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Gao Z  Wang X  Zhuo Q  Wang J  Hu F  Piao J  Liu F  Cao H 《卫生研究》2012,41(1):75-79
目的对30名农村健康成人进行能量代谢及关键技术的测定,并同时对其进行双标水标定实验,获得中国北方农村成年男女不同体力活动水平的能量消耗量数据。方法选择符合纳入标准的30名北方农村健康成人为研究对象,男女各15名,严格控制实验条件,采用K4b2便携式心肺功能测定仪测量其基础代谢和7项体力活动(慢走、快走、慢跑、骑自行车、上下楼梯和看电视)的耗氧量(VO2)和二氧化碳生成量(VCO2),用微量凯式定氮法测量24小时尿氮,结合试验期间对象的体重变化,得到我国北方健康成人不同体力活动能量消耗的数据。结果各项体力活动平均能量消耗量(kJ.h-1.kg-1)为:慢走平均耗能12.60±5.54,其中男性11.46±2.19,女性15.47±6.97;快走平均耗能20.79±10.46,其中男性15.95±3.59,女性25.33±12.70;慢跑平均耗能34.78±16.00,其中男性30.45±5.07,女性38.84±21.58;骑自行车平均耗能16.47±3.95,其中男性14.77±2.57,女性18.74±4.85;上楼梯平均耗能23.55±5.05,其中男性23.61±3.43,女性23.49±6.41;下楼梯平均耗能12.46±6.30,其中男性10.43±1.27,女性14.49±8.48;看电视平均耗能3.85±1.97,其中男性3.56±0.86,女性4.16±2.79。除上楼梯消耗能量大致相等外,按公斤体重计算,男性各项体力活动能量消耗量均低于女性P<0.05。结论对于农村健康成人来说,各种体力活动能量消耗差异较大,慢走、看电视、下楼梯属于低强度体力活动快走、骑自行车、上楼梯属于中强度体力活动,慢跑属于高强度体力活动。  相似文献   

<正>随着现代化程度的不断提高,人们职业性体力活动水平不断下降,而大部分人缺乏足够的身体锻炼,与营养过剩相关的糖尿病、肥胖等慢性疾病的发病率不断升高。根据调查显示,早在2003年深圳地区企事业单位的男性肥胖率就达到41.82%,女性为20.56%,已接近国外发达国家的肥胖程度[1]。目前,我国关于体力活动方面的系统研究较少,还没有相应的体力活动指南,这直接影响了对国民体力活动的科学评价和具体量化性指导。本次采用气体代谢法,利用心肺功能测定仪(K4b2)测量了受试者的静息代谢率和一些常见体力活动(如慢走、快走、慢跑、骑自行车、爬楼梯、看电视等)的能量消耗情况,为国民体力活动的研究提供实验依据和基础资料。  相似文献   

<正>脂肪肝患者的运动项目应以中低强度、较长时间的有氧运动为主。这类运动包括慢跑、中快速步行(115~125步/分)、骑自行车、游泳、上下楼梯、打羽毛球、踢毽子、跳舞、做广播体操、跳绳和在室内固定自行车、跑步机上运动等。  相似文献   

加速度计对成人日常体力活动测量效度的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
目的 对加速度计(CSA)测量成年人日常体力活动的效度进行验证并提出根据 CSA数据预测能量消耗的方程。方法 选取 72 名北京市居民,年龄(43.6±4.0)岁,男性 33 名,女性 39名,作为调查对象,佩带7天CSA,在同一期间采用双标水方法(DLW) 测量能量消耗,包括平均每天总能量消耗(TEE)、平均每天体力活动能量消耗(AEE)和体力活动水平(PAL)作为验证标准。结果通过CSA测量的平均每天活动计数(AC)与TEE、AEE和PAL之间均呈显著相关,偏相关系数 r 分别为0.31、0.30、0.26(P<0.05)。逐步多元回归分析表明,影响TEE的因素包括去脂体重或体重指数、AC(R2=0.52~0.70),影响AEE的因素包括AC、性别和去脂体重(R2=0.25~0.32)。结论 CSA能准确测量中国成年人日常体力活动模式,AC可以解释TEE和AEE的变异。  相似文献   

