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目的探讨腹腔镜下微创手术治疗新生儿先天性肠旋转不良并中肠扭转的方法及疗效。方法回顾性分析本院2012年1月至2015年10月经腹腔镜手术治疗的96例新生儿先天性肠旋转不良并中肠扭转患儿临床资料,其中男性65例,女性31例,入院年龄1~28 d,平均(11±8.2)d;体重1.9~4.2 kg,平均(3.1±0.5)kg。均以呕吐人院,出生后有胆汁性呕吐;6例有便血,无腹胀及腹膜炎体征。90例消化道造影检查显示十二指肠降部或水平部不全梗阻,其中74例空肠起始部位于脊柱右侧,6例便血患者未行消化道造影检查。96例彩色多普勒超声检查发现肠系膜血管呈漩涡症。结果 96例为肠旋转不良,92例合并中肠扭转,旋转360°~900°;6例术前有血便者存在肠系膜水肿,其中3例有乳糜腹,均无血运障碍。手术时间32~112 min,平均(59±18)min。1例肠系膜血管损伤,中转开腹止血,术中出血30 mL;2例结肠系膜撕裂行修补术;术后1~3 d进食。96例术后随访3~48个月,2例术后1个月出现呕吐,消化道造影检查显示十二指肠梗阻,再次手术发现为肠扭转并肠粘连,均在腹腔镜下再次完成手术。结论新生儿肠旋转不良并中肠扭转实为肠系膜顺时针方向旋转所致,腹腔镜下采用适当的复位方法能够缩短手术时间,降低手术难度,腹腔镜下手术治疗新生儿肠旋转不良并中肠扭转是安全有效的。  相似文献   

Intestinal malrotation presenting beyond the neonatal period is associated with a multiplicity of symptoms, which are often non-specific and, consequently, are associated with delays in diagnosis. Pseudo-Bartter's syndrome, which mimics the manifestations of Bartter's syndrome, can be caused by a severe chloride deficiency secondary to vomiting, diarrhea, perspiration, diuretic abuse and so on. We describe a 6 year old boy who had been admitted to hospital three times during the preceding year. The patient lapsed into a critical condition with profound hypochloremia and hypokalemic metabolic alkalosis induced by extremely massive vomiting. The attacks of vomiting were spasmodic and self-limited. During the episodes of vomiting he fulfilled the criteria of pseudo-Bartter's syndrome, including hyperreninemia, hyperaldosteronism and normal blood pressure, but in the intervals between attacks he was completely asymptomatic. At the third admission, examination supported an overall clinical picture of bowel obstruction, which was confirmed by radiographic examination. Laparotomy revealed a midgut volvulus with intestinal malrotation. After surgery he made a good recovery and was symptom-free. In this patient, the high degree of hypochloremia and hypovolemia activated the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system, then aldosterone promoted intensive reabsorption of sodium and excretion of potassium into the urine. Consequently the diagnosis of pseudo-Bartter's syndrome was established on the basis of an extreme decrease in urinary chloride and an increase in urinary potassium concentration. It is relatively rare for vomiting due to intestinal malrotation to induce pseudo-Bartter's syndrome. The importance of considering this rare diagnosis in such cases is discussed.  相似文献   

AIMS: To examine the relationship between failure to thrive in preterm and term infants and postnatal depression in their mothers. METHOD: In a whole population birth cohort of 12,391 infants (excluding those born after term or with major congenital abnormalities) failure to thrive over the first nine months was identified using a conditional weight gain criterion which identified the slowest-gaining 5%. Depression symptoms were recorded using the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) at 18 and 32 weeks of pregnancy and at 8 weeks and 8 months after delivery. RESULTS: After the birth, high depression scores were significantly more common in the mothers of infants born preterm, and controlling for depression scores in pregnancy did not eliminate this association after the birth. Failure to thrive was identified in 4.5% of the children born at term (531/11718) and in 8.3% of those born preterm (56/673). The difference was highly significant (chi2 = 20.25 with 1 df, p < .0001). Using a conventional cut-off on the EPDS (score > 12) to identify mothers as 'depressed', the prevalence of failure to thrive in the term infants of mothers depressed at 8 weeks postpartum was 5.0%; in the remainder of the population (controls) it was 4.3%. In mothers depressed at 8 months the prevalence was 4.3% in both groups. The prevalence of failure to thrive in the preterm infants of mothers depressed at 8 weeks was 8.8% (7.0% in controls) and in those depressed at 8 months it was 12.3% (6.7% in controls). None of these differences in prevalence was statistically significant, and significant differences did not emerge from further analyses using more stringent criteria for depression. CONCLUSIONS: Preterm births are specifically associated with high maternal depression scores in the postpartum period, and with a higher prevalence of failure to thrive. High depression scores in the postpartum period are not themselves associated with a higher prevalence of failure to thrive, however, either in infants born at term or in those born preterm.  相似文献   

