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李晓萍  谢新民  韩华 《山东医药》2010,50(12):22-22
综合医院在面对重大的突发性甲型H1N1流感疫情的诊治过程中,短时间内收治大量传染性患者,医院感染疫情控制至关重要。护理管理部门根据感染疫情的特点,即刻启动应急预案,协同医院感染科等职能科室落实相关疾病知识培训、服务流程的完善、消毒隔离措施到位、人力资源配置等关键环节,是保证医院安全有效地完成疾病诊治和传染病疫情得到控制的关键之一。  相似文献   

中国是病毒性肝炎和肺结核大国。1998—2014年28种甲、乙类传染病中艾滋病、布氏杆菌病、梅毒等发病率呈上升趋势,其他甲、乙类传染病发病率逐年走低。死亡人数以艾滋病为首位。国际上,突发、新发、再发传染病不断涌现。部分慢性传染病患者易合并多种并发症导致病情复杂化,而良好依从性可以提高慢性传染病治疗的成功率。传染病医院应充分利用"互联网+医疗"、云医院、远程医疗等新型模式,加快传染病医院信息化建设,加快转型为感染性疾病综合性医院,发展精细化感染性疾病专业,以医疗服务带动传染病医院创新发展,加强慢性传染病管理与口岸合作。  相似文献   

李磊  丁惠国 《传染病信息》2012,25(5):298-300
传染病医院消化内镜操作对象与综合性医院不同,对专业人员的培训有着自身的特点。我们根据在传染病医院进行消化内镜检查和治疗患者的特点,并从传染病防治的角度制定了一套符合传染病医院要求的消化内镜从业人员的培训方法和制度。  相似文献   

医院应对突发传染病的能力及预备状态的研究进展—俞达等(北京 北京大学公共卫生学院流行病与卫生统计学系100083);《中华医院管理杂志》,2007,23(2):89—91[阐述了医院应对突发传染病能力及预备状态的意义,以及如何加强医院应对传染病的能力和医院的建设。首先,要快速识别传染病病人及时准确报告传染病信息,  相似文献   

葛娅  郭雪清 《传染病信息》2009,22(3):171-173
本文探讨了利用电子政务系统填报医院传染病报告卡的方法及应用效果,目的是实现数据共享,提高工作效率及医院传染病报告卡的准确性、及时性、完整性,使传染病报告卡的管理逐步走向现代化。  相似文献   

在市场经济大潮中,医院要顺应形势,主动适应市场经济的变化规律,必须不断地提高社会效益和经济效益,走“优质、高效、低耗、发展”之路。要实现这个目标,关键靠科学管理。因此,加强医院内涵建设,提高科学管理水平,是新形势下医院发展的重要途径。现将我们的做法介绍如下。1 选好、用好中层职能科室管理人员是搞好医院管理的基础 管理的核心是人的管理。医院领导不可能直接对所有职工进行管理,故选好、用好中层管理人员非常重要。特别对医院职能科室,要加强重点管理,配备精干人员,形成“抓职能科室,带临床医技,促医院发展”的良好局面。职能科室管理人员是医院决策者的“眼睛”和“手”,各种信息的收集处理,上传下达均靠他们去完成。近年来,我院在加强对临床人才培养的同时,积极培养职能科室管理人员,采取多种措施鼓励其自学,参加各种医院管理培训班及学术会议,在外出进修方面为他们提供方便。我们采用定期考核、加任务、提要求、压担子的方法,在加强培  相似文献   

医院应对突发传染病的能力及预备状态的研究进展—俞达等(北京 北京大学公共卫生学院流行病与卫生统计学系100083);《中华医院管理杂志》,2007,23(2):89—91[阐述了医院应对突发传染病能力及预备状态的意义,以及如何加强医院应对传染病的能力和医院的建设。首先,要快速识别传染病病人及时准确报告传染病信息,  相似文献   