目的 测量青年女性在看电视和看书时的能量消耗.方法 通过问卷调查、常规体验、血常规、肝功能、甲状腺激素的测定结果挑选出青年女性30名,利用意大利产的心肺功能测试仪k4b2对学员的看书和看电视时能量消耗进行测定,并对其基础代谢率和静息代谢率进行测定.结果 看书时的能量消耗为(226.35±56.07)kJ/h,心率为(69±5)次/min,看电视能量消耗为(220.79±65.69)kJ/h,心率为(68±5)次/min;基础代谢率为(178.53±53.51)kJ/h,心率为(62±6)次/min,静息代谢率为(214.76±44.56)kJ/h,心率为(65±6)次/min.结论 看书的能量消耗要大于看电视的,但看书和看电视能量消耗差别较少,对于青年女性来讲,两者接近于静息代谢的能量消耗,它们均属于极轻体力活动.  相似文献   

目的:了解孕妇孕期体力活动的基本状况,即孕期体力活动时间和能量消耗的分布和现状;探索定量衡量孕妇体力活动量和监测孕妇体力活动的可行方法,并在中国孕妇中对体力活动量表做效度研究。方法:采用源自丹麦的自填式体力活动量表和欧姆龙HJ-005型记步器来衡量孕妇孕期体力活动量和监测体力活动;将记步器作为标准,比较其与体力活动量表测量结果的相关性。结果:孕妇每天绝大部分时间和能量消耗都花费在睡眠和静坐型体力活动上,并且有超过五分之一数量的孕妇每天没有任何中度以上体力活动;记步器与体力活动量表的相关系数为0·30,P值<0·01。结论:孕妇的能量消耗以静息型活动为主;以记步器作为标准,本研究所应用的体力活动量表的效度是可以接受的;记步器作为一种方便廉价的体力监测工具,是有效且易为接受的。  相似文献   

面对肥胖,目前通常的解决办法是控制饮食量和增加运动量,使身体的脂肪逐渐被消耗掉。但有些人增加了运动,可他们减肥却仍然以失败告终,这是为什么呢?分析起来大致有这样三大原因,那就是运动项目选择不当、三天打鱼两天晒网和不良生活方式的干扰。 运动项目选择不当 肥胖者可以选择骑自行车游泳、散步、跳舞、慢跑、上下楼梯、爬坡、球类、体操或跳绳等运动项目,这些运动可以锻炼体力和耐久力,  相似文献   

目的 了解儿童青少年身体活动能量消耗特点及肥胖和体重正常儿童青少年能量代谢的差异,为制定合理运动指导方案提供科学依据.方法 使用Cortex便携式气体代谢仪,对从北京市某九年一贯制学校抽取的61名7~ 14岁儿童静息、写作业、慢走、慢跑进行能量消耗测定,根据性别和是否肥胖分为4组进行测试结果比较.结果 7 ~14岁体重正常男生、体重正常女生、肥胖男生和肥胖女生的静息能量消耗分别为(1.29±0.22),(1.23±0.14),(1.56±0.32),(1.26±0.24)kcal/min(1 kcal=4.18 kJ),肥胖男生高于体重正常男生和肥胖女生(P<0.05).肥胖男生写作业、慢走和慢跑的能量消耗均高于体重正常男生,肥胖和体重正常女生差异均无统计学意义.结论 肥胖和体重正常儿童青少年身体活动能量消耗存在差异.肥胖干预工作应注重减轻课业负担,鼓励儿童多进行慢跑等能量消耗较高的运动.  相似文献   

目的测量青年男性在看电视和看书时的能量消耗。方法通过问卷调查、常规体验、血常规、肝功能、甲状腺激素的测定结果挑选出青年男性26名,利用意大利产的心肺功能测试仪K4b2对学员的看书和看电视时能量消耗进行测定,并对其基础代谢率和静息代谢率进行测定。结果看书时的能量消耗为301.62±65.48kJ/h,心率为68±9bmp;看电视为292.96±52.22kJ/h,心率为64±8bmp;基础代谢率为227.19±46.90kJ/h,心率为57±7bmp,静息代谢率为247.15±56.11kJ/h,心率为64±8bpm。结论看书的能量消耗要大于看电视的,但看书和看电视能量消耗差别较小,它们均属于极轻体力活动。  相似文献   

首选较安全的项目 周期性项目 步行是最容易做到的活动,能每日坚持慢中速的六千步(约4~5公里,用时1~1.5小时)则效果明显。还有其他类别的健身走(快走、拄杖走)、慢跑、快走慢跑交替;中慢速自行车、慢速游泳等项目。  相似文献   

