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The International Conference on Harmonization, Topic S7A guidance (ICH S7A) on safety pharmacology for human pharmaceuticals has been in effect for 3 years in Europe, the United States and Japan. Surveys of the pharmaceutical industry, regulatory agencies and the audience attending the 4th Annual Meeting of the Safety Pharmacology Society have helped identify and address areas of controversy, as well as those challenges that have emerged since implementation of the guidance worldwide. Overall, ICH S7A has been successfully implemented. The guidance provides for "Good Laboratory Practice" compliant "safety pharmacology core battery" of studies that are generally performed prior to first administration to humans. The approach is science-driven and specifies the use of robust and sophisticated in vitro and/or in vivo assays. There are, however, some areas that require further refinement/clarification such as the specifics of study design including the selection of dose/concentration, choice of species, modeling of the temporal pharmacodynamic changes in relation to pharmacokinetic profile of parent drug and major metabolites, use of an appropriate sample size, statistical power analysis as a means of demonstrating the sensitivity of the model system, testing of human-specific metabolites and demonstrating not only the model's sensitivity, but also its specificity for predicting adverse events in humans. There was also discussion of when these studies are needed in relation to the clinical development plan. Representatives from the pharmaceutical industry and regulatory agencies see the implementation of ICH S7A as a major step forward towards identifying the risk to Phase 1 and 2 volunteers and patients. It remains to be seen, however, whether and in what ways the ICH S7A-based strategy will contribute to the modification of the integrated risk assessment during the latter stages of clinical development or once drugs have been introduced to the marketplace.  相似文献   

The International Committee for Harmonization (ICH) has issued guidelines (ICH S7A and ICH S7B) for the conduct of safety pharmacology evaluations, which have been accepted in Europe, the United States, and Japan. The present report provides a critical analysis of these guidelines, in particular concerning their implications for studies of the three vital systems: central nervous system (CNS), cardiovascular (CV), and respiratory. The authors suggest that the recommendations should be more specific, and point to the usefulness of particular procedures, for example the evaluation of the convulsive and pain thresholds in CNS and the use of anesthetized dog preparations and physiopathological models in CV and respiratory, for providing a more comprehensive assessment of risk. Further comments are addressed to the timing of safety pharmacology studies, ethical and animal welfare issues, and statistical evaluation. Drug Dev Res 64:83–89, 2005. © 2005 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Nonclinical assessment of potential of QT interval prolongation caused by non-antiarrhythmic drugs has been an issue for drug development because QT interval prolongation increases the risk of ventricular tachyarrhythmia, including torsade de pointes when combined with other risk factors. However, there is no scientific consensus on approaches and no international consensus on regulatory recommendations. This guideline is being developed to provide the general nonclinical testing strategy for evaluating the potential risk of QT prolongation and presents some major principles for in vitro and in vivo electrophysiology studies. The basis of this guideline is the integrated risk assessment that provides overall evaluations based on nonclinical study results and chemical/pharmacological class information to predict the potential of a test substance to prolong QT interval in humans (i.e., evidence of risk) and that contributes clinical study design and interpretation of clinical results. Safety margins are also components of integrated risk assessment. Since this guideline addresses a field of research that is in a state of rapid evolution, the proposed concept for evidence of risk and safety margins needs to be further refined based on the data being collected by international initiatives. In this article, the draft S7B guideline is outlined.  相似文献   

Safety assessment of biopharmaceuticals in preclinical studies is guided by the ICH S6 guideline issued in 1997. Along with enormous experiences and knowledge on safety assessment of some classes of biopharmaceuticals over the last decade, the necessity and feasibility of updating the guideline has been discussed. According to a recommendation by safety experts at the ICH meeting in Chicago in 2006, regional discussions of ICH S6 were held in the USA, EU and Japan. The meeting to clarify the values, challenges and recommendations for ICH S6 from Japanese perspective was held as a part of the first Drug Evaluation Forum in Tokyo on August 10, 2007. Of utmost importance, the "case-by-case" approach must be preserved as the basic principle of the ICH S6 guideline. It is our opinion that oligonucleotides, siRNA, aptamers and related molecules should be excluded from ICH S6 and may be more appropriate for separate guidance. However, based on experiences and accumulated knowledge, there are a number of issues that can be updated including new types of biopharmaceuticals such as bioconjugates, use of homologous proteins and transgenic animals, reproductive/developmental toxicity studies in non-human primates, in vitro cardiac ion channel assay and alternative approaches for carcinogenicity assessment. Preliminary recommendations for some of these topics were outlined at the meeting. The overall Japanese recommendation is that the ICH S6 guideline should be updated to address these topics.  相似文献   

