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目的:对含西药成分的感冒药中成药的合理性进行探究。方法抽取2010~2013年我院治疗感冒处方90张,对含西药成分的感冒药类中成药进行合理的用药分析。结果在调查中,使用西药疗效显著的比例为20%。使用中药疗效显著的比例为30%。使用含西药成分的中成药疗效显著比例为50%。结论中西药联合配伍得当,可达到增加疗效的效果,我院含西药成分的感冒类中成药用药基本合理,但也存在一定的问题,需要引导患者合理用药,将药物的疗效发挥到极致[1]。  相似文献   

所谓抗癫痫“中成药”中暗地添加抗癫痫西药成分的调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:调查所谓抗癫痫“中成药”制剂中是否有西药成分。方法:对北大医院癫痫门诊1995~2005年口服“中成药”制剂就诊的癫痫患者进行苯巴比妥、苯妥英钠、卡马西平、丙戊酸钠四种药物的血药浓度监测,并对结果进行分析。结果:在所监测的患者服用的76种“中成药”中,暗中都添加了上述4种西药成分,其中含有一种西药成分有45种,含有二种西药成分有22种,含有三种西药成分有7种,含有四种两药成分有2种。有44种中药添加了苯巴比妥,占的比例最大,其余依次为苯妥英钠、卡马西平、丙戊酸钠。结论:在所谓抗癫痫的“中成药”中暗地里加西药已成为较普遍的现象,严重地侵犯了患者的权益,妨碍抗癫痫的正规治疗,损害了患者的健康。  相似文献   

目的:调查成都市各种降压药的成分,分析药物的构成比。方法:对成都市20家药店所售降压药进行实地调查,按照药物的药理学性质进行分类,统计学分析各种降压药的成分构成比。结果:对所调查的134种药物进行分类统计分析表明,单一成分药物比例为91.04%,远远高于复方制剂(8.96%)。134种药物的分类构成钙拮抗药占比最多,其次是ARB、ACEI、利尿药物和β受体阻断药。结论:成都城区13种降压药物构成以单一成分药物为主,其中钙拮抗药、ARB、ACEI占比最多。  相似文献   

所谓抗癫(癎)"中成药"中暗地添加抗癫(癎)西药成分的调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:调查所谓抗癫癎“中成药”制剂中是否有西药成分。方法:对北大医院癫癎门诊1995-2005年口服“中成药”制剂就诊的癫癎患者进行苯巴比妥、苯妥英钠、卡马西平、丙戊酸钠四种药物的血药浓度监测,并对结果进行分析。结果:在所监测的患者服用的76种“中成药”中,暗中都添加了上述4种西药成分,其中含有一种西药成分有45种,含有二种西药成分有22种,含有三种西药成分有7种,含有四种西药成分有2种。有44种中药添加了苯巴比妥,占的比例最大,其余依次为苯妥英钠、卡马西平、丙戊酸钠。结论:在所谓抗癫癎的“中成药”中暗地里加西药已成为较普遍的现象,严重地侵犯了患者的权益,妨碍抗癫癎的正规治疗,损害了患者的健康。  相似文献   

目的:分析糖尿病西药处方用药临床研究情况。方法随机抽取2012年3月~2013年3月我院门诊糖尿病西药处方800份,从这800份糖尿病西药处方中选取临床上常用的药物胰岛素、二甲双胍和阿卡波糖对糖尿病进行治疗,观察这三种药物对糖尿病的治疗效果。结果观察比较三种药物对糖尿病的治疗效果,结果显示,胰岛素对糖尿病的治疗明显优于二甲双胍和阿卡波糖对糖尿病的治疗,差异有统计学意义,P<0.05,而二甲双胍和阿卡波糖对糖尿病的治疗的治疗效果差异不大,没有统计学意义,P>0.05.结论在临床对糖尿病的治疗中有可以采用中医疗法,也可采用西药疗法,胰岛素,、二甲双胍和阿卡波糖对糖尿病的治疗效果研究为今后的临床上西药治疗糖尿病提供了理论基础。  相似文献   

背景:运用3D打印技术可将药物与材料结合实现药物联合用药,制成具有特定释放速率的剂型,从而更好的应用于临床。目的:综述临床常用西药、中药、金属元素及离子等与相关材料制成药物复合材料的制备工艺、优点及适应证等。方法:由第一作者以“药物;中药或金属;复合材料;3D打印”作为关键词,以“并含”的逻辑组合关系在CNKI、万方数据库进行检索;以“Drug;Chinese medicine;Metal;Composite materials;3D printing”作为关键词,以“and”的逻辑组合关系在PubMed、Web of Science数据库进行检索,检索时间均为1950至2019年。初步检索文献339篇,筛选后对46篇文献进行分析。结果与结论:将西药、中药、金属元素及离子等与相关材料制成药物复合材料,在制药领域和临床使用中均有一定的优越性,其不仅可提高药物的生物利用度、降低毒副作用,还可实现联合用药。近年来,药物复合材料已被运用于骨科、牙科、心血管内科、耳鼻喉科等领域,但其应用还处于初级阶段,很多方面需要提高和改进,如提高药物复合材料质量;提高力学稳定性,减少脆性;打印功能齐全,与人体大小相适应的血管和器官;更好地模仿人体真实组织的生物力学、组织结构等。  相似文献   

