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猕猴白内障晶体上皮细胞超微结构研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Qi M  Huang X  Wu Y  Li Z  Chen L  Chen X  Fan C  Zhou J 《中华眼科杂志》1998,34(5):358-360,I024
目的 探讨猕猴白内障晶体上皮细胞的超微结构,为将猕猴白内障作为人类白内障理想的动物模型提供病理学研究资料。方法 采用透射电镜对猕猴正常眼和猕猴白内障眼的晶体上皮细胞超微结构进行观察。结果 猕猴白内障眼晶体上皮细胞发生明显的变化:线粒体肿胀、空化、嵴消失,甚至形成凹空细胞;细胞水肿,细胞质溶解,甚至细胞崩解破坏;细胞核固缩、畸形,核膜间隙与核孙消失,核内异染色质浓集、周边化。结论 猕猴白内障上皮细胞  相似文献   

猕猴眼内人工晶状体植入手术体会   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 使用猕猴进行人工晶状体植入手术,寻求理想的动物模型。方法 15只猕猴30眼,施行现代白内障囊外摘出联合后房型人工晶状体植入术。结果 猕猴眼手术与人眼手术相近。结论 猕猴为眼科最理想的实验动物模型。  相似文献   

目的 研究灵长类动物眼外肌周围结缔组织形态特点,分析探讨眼外肌Pulley对眼球运动及高级视功能的作用.方法 分离成年猕猴眼眶;取新鲜内直肌与下直肌间结缔组织行电镜观察;完整眼眶行全眶冠状连续切片.以Masson、Weigert染色分别进行胶原、弹性纤维染色,以抗体标记平滑肌.结果 猕猴直肌眶层纤维与周围结缔组织相互移行.在赤道部稍后方,主要以胶原纤维组成的结缔组织包绕,连接眼外肌,弹性纤维、平滑肌散在其中.内直肌及其与下直肌间的结缔组织最发达;平滑肌与弹性纤维呈明显的带状分布.结论 猕猴眼外肌周围结缔组织的分布特征提示眼外肌Pulley对眼球运动具有重要作用.这一结构与人类同名结构的高度相似性,提示猕猴可以作为研究眼外肌Pulley的实验动物.  相似文献   

王桂琴  宋鲁平  袁佳琴  顾汉卿 《眼科》2000,9(3):177-179
目的:判断眼组织是否具有合成TNF-α和IL-2的功能。方法:3只猕猴6只眼,实验使用原位杂效和免疫组化方法。结果:正常猕猴眼组织存在TNF-α和IL-2mRNA的阳性表达,同时眼组织具有IL-2Rα蛋白表达。结论:正常眼组织具有自分泌TNF-α和IL-2细胞因子的功能。  相似文献   

104只老年性白内障眼生物结构参数的超声测量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
牛建军  孙时英 《眼科研究》1998,16(4):291-291
使用美国Storz公司眼科专用A/B超超声诊断系统对90人(104眼)老年性白内障的生物结构参数即眼轴长度、前房深度、晶状体厚度、玻璃体长度进行了测量,现报告如下。1对象与方法1.1对象:我院1995~1996年准备手术的老年性白内障患者,白内障程度...  相似文献   

氟-肝素表面修饰的人工晶状体植入猕猴眼内的实验研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Wang G  Yuan J  Gu H  Sun H  Xu Y  Huang X  Qi M  Li Z  Zhou J  Fan C  Chen X 《中华眼科杂志》2000,36(2):112-115
目的 评价经氟-肝素表面修饰的人工晶状体(intraocular lens,IOL)在猕猴眼内的生物相容性。方法 将13只猕猴(26只眼)随机分为3组,分别植入经不同表面修饰及未经修饰的IOL。于术后第15、30、60、90、180天行裂隙灯、检眼镜及眼压检查,并进行前房穿刺,做房水细胞计数。结果 氟-肝素表面修饰的IOL在猕猴眼内引起的炎症反应程度较未做表面修饰的IOL轻;后囊混浊程度较其它IO  相似文献   

正常眼和老年性白内障晶状体中抗氧化酶活性的测定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朱煌  许绍辉 《眼科研究》1994,12(4):230-232
采集了较大量的正常眼和老年性白内障眼的晶状体,根据氧自由基生物学和脂质过氧化学说进行研究,发现同正常晶状体眼相比,老年性白内障眼的晶状体中超氧化物歧化酶、谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶和过氧化氢酶活性均非常显著下降,而丙二醛含量则升高非常显著,结果提示氧自由基和脂质过氧化可能是导致老年性白内障形成的直接原因之一。  相似文献   

