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运用NADPH-d组织化学整体染色的方法研究了甲壳纲动物—口虾蛄神经系统一氧化氮合酶(NOS)的分布。脑神经节中有少量来自腹神经链的纤维呈阳性;每侧联合神经节中各有一个阳性细胞(直径约75μm);食道下神经节的阳性细胞可分为两类,即小型强阳性细胞(直径约40μm)和大型弱阳性细胞(直径约90μm),前者的阳性突起构成节间联系;胸神经节的阳性细胞也可分为两种类型,每节有4个小型强阳性反应细胞(直径约60μm)和6~10个大型弱反应细胞(直径约80μm),小细胞发出的突起进入中央纤维网尔后构成不同体节的神经节间联系;腹部前五个体节的神经节中各有5对阳性细胞(直径约80μm),腹部最后一个神经节阳性细胞数量较多,其末端有一对阳性细胞(直径约55μm)其突起经中线处交叉后前行进入腹神经索。结果说明:NOS广泛存在于口虾蛄神经系统中,NO作为信息分子参与其信息传递过程。  相似文献   

胃的神经支配—HRP法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

本文用HRP跨节追踪技术在光镜下观察了猫的眶上神经、眶下神经、耳颞神经、颊神经、舌神经和下牙槽神经的初级传入纤维向孤束核的投射状况。另外,向舌咽、迷走和鼓索神经也注入HRP进行了观察和对比。结果表明,上述三叉神经各分支中只有舌神经和下牙槽神经向孤束核投射。舌神经的标记出现于孤束核的闩以上部分,以三叉神经吻侧亚核尾段水平的部位最为浓密,标记终末多分布于腹外侧亚核、中间亚核和内侧亚核。下牙槽神经只有少量标记终末呈斑块状局限分布于闩附近的孤束核间质亚核区,小部分投射于连合核。舌咽神经投射至孤束核全长,以内侧亚核区为最多。迷走神经的大量纤维主要投射于极间亚核平面的孤束核。鼓索神经大部投射至孤束核吻极段。本文对比分析了三叉神经初级传入与Ⅶ、Ⅸ、Ⅹ神经内脏传入在孤束核分布的相互关系,结合文献讨论了投射到孤束核的三叉初级传入神经的性质。  相似文献   

北京鸭胃的传入神经元定位——HRP法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将HRP蒸馏水溶液注入北京鸭(Anas Dome8tic L)胃的肌层及浆膜下,逆行追踪了分布于北京鸭胃的传入神经元胞体的位置。结果表明:1.来自前胃的交感传入神经元胞体位于T_1~L_1各节中。集中存在于T_(1~6)各节,峰值在T_3脊神经节。2.来自前胃的迷走传入神经元胞体位于结状神经节和颈静脉神经节内。其中前胃腹侧肌注入HRP后,在颈静脉神经节出现标记细胞数最多。3.来自肌胃的交感传入神经元胞体出现在T_1~L_1。其前背薄肌区集中出现在T_(1~6),T_3最多;前腹厚肌、后腹薄肌和后背厚肌集中出现于T_(2~6),T_4内最多。4.来自肌胃的迷走传入神经元胞体主要存在于结状神经节。前背薄肌注射例,在颈静脉神经节内也出现标记细胞。  相似文献   

口虾蛄提取物对人鼻咽癌细胞端粒酶活性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
目的:研究口虾蛄提取物(EOS)对人低分化鼻咽癌细胞系(CNE-2Z)端粒酶活性的抑制作用及其可能机制。方法:MTT法检测不同浓度的EOS对CNE-2Z细胞增殖能力的影响;端粒酶重复序列扩增-酶联免疫吸附法(TRAP-ELISA)检测各组细胞端粒酶活性,RT-PCR法检测端粒酶逆转录酶(hTERT)mRNA表达,Western blotting检测c-Myc蛋白表达。结果:EOS对CNE-2Z细胞增殖具有抑制作用,且呈剂量依赖性(P0.01);EOS处理组CNE-2Z细胞端粒酶的活性、hTERT mRNA和c-Myc蛋白的表达水平均低于对照组(P0.01),也呈剂量依赖性,并且hTERT mRNA的下调与c-Myc的抑制存在相关性(P0.05)。结论:EOS可能通过下调细胞c-Myc表达而抑制了hTERT mRNA的转录,以致端粒酶的活性降低而抑制CNE-2Z细胞增殖。  相似文献   

