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Production of IgM, IgG and IgA was induced from human blood B lymphocytes by culturing with a CD40 MoAb and IL-2 for 9 days. Replacement of IL-2 by IL-10 markedly enhanced production of all three isotypes. High levels of immunoglobulin production also occurred when activated irradiated autologous T cells replaced the CD40 MoAb, and when IL-10 replaced IL-2 in these cultures a spectacular increase in IgG production occurred. The effectiveness of the T cell stimulus depended on the mode of purification of the T cells and the nature of the stimulant used to activate them. Differences in the kinetics and level of expression of CD40L on the various T cell preparations were observed, but did not account for variations in immunoglobulin-inducing efficiency. Immunoglobulin production from sIgD+ and sIgD- B cells was investigated. IgG and IgA were found in sIgD+ cultures, indicating that some isotype switching had occurred, but the major part of the IgG and IgA secreted was from cells already committed to these isotypes. Anti-IgD or anti-IgM MoAbs enhanced the proliferation of B cells induced by anti-CD40 antibody, but immunoglobulin production was not enhanced. Factors affecting the balance of proliferation and differentiation are discussed.  相似文献   

The proliferative responses and the immunoglobulin production of peripheral blood mononuclear cells to pokeweed mitogen were dose-dependently suppressed by sulfonated intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG), polyethylene glycol-treated IVIG, pH 4-treated IVIG, or human -globulin, but they were not or only slightly suppressed by human serum albumin or pepsin-treated IVIG. Moreover, the suppression of immunoglobulin production by sulfonated IVIG, polyethylene glycol-treated IVIG, or pH 4-treated IVIG was seen in the cases in which B cells preincubated with IVIGs were cocultured with T cells and monocytes preincubated with or without IVIGs and in the cases in which monocytes preincubated with IVIGs were cocultured with T cells and B cells preincubated with or without IVIGs. However, in the cases in which only T cells were preincubated with IVIGs, immunoglobulin production was not suppressed. The suppression of the monocyte function by IVIGs tended to be less than the suppression of the B-cell function by IVIGs. Moreover, the suppression by IVIGs was blocked by antihuman IgG Fc. Our results suggest that IVIGs suppress the immunoglobulin production of lymphocytes through suppression of the B-cell function and the antigen presenting-cell function by attachment of IVIGs to Fc receptors of B-cell membranes and antigen presenting-cell membranes.  相似文献   

Intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) has the potential to regulate Ig production, but the mechanism(s) responsible for this effect is unknown. In experiments reported here, we examined the ability of IVIG to regulate Ig production in human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) stimulated with pokeweed mitogen (PWM). IVIG (2–10 mg/ml) showed a potent (80–85%) inhibition of PWM-stimulated IgG, IgM, and IgA production. To determine more precisely how IVIG mediated the inhibition of Ig production, we studied Ig promoting cytokine gene expression after PWM stimulation with or without IVIG (2 and 10 mg/ml) using dot-blot techniques. RNA was isolated from PBMCs at predetermined time points and probed with cDNAs specific for human cytokines (IL-1-, IL-2, IL-2R, IL-4, IL-5, IL-6, -IFN, and TNF-). IL-6 mRNA accumulation was maximal at 4.5 hr post-PWM stimulation and was inhibited 64–75% when IVIG (10 mg/ml) was present. -IFN mRNA levels peaked at 72 hr poststimulation and were also 68–75% inhibited by IVIG. IL-2 mRNA levels peaked at 4.5 hr and were 23–46% inhibited by IVIG. The inhibitory effect of IVIG on production of these cytokines (IL-6 and -IFN) was also observed at the protein level in sonicated PBMCs after incubation with PWM and IVIG. The mRNA levels for other cytokines were not or only minimally inhibited by IVIG. Addition of IL-6, -IFN, or IL-2 partially restored Ig production in IVIG-treated PWM-stimulated cultures, suggesting that inhibition of other cytokines or another mechanism(s) independent of cytokine inhibition might also be involved, although inhibition of IL-6, -IFN, and IL-2 may be one of the critical factors in the suppression of Ig production by IVIG.  相似文献   