癫癎的药物治疗应分为西药治疗及中药治疗,西药又分为传统药物及新药,传统药物是指自1938年苯妥英钠问世以来,临床一直使用的抗癫癎药物包括苯妥英、苯巴比妥、朴癎酮、卡马西平、丙戊酸、乙琥胺、三甲双酮及一些安定类药物。自1978年若干抗癫癎新药上市,又为难治性癫癎的治疗提供了新的手段。祖国医学是伟大的宝库,开发有效的中医药制剂可能为抗癫癎药物治疗开辟新的纪元,科学地研究和使用中药是我们面临的重要课题。值得注意的是,在癫癎的中医药治疗中,有些将中药制剂中添加西药并冠以新药名的做法给癫癎的药物治疗造成了…  相似文献   

目的:观察经剂型优化后断骨丹贴剂有无促进兔桡骨骨折的愈合作用。方法:家兔72只,其中8只未造模作正常值测定,64只手术造成右桡骨中段骨折,并分为空白组、断骨丹传统剂型组、普通方法提取浸膏贴膏组、剂型优化提取浸膏贴膏组,于2周、4周分别处死,取出骨折的桡骨进行弯曲载荷测定进行对比观察。结果:2周中的4组按弯曲载荷从大到小排列为剂型优化后提取浸膏贴膏组、普通方法提取浸膏贴膏组、断骨丹传统剂型组、空白组。4周中的4组弯曲载荷与2周组排列相同,而剂型优化后提取浸膏贴膏组在2周和4周均与空白组有显著差异。结论:断骨丹经剂型优化提取浸膏制成的贴膏对兔桡骨骨折愈合有促进作用,并优于传统剂型断骨丹。  相似文献   

中学生自杀意念的相关因素研究   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
目的:了解普通中学生自杀意念的相关因素,为干预提供依据。方法:对成都市区的中学生采取多级随机抽样法,对抽到的1421名中学生使用白编一般情况调查问卷、Beck抑郁问卷、青少年生活事件量表(ASLEC)进行评估。结果:自杀意念检出率为23.5%(328/1393)。自杀意念的危险因素有:1.家庭因素:父母离异、父,母去世、再婚家庭、童年期受虐待、家庭成员的暴力或自杀行为。2.学校因素:受同伴欺侮和欺侮别人。3.物质滥用:使用成瘾药物、吸烟、饮酒。4.抑郁量表得分高。5.青少年生活事件量表中人际关系因子、受惩罚因子得分高。6.性别因素:女性。自杀意念的保护因素有:学习成绩优良、独生子女和家庭关系和睦。结论:自杀意念在。中学生中有较高检出率,应根据其影响因素予以积极的干预。  相似文献   

新型复方口腔控释药物剂型的研制和临床试用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 研制开发新型高效口腔局部炎症控释药物剂型供临床使用;方法 采用天然可降解生物材料-医用级海藻酸钠作为剂型基质,聚乙烯醇作为粘合剂,复合具有抗厌氧菌作用的甲硝基羟乙唑和具有消炎止痛功效的非甾体类抗炎药物双氯灭痛,经固化、成型,矫味等步骤,制成复方局部插入式口腔控释制剂,用于治疗牙周炎和冠周炎等口腔科常见急慢性炎症;结果 该新型复方控释药物制剂具有短期恒速缓慢药物释放功能,置药一次能维持抗菌消炎作用5-7天;剂型具有一定强度,便于插入牙周和冠周等病变区且可根据需要随意取用;临床能快速有效消除急性牙周炎和冠周炎的炎症、疼痛与不适,与传统口腔局部抗炎药物相比,其抗炎、除痛、口感等综合性能更为优越(P<0.05);结论 该局部控释药物剂型作用于口腔炎症疼痛快速、高效、持久,明显减少了患的复诊次数,且无全身用药毒副作用;制备成本不高,用药剂量不大,临床操作简便,经济实用安全,是一种大有前途的口腔局部控释药物剂型。  相似文献   



Many kidney-tonifying Chinese herbal medicines exert effects on anti-aging by comprehensive interactions of multiple targets. However, the interactions of multi-targets targeted by effective ingredients of kidney-tonifying Chinese herbal medicines are unknown. In this study, to explore the systems pharmacology mechanisms of kidney-tonifying Chinese medicines on anti-aging, we establish the molecular networks with the interactions of multi-targets, analyze bio-functions and pathways with IPA, and calculated the mutual interaction pairs of targets (target pairs) with data mining, respectively.