目的 了解正常眼轴白内障人群眼球生物测量值分布及相关性.方法 回顾性分析研究.于2013~2015年在苏州大学第一附属医院眼科1839例(2129只眼),22 mm≤眼轴<26 mm的白内障患者的IOLMaster测量数据.结果 患者眼轴、前房深度、角膜曲率和角膜散光分别为(23.570.89) mm、(3.03±0.40) mm,(44.251.50)D和(0.960.65)D.男性患者眼轴、前房深度和角膜曲率半径大于女性(P<0.001).0.5 D<角膜散光≤1.0 D有779只眼(36.59%),角膜散光≥1.0 D有807只眼 (37.91%),角膜散光≥2.0 D有142只眼(6.67%).逆规散光有1017只眼(47.77%),顺规散光有708只眼(33.26%).角膜散光与年龄差异有统计学意义(r =0.18,P<0.001).随着年龄的增长,逆规散光所占比例逐渐增大.年龄和前房深度差异有统计学意义(r =-0.39,P<0.001),每10年前房深度变浅0.17 mm.眼轴与前房深度具有明显的直线关系差异有统计学意义(r=0.42,P<0.001);与角膜曲率差异有统计学意义(r=-0.49,P<0.001).结论 在正常眼轴白内障人群中,约3/5(62.09%)的眼散光≤1.0 D.角膜散光随着年龄的增长而增加,类型由顺规向逆规转变.前房深度随着年龄增长逐渐变浅;长眼轴伴随较深的前房深度和较平的角膜曲率.眼轴、前房深度和角膜曲率表现出性别差异.  相似文献   

用组织粘合剂代替缝线,封闭白内障切口,迄今罕见报道。我院近期开展了这项手术,报道如下,供同道参考与指正。临床资料一、对象:本组共15例17眼,于施行白内障摘出手术时,用组织粘合剂封闭角膜切口。男性7例,女性8例,年龄5至76岁。包括外伤性白内障3眼、先天性白内障2眼、青年性白内障2眼、老年性白内障10眼。除老年性白内障行瓣状摘出术外,其余类型的白内障均行小切口的线状摘出术或针吸术。对照组:随机抽取15例15眼,非用粘合剂之常  相似文献   

目的:观察正常青少年恒河猴麻醉状态下视觉电生理活动的特点,为建立各种疾病的恒河猴动物模型提供更为有效的检查手段和临床参考。 方法:健康36~48月龄恒河猴16只32眼;氯胺酮肌注全麻下应用德国ROLAND CONSULT 公司生产的视觉电生理仪进行f-ERG检测,并分别记录各刺激强度下的检测值;相同方法检测人类正常青少年的f-ERG数据;对以上数据进行分析处理,并将两组数据值进行比较和统计学分析。 结果: f-ERG检测结果显示恒河猴与同龄人类相比较,暗适应状态下不同刺激强度及刺激方式作用下ERG波形的潜伏期均有所缩短,振幅亦有所减小;明适应状态下b波振幅则和人类无显著性差异。 结论:本研究提供了正常恒河猴f-ERG的最佳刺激条件及正常参考值范围。综合分析可知暗适应状态下恒河猴的视网膜电反应弱于正常人类,而明适应状态下电反应活动则与人类无显著性差异。提示我们在对是恒河猴各种眼部疾病动物模型进行以上检测时要更加谨慎的对待恒河猴视网膜电流图正常参考值范围等问题。  相似文献   

Purpose: Our aim was to answer three questions 1) Do adult rhesus monkeys have binocular luminance interactions (BLIs) similar to those found in adult humans? 2) Is BLI in very young rhesus monkeys functionally mature? 3) If not, how does it change with age? Methods: We recorded visually evoked potentials (VEPs) in response to sinusoidally modulated uniform fields. The fields were presented dichoptically by varying the relative temporal phase between the two eyes. Monkeys varied in age from 5.6 weeks to 5.25 years. Results: VEPs were Fourier analyzed and the relative second harmonic amplitudes were taken as the response measure. The second harmonic amplitudes in adult monkeys had an asymmetrical ‘V-shaped’ function as interocular phase difference (IPD) varied from 0° to 180°, as had been observed previously in adult humans [1]. The youngest monkeys exhibited a symmetrical pattern which became more asymmetrical at older ages and was adult like by about 19 wee ks. Asymmetry magnitude and log age correlated 0.97 (p < 0.05) in the monkeys younger than 19 weeks. Conclusions: The adult rhesus data are consistent with a model derived from humans which involves two types binocular luminance processing. One combines monocular responses nonlinearly (MNL) and a second combines monocular responses linearly followed by a binocular nonlinearity (MLBNL). These two processes have been associated with the parvocellular (P-) and magnocellular (M-) streams. Within this framework, the data from the youngest monkeys indicate that BLI in the P-stream is relatively less mature at birth than that in the M-stream and develops reaching functional maturity on these measures by around 19 weeks.  相似文献   