自2019年12月以来我国湖北省武汉市相继发现了新型冠状病毒肺炎(新冠肺炎)患者,该病主要经呼吸道飞沫及密切接触传播。我国新冠肺炎疫情形势严峻复杂,该病已纳入《中华人民共和国传染病防治法》规定的乙类传染病,并采取甲类传染病的预防、控制措施。我中心作为全军惟一"三防"卫勤力量和此次北京地区惟一定点收治新冠肺炎患者的军队医院,承担了确诊新冠肺炎患者的院前处置、转运、收治等任务。中心实现了工作人员"零感染",并圆满完成国家和军队赋予的任务。本文通过归纳总结在人员抽组、培训,医疗后勤物资准备,规章制度建设,工作人员管理等方面的经验,为今后疫情防控工作提供指导。  相似文献   

1成立组织筹建机构 为保证传染病医院筹建工作的顺利开展,组建了由地区卫生局、建设局、人民医院、财政、计委、审计、设计、供电等相关部门组成的传染病医院筹建工作小组.由地区卫生局牵头,负责传染病医院的筹建工作.建设工程指定由地区人民医院负责,相应成立了建设工程指挥部.由医院领导任指挥部负责人,负责建设工程组织、指挥、协调工作.  相似文献   

多年的传统医院和医生的任务就是治病 ,“预防为主”的方针只是针对急性传染病而言的。对传染性疾病国家和地方有专门机构 (防疫站 )管理 ,并取得了很大成绩。由于医学的发展和疾病谱的变迁 ,近年威胁人民健康最严重的不再是传染病而是诸如心血管病、癌症、糖尿病、慢性气管炎、精神病以及其他系统的多种慢性疾病。从全民保健出发 ,预防和控制这些非传染性疾病必须更加普及和提高 ,不论从人民健康考虑或是从医疗费用核算 ,重治轻防的情况迫待改革 ,而且必须把预防保健的任务从立法和职责上明确划归医院和临床医生。防治传染性疾病原有的系统…  相似文献   

传染病相关知识数据库的研究与建立   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的研究和建立传染病相关知识数据库,以利于国内突发公共卫生事件处置工作的开展.方法收集与整理有关传染病的文献、专著、专业数据库等信息和数据,采用SQL server 2005作为后台数据库,并基于JAVA语言开发具有友好用户查询界面的传染病数据库系统.结果构建了系统的传染病基础数据库,它包含了343种传染病症状和体征、传染病病理和媒介生物学数据、273种用于传染病治疗和预防的药物和67种疫苗、国家和地方各类突发疫情应急预案,以及监测方案、典型案例、标准和法规等.结论传染病相关知识数据库的建立可极大地增强传染病疫情判断的准确性和及时性,提高国家和军队的公共卫生事件防控能力.  相似文献   

目的 了解镇江市丹徒区2010—2021年突发公共卫生事件流行特征,有效提升防控水平和应对能力。方法 通过中国疾病预防控制信息系统收集镇江市丹徒区2010—2021年突发公共卫生事件数据,采用描述流行病学方法对事件的级别、类型、传播途径及三间分布等进行分析。结果 2010—2021年镇江市丹徒区共报告突发公共卫生事件14起,病例数589例,罹患率4.21%(589/13 992),包括一般(Ⅳ级)事件6起(占42.86%),未分级事件8起(占57.14%);均为传染病类突发事件,其中丙类传染病11起(占78.57%)。发生时间主要集中在3—6月,报告事件10起(占71.43%),11—12月报告4起(占28.57%);地区分布以农村为主,报告事件12起(占85.71%);场所分布以学校为主,报告事件13起(占92.86%)。报告时间中位数为7.63 d,持续时间中位数为12.48 d,报告时间越迟,事件持续时间越长(rs=0.754,P<0.05)。结论 近年来,镇江市丹徒区突发公共卫生事件以丙类传染病为主,今后要加强对农村、学校等重点地区和场所的监测与预警...  相似文献   