Safety pharmacology studies are defined as the studies that investigate the potential undesirable pharmacodynamic effects of a substance on physiological functions in relation to exposure. In consequence, these studies are an integral part of the non-clinical safety assessment of new pharmaceuticals, in association with toxicological studies. A retrospective shows the evolution of the discipline in these last years. Safety pharmacology studies are of special interest, and some drawbacks and pitfalls must be considered (i.e. invasive methods, difficulties related to GLP (good laboratory practices) requirements, choice of a strategy). In the future, some priority should be given to education, promotion of scientific activities, reinforcement of the links between pharmacologists and toxicologists and implementation of relevant guidelines.  相似文献   

The International Conference on Harmonisation (ICH) stems from the initiative of three major world partners (Japan, USA, European Community) who composed a mutually accepted body of regulations concerning the safety, quality and efficacy requirements that new medicines have to meet in order to receive market approval. Documents on non-clinical safety pharmacology already composed by this organisation include two guidelines: the S7A adopted in 2000 and, its companion, the S7B guideline, in a draft form since 2001. The S7A guideline deals with general principles and recommendations on safety pharmacology studies designed to protect healthy volunteers and patients from potential drug-induced adverse reactions. The S7B recommends a general non-clinical testing strategy for determining the propensity of non-cardiovascular pharmaceuticals to delay ventricular repolarisation, an effect that at times progresses into life-threatening ventricular arrhythmia. In the most recent version of this document (June 2004), the strategy proposes experimental assays and a critical examination of other pertinent information for applying an ‘evidence of risk’ label to a compound. Regrettably, the guideline fails to deal satisfactorily with a number of crucial issues such as scoring the evidence of risk and the clinical consequences of such scoring. However, in the latter case, the S7B relies on the new ICH guideline E14 which is currently in preparation. E14 is the clinical counterpart of the S7B guideline which states that non-clinical data are a poor predictor of drug-induced repolarisation delay in humans. The present contribution summarises and assesses salient aspects of the S7A guideline as its founding principles are also applicable to the S7B guideline. The differences in strategies proposed by the various existing drafts of the latter document are critically examined together with some unresolved, crucial problems. The need for extending the objective of the S7B document to characterise the full electrophysiological profile of new pharmaceuticals is argued as this approach would more extensively assess the non-clinical cardiac safety of a drug. Finally, in order to overcome present difficulties in arriving at the definitive version of the S7B guideline, the Expert Working Group could reflect on the introduction of the S7B guideline recommendations in the S7A document, as originally intended, or on postponing the adoption of an harmonised text until the availability of novel scientific data allows solving presently conten-tious aspects of this and the E14 guide-lines.  相似文献   

The International Conference on Harmonization (ICH) stems from the initiative of three major world partners (Japan, USA, European Community) who composed a mutually accepted body of regulations concerning the safety, quality and efficacy requirements that new medicines have to meet in order to receive market approval. Documents on non-clinical safety pharmacology already composed by this organisation include two guidelines: the S7A adopted in 2000 and, its companion, the S7B guideline, in a draft form since 2001. The S7A guideline deals with general principles and recommendations on safety pharmacology studies designed to protect healthy volunteers and patients from potential drug-induced adverse reactions. The S7B recommends a general non-clinical testing strategy for determining the propensity of non-cardiovascular pharmaceuticals to delay ventricular repolarisation, an effect that at times progresses into life-threatening ventricular arrhythmia. In the most recent version of this document (June 2004), the strategy proposes experimental assays and a critical examination of other pertinent information for applying an 'evidence of risk' label to a compound. Regrettably, the guideline fails to deal satisfactorily with a number of crucial issues such as scoring the evidence of risk and the clinical consequences of such scoring. However, in the latter case, the S7B relies on the new ICH guideline E14 which is currently in preparation. E14 is the clinical counterpart of the S7B guideline which states that non-clinical data are a poor predictor of drug-induced repolarisation delay in humans. The present contribution summarises and assesses salient aspects of the S7A guideline as its founding principles are also applicable to the S7B guideline. The differences in strategies proposed by the various existing drafts of the latter document are critically examined together with some unresolved, crucial problems. The need for extending the objective of the S7B document to characterise the full electrophysiological profile of new pharmaceuticals is argued as this approach would more extensively assess the non-clinical cardiac safety of a drug. Finally, in order to overcome present difficulties in arriving at the definitive version of the S7B guideline, the Expert Working Group could reflect on the introduction of the S7B guideline recommendations in the S7A document, as originally intended, or on postponing the adoption of an harmonized text until the availability of novel scientific data allows solving presently contentious aspects of this and the E14 guidelines.  相似文献   

Introduction: The 13th Annual Meeting of the Safety Pharmacology (SP) Society discussed novel therapeutic areas, recent regulatory developments, emerging biology technologies and non-pharmaceutical dairy products that may need SP evaluations for ensuring their human safety.