Objectives: This study aims to compare retinal vessel anatomy of normal rhesus monkeys and humans and to provide a basis from a structural perspective for the use of rhesus monkey as an experimental model in future studies of retinal vessels. Methods: The retinas of six normal rhesus monkey eyes and eight human eyecups following corneal transplantation were obtained and stained using adenosine diphosphatase methods. The distributions, orders, layers of the retinal vessels and the perifoveal vascular ring were compared. Results: With adenosine diphosphatase staining, distinct retinal vessels were fully discernable from the first order surrounding the optic disc to the fifth order. There were no statistically significant differences between rhesus monkeys and humans in the percentages of vessels surrounding the optic disc at the equator and the peripheral region. Vascular networks in both species were arranged in several layers around the optic disc, two anastomotic layers at the equator and one sparse layer peripherally. Capillaries at the macular area were quite dense and an intact perifoveal vascular ring was observed. No differences were observed between rhesus monkeys and humans in the percentage area of the vessels and the area, perimeter and diameter of the perifoveal vascular ring. Conclusions: The distributions, orders, layers and the perifoveal vascular ring of the retinal vessels of rhesus monkey are quite similar to those of humans. The data suggest that from an anatomical perspective, the rhesus monkey is a good animal model for the study of human retinal vessels, particularly the macular capillaries.  相似文献   

目的 探讨非人灵长类动物猕猴眼球的超微组织结构,为研究提供参考。方法 3只猕猴6只眼,透射电镜下观察。结果 猕猴眼角膜分上皮细胞层、前弹力层、基质层、后弹力层和内皮层。虹膜组织由前后色素上皮层和基质层组成。睫状体由无色素上皮层、色素上皮层以及基质组成。视网膜组织分为外层的色素上皮层和由9层所组成内层的神经感觉视网膜。猕猴眼球的超微组织结构与人类基本相同。结论猕猴为最理想的实验动物。  相似文献   

This study evaluates aqueous humor dynamics in rhesus monkeys from the University of Florida inbred colony with ocular normotension and naturally occurring ocular hypertension. Eight monkeys with untreated intraocular pressures (IOPs) of less than 18 mmHg in one eye (ONT group) and seven with untreated IOPs of greater than or equal to 18 mmHg in one eye (OHT group) were included in the study. Assessments included central cornea thickness by ultrasound pachymetry, IOP by tonometry, aqueous flow and outflow facility by fluorophotometry, and uveoscleral outflow by mathematical calculation. Animals were sedated with ketamine for all measurements. Values from the two eyes of each animal were averaged, with the exception of one animal that had only one good eye. Comparisons between groups were made by Student’s two-tailed unpaired t-tests. Compared to the ONT group, the OHT group had higher IOPs at all times measured (4:00 PM the day before the study, 21.2 ± 6.5 versus 14.4 ± 1.5 mmHg, p = 0.01; 9:00 AM the day of the study, 20.7 ± 6.6 versus 14.8 ± 1.2 mmHg, p = 0.03; 11:00 AM the day of the study, 16.0 ± 1.6 versus 13.3 ± 2.9 mmHg, p = 0.05) and lower aqueous flow (2.12 ± 0.40 versus 4.54 ± 1.11 μl/min, p = 0.0001), outflow facility (0.17 ± 0.10 versus 0.33 ± 0.07 μl/min/mmHg, p = 0.01) and uveoscleral outflow (p < 0.05). The elevated IOP in inbred Florida rhesus monkeys is a result of significantly reduced outflow facility and uveoscleral outflow. These animals also have slower aqueous flow than the ONT animals which does not contribute to the higher IOP.  相似文献   