John TJ  Dandona L  Sharma VP  Kakkar M 《Lancet》2011,377(9761):252-269
In India, the range and burden of infectious diseases are enormous. The administrative responsibilities of the health system are shared between the central (federal) and state governments. Control of diseases and outbreaks is the responsibility of the central Ministry of Health, which lacks a formal public health department for this purpose. Tuberculosis, malaria, filariasis, visceral leishmaniasis, leprosy, HIV infection, and childhood cluster of vaccine-preventable diseases are given priority for control through centrally managed vertical programmes. Control of HIV infection and leprosy, but not of tuberculosis, seems to be on track. Early success of malaria control was not sustained, and visceral leishmaniasis prevalence has increased. Inadequate containment of the vector has resulted in recurrent outbreaks of dengue fever and re-emergence of Chikungunya virus disease and typhus fever. Other infectious diseases caused by faecally transmitted pathogens (enteric fevers, cholera, hepatitis A and E viruses) and zoonoses (rabies, leptospirosis, anthrax) are not in the process of being systematically controlled. Big gaps in the surveillance and response system for infectious diseases need to be addressed. Replication of the model of vertical single-disease control for all infectious diseases will not be efficient or viable. India needs to rethink and revise its health policy to broaden the agenda of disease control. A comprehensive review and redesign of the health system is needed urgently to ensure equity and quality in health care. We recommend the creation of a functional public health infrastructure that is shared between central and state governments, with professional leadership and a formally trained public health cadre of personnel who manage an integrated control mechanism of diseases in districts that includes infectious and non-infectious diseases, and injuries.  相似文献   

目的 描述分析四川省2011-2012年学校突发公共卫生事件的流行病学特征,为开展学校突发公共卫生事件预防控制工作提供依据。方法 通过中国疾病预防控制信息系统的突发公共卫生事件报告管理信息系统收集四川省各级各类卫生机构报告的学校突发公共卫生事件资料进行描述分析。结果 2011-2012年四川省报告学校突发公共卫生事件48起,发病1 765例,占全省突发公共卫生事件总数的38.70%和发病总数的60.38%。事件级别以未分级为主,报告40起,占总数的83.33%。事件类别以传染病事件为主,报告38起,占总数的79.17%,其次是中毒事件。事件发生时间主要集中在4-6月,共报告29起,占总数的60.42%。事件主要发生在农村,占58.33%;学校类别以小学为主,报告28起,占学校突发公共卫生事件总数的58.33%。结论 2011-2012年四川省报告学校突发公共卫生事件占全省突发公共卫生事件比例较大,学校突发公共卫生事件防制工作仍然是突发公共卫生事件工作的重点。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: In the event of a large-scale infectious disease outbreak, hospitals will play a critical role. The objective of our study is to understand the current status of hospitals preparedness for infectious disease outbreaks in Beijing and to provide basic information for infectious disease prevention and control in hospitals. METHODS: One hundred fifty-two secondary and tertiary care hospitals in Beijing were surveyed by a standardized questionnaire. Data related to hospital demographic information and their emergency plans, laboratory diagnosis capacity, medical treatment procedures for infectious diseases, stockpiles of drugs and personal protective equipment, and staff training were collected. RESULTS: Responses were received from 134 (88.2%) of the 152 hospitals surveyed. Overall, hospitals reported that the number of physicians and nurses in infectious disease accounted for only 1.8% of the total physicians and 2.5% of the total nurses, and surgery beds accounted for 8.5% of all the fixed beds. Approximately 93.3% of the hospitals surveyed reported that they had an emergency plan, and none of those reported that their laboratories were able to isolate and identify all 8 kinds of common pathogens of infectious diseases: 22.4% of the hospitals had medical treatment procedures for all these infectious diseases, 23.1% had stored specific drugs for treatment, 2.2% had all personal protective equipment, and 30.6% reported that their health care staff had been trained in hospital emergency preparedness for infectious diseases. In general, emergency preparedness for infectious diseases in tertiary care hospitals was better than that in secondary care hospitals; the preparedness at general hospitals was better than that at specialized hospitals; and that at teaching hospitals was better than that at nonteaching hospitals. CONCLUSION: Emergency preparedness for infectious disease at hospitals in Beijing was in an early stage of development during this survey. Comprehensive measures should be developed and implemented to enhance their capacity for infectious disease emergency.  相似文献   