Areas covered: The meeting honored Willem Einthoven, the father of electrocardiography. The Comprehensive in vitro Proarrhythmia Assay (CiPA) is an under-discussion proposal for replacing the International Conference on Hamonization (ICH) S7B guideline strategy. Drugs targeting epigenetic mechanisms (e.g., histone deacetylase inhibitors) have the potential to produce proarrhythmic safety liabilities by dysregulating the synthesis of cardiac ion channel proteins as well as the intracellular machinery, moving them to sarcolemmal residence. Novel frontiers of regulatory SP investigations are functional food and probiotic (microorganisms) preparations.

Expert opinion: The CiPA initiative is a unique opportunity for concerned stakeholders to drive SP into the adoption of 21st century safety assessment platforms, which, for discovering and mitigating mechanisms conferring safety risks to drugs, apply chiefly in silico and in vitro rather than traditional in vivo pharmacodynamics assays. The SP evaluation of functional foods and probiotics needs the development of product-tailored investigational approaches.  相似文献   

一类创新药苯胺洛芬注射液安全性药理研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:研究一类创新药苯胺洛芬的安全性药理,为新药研发提供依据。方法:通过小鼠自发活动试验、协调力实验和戊巴比妥钠催眠实验来考察苯胺洛芬对中枢神经系统的影响;通过麻醉Bealge犬实验考察苯胺洛芬对呼吸系统和循环系统的影响;通过正常大鼠和胃溃疡大鼠来考察苯胺洛芬对胃黏膜的影响。结果:苯胺洛芬剂量为临床拟用剂量的18倍时(小鼠216 mg.kg-1、大鼠162 mg.kg-1、犬45 mg.kg-1)单次给药后会导致麻醉Beagle犬血压一过性升高、小鼠自主活动降低、协调能力降低、与戊巴比妥钠具有协同作用;其余各剂量组和各观察指标均未见异常。结论:苯胺洛芬在剂量为临床拟用剂量的18倍时对中枢神经系统和心血管系统具有明显的影响;苯胺洛芬在剂量为临床拟用剂量的6倍时对中枢神经系统、呼吸系统和心血管系统未见明显影响;各剂量组对大鼠胃黏膜均未见明显影响。  相似文献   

Safety assessment of new products developed by the pharmaceutical industry is a scientific, ethical and economic requirement. The finality is an assessment of the benefit/risk ratio of these products, a fundamental issue for their registration. Conventional studies, such as defined by ICH guidelines, and their timing versus clinical trials are reported here. General conditions for management and cost are discussed. Nevertheless, these conventional studies are poorly adapted to current requirements due to insufficient throughput and lack of discriminating potential. Consequently, new tools are being proposed (genomics, proteomics, metabonomics, etc.), allowing, for example, a faster and more relevant screening of leading compounds designed to be administered in humans in clinical trials. Nevertheless, these tools are complex, expensive and probably reserved for the largest companies. A well-balanced approach, including the choice of reasonable objectives, should enable rapid enrichment of our assessment potential, excluding abrupt, unproductive and premature changes.  相似文献   

Many advances have been made in the cardiovascular field in the last several decades. Among them is the progress completed to date on the heptapeptide member of the renin-angiotensin system (RAS), angiotensin-(1-7) [Ang-(1-7)]. The peptide's beneficial actions against pathophysiological processes, such as cardiac arrhythmia, heart failure, hypertension, renal disease, preeclampsia, and even cancer are continuously being uncovered. This review encompasses the pharmacology of Ang-(1-7) and expounds upon the peptide's potential as a therapeutic agent against pathological processes both within and outside the cardiovascular continuum.  相似文献   

This meeting, jointly sponsored by the FDA, Drug Information Association and Heart Rhythm Society, examined crucial issues on nonclinical and clinical evaluation of the potential of new drugs to prolong the QT interval of an electrocardiogram (ECG). It gathered ~ 350 attendees from pharmaceutical industry, academia, core ECG analysis laboratories, regulatory agencies (FDA, European Medicines Agency, Japanese Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, and Health Canada) and the International Conference on Harmonisation (ICH). Key issues discussed included the reliability of the S7B guideline strategy, design and usefulness of the ‘thorough QT/QTc study’ recommended by ICH E14 guideline, choice of 5 ms QTc prolongation as a threshold for regulatory concern, ECG reading, and statistical analysis. This report is restricted to the two main presentations dealing with the predictability of nonclinical tests for clinical outcomes – one defending the prognostic value of nonclinical tests and the other, from the FDA, which casts reservations on the predictive value of nonclinical studies. Commentary on the recent finalisation of ICH S7B and E14 guidelines are also provided.  相似文献   