Experiments were undertaken to understand the relationship between dynamic accommodative refractive and biometric (lens thickness (LT), anterior chamber depth (ACD) and anterior segment length (ASL=ACD+LT)) changes during Edinger-Westphal stimulated accommodation in rhesus monkeys. Experiments were conducted on three rhesus monkeys (aged 11.5, 4.75 and 4.75 years) which had undergone prior, bilateral, complete iridectomies and implantation of a stimulating electrode in the Edinger-Westphal (EW) nucleus. Accommodative refractive responses were first measured dynamically with video-based infrared photorefraction and then ocular biometric responses were measured dynamically with continuous ultrasound biometry (CUB) during EW stimulation. The same stimulus amplitudes were used for the refractive and biometric measurements to allow them to be compared. Main sequence relationships (ratio of peak velocity to amplitude) were calculated. Dynamic accommodative refractive changes are linearly correlated with the biometric changes and accommodative biometric changes in ACD, ASL and LT show systematic linear correlations with increasing accommodative amplitudes. The relationships are relatively similar for the eyes of the different monkeys. Dynamic analysis showed that main sequence relationships for both biometry and refraction are linear. Although accommodative refractive changes in the eye occur primarily due to changes in lens surface curvature, the refractive changes are well correlated with A-scan measured accommodative biometric changes. Accommodative changes in ACD, LT and ASL are all well correlated over the full extent of the accommodative response.  相似文献   

The ophthalmoscopic investigation of 162 seminatural, free-breeding rhesus monkeys is reported. The age (ranging from 1 month to 21 years), the maternal lineage and sibling relationships of these monkeys were known. Age-related changes in the fundus appearance, macula, retinal vessels, remnants of the hyaloid arteriole and choroidal patterns are described. Two major fundus pathologies were observed: a macular pigmentary anomaly and paramacular drusen-like lesions. These appeared separately or in combination, unior bilaterally. Less frequent pigmentary anomalies were observed outside the macula. The macular pigmentary anomalies and drusen-like lesions affect both sexes (male: 44%; female: 56%). Both pathologies were observed in fairly severe form in very young animals (1 to 3 years), but the frequency increases with age. In the old adult group (16–21 years) one or both eyes of 83% of the animals were affected. Since the same pathology with a some-what lower frequency was also found in a genetically unrelated group of (12+-year-old) monkeys living in cages in a completely different environment, and in a genetically-related group living on a different diet, environmental and nutritional causes in etiology were excluded. The hereditary nature of the disease is highly probable, but the mode of inheritance could not be determined from the data available. The fundus pathology described resembles in many respects some human hereditary retinal degenerations, and therefore it is hoped that further studies of this disease will shed some light on the etiology and pathophysiology of pigmentary and drusen-like disorders in humans.  相似文献   



方法:选取12只2月龄恒河猴,行右眼PRK,矫正度数为-4.0D,制作单眼远视离焦近视动物模型。幼猴体质量和性别均衡配对后分为两组:人工照明组(AL组,n=6)和自然光组(NL组,n=6)。两组幼猴饲养于同一人工照明条件室内饲养环境,NL组幼猴每天9:00~11:00和15:00~17:00于室外随单笼接受自然光照射。PRK术后裂隙灯检查比较两组PRK眼角膜愈合及haze形成情况; PRK术后50d,每组各取4只幼猴双眼泪液,采用蛋白质芯片法检测泪液11种细胞因子含量。PRK术后180d取角膜组织,分别行病理组织学检查组织结构变化; 免疫组织化学法检测TGF-β1和α-SMA表达; TUNEL法检测细胞凋亡以及采用羟胺法和硫代巴比妥酸法分别测定角膜上皮细胞SOD和MDA含量。

结果:PRK术后NL组PRK眼出现一过性haze,术后40d两组haze分级评估有差异(P=0.015)。PRK术后50d,两组PRK眼泪液EGF和TGF-β1含量均有差异(P=0.045、0.038),两组间对侧眼均无差异(P>0.05); 且AL组、NL组组内泪液TGF-β1水平有差异(P=0.003、0.036)。术后180d,两组双眼角膜组织形态学一致; 角膜组织内各层偶见细胞凋亡染色,且无明显TGF-β1和α-SMA表达; 两组PRK眼和对侧眼角膜上皮细胞SOD活力和MDA含量均无差异(P>0.05)。

结论:自然光照射量可加剧幼猴PRK术后角膜组织修复反应,但远期未对角膜组织造成不可逆病理组织学改变,对正常的幼猴角膜组织无明显光损伤作用。  相似文献   

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