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Rates of borderline personality disorder (BPD) among individuals with substance use disorder (SUD) are estimated to be as high as 65%. Such elevated rates present considerable challenges for drug treatment services given that individuals with co-occurring SUD and BPD have higher rates of relapse, treatment noncompliance, and poorer outcomes than those with either diagnosis alone. A systematic review investigating current treatment options for co-occurring SUD and BPD was conducted using Medline and PsycINFO. Randomized controlled trials were the focus. Six studies were included that examined the use of three psychosocial therapies: dialectical behavior therapy, dual focused schema therapy and dynamic deconstructive psychotherapy. Despite all studies demonstrating some treatment gains over time, there is currently insufficient evidence to recommend one treatment over another. Further research is needed to examine effective treatment options for co-occurring SUD and BPD, especially those that are likely to be applicable in mainstream drug treatment settings.  相似文献   

By means of a structured interview procedure, individuals with borderline personality disorders were identified among a sample of 50 patients admitted to an inpatient substance abuse treatment program. When given a series of psychological tests, borderline patients were shown to be more pathological than a nonborderline group of substance abusers in a number of areas including depression, impulse control, antisocial tendencies and reality testing. Time spent in treatment was also shorter for the borderline group. Implications for substance abuse treatment programs and the potential impact of these patients on such programs is discussed.  相似文献   

Borderline personality disorder does not have a first choice pharmacological treatment. We studied 20 borderline inpatients in a double-blind parallel placebo-controlled trial with carbamazepine for a mean of 30.9 days. No significant positive effects of the drug were found.  相似文献   

The comorbidity between substance-use disorders and borderline personality disorder (SUD-BPD) with other psychiatric disorders has been little studied. A total of 937 drug-dependent patients were evaluated using semistructured interviews and 13.7% were SUD-BPD patients. After multivariate analysis, gender, Affective Disorder (OR 2.59), Anxiety Disorder (OR 1.90), Eating Disorders (OR 4.29), Cocaine (OR 2.16), benzodiazepine dependence (OR 1.90), early age of onset of drug consumption (OR 0.94), and dependent (OR 4.04), paranoid (OR 3.70) and antisocial personality disorders (OR 3.46) were associated with SUD-BPD. Several psychiatric comorbidities are the norm in SUD-BPD patients; therefore these patients are a challenge for clinicians.  相似文献   



There is a well-known association between mood disorders and substance use disorders (SUD), but little research has been conducted on SUDs as risk factors for the development of subsequent mood disorders.


We analyzed data from the National Comorbidity Survey Replication study. Diagnoses were determined using DSM-IV criteria. Odds ratios (aORs) of subsequently developing mood disorders were adjusted for age, sex and race/ethnicity.


Data from 5217 individuals were included (6.6% male; mean age 45.3 years; 72.6% White, 11.2% Black, 12.5% Hispanic and 3.7% other). Subsequent mood disorders developed in 26.4% of individuals with primary adolescent-onset SUD (12–17 years), 21.7% of those with SUD onset at 18–25 years, and 14.0% of those with SUD onset between the ages of 26 and 34 years. The mean lagtime between SUD onset and development of a mood disorder was about 11 years. Controlling for demographic variables, the aORs of developing a mood disorder in these three age groups were 2.44, 3.65, and 3.25. Substance dependence was associated with higher odds of mood disorders than was abuse. Among the specific mood disorders, the increased odds of developing bipolar disorder were particularly high among individuals with drug dependence.


Individuals with adolescent and young adult-onset SUD had increased odds of developing a secondary mood disorder. This indicates that adolescents and young adults with SUD should be closely monitored for both positive and negative mood symptoms. SUD treatment and aftercare offer opportunities for the early identification of secondary mood disorders.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: While parental supervision has been demonstrated to influence adolescent alcohol involvement, lack of a threshold defining inadequate supervision and little study of DSM defined alcohol use disorders (AUDs) have limited clinical applications. Utilizing a four-item supervision scale, this study identified adolescents with inadequate supervision, and examined effects on AUD development and treatment outcome. METHODS: Two groups of adolescent subjects (ages 14-17) were recruited: (1) a representative community sample of adolescents (n = 170) and (2) adolescents with AUDs from drug and alcohol or psychiatric treatment programs (n = 194). Supervision was determined by the adolescent's responses to items inquiring whether parents typically had knowledge of the adolescent's activities away from home, including with whom, where, when, and communication items. Adolescents with unusually low parental supervision (i.e., Supervisory Neglect) were identified by scale distributions. Follow-up assessments were conducted 1, 3, and 5 years after the initial assessment. RESULTS: Among community subjects, adolescents with inadequate supervision were significantly more likely to drink alcohol in a variety of situations, were more likely to have AUDs at the initial assessment and, among those without AUDs, were more likely to develop AUDs in the follow-up period. Among adolescents receiving treatment for AUDs, those with inadequate supervision were less likely to be free of AUD symptoms over a 1-year follow-up period. CONCLUSIONS: These results indicate that the described method was a straightforward and potentially clinically applicable approach to identifying adolescents with inadequate parental supervision.  相似文献   