This study evaluated physical activity in a probabilistic sample of 4,331 individuals 12 years of age and older residing in the city of Rio de Janeiro, who participated in a household survey in 1996. Occupation and leisure activity were grouped according to categories of energy expenditure. The study also evaluated number of hours watching TV, using the computer, or playing video-games. Only 3.6% of males and 0.3% of females reported heavy occupational work. A full 59.8% of males and 77.8% of females reported never performing recreational physical activity, and there was an increase in this prevalence with age, especially for men. Women's leisure activities involved less energy expenditure and had a lower median duration than those of men. Mean daily TV/video/computer time was greater for women than for men. The greater the level of schooling, the higher the frequency of physical activity for both sexes. Analyzed jointly, these data show the low energy expenditure through physical activity by the population of the city of Rio de Janeiro. Women, the middle-aged, the elderly, and low-income individuals were at greatest risk of not performing recreational physical activity.  相似文献   

Abstract The purpose of this study was to determine the physical activity participation patterns of college students when defined by their Health Locus of Control orientation. One thousand thirty-three college-aged students completed the Wellness Activity Profile, a questionnaire that yielded data on Health Locus of Control and self-reported frequency of participation in physical activities. Discriminant analyses indicated that the combination of physical activities associated with internally and externally oriented students were different for both males and females. Participation in high caloric expenditure activities was more frequent among internal subjects (Male: bicycling, volleyball, other individual sports, and snorkel/scuba diving; Female: basketball, weight training, tennis, fast walking/jogging/running, and judo/karate), while low caloric expenditure activities were associated with an external orientation (Male: baseball/softball, sailing, fishing, golf, and other recreational sports; Female: track and field jumping and fishing).  相似文献   

Several studies have found significant relationships between environmental characteristics (e.g., number of destinations, aesthetics) and physical activity. While a few of these studies verified that the physical activities assessed were performed in the environments examined, none have done this in an urban, neighborhood setting. This information will help efforts to inform policy decisions regarding the design of more “physically active” communities. Fourteen environmental characteristics of 60, 305-m-long segments, located in an urban, residential setting, were directly measured using standardized procedures. The number of individuals walking, jogging, and biking in the segments was assessed using an observation technique. The segments were heterogeneous with regards to several of the environmental characteristics. A total of 473 individuals were seen walking, bicycling, or jogging in the segments during 3,600 min of observation (60 min/segment). Of the 473 seen, 315 were walking, 116 bicycling, and 42 jogging. A greater number of individuals were seen walking in segments with more traffic, sidewalk defects, graffiti, and litter and less desirable property aesthetics. Only one environmental characteristic was associated with bicycling and none were significantly related with jogging. This study provides further evidence that environmental characteristics and walking are related. It also adds new information regarding the importance of scale (e.g., micro, macro) and how some environmental characteristics of urban, residential sidewalks and streets relate to physical activity. Suminski and Hyder are with the Department of Physiology, Kansas City University of Medicine and Biosciences, Kansas, MO, USA; Heinrich is with the Department of Public Health Sciences, John A. Burns School of Medicine, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, HI, USA; Poston is with the Department of Basic Medical Sciences, University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Medicine, Kansas, MO, USA; Pyle is with the Department of Family Medicine, Kansas City University of Medicine and Biosciences, Kansas, MO, USA.  相似文献   

This study examined the reliability of the block walk method (BWM) for observing physical activity on suburban sidewalks/streets. Trained observers simultaneously walked 40 sidewalk/street segments each 1525 m in length at a pace of 30.5 m/min while recording the number of individuals walking/bicycling/jogging and the address where the activity occurred. An activity was observed at 2.9% of the 1020 addresses walked passed. In all 41 individuals were seen walking, 4 jogging, and 3 bicycling during 400 observation minutes. Agreements were 80%, 90%, and 86.7% for address, activity type, and number of individuals. The BWM is reliable for assessing activity on suburban sidewalks/streets.  相似文献   