Infantile choriocarcinoma is a highly malignant germ cell tumour sub-entity thought to originate from the placenta. The aim of this review is to alert clinicians to clinical symptoms and course of neonatal/infantile choriocarcinoma in order to improve the prognosis of affected children by early diagnosis and appropriate treatment. The clinical details of all 30 cases according to a Medline literature search including two cases documented in the MAKEI germ cell tumour study are analysed. Children suffering from infantile choriocarcinoma become symptomatic at a median age of 1 month (range 0 days–5 months). Typical early symptoms with decreasing incidence are anaemia, failure to thrive, hepatomegaly, haemoptysis or respiratory failure, there may be signs of precocious puberty. The tumour affected more than one organ in most cases; organs involved were liver (23/30 cases, 77%), lung (20/30, 67%), brain (8/30, 27%), or skin (3/30, 10%). The natural disease course is rapidly fatal. Without appropriate anti-neoplastic treatment, infantile death occurs on average within 3 weeks from first presentation with a high rate of post-mortem diagnoses (9/28, 32% of live born infants). In recent years, five reported patients (5/30, 18%) achieved a sustained remission after multi-agent cisplatinum-based chemotherapy and delayed (4/5) or primary tumour resection (1/5). -Human chorionic gonadotropin was universally elevated in 19/19 tested infants. Maternal choriocarcinoma was reported in 17 of the 30 cases. Conclusion: the differential diagnosis of infantile anaemia, failure to thrive and liver enlargement should include infantile choriocarcinoma and prompt measurement of -human chorionic gonadotropin.Abbreviation HCG human chorionic gonadotropin  相似文献   

The developmental sequelae of infant failure to thrive (FTT) were examined in an unreferred group of 6-year-olds with a history of severe nonorganic growth retardation, sampled from a 1-year birth cohort in an inner-city area of South London. Children who failed to thrive in infancy (weight below the third centile for at least 3 months) and their pairwise matched comparisons were originally studied at 15 months, and 42 cases and 42 controls (89.5% of the sample) were followed up. At 6 years, previously growth-retarded children were considerably smaller than matched comparisons, in terms of body mass index (BMI), and height and weight for age Z scores. History of FTT explained substantial variance in weight and BMI at 6 years, with maternal height also contributing to variation in height for age. Child cognitive functioning at 6 years was examined using the McCarthy Scales: cases had more limited quantitative and memory skills than comparisons, but there was no intergroup variation in general cognitive performance. In contrast to analyses of physical development, failure to thrive did not account for cognitive functioning; maternal IQ was the sole significant predictor of performance on all indices of child cognitive abilities. At 15 months, earlier growth faltering was linked to limitations in mental development, but these findings were not confirmed by the follow-up data: the timing of FTT was not related to cognitive abilities at 6 years. Results correspond to past research indicating that nonorganic failure to thrive is associated with persistent limitations in physical stature. There was little evidence of cognitive disadvantage for case group children at school age, suggesting that the adverse effects of early malnutrition on cognitive functioning appear to diminish over time.  相似文献   



To study the influence of maternal socioeconomic and emotional factors on infant weight gain and weight faltering (failure to thrive) in the first year of life.


The Gateshead Millennium Baby Study is a population birth cohort in northeast England studied prospectively from birth, via parental questionnaires and a health check aged 13 months. Data were collected on maternal education, deprivation, eating attitudes, and depression, using the Edinburgh Post Natal Depression Scale (EPDS) at 3 months. Weight gain was assessed using change in weight SD score, conditional on birth weight (Thrive Index); weight faltering was defined as conditional weight gain below the 5th centile.


Of 923 eligible infants born at term, 774 (84%) had both weight and questionnaire data. Replicating a previous finding, both the highest and the lowest levels of deprivation were associated with weight faltering; this was independent of the type of milk feeding. No relation was found with maternal educational status. Maternal eating restraint was unrelated to weight gain. Infants of mothers with high depression symptom scores (EPDS >12) had significantly slower weight gain and increased rates of weight faltering up to 4 months (relative risk 2.5), especially if they came from deprived families, but by 12 months they were no different from the remainder of the cohort.


In this setting, social and maternal characteristics had little influence on infants'' weight gain, apart from a strong, but transient effect of postnatal depression.  相似文献   