陈良为  饶志仁 《解剖学报》1994,25(3):258-262,T007
用HRP注入孤束核逆行追踪和5-羟色胺免疫组织化学结合的双标记法,观察大鼠孤束核内的5-HT能纤维和终末的来源,结果在脑干内见到许多HRP单标,5-HT单标和HRP/5-HT双标细胞,其中HRP/5-HT双标细胞主要分布于脑桥被盖核(26.57%),脑桥网状核(24.19%)、中缝大核(21.17%),其次为中缝隐核(12.74)、中缝苍白核(7.78%),少数见于中缝背核、中脑导水管周围灰质和中  相似文献   

向家兔膀胱壁内注入HRP,通过逆行及跨神经节追踪证明:1.膀胱副交感中枢在S_(2~5)髓节(S_(3、4)为中心),主要位于中间带外侧核(占标记细胞总数78.37%),并由此向网状核、后角外侧缘、侧索、中介核及前角后外侧核内扩散。L_(1~5)也有相当数量的长轴突交感节前神经元被标记,说明膀胱壁内有副交感和交感两种节前神经元分布。2.被标记的初级传入神经元中枢突在骶段人背外侧束,主要沿后角外侧缘呈束状行向网状核和中间带外侧核,大部分终止于此,形成膀胱排尿反射的途径;一部分则更向内侧,在中介核到后连合核处形成终末带。另外还有一小束纤维,沿后角内侧缘向腹侧走行,终止于后连合核。这些核团可能是膀胱意识性感觉的中继处。在L_(2~4)也可见沿后角外侧缘走行终止于网状核、中间带外侧核的纤细纤维束。3.一侧膀胱受脊髓双侧支配,但以同侧为主。  相似文献   

 目的:研究口虾蛄提取物(extract of Oratosquilla,EOS)对人低分化鼻咽癌细胞株CNE-2的迁移及体外血管生成拟态的影响。方法:用不同浓度(0 mg/L 、125 mg/L、250 mg/L、500 mg/L)EOS处理CNE-2细胞24 h后,创伤修复实验检测细胞迁移能力;通过Matrigel三维细胞培养观察CNE-2细胞形成类血管网状结构的能力及其特点;体外管道形成抑制实验检测不同浓度EOS对CNE-2细胞管道形成能力的影响;Western blotting法检测不同浓度EOS对CNE-2细胞fascin 1和血管内皮生长因子(VEGF)蛋白表达的影响。结果:EOS可以显著降低CNE-2细胞的迁移能力,与对照组比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.01);CNE-2细胞在Matrigel上培养能形成类似血管的网状样结构;EOS能以剂量依赖方式抑制CNE-2细胞体外管道形成的数量(P<0.01);EOS能抑制CNE-2细胞中fascin 1和VEGF蛋白的表达(P<0.01),且其管状结构数量与2种蛋白变化趋势呈正相关(P<0.05)。结论:CNE-2细胞具有血管生成拟态的能力;EOS能够抑制CNE-2细胞的迁移和体外血管生成拟态的能力,其机制可能与下调fascin 1和VEGF蛋白的表达有关。  相似文献   