We investigated the phenotype and functional capacities of tumour-infiltrating lymphocytes (TIL), freshly isolated from primary renal cell carcinoma (RCC) specimens (n = 20). Three-colour flow cytometry immunophenotyping revealed that RCC TIL consist mainly of CD3+ T cells, with a clear predominance of CD4CD8+ over CD4+ CD8 T cells, and a marked population of CD4+ CD8+ T cells. Natural killer (NK) cells were also strongly represented (> 25% in 15 of 20 tumour samples), while B cells constituted a minor TIL subset (< 5% in 18 of 20 tumour samples). More importantly, the T and NK cells within the tumour displayed a significantly higher expression of the early activation marker CD69 than their counterparts in adjacent normal renal tissue and in peripheral blood. Expression of CD54 and of HLA-DR was also elevated on CD3+ TIL, and HLA-DR expression was further vigorously up-regulated following ex vivo stimulation with anti-CD3, all suggesting enhanced immune activity within the tumour microenvironment. CD3+ CD4+ TIL displayed a normal capacity to up-regulate CD25 expression and to secrete both Th1-type (IL-2, tumour necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) and interferon-gamma (IFN-γ)) and Th2-type (IL-4, IL-5 and IL-10) cytokines upon triggering with anti-CD3. Furthermore, cytokine production was susceptible to modulation by CD28 costimulation. CD3+ CD8+ TIL, on the other hand, consistently demonstrated a poor up-regulation of CD25 upon triggering with anti-CD3, and displayed poor ex vivo cytolytic activity in an anti-CD3-redirected 4-h cytotoxicity assay against murine P815 cells. Collectively, our findings indicate that the CD3+ CD4+ TIL in RCC have normal functional capacities, whereas the proportionally major CD3+ CD8+ TIL are functionally impaired. The relevance of these findings to the in vivo local immune response in RCC is discussed.  相似文献   

In the present study we have examined the effect of human large granular lymphocytes (LGL) from healthy donors on Ig synthesis by autologous B lymphocytes. The results showed that this cell population has a consistent helper activity in pokeweed mitogen-activated cultures even when added at very low numbers. LGL can mediate their effect by secreting soluble helper factors capable of modulating B-cell responses as evidenced by the enhancement of IgG and IgM production by supernatants obtained from LGL cultures. Preincubation with interferon gamma further potentiated the helper activity by LGL.  相似文献   

In search for a possible explanation of the phenotypic heterogeneity in IgA deficiency, we studied the function of B cells from IgA-deficient (IgAd) individuals. Two groups of IgAd individuals, one frequently infected and one clinically apparently healthy, as well as normal controls, were studied. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) and B cells from IgAd individuals and controls were cultured with Staphylococcus aureus Cowan I strain and with anti-CD40 MoAb presented on the CD32-transfected fibroblast cell line in the presence of IL-10. In this experimental system PBMC and B cells from the infection-prone IgAd individuals produced only minute amounts of IgA. In contrast, PBMC and B cells from healthy IgAd subjects secreted significantly more IgA1 and IgA2 in comparison with infection-prone IgAd patients (P < 0.05). These data suggest that the abnormalities of B cell differentiation in IgAd could be of heterogeneous origin. Thus, whereas in healthy IgAd subjects IgA production may be efficiently up-regulated in vitro by addition of IL-10 to CD40-activated B cell culture, the corresponding B cell differentiation does not occur in infection-prone IgAd patients. These observations provide a conceptual framework for phenotypic heterogeneity in IgAd subjects.  相似文献   