A 1-year cohort of children born at term in Newcastle-upon-Tyne in 1987/8 was screened for failure to thrive in infancy using a conditional longitudinal standard which identified those whose weight gain was in the lowest 5%. A group of 136 cases and 136 controls (from the same GP practice and living in a neighbourhood with the same deprivation index) was followed up at 7-9 years of age, when 79% of cases and 87% of controls were successfully studied. Cases at 7-9 were significantly shorter (mean 126.0 cm, SD 5.6) than controls (mean 130.7 cm, SD 5.9); adjusted for parental heights a difference of 4.4 cm (95% CI 2.92 to 5.90 cm) remained. They had smaller head circumferences (mean 51.9 cm, SD 1.8) than controls (mean 52.8 cm, SD 1.7), were significantly lighter (medians 23.8 kg, IR 21.5 to 26.9 in cases, and 27.9 kg, IR 25.2 to 31.6 in controls) and had a lower body mass index (median 14.9, IR 14.1 to 16.0 in cases, and 16.3, IR 15.3 to 17.8 in controls). Despite these large growth differences, no statistically significant differences in cognitive outcomes were found. Mean IQ was 87.6 (SD 17.4) in cases and 90.6 (SD 17.1) in controls; after adjustment for organic cause and mother's IQ the mean difference was 1.7 IQ points (95% CI -5.2 to 1.9). There were no statistically significant differences in the reading, spelling, or reading comprehension scores; the mean standardised reading score was 93.5 (SD 16.2) for cases and 94.5 (SD 15.6) for controls. These results show that when carefully defined by velocity-based anthropometric criteria, nonorganic failure to thrive in infancy is followed by persisting stunting and wasting, and a reduced head circumference, but is not associated with cognitive or educational disadvantages at school age.  相似文献   

Neonatal haemochromatosis is a rare disease characterized by the early onset of liver failure, a rapidly deteriorating clinical course and high mortality. An unusual case is presented of subacute hepatic failure in which autopsy findings at the age of 11 mo showed a haemochromatotic pattern of siderosis. Despite the similarity in the pattern of iron distribution to neonatal haemochromatosis, the clinical course was highly atypical in that the infant had later and milder presentation at 1 mo of age and slow progression into liver failure. This case illustrates the heterogeneous nature of the haemochromatotic phenotype in newborns and infants. CONCLUSION: The entity "neonatal haemochromatosis" may reflect a spectrum of diseases with diverse aetiologies. Fulminant liver disease in the newborn period can also result in similar pattern of iron distribution.  相似文献   

目的探讨新生儿坏死性小肠结肠炎(NEC)行回肠造瘘术后,造瘘远端肠闭锁的临床特点和诊治经验。方法对本院自2010年7月至2015年2月收治的7例NEC行回肠造瘘术后,远端继发肠闭锁的临床资料进行回顾性分析。7例均无明显临床表现,结肠造影提示结肠梗阻。术中发现闭锁部位:2例为两处闭锁,1例为回肠末端、结肠肝区闭锁,1例为结肠脾区、乙状结肠闭锁;其余5例为单处闭锁,3例为乙状结肠闭锁,1例为降结肠闭锁,1例为横结肠闭锁。结果 7例手术后均痊愈出院,7例随访过程中,1例间断出现肉眼或镜下血便,经结肠造影发现有结肠狭窄,其余无明显排便异常表现,疗效满意。结论临床上NEC保守治疗后反复喂养不耐受、腹胀,应警惕肠狭窄;行回肠造瘘术后,远端肠管发生继发性闭锁应予以重视,炎症反应可能是其主要原因之一。一期造瘘术后应定期对远端肠管给予盐水灌肠,以避免肠管炎性闭锁发生。  相似文献   

目的:探讨儿童慢性肠系膜缺血的临床特点及诊治方法,提高儿科医生对本病的诊疗水平。方法:回顾性分析首都医科大学附属北京儿童医院收治的1例12岁因慢性肠系膜缺血所致的急性肠坏死女性患儿,体重14 kg,身高115 cm,曾有6年餐后腹痛病史,以持续性腹痛3 d,伴呕吐入院。入院诊断为急性消化道穿孔。急诊行开腹探查,术中见空...  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) and influenza virus are the primary pathogens of respiratory tract infection. However, epidemics of influenza virus infection have been observed to interrupt RSV epidemics (termed an epidemiological interference effect). METHODS: At a clinic in Tsuna county, Hyogo prefecture, Japan, a total of 1262 outpatients under 6 years of age with lower respiratory tract infection due to RSV (RSV-LRTI) and upper respiratory tract infection due to influenza virus (FLU-URTI) in three successive winter seasons (1999-2000, 2000-2001 and 2001-2002) were analyzed. RESULTS: The RSV-LRTI epidemic and FLU-URTI epidemic overlapped in each season, but the RSV-LRTI epidemic peak preceded that of the FLU-URTI epidemic. Epidemiological interference between RSV and influenza virus was observed in the second and third season; the number of patients with RSV-LRTI began to decrease after the start of the FLU-URTI epidemic and recovered to some extent after the FLU-URTI epidemic passed its peak. There were no differences in onset age, male-to-female ratio and severity of RSV-LRTI in outpatients before and after the start of the FLU-URTI epidemic in all the three seasons. CONCLUSION: An epidemiological interference between RSV and influenza virus was observed in Tsuna county in two of the three winter seasons. However, there was no difference between the clinical features of the patients with RSV-LRTI before and after the start of the influenza virus infection epidemic. The data suggest that the clinical severity of RSV infection is not changed by the epidemiological interference effect of influenza virus infection epidemics.  相似文献   

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