This study examined types of internal and external motivations for seeking treatment and the predictive utility of different types of motivation among 180 women with an alcohol use disorder (AUD) participating in a two-armed trial testing different individual and couple therapies for AUDs. Reasons for seeking treatment were coded for type of internal or external motivation. Most women (97%) cited internal reasons for seeking help, including: concern about progression of AUD (61.1%), health (43.3%), mental health (38.9%), and family (38.3%). Occupational concerns, an internal motivator cited by 6% of women, were associated with better drinking outcomes; interpersonal-family concerns were associated with poorer outcomes. Some motivators for seeking treatment may not be related to sustained changes in drinking, suggesting that understanding motivators for treatment may be inadequate to maintain change. Reasons for help-seeking may need to be addressed in treatment to produce long-lasting change.  相似文献   

The present study sought to address a gap in the literature by providing preliminary evidence of the prevalence and clinical characteristics of comorbid generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) and alcohol use disorders (AUD) in a front-line outpatient substance abuse clinic. Of 39 outpatients meeting criteria for an AUD, nearly half (46%) also met criteria for current GAD. The onset of GAD occurred prior to AUD in 67% of comorbid cases, with an average time lag of 12.5 years among individuals with primary GAD. Participants with comorbid GAD–AUD endorsed higher levels of worry severity and worry-reduction alcohol expectancies, and 55.6% of comorbid participants had a history of suicide attempts. Groups did not differ on anxiety sensitivity, social anxiety, or depression. Comorbid participants were more likely to indicate that worry interfered with their substance abuse treatment, and to indicate interest in concurrent treatment targeting their worry. Study findings provide initial evidence that GAD may be a prevalent and relevant factor among individuals with AUD seeking outpatient substance abuse treatment.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to identify potential predictors of treatment utilization, among both psychiatric and drug and alcohol variables. The subjects were 393 adolescents and young adults, age 12.9 to 18.11 years, who met DSM-IV criteria for a lifetime history of either alcohol abuse or alcohol dependence at baseline assessment. DSM-IV psychiatric and AUD diagnoses were obtained by semi-structure interviews (K-SADS and SCID). Other alcohol and drug variables were obtained by the Alcohol Consumption Questionnaire and other self-reports. The results of these analyses suggest that there are few potential predictors associated with substance use disorder (SUD) treatment. For mental health (MH) treatment, depression in the form of Major Depressive Disorder was relatively strong associated at baseline and follow-up, while Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Conduct Disorder appear to be associated with MH treatment at follow-up. For SUD treatments, there are essentially no variables strongly associated with treatment. The best potential predictors of who enters treatment and how long they stay may not be related to comorbidity or other dimensional variables of clinical severity. Rather, treatment utilization appears to be related to environmental factors, which may include family factors, adolescent and parental motivation, access to treatment, or to the use of appropriate treatment modalities.  相似文献   

Introduction: Personality disorders are among the most persistent and challenging disorders to treat within psychiatry. There is emerging evidence that some personality disorders, particularly borderline personality disorder and, to a lesser extent, schizotypal personality disorder, may benefit from treatment with atypical antipsychotics as well as mood stabilizers. This review examines the evidence for atypical antipsychotics for personality disorders and discusses strengths and limitations of this approach.

Areas covered: Searches of Medline and PsycInfo yielded 57 articles related to use of atypical antipsychotics for treatment of personality disorders. Most were relatively small randomized, controlled trials examining atypical antipsychotics for borderline personality disorder; however, the search also yielded two Cochrane reviews examining pharmacotherapy for borderline personality disorder and antisocial personality disorder as well as three other meta-analyses.

Expert opinion: There is some evidence that atypical antipsychotics are effective for treating symptom domains in personality disorders, in particular psychotic-like symptoms, impulsivity, aggression and anger. There is no evidence that they improve overall illness severity. Given the high rate of comorbidity between personality disorders and axis I disorders, atypical antipsychotics are best used when these symptom domains are prominent and there is a comorbid axis I condition for which an atypical antipsychotic is indicated.  相似文献   

Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and alcohol-use disorders (AUD) frequently present comorbidly in veteran populations. Traditionally those with alcohol dependence have been excluded from PTSD treatment outcome studies, thus we do not know how those with alcohol dependence may tolerate or respond to PTSD-specific interventions; no studies to date have examined the extent to which cognitive PTSD interventions are tolerated or effective for those with comorbid PTSD/AUD. The present study examines the extent to which CPT is tolerated by and effective in treating PTSD symptoms for veterans with PTSD and AUD, as compared to veterans with PTSD only in an outpatient treatment setting. Data were obtained through chart review of 536 veterans diagnosed with PTSD who had received at least 1 session of CPT at a Midwestern US Veterans Affairs hospital. Nearly half (n = 264, 49.3%) of the veterans in the study exhibited a current or past AUD diagnosis. Participants were grouped into the following diagnostic groups: current AUD (past 12 months), past AUD (prior to 12 months), and no AUD. Participants completed an average of 9 sessions of CPT with no significant difference between AUD diagnostic groups on the number of CPT sessions completed. Individuals with past AUD had higher initial symptoms of self-reported PTSD symptoms than those with no AUD. All groups reported significant reductions in PTSD symptoms and depression over time. Overall, the results suggest that CPT appears well tolerated among veterans with comorbid AUD and is associated with significant reductions in symptoms of PTSD and depression in an outpatient treatment setting.  相似文献   

The neurobiology of the dramatic personality disorders (DSM-IV—Cluster B) has remained somewhat elusive, with the consequence that pharmacological treatment of these disorders is far from satisfactory. The clinical feature that characterizes the borderline personality disorder (BPD) is repeated acts of self-mutilation, whereas those with an antisocial personality disorder (ASPD) are disposed to repeated acts of criminality. While the antisocial group are inevitably incarcerated in penal institutions, the borderline patient, despite their acute psychological suffering, is often refused hospitalization primarily due to the absence of effective interventions. In this paper it will be hypothesized that both these disorders are due to a primary dysregulation of interferon-gamma (IFN-γ), neuropeptide Y (NPY), β-endorphin and insulin. A gender bias has also been observed in relation to these two conditions with females being predisposed to developing a BPD and males an ASPD—a gender bias that can be directly attributed to β-endorphin. Other perplexing features of these disorders are the self-injurious behaviour (SIB) and frequent ammenorhoea of the BPD, a complete lack of morality often combined with heightened cognition and the ‘low serotonin syndrome’ (low serotonin, low LDL (low density lipoprotein) cholesterol and mild hypoglycaemia) of the ASPD. A neuroimmunological explanation of this curious constellation of symptoms will be advanced in this paper. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Substance use disorders often co-occur with eating disorders in female populations. This review addresses the prevalence and etiology of this comorbidity in women. Thirteen peer-reviewed journal articles are reviewed. Conclusions are drawn concerning prevalence rates, theory, and implications for treatment. Current research supports distinct etiologies and growth trajectories for both disorders. Thus, comorbidity presents with unique challenges, and often, worse outcomes. Though comorbidity rates are high, little research has been done concerning treatment. Given the high prevalence rates of these comorbid disorders, a specific treatment needs to be developed that targets both disorders simultaneously.  相似文献   



Smoke-free legislation prohibiting smoking in indoor public venues, including bars and restaurants, is an effective means of reducing tobacco use and tobacco-related disease. Given the high comorbidity between heavy drinking and smoking, it is possible that the public health benefits of smoke-free policies extend to drinking behaviors. However, no prior study has examined whether tobacco legislation impacts the likelihood of alcohol use disorders (AUDs) over time. The current study addresses this gap in the literature using a large, prospective U.S. sample.


Using data from the National Epidemiological Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions (NESARC), we utilized logistic regression to examine whether the implementation of state-wide smoke-free legislation in bars and restaurants between Waves I (2001–2002) and II (2004–2005) predicted changes in DSM-IV AUD status (remission, onset, recurrence) in current drinkers at Wave I (n = 19,763) and participants who drank in public ≥once per month (n = 5913).


Individuals in states that implemented smoke-free legislation in drinking venues had a higher likelihood of AUD remission compared to participants in states without such legislation. Among public drinkers, smoke-free legislation was associated with a greater likelihood of AUD remission and a lower likelihood of AUD onset. These findings were especially pronounced among smokers, men, and younger age groups.


These results demonstrated the protective effects of smoke-free bar and restaurant policies on the likelihood of AUDs; furthermore, these findings call attention to an innovative legislative approach to decrease the morbidity and mortality associated with AUDs.  相似文献   

We examined the associations of recent victimization with subsequent participation in alcohol-related treatment and mutual help, and with short- and long-term drinking and health outcomes. Treatment-naïve men and women having an alcohol use disorder with (n = 73) or without (n = 491) recent violence victimization were assessed at baseline and 1 and 8 years later. Victimized individuals had more days intoxicated, drinking problems, symptoms of depression, and physical health problems at baseline, and were more likely to attend Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) during Year 1. Victimization at baseline predicted re-victimization at 1 year, and more depressive symptoms and physical health problems at 8 years. Participation in alcohol-related treatment or AA during Year 1 was associated with fewer drinking problems. In addition, treatment or AA participation was of greater benefit to victimized individuals in terms of reducing drinking-related or health problems. Alcohol use disorder interventions are effective for men and women with recent victimization, but additional services may be needed to remedy problems with depression and physical health and to prevent further victimization.  相似文献   