Intracellular cytokine production in lymphocytes obtained longitudinally from 325 healthy infants aged 2-12 months was compared with adult lymphocytes using four-colour flow cytometry. Peripheral blood samples (180 microlitres) were stimulated with phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate, ionomycin and brefeldin A to induce production and intracellular accumulation of cytokines. The method was validated by assessing reproducibility, repeatibility, ruggedness (i.e. fresh versus day-old blood samples), precision, linearity and sensitivity. Among infants, the number and percentage of T lymphocytes (helper/inducer T cell subsets and cytotoxic/suppressor T cell subsets) producing IFN-gamma (type 1) and IL4 (type 2) increased over the first year of life but remained significantly lower than levels found in adults. In both infants and adults more CD4- T cells than CD4+ T cells were induced to make IFN-gamma. Infant Th1/Th2 ratios revealed modest Th1-skewed (predominant) profiles compared to adults, which were 5-10 times higher. Infant Tc1/Tc2 ratios revealed Tc1-skewed responses which were equal to adult ratios by age 12 months. At 12 months infant Th2 responses were closer to adult levels than were Th1 cells. Intracellular cytokine detection by flow cytometry is a rapid, sensitive, rugged and precise method to characterize immune status changes over time.  相似文献   

B lymphocytes from patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) secreted high levels of immunoglobulin spontaneously when cultured in vitro. Addition of the cytokines interleukin-2, interleukin-4 and interleukin-6 either alone or in combination failed to augment spontaneous immunoglobulin synthesis. Percoll-separated low-density SLE B lymphocytes matured into immunoglobulin-secreting cells also independent of exogenous interleukins. During maturation these cells became enlarged and less dense, and began to express CD23. This was in contrast to normal B cells, which did not secrete immunoglobulin spontaneously but synthesized IgM after interleukin stimulation. These results indicate that in vitro immunoglobulin synthesis by SLE B cells is already initiated in these cells and progresses independently of further stimulatory manoeuvres.  相似文献   

Age-related changes in human cell-specific cytokine responses to acute illness have not been well examined. We therefore evaluated age-related differences in T, B and natural killer (NK) peripheral blood lymphocyte cytokine responses of 309 acutely ill hospitalized people in Malawi, Africa, < 1 month-61 years of age. We used four-colour flow cytometry and performed Wilcoxon rank sum and Kruskal-Wallis tests, Pearson (rp) and Spearman (rs) correlations, and linear and logistic regression analyses to control for human immunodeficiency virus infection (HIV) status, the percentages of lymphocytes expressing CD4, and the nature of the acute infection. The percentages of CD8- and CD8+ T cells producing induced IL-8 decreased with age (rs = -0.44 and -0.53). The percentages of T cells producing TNF-alpha were higher, and the percentages producing IL-10 were lower, in those > or =13 than those < 13 years old (medians: 17.7 versus 10.5 and 1.4 versus 3.0, respectively). The percentages of CD8- T cells producing IFN-gamma were higher and stable in those > or =1 year old compared to infants (medians: 23.5 versus 10.4); the percentages of NK producing IFN-gamma were higher post-infancy and then declined to relatively low levels with increasing age. The percentages of T cells producing IL-2 were highest in those 5- <31 years old (median 5.6) and lowest in those > or =31 years old (median 1.9). The ratios of the percentages of T cells producing IL-4 to those producing IL-8 and to those producing IL-10 both increased with age. These data suggest that innate immunity, represented by NK IFN-gamma production, dominates in early life. A number of shifts occur after infancy and before adolescence, including a proinflammatory shift from IL-8 to TNF-gamma and a type 2 shift from IL-10 to IL-4 dominance. These findings suggest distinct age-related differences in the human response to acute illness and may be useful in directing future efforts at immunomodulatory therapies.  相似文献   