Oxidation-reduction (redox) potential measurement is not used in pharmacology at the present time. However, it represents a physicochemical parameter that may be as important as the other currently used physicochemical parameters, such as pH and pKa. Redox potential variations include conformational modifications that may influence bioavailability of drugs. We report here an original and convenient equilibrium method to determine this potential in biological fluids, especially in blood.  相似文献   

The present study describes degradation of ornidazole under different ICH prescribed stress conditions (hydrolysis, oxidation and photolysis), and establishment of a stability-indicating reversed-phase HPLC assay. Degradation was found to occur in alkaline medium, under high acidic conditions, under oxidative stress, and also in the presence of light in acid conditions. Previously the drug is only known to decompose under alkaline conditions. Separation of drug and the degradation products under various conditions was successfully achieved on a C-18 column utilising water-acetonitrile in the ratio of 86:14. The detection wavelength was 310 nm. The method was validated with respect to linearity, precision, accuracy, selectivity, specificity and ruggedness. The response was linear in the drug concentration range of 5–500 μg ml−1. The mean values (±RSD) of slope, intercept and correlation coefficient were 45251 (±1.59), 104418 (±2.49) and 0.9996 (±0.03), respectively. The RSD values for intra- and inter-day precision studies were <1 and <2.6%, respectively. The recovery of the drug ranged between 100–103% from a mixture of degradation products. The method was specific to drug and also selective to degradation products.  相似文献   



To conduct a systematic review of evidence supporting the safety profiles of frequently used oral H1-antihistamines (AHs) for the treatment of patients with histamine-release related allergic diseases, e.g. allergic rhinitis and urticaria, and to compare them to the safety profiles of other medications, mostly topical corticosteroids and leukotriene antagonists (LTRA).  相似文献   

The known effects of drugs from a variety of pharmacologic/therapeutic classes on the respiratory system and worldwide regulatory requirements support the need for conducting respiratory evaluations in safety pharmacology. The objective of these studies is to evaluate the potential for drugs to cause secondary pharmacologic or toxicologic effects that influence respiratory function. Changes in respiratory function can result either from alterations in the pumping apparatus that controls the pattern of pulmonary ventilation or from changes in the mechanical properties of the lung that determine the transpulmonary pressures (work) required for lung inflation and deflation. Defects in the pumping apparatus are classified as hypo- or hyperventilation syndromes and are evaluated by examining ventilatory parameters in a conscious animal model. The ventilatory parameters include respiratory rate, tidal volume, minute volume, peak (or mean) inspiratory flow, peak (or mean) expiratory flow, and fractional inspiratory time. Defects in mechanical properties of the lung are classified as obstructive or restrictive disorders and can be evaluated in animal models by performing flow-volume and pressure-volume maneuvers, respectively. The parameters used to detect airway obstruction include peak expiratory flow, forced expiratory flow at 25 and 75% of forced vital capacity, and a timed forced expiratory volume, while the parameters used to detect lung restriction include total lung capacity, inspiratory capacity, functional residual capacity, and compliance. Measurement of dynamic lung resistance and compliance, obtained continuously during tidal breathing, is an alternative method for evaluating obstructive and restrictive disorders, respectively, and is used when the response to drug treatment is expected to be immediate (within minutes post-dose). The species used in the safety pharmacology studies conducted in our laboratory are the same as those used in toxicology studies since pharmacokinetic and toxicologic/pathologic data are available in these species. These data can be used to help select test measurement intervals and doses and to aid in the interpretation of functional change. The techniques and procedures for measuring respiratory function parameters are well established in guinea pigs, rats, and dogs.  相似文献   

Ampicillin and cloxacillin were degraded together under different stress test conditions prescribed by International Conference on Harmonization. The samples so generated were used to develop a stability-indicating high performance liquid chromatographic (HPLC) method for the two drugs. The drugs were well separated from degradation products using a reversed-phase (C-18) column and a mobile phase comprising of acetonitrile:phosphate buffer (pH 5.0), which was delivered initially in the ratio of 15:85 (v/v) for 1 min, then changed to 30:70 (v/v) for next 14 min, and finally equilibrated back to 15:85 (v/v) from 15 to 20 min. Other HPLC parameters were: flow rate, 1 ml/min; detection wavelength, 225 nm; and injection volume, 5 microl. The method was validated for linearity, precision, accuracy, specificity and selectivity. It was also compared with the assay procedures given in British Pharmacopoeia for individual drugs. Similar results were obtained, indicating that the proposed single method allowed selective analysis of both ampicillin and cloxacillin, in the presence of their degradation products formed under a variety of stress conditions. The developed procedure was also applicable to the determination of instability of the drugs in commercial products.  相似文献   

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