Increasing importance is being place on the appropriateness of methodologies for different population subgroups, such as women as well as men, non-Whites as well as Whites, and older and younger individuals. In the alcohol field, this applies to a number of areas, including the agreement between diagnoses of alcohol use disorders by different sets of diagnostic criteria. We tested the agreement between DSM-III, DSM-III-R, DSM-IV and ICD-10 criteria for alcohol dependence and abuse in demographic subgroups of a sample of 962 community residents screened for heavy drinking in the previous 12 months. Good to excellent agreement was found for current diagnoses of dependence across all subgroups and classification systems. For past diagnoses, agreement was good across all subgroups for comparisons that did not involve DSM-III, and quite low for comparisons of DSM-III to other classification systems across subgroups. With few exceptions, cross-system agreement for diagnoses of alcohol abuse was poor. This result was also consistent across demographic subgroups. Results suggest that studies can be compared equally well for diagnoses of alcohol dependence subsequent to DSM-III for males and females, Whites and non-Whites, and older and younger respondents. Abuse remains a problematic category psychometrically across all demographic categories, even in this sample of largely untreated household residents.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The aim of this article is to examine whether standard Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) (1) can be successfully implemented in a mixed population of borderline patients with or without comorbid substance abuse (SA), (2) is equally efficacious in reducing borderline symptomatology among those with and those without comorbid SA, and (3) is efficacious in reducing the severity of the substance use problems. METHOD: The implementation of DBT is examined qualitatively. The impact of comorbid SA on its efficacy, as well as on its efficacy in terms of reducing SA, is investigated in a randomized clinical trial comparing DBT with treatment-as-usual (TAU) in 58 female borderline patients with (n = 31) and without (n = 27) SA. RESULTS: Standard DBT can be applied in a group of borderline patients with and without comorbid SA. Major implementation problems did not occur. DBT resulted in greater reductions of severe borderline symptoms than TAU, and this effect was not modified by the presence of comorbid SA. Standard DBT, as it was delivered in our study, however, had no effect on SA problems. CONCLUSIONS: Standard DBT can be effectively applied with borderline patients with comorbid SA problems, as well as those without. Standard DBT, however, is not more efficacious than TAU in reducing substance use problems. We propose that, rather than developing separate treatment programs for dual diagnosis patients, DBT should be "multitargeted." This means that therapists ought to be trained in addressing a range of severe manifestations of personality pathology in the impulse control spectrum, including suicidal and self-damaging behaviors, binge eating, and SA.  相似文献   

Adolescents with alcohol use disorders (AUDs) previously completed a randomized controlled outpatient aftercare study (Y. Kaminer, J. A. Burleson, & R. H. Burke, 2008) in which they were randomly assigned to in-person, brief telephone, or no-active aftercare. Youth were assessed at end of aftercare and at 3-, 6-, and 12-month follow-up on frequency and quantity of alcohol use. It was predicted that active aftercare (in-person and brief telephone) would be superior to no-active aftercare in reducing alcohol use, as shown in the original study. No subject or therapy group attributes were significant moderators of outcome. Active aftercare in general maintained short-term favorable effects by reducing relapse in youth with AUD and should be considered as part of standard procedures in therapeutic interventions for all alcohol and other substance use. In-person and the brief telephone procedures did not differ in their effectiveness. Structured communications with AUD youth during and after treatment by use of electronic technology rather than in-person contact might therefore be more fully investigated.  相似文献   

Personality traits may provide underlying risk factors for and/or sequelae to substance use disorders (SUDs). In this study Schedule for Nonadaptive and Adaptive Personality (SNAP) traits were compared in a clinical sample (N=704, age 18-45) with current, past, or no historical alcohol or non-alcohol substance use disorders (AUD and NASUD) as assessed by DSM-IV semi-structured interview. Results corroborated previous research in showing associations of negative temperament and disinhibition to SUD, highlighting the importance of these traits for indicating substance use proclivity or the chronic effects of substance use. Certain traits (manipulativeness, self-harm, disinhibition, and impulsivity for AUD, and disinhibition and exhibitionism for NASUD) were higher among individuals with current relative to past diagnoses, perhaps indicating concurrent effects of substance abuse on personality. The positive temperament characteristics detachment and entitlement distinguished AUDs and NASUDs, respectively, perhaps clarifying why this higher order trait tends to show limited relations to SUD generally. These findings suggest the importance of systematically integrating pathological and normative traits in reference to substance-related diagnosis.  相似文献   

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