目的本研究使用加速度计对儿童的日常体力活动进行评估,建立北京市5~6岁儿童不同体力活动强度的分界值。方法在北京市幼儿园及小学选取5~6岁儿童60名(男30名,女30名)。受试儿童依次完成看动画、慢走、快走、跑步以及自由活动等项目,使用Actigraph GT9X加速度计以及Polar H6心率带记录儿童测试过程中的加速度值以及心率,通过ROC曲线对分界值进行校准,并使用儿童活动评级量表(CARS)对自由活动进行编码,对结果进行验证。结果1)共60名受试儿童参加测试,最终得到56例有效数据。平均年龄为(6.1±0.6)岁,BMI的中位数(四分位数)为15.2(14.4,16.0)kg/m2。2)体力活动静态、轻、中、剧烈强度分界值分别为0~116、117~780、781~1 005和≥1 006次/15s;3)使用ROC曲线分析在强度水平的灵敏度分别为100.0%、85.4%、和98.2%,特异度分别为100.0%、86.5%和98.0%;4)与CARS观察法的编码结果进行一致性检验,κ值=0.71。结论本研究建立的5~6岁儿童体力活动强度加速度分界值,操作简单易行,为5~6岁儿童的日常体力活动进行检测和评估提供了一种新的手段。  相似文献   

Few studies have evaluated the reliability of a self-administered current and historical physical activity questionnaire (PAQ) among middle-aged and elderly women. We evaluated the reliability of a self-administered PAQ designed to assess total (24 h) current and historical physical activity at age 15, 30, and 50 years, which was completed by a subgroup of 303 women aged 56-75 years from the Swedish Mammography Cohort (SMC). Total physical activity covered occupational and household activity as well as walking/bicycling, exercise, and inactivity (sitting watching TV/reading). Reliabilities (1-year test-retest) of continuous activity measures in metabolic equivalents were evaluated using an intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC); classification consistency was evaluated using sensitivity and specificity statistics. The ICC for total current physical activity was 0.69; for specific types of activities the ICC ranged from 0.49 to 0.59; for historical physical activity, the reliabilities for total activity ranged from 0.75 for age 50 to 0.81 for age 30 years, being substantial for occupational activities (ICC = 0.73-0.75), and fair to moderate for inactivity (ICC = 0.31-0.60). These data indicate that the PAQ used in the SMC is a satisfactory and reproducible measure of current and historical physical activity, for total as well as for different types of activities.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: Describing the distribution of physical activity in populations is of major importance for developing public health campaigns to prevent sedentarism. METHODS: A population-based survey conducted during 1997-1999 in Geneva, Switzerland, included 3410 randomly selected men (n = 1707) and women (n = 1703), aged 35 to 74 years. Percentiles P10, P50, and P90 summarised the distributions of the total energy expenditure and of the percents used in moderate intensity activities (3 to 3.9 times the basal metabolism rate (BMR), e.g., normal walking, household chores), and in high and very high intensity activities (> or = 4 BMR, e.g., brisk walking, sports). RESULTS: The total energy expenditure (median 2929 kcal/day in men, 2212 kcal/day in women) decreased with age. Prevalence of sedentarism, defined as less than 10% of total energy expended in > or = 4 BMR activities, was 57% in men and 70% in women. Men expended 12% (median) of their total energy in 3 to 3.9 BMR and 8% in > or = 4 BMR activities. Corresponding percentages in women were 11% and 5%. The highest prevalence of sedentarism was in older age, women, and lower socio-economic status persons. CONCLUSION: Most of Geneva population is sedentary. Promoting physical activity should target children, adults and elderly, and physical activities which would be both attractive and financially affordable by most people.  相似文献   

北京市小学生身体活动与家庭经济地位的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 分析在校小学生身体活动模式,以及社会经济地位(SES)与身体活动的关系.方法 选择北京市海淀区8所小学2~5年级学生共1502人,使用"7天回顾性身体活动问卷",了解儿童日常身体活动状况.结果 广播体操/伸展运动、跑步、游戏、走队列等活动是小学生常见的校内活动,比例分别为94.13%、85.55%、77.26%、71.32%;劳动、游戏、跑步、散步等活动是常见的校外活动,比例分别为72.14%、69.70%、65.05%、64.64%;而小学生中参加球类运动的较少.与SES低的学生相比,SES高的学生在校内参加舞蹈、上下楼梯的比例较高,踢毽子、跳绳的比例较低,而在校外参加滑雪/滑冰/轮滑、上下楼梯、游泳的比例较高,散步、跳绳、踢毽子、跳皮筋的比例较低(P<0.05).结论 中国小学生身体活动既存在数量性不足,也存在结构性不足(即趣味性强的运动普及程度低).除年龄、性别外,家庭SES也是影响小学生参加身体活动的重要因素.  相似文献   

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