Kidney-tonifying Chinese medicines with anti-aging effects were screened from the Chinese Pharmacopoeia and the literatures. Target proteins of these herbal medicines were obtained from bioinformatics databases. Comparisons of molecular networks, bio-functions and pathways given by Ingenuity Pathway Analysis system showed the similarities and the differences between kidney Yin-tonifying herbal medicines and kidney Yang-tonifying herbal medicines. Target pairs with high correlation related to anti-aging were also discovered by data mining algorithm. And regulatory networks of targets were built based on the target pairs.


Twenty-eight kidney-tonifying herbal medicines with anti-aging effects and 717 related target proteins were collected. The main bio-functions that all targets enriched in were “Cell Death and Survival”, “Free Radical Scavenging” and “Cellular Movement”, etc. The results of comparison analysis showed that kidney Yin-tonifying herbal medicines focused more on “Cancer related signaling”, “Apoptosis related signaling” and “Cardiovascular related signaling”. And kidney Yang-tonifying herbal medicines focused more on “Cellular stress and injury related signaling” and “Cellular growth, proliferation and development related signaling”. Moreover, the results of regulatory network showed that the anti-aging related target pairs with high correlated degrees of Kidney Yin-tonifying herbal medicines included TNF-PTGS2, TNF-CASP3, PTGS2-CASP3, CASP3-NOS2 and TNF-NOS2, and that of kidney Yang-tonifying herbal medicines included REAL-TNF, REAL-NFKBIA, REAL-JUN, PTGS2-SOD1 and TNF-IL6.


In this study, we achieved some important targets, target pairs and regulatory networks with bioinformatics and data mining, to discuss the systems pharmacology mechanisms of kidney-tonifying herbal medicines acting on anti-aging. Mutual target pairs related to anti-aging found in this study included TNF-PTGS2, TNF-CASP3, PTGS2-CASP3, CASP3-NOS2, TNF-NOS2, REAL-TNF, REAL-NFKBIA, REAL-JUN, PTGS2-SOD1 and TNF-IL6. Target pairs and regulatory networks of targets could reflect more potential interactions between targets and comprehensive effects on anti-aging. Compared with the existing researches, it was found that the kidney-tonifying herbal medicines may exert anti-aging effects in multiple pathways in this study.

邹宏 《医学信息》2019,(18):129-131
目的 探讨处方点评对中药调配差错的影响。方法 选取2017年4月~2018年3月我院门诊开具的69张中药处方未进行处方点评作为对比组,另选取2018年4月~2019年3月我院门诊开具的78张中药处方已实施处方点评作为研究组,比较两组中草药处方、中药针剂处方、中成药处方调配差错发生率,及中药调配差错原因。结果 两组中草药处方、中药针剂处方调配差错发生率比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);研究组中成药处方调配差错发生率为0.57%,低于对比组的5.80%,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);研究组处方中药调配差错总发生率为2.56,低于对比组的8.70%,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。研究组处方剂量差错、发药差错、错配、多配以及少配中药调配差错发生率均低于对比组,但差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论 实施中药处方点评能够及时发现中药调配常见问题,降低处方调配差错发生率,保证用药的科学性和安全性。  相似文献   

目的:通过动物模型验证中药解毒化瘀治疗对脓毒症的治疗作用.方法:取雄性Wistar大鼠30只,随机分为2组,每组15只.第一组为治疗组,给于解毒化瘀中药;第二组为不治疗对照组,给与生理盐水.7d后,分别采用盲肠结扎穿刺法复制大鼠脓毒症模型.手术后,第一组继续给药;第二组继续给于生理盐水,观察记录每只大鼠的生存天数;另取...  相似文献   

刘宏 《医学信息》2018,(17):145-148
中医与西医是中国现存的两种医学,正确了解两种医学的关系对医生和患者是非常必要的,可以消除对两种医学,尤其是对中医的误解。深入了解中医,必须明确三个方面的问题:①中医与西医的关系,不是东方与西方的关系,而是古代与现代的关系;②不能把中医的藏象与现代医学的脏器等同起来;③中医学的诊断是以“证”为单位,现代医学的诊断是以“病”为单位。  相似文献   