The epidemiology and transmission dynamics of infectious diseases must be understood at the individual and community levels to improve public health decision-making for real-time and integrated community-based control strategies. Herein, we explore the epidemiological characteristics for assessing the impact of public health interventions in the community setting and their applications. Computational statistical methods could advance research on infectious disease epidemiology and accumulate scientific evidence of the potential impacts of pharmaceutical/nonpharmaceutical measures to mitigate or control infectious diseases in the community. Novel public health threats from emerging zoonotic infectious diseases are urgent issues. Given these direct and indirect mitigating impacts at various levels to different infectious diseases and their burdens, we must consider an integrated assessment approach, ‘One Health’, to understand the dynamics and control of infectious diseases.  相似文献   

Rheumatological care in Germany is influenced by limited resources and education and qualification of health professionals is a way to optimize utilization of these resources.The curriculum for rheumatology health professionals of the Academy of the German Association of Rheumatologists (DGRh) was developed to qualify clinical nursing specialists of rheumatology clinics as well as specialized rheumatology hospitals on a systematic basis.Since 2006 499 participants have each been trained over 4 weekends and certification was achieved by examinations. The topics cover the principles of anatomy and the pathology of diseases up to modern diagnostic methods and treatment, including practical skills. Additional specialized courses for nurses of rheumatology hospitals and refresher courses give the participants the opportunity to increase their depth of knowledge.After 8 of the basic courses questionnaires were sent to all participants for evaluation and 143 (51%) out of 277 participants responded. Of the responders 95% found that their knowledge of understanding rheumatic diseases improved considerably or very considerably, 90% found that their ability to determine urgent cases and 86% to correctly judge emergency situations had improved and 50% agreed with the statement that their field of work and their tasks had changed after the training courses. Increased responsibilities, documentations of patient history, involvement in clinical trials and infusions and information of the patients about their disease or the treatment were listed as new tasks of the participants. In conclusion the evaluation shows that the curriculum for rheumatology health professionals is an effective step towards qualification for clinical nursing specialists. We believe that this will support the work of medical doctors in rheumatology and will improve the quality of care for patients with rheumatic diseases.  相似文献   

Public health research is essential for the development of effective policies and planning to address health security and risks associated with mass gatherings (MGs). Crucial research topics related to MGs and their effects on global health security are discussed in this review. The research agenda for MGs consists of a framework of five major public health research directions that address issues related to reducing the risk of public health emergencies during MGs; restricting the occurrence of non-communicable and communicable diseases; minimisation of the effect of public health events associated with MGs; optimisation of the medical services and treatment of diseases during MGs; and development and application of modern public health measures. Implementation of the proposed research topics would be expected to provide benefits over the medium to long term in planning for MGs.  相似文献   

Singapore is known for its comprehensive vector control methods that keep mosquito populations at low levels in the urban, tropical, and green city-state. This report describes the measures taken by the National Environment Agency on the basis of observations of vector control and surveillance activities in residential areas, construction sites, and foreign worker quarters. The government-led active operations dealt not only with mosquito control but also social issues in urban residential buildings where people with varying preferences live, the responsibilities of the business sector, and the education of multi-cultural/lingual residents and foreign workers. The public health measures implemented in Singapore offer useful ideas to countries/cities that have not yet established vector control programs against mosquito-borne infectious diseases.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Hospital preparedness for infectious disease emergencies is imperative for local, regional, and national response planning. METHODS: A secondary data analysis was conducted of a survey administered to Infection Control Professionals (ICPs) in May, 2005. RESULTS: Most hospitals have ICP representation on their disaster committee, around-the-clock infection control support, a plan to prioritize health care workers to receive vaccine or antivirals, and non-health care facility surge beds. Almost 20% lack a surge capacity plan. Some lack negative pressure rooms for current patient loads or any surge capacity. Less than half have a plan for rapid set-up of negative pressure, and Midwest hospitals are less likely than other areas to have such plans. Smaller hospitals have less negative pressure surge capacity than do larger hospitals. About half have enough health care workers to respond to a surge that involves < or =50 patients; few can handle > or =100 patients. Many do not have sufficient ventilators or can handle < or =10 additional ventilated patients. Most do not have enough National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health-approved respirators, and less than half have sufficient surgical masks to handle a significant surge. CONCLUSIONS: United States hospitals lack negative pressure, health care worker, and medical equipment/supplies surge capacity. Hospitals must continue to address gaps in infectious disease emergency planning.  相似文献   

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