and upon induction with acetosyringone up to 40% of the left and right borders of the T-DNA were cleaved. This cleavage was dependent upon virA, virG, and VirD and was rec-independent. Processed T-DNA was observed within 30 min after induction and was delayed by an increased concentration of phosphate in the induction medium. When DNA was isolated in the absence of protease treatment, the DNA fragment corresponding to the left side of the cut at both the left and right border region exhibited gel retardation, suggesting one or more "pilot" proteins may be involved in T-DNA transfer. Although the relative abundance of a processed product does not necessarily imply relative importance, the preponderance of double-stranded cleavage products suggests that double-stranded T-DNA should be considered as a possible intermediate in T-DNA transfer.  相似文献   

The monocotyledonous plant Zea mays does not develop tumors after inoculation with Agrobacterium tumefaciens and is thus defined as nonhost. Agroinfection, Agrobacterium-mediated delivery of maize streak virus, demonstrates that transferred DNA (T-DNA) transfer to the plant does occur. Nopaline-type Agrobacterium strains such as C58 are efficient in the transfer process whereas the octopine-type strain A6 is unable to transfer T-DNA to maize. This phenotypic difference maps to the tumor-inducing (Ti) plasmid but not to the T-DNA. Steps preceding T-DNA transfer, such as attachment and induction of the virulence genes, were shown to take place in the octopine strain. The nopaline-plasmid-specific locus tzs and the octopine-plasmid-specific locus pinF (virH) are not involved in the strain specificity. However, mutations in the virF locus rendered the octopine strain agroinfectious on maize, whereas such virF-defective octopine strains, when complemented by virF on a plasmid, completely lost their agroinfectivity. We propose that VirF, known to increase the host range of the bacteria in other systems, acts as an inhibitor of T-DNA transfer to maize.  相似文献   

The DNA from tumors of Nicotiana glauca initiated by strains of Agrobacterium rhizogenes was shown to contain sequences that are homologous to the root-inducing (Ri) plasmid of the bacterium. Two independently established tumor lines contained a similar portion of the Ri-plasmid. The Ri-plasmid also hybridized to DNA fragments from uninfected N. glauca. A cosmid clone of the Ri-plasmid encompassing the region containing the Ri-plasmid sequences that are stably transferred to the plant also hybridized to the Ri-plasmid-related fragments found in uninfected plants. Five of six tumor lines tested produced a tumor-specific compound that is similar to agropine.  相似文献   

As an early stage of plant transformation by Agrobacterium tumefaciens, the Ti plasmid is nicked at the border sequences that delimit the T-DNA. Cleavage results in covalent attachment of VirD2 to the 5' terminal of the nicked strand by a process resembling initiation of DNA transfer that occurs in the donor cell during bacterial conjugation. We demonstrate that this cleavage can be reproduced in vitro: VirD2 protein, the border-cleaving enzyme, was overproduced and purified. Cleavage assays were performed with single-stranded oligodeoxyribonucleotides encompassing the Ti plasmid border region or the transfer origin's nick region of the conjugative plasmid RP4. VirD2 of pTiC58 cleaves both border- and nick region-containing oligonucleotides. However, the relaxase TraI of RP4 can cut only the cognate nick regions. The respective proteins remain covalently bound to the 5' end of the cleavage sites, leaving the 3' termini unmodified. VirD2-mediated oligonucleotide cleavage was demonstrated to be an equilibrium reaction that allows specific joining of cleavage products restoring border and nick regions, respectively. The possible role of VirD2 in T-DNA integration into the plant cell's genome is discussed in terms of less stringent target-sequence requirements.  相似文献   

Three genetic loci affecting tumor morphology lie within pTiA6NC T-DNA: tms, tmr, and tml. Using deletions and multiple transposon insertions, we constructed tumor-inducing (Ti) plasmids representing every possible double and triple mutant combination. tms tmr and tms tmr tml mutants did not incite tumors on most plants and produced a very weak response on a few other hosts but tms tml and tmr tml mutants were virulent. Thus, either tms+ or tmr+ alone can promote significant tumor growth but tml+ by itself is not sufficient. On hosts where tms mutants induce tumors accompanied by shoot proliferation, addition of a tml mutation reduces or eliminates shoot proliferation, suggesting that tml+ promotes shoot development. The small calli incited by tms tmr and tms tmr tml mutants contain agropine, an indication that these plant cells incorporate T-DNA in the absence of substantial tumor growth.  相似文献   

We show that upon induction of Agrobacterium tumefaciens, free linear double-stranded T-DNA molecules as well as the previously described T-strands are generated from the Ti plasmid. A majority of these molecules are bound to a protein. We show that this protein is the product of the virulence gene virD2. This protein was found to be attached to the 5' terminus of processed T-DNA at the right border and to the rest of the Ti plasmid at the left border. The protein remnant after Pronase digestion rendered the right end of the double-stranded T-DNA resistant to 5'----3' exonucleolytic attack in vitro. The protein-DNA association was resistant to SDS, mercaptoethanol, mild alkali, piperidine, and hydroxylamine, indicating that it involves a covalent linkage. The possible involvement of this T-DNA-protein complex in replication, transduction to the plant, nuclear targeting, and integration into the plant nuclear DNA is discussed.  相似文献   

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