大鼠颈椎关节突关节神经的来源—HRP逆行追踪法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:研究交感神经与支配颈椎关节突关节的初级感觉神经元分支的关系,探讨椎孔外颈神经受压产生颈肩痛和头面部症状的机制。方法:选用8只Wistar大白鼠,右侧为实验侧,左侧对照,用微量注射器在右侧C5/C6颈椎关节突关节囊上注射30%HRP5μl作为对照。动物存活48小时后经升主动脉灌流杀死,切取双侧C1-T1颈部脊神经节(Dorsal root ganglion,DRG)、双侧颈交感神经节和双侧三叉神经节,冰冻切片后利用TMB法进行显色反应,观察切片内HRP标记细胞的情况,并应用图像分析系统对实验侧DRG和交感神经节内标记细胞进行分类和计数。结果:颈中、下交感神经节和C5-C7DRG内发现HRP标记细胞,标记细胞以中型和小型细胞为主,其中颈中神经节和C6DRG标记细胞的平均面积和及平均光密度较高(P<0.01),而对照侧和双侧三叉神经未节发现标记细胞。结论:颈椎关节主要受相邻三条颈神经的感觉支和颈交感神经分支支配,可能与椎孔外颈神经卡压产生颈肩痛及头面部症状有关。  相似文献   

王槐高  黄培春 《医学信息》2008,21(9):1569-1571
目的 提取口虾蛄活性物质并予以初步分析.方法 先以乙醇提取,进而用系统溶剂法分离,继以薄层色谱法探索展开条件并结合化学反应法初步分析.结果 各提取物均无酚类、黄酮类、醌类、鞣质等化合物;A(石油醚提取物)和B(乙酸乙酯提取物)均可能含有甾类、三萜类成分或皂甙类物质;C(正丁醇提取物)可能舍有生物碱类物质;A和C也均含有蛋白质、肽类或氨基酸类物质;B和C也均含有多糖或甙类物质.氯仿-甲醇系统展开A和B比较理想,氯仿-甲醇-水系统和乙醇-氨水系统能较好展开各提取物但存在拖尾;乙酸乙酯-乙醇-氨水系统能理想展开各提取物.结论 口虾蛄活性物质可能为甾类、三萜类或生物碱类等物质.氯仿-甲醇系统可作为A、B柱色谱的参考条件;乙酸乙酯-乙醇-氨水系统可作为B、C的柱色谱的参考条件.  相似文献   

Summary The HRP tract-tracing method has been modified by the introduction of cryoprotective agents, thereby allowing the enzymatic reaction to take place at sub-zero temperatures. By using cold temperatures the enzymatic reaction can be better controlled, which in turn makes it possible to push the method to its maximum without obtaining excessive crystallization. The addition of antifreeze agents, however, changes the acid-base phenomena, which in turn have to be adjusted by the use of appropriate buffers. The overall result is a considerable increase in efficiency as compared with the commonly used HRP procedure.  相似文献   

The cobalt-lysine method for tract tracing in the vertebrate CNS has been shortened and simplified to the following steps: (1) the cobalt-lysine is applied to the nerve or tract being studied; (2) the animal is perfused 1–2 days later by the following sequence of solutions: (a) phosphate-buffered ammonium sulfide, (b) phosphate buffer alone and (c) phosphate-buffered glutaraldehyde; (3) the brain is exposed to the fixative overnight and left in 30% sugar another night; (4) the brain is then frozen and cut on a cryostat; the sections being collected directly on slides; (5) the mounted sections are then put in an intensification solution before dehydration, clearing and coverslipping.  相似文献   

Primary Central nervous system lymphoma (PCNSL) is most frequently a diffuse large B cell lymphoma (DLBCL), which is confined to the Central nervous system (CNS). We performed an experiment in which lymphoma cells from a PCNSL patient were implanted subcutaneously in an athymic mouse. The lymphoma cells were shown to home to the CNS with histologic evaluations of the brain showing multiple large B cells in blood vessels consistent with intravascular large B cell lymphoma (IVL). We did not find any evidence of lymphoma at the site of implantation or other locations. The findings are consistent with highly selective tropism of PCNSLforthe CNS and its vasculature.  相似文献   