Andrographolide from traditional Chinese herbal medicines previously showed it possesses a strong anti- inflammatory activity. In present study, we investigated whether Andrographolide could inhibit allergen-induced airway inflammation and airways hyper-responsiveness and explored the mechanism of Andrographolide on allergen-induced airway inflammation and airways hyper-responsiveness. After sensitized and challenged by ovalbumin, the BALB/c mice were administered intraperitoneally with Andrographolide. Hyper-responsiveness was recorded. The lung tissues were assessed by histological examinations. NF-κB in lung was determined by immunofluorescence staining and Western blotting. Treatment of mice with Androqrapholide displayed lower Penh in response to asthma group mice. After treatment with Andrographolide, the extent of inflammation and cellular infiltration in the airway were reduced. Andrographolide interrupted NF-κB to express in cell nucleus. The level of NF-κB expression was inhibited by Andrographolide. The data indicate that Andrographolide from traditional Chinese herbal medicines could inhibit extensive infiltration of inflammatory cells in lung and decrease airway hyperreactivity. Andrographolide could inhibit NF-κB expression in lung and suppress NF-κB expressed in the nucleus of airway epithelial cells.  相似文献   

The effect of Chinese herbal medicines (Huan Shao Tan and Pu Chung Yi Chi Tang) and western drugs (sodium phenobarbital and cimetidine) on the serum concentration and pharmacokinetic parameters of theophylline and cytochrome P-450 of Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats of three different ages were examined. The older rats without pretreatment with Chinese herbal medicines and western drugs exhibited higher serum theophylline concentration and lower pharmacokinetic parameters of theophylline than middle-aged and younger rats (P < 0.05), but there was no difference in cytochrome P-450 activity among the three different ages of rats. All rats when pretreated with sodium phenobarbital showed lower serum theophylline concentration and higher pharmacokinetics parameters of theophylline. Also, the activity of cytochrome P-450 was higher (P < 0.05). When cimetidine was pre-administered in SD rats of three age groups, all rats exhibited lower serum theophylline concentration and higher pharmacokinetics parameters (P < 0.05), but the activity of cytochrome P-450 remained unchanged (P > 0.05). The results were opposite to other studies, probably because the dose and dosing intervals were different. No single effect occurred on the younger and middle-aged rats after pretreatment with Huan Shao Tan and Pu Chung Yi Chi Tang: their serum theophylline concentration, pharmacokinetics parameters and cytochrome P-450 activity were the same as the control group. However, the older rats after pretreatment with Huan Shao Tan or Pu Chung Yi Chi Tang showed lower serum theophylline concentration and higher pharmacokinetics parameters than the younger and middle-aged rats pretreated with similar Chinese herbal medicines. This indicates that Huan Shao Tan and Pu Chung Yi Chi Tang may perhaps improve the elimination of theophylline in older rats. This might be attributed to the increase in hepatic blood flow or in liver volume, since the activity of cytochrome P-450 was not affected by the administration of Chinese herbal medicines.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the efficacy of herbal medicines for the treatment of allergic rhinitis (AR). DATA SOURCES: Five electronic databases until November 8, 2005; bibliographies of located articles; manufacturers of commercially available preparations; and experts in the field. Study Selection: We only included double-blind randomized clinical trials (RCTs), which tested a herbal medicine against placebo or active comparator, in patients with AR, and evaluated clinically relevant outcomes. Study selection, data extraction, and evaluation of methodological quality were performed independently by 2 reviewers. Discrepancies were resolved by discussion and by seeking the opinion of the third reviewer. Meta-analysis was only performed if data were considered suitable for pooling. RESULTS: Sixteen eligible RCTs, testing 10 different herbal products against placebo or active comparator, were included. Six RCTs studied Petasites hybridus (butterbur) extract for AR and suggest that P hybridus is superior to placebo or similarly effective compared with nonsedative antihistamines for intermittent AR. Two RCTs studied an Indian herbal combination, Aller-7, in patients with AR and reported positive results. Single RCTs were identified for 8 other herbal products as treatments for AR, reporting positive outcomes, except for grape seed extract. The median methodological quality score was 4 of a possible maximum of 5. CONCLUSIONS: There is encouraging evidence suggesting that P hybridus may be an effective herbal treatment for seasonal (intermittent) AR. However, independent replication is required before a firm conclusion can be drawn because of the financial support from the manufacturer of P hybridus extract to the 3 large trials. There are also promising results generated for other herbal products, particularly Aller-7, Tinospora cordifolia, Perilla frutescens, and several Chinese herbal medicines. Although these results are confined to the paucity of data and the small sample size, confirmation in larger and more rigorously designed clinical trials is warranted.  相似文献   

Selection of chemical markers is crucial for the quality control of herbal medicines, including authentication of genuine species, harvesting the best quality raw materials, evaluation of post-harvesting handling, assessment of intermediates and finished products, and detection of harmful or toxic ingredients. Ideal chemical markers should be the therapeutic components of herbal medicines. However, for most herbal medicines, the therapeutic components have not been fully elucidated or easily monitored. Bioactive, characteristic, main, synergistic, correlative, toxic and general components may be selected. This article reviews the effective use of chemical markers in the quality control of herbal medicines including the selection criteria considering the roles and physicochemical factors which may affect the effective use of chemical markers.  相似文献   

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