IL-10 is a well-known immunosuppressive and/or anti-inflammatory cytokine. However, we report in vitro experimental studies in which IL-10 primed leukocytes and led to an enhanced production of tumor necrosis factor (TNF) upon further stimulation by lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Monocytes and peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) prepared from whole blood maintained for 20 h at 37 degrees C in the presence of recombinant human IL-10 had an enhanced capacity to produce TNF in response to LPS. In addition to TNF, LPS-induced IL-6 and spontaneous IL-1ra production were also enhanced. When isolated PBMC were first cultured for 20 h in the presence of IL-10 on Teflon to prevent adherence, washed to remove IL-10 and then further cultured in plastic dishes for an additional 20 h in the presence of LPS or IL-1beta, an enhanced release of TNF was observed. This was not the case when PBMC were pre-cultured in plastic multidishes in the presence of IL-10. TNF mRNA expression induced by LPS was decreased when the pre-treatment of PBMC with IL-10 was performed on plastic, whereas this was not the case when cells were pre-cultured with IL-10 on Teflon. Furthermore, NFkappaB translocation following LPS activation was higher after IL-10 pre-treatment on Teflon than on plastic. Interestingly, an enhanced frequency of CD16 and CD68(+) cells among the CD14(+) cells was observed in the presence of IL-10, independently of the pre-culture conditions of the PBMC. Altogether, these results indicate that the IL-10-induced up-regulation of cytokine production depends on the prevention of monocyte adherence by red cells in the whole blood assays or by cultures of PBMC on Teflon. In contrast, the adherence parameter has no effect on the IL-10-induced modulation of some monocyte surface markers.  相似文献   

Activation induced by pokeweed mitogen in cultures of mononuclear cells from human blood was followed sequentially by simultaneous quantitation of live cells, thymidine incorporation, cells displaying cytoplasmic IgM, IgG, IgA or IgD, cells secreting IgM, IgG or IgA and cumulated IgM secretion. Maximal cellular activity was found after 7 days of culture, with means of 16000 IgM-, 20700 IgG- and 9900 IgA-secreting cells per 106 originally cultured cells. The cumulated IgM secretion after 21 days of culture averaged 10400 ng per 106 originally cultured cells. A close correlation was found between the number of IgM-secreting cells and the cumulated IgM secretion.  相似文献   

It is accepted that human neonatal naive B cells produce mainly IgM in vivo as well as in vitro. Our previous work has demonstrated that i.p. injection of neonatal B cells together with adult mature T cells induces substantial levels of human IgG in the serum of SCID recipient mice. The present study was further attempted to determine the cellular components required for immunoglobulin production by neonatal B cells in SCID mice. When neonatal B and adult T cells were transferred into the SCID mice, human immunoglobulins, largely of IgG, were maximally detected in the serum around 6 weeks after a cell transfer. Depletion of CD4+ T cells from adult T cells resulted in undetectable levels of human immunoglobulin in the serum. By contrast, CD4+ T cell-enriched populations exhibited an enhancing effect on immunoglobulin production by neonatal B cells. Higher levels of immunoglobulin, including IgA and IgM, were detected in the peritoneal fluid than in the serum as early as 2 weeks after the cell transfer. Human T cells expressing activation antigens such as CD45RO and HLA-DR antigens were identified in the peritoneal lavages. These results suggest that neonatal naive B cells are able to differentiate into cells producing all classes of immunoglobulin in the presence of mature CD4+ T cells in a SCID mouse environment. The peritoneal cavity of SCID mice appears to provide a suitable place for immune responses by human cells, possibly in association with a certain xenogeneic reaction.  相似文献   

Human intestinal lamina propria T lymphocytes (LPT), when investigated ex vivo, exhibit functional properties profoundly different from those of peripheral blood T lymphocytes (PBT). One prominent feature represents their enhanced sensitivity to CD2 stimulation when compared to PBT. Given that LPT are hyporesponsive to T cell receptor (TCR)/CD3 stimulation, an alternative activation mode, as mimicked by CD2 triggering in vitro, may be functional in mucosal inflammation in vivo. This study provides insight into signalling events associated with the high CD2 responsiveness of LPT. When compared to PBT, LPT show an increased activation of the phosphoinositide 3/protein kinase B/glycogen synthase kinase 3beta (PI3-kinase/AKT/GSK-3beta) pathway in response to CD2 stimulation. Evidence is provided that up-regulation of this pathway contributes to the enhanced CD2-induced cytokine production in LPT. Given the importance of TCR-independent stimulation for the initiation of intestinal immune responses analysis of signalling pathways induced by 'co-stimulatory' receptors may provide valuable information for therapeutic drug design.  相似文献   

Pokeweed mitogen (PWM)-driven in vitro synthesis of antibodies to the acetylcholine receptor (PSA) was studied in non-thymoma patients with myasthenia gravis. In a group of 46 patients, the occurrence of PSA was related to the presence of the thymus or, in operated patients, the absence of a clinical effect of thymectomy. Sixteen patients were followed before and soon after thymectomy. PSA disappeared in all patients, at least temporarily, between 6 weeks and 1 year afterwards, independent of the clinical course and eventual clinical effect of the operation. A recurrence was found only in one of the five patients who derived no benefit from the operation. These findings support the hypothesis that the therapeutic effect of thymectomy can be explained by removal of a source of autoreactive lymphocytes. There was no correlation between the changes in serum levels of a-AChR and clinical improvement, suggesting a minor role of circulating peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) and the thymus in the total production of a-AChR.  相似文献   

Activated T lymphocytes often accumulate in the lower dermis of patients with systemic sclerosis (scleroderma) and may play a role in the development of dermal fibrosis. We propagated and cloned these cells directly from skin biopsies in four of eight cases of early, untreated systemic sclerosis with diffuse scleroderma. The cloning frequency estimates were f = 0.20 and f = 0.48 for T cells derived from the skin of two patients versus f = 0.68 and f = 0.96 for autologous blood T lymphocytes. All but one of 24 skin-derived scleroderma clones were CD4+. Clonal analyses performed with CD4+ clones from patients and normal controls showed that all but one skin-derived clones synthesized either interferon-gamma (60%), glycosaminoglycan-stimulatory factor (26%) or both (9%) when induced in vitro by a mitogen, concanavalin A, but not by autologous dermal fibroblasts. In contrast, blood-derived clones had a different functional phenotype. All skin-derived clones produced tumour necrosis factor-alpha. Our results demonstrate that T lymphocytes obtained from the skin of patients with systemic sclerosis synthesized cytokines which could modulate functions of human dermal fibroblasts.  相似文献   

Resting murine B lymphocytes can be induced to proliferate by cross-linking membrane immunoglobulin, the antigen receptor, or by contact with activated helper T lymphocytes in the absence of a signal through membrane immunoglobulin. Little is known about the molecular nature of contact-dependent T cell help. To determine whether helper T cells activate B cells through different signal transduction and second messenger pathways from those used by membrane immunoglobulin, the effects of drugs which block activation of B cells through membrane immunoglobulin were measured on B cell activation by contact with anti-CD3-activated and fixed T helper cells. Cyclosporin A, phorbol esters added at the time of activation, and cAMP agonists all block activation of B cells through membrane immunoglobulin at concentrations at least 100-fold lower than those necessary to block B cell activation by contact with activated Th1 or Th2 helper T cells. Depletion of protein kinase C by pretreatment of B cells with phorbol ester inhibits the proliferative response to anti-immunoglobulin but not the response to contact with activated T cells. The B cell response to lipopolysaccharide is intermediate in sensitivity to cyclosporin A and cAMP agonists, and resembles the response to activated T cells in resistance to phorbol esters and protein kinase C depletion. Various protein kinase inhibitors did not distinguish among these B cell activation pathways, except for the tyrosine kinase inhibitor, herbimycin A, which inhibited anti-immunoglobulin responses at 3- to 5-fold lower concentrations.  相似文献   

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