To determine the spinal innervation and neuronal connections is important for studying gastric carbohydrate metabolism and motor responses. Neurons involved in the efferent control of the stomach were identified following visualization of pseudorabies virus (PRV)-614 retrograde tracing. PRV-614 was injected into the ventral stomach wall in 13 adult C57BL/6J strain male mice. On the fifth day postinjection, animals were humanely sacrificed, and spinal cords were removed and sectioned, and processed for PRV visualization. The virus injected into the ventral stomach wall was specifically transported to the thoracic spinal cord. At 5 d after injection of the PRV-614, stomach enlargement and tissue edema were found, and PRV-614 positive cells were found in the intermediolateral cell column, the intercalates nucleus or the central autonomic nucleus of spinal cord segments T3 to L1, and major PRV-614 labeled cells were focused in the T6-10 segment. Our results revealed neuroanatomical circuits between stomach and the spinal intermediolateral cell column neurons.  相似文献   

A light and electron microscopic study, combining HRP axonal tracing or degeneration and GABA immunocytochemistry, was performed in the lamprey Lampetra fluviatilis in order to analyze retinal and non-retinal inputs upon the retinopetal neurons localized in the reticular mesencephalic area (RMA). The iontophoretic deposit of HRP onto the central stump of the cut optic nerve produced a dense anterograde labeling in the retino-recipient strata marginale and cellulare externum of the optic tectum as well as the retrograde labeling of retinopetal neurons in the mesencephalic tegmentum. The large ascending proximal dendrites of the retinopetal neurons constituted a distinct bundle coursing first dorso-laterally in the dorsal mesencephalic tegmentum, and then dorso-medially in the strata fibrosum centrale and cellulare et fibrosum internum of the optic tectum before their distal portions penetrated the retino-recipient tectal layers. The distribution of GABA immunoreactivity was also investigated in the tectal layers and dorsal mesencephalic tegmentum with both pre- and post-embedding methods. The retinal terminals, identified either following HRP iontophoresis in the optic nerve or in early phases of degeneration after short-term survivals following retinal lesion, contained rounded-shaped synaptic vesicles and were always GABA immunonegative. They established asymmetrical synaptic contacts on the distal dendrites of RMA neurons and represented 11.4% of all terminals contacting such neurons (15% of these neurons were GABA immunopositive). The dense extra-retinal input upon the retinopetal RMA neurons was composed of five types of axon terminal profiles, either GABA-immunopositive or -immunonegative. Considering the different cytochemical types of axon terminals contacting RMA neurons, as well as the characteristics of the retinal targets of these neurons, we suggest that, globally, the effects of RMA neurons upon the retina are mainly inhibitory.  相似文献   

移动电话射频辐射对中枢神经系统影响的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文综述了近年来有关射频辐射对中枢神经系统影响的研究结果,并指出目前研究存在的问题及将来可能的研究方向。  相似文献   

The extrinsic and intrinsic respiratory nervous systems receive specific contributions from the vagal and sympathetic components. Using specific markers for vagal and sympathetic structures, we studied the distribution patterns of immunoreactivity to galanin (GAL), pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide-27 (PACAP) and the tachykinin substance P in extrinsic and intrinsic nerve of chick embryo respiratory system, during development from the very early age to hatching. All peptides studied appeared in the intrinsic and extrinsic nervous systems early. We found substance P in both the vagal and sympathetic systems, PACAP in vagal components alone and GAL mainly in the sympathetic system. The intrinsic nervous system showed high immunoreactivity for all peptides studied. These data accord with the well known early trophic functions that peptides have on the development of nervous networks and modulatory activity on the intrinsic nervous system. The GAL again proves to be the main peptide in chick embryo sympathetic respiratory system.  相似文献   

坏死性凋亡是新近发现的一种程序性坏死途径,在死亡受体信号激活后由RIP1和RIP3调控,并可被化合物necrostatin-1特异性抑制。目前研究证实坏死性凋亡涉及多种中枢神经系统损伤疾病的发生机制,并且通过干预坏死性凋亡信号通路,对诸多因素引起的中枢神经系统损伤具有一定的保护作用。深入研究坏死性凋亡的分子调控机制,有望为中枢神经系统损伤疾病治疗提供更多的潜在新靶点。  相似文献   

The authors analyzed the results of 650 lesions of the central nervous system submitted to intraoperative cytological diagnosis by the smear technique. Cytological and paraffin section diagnoses were compared. The following statistical values were obtained: accuracy of 97.3%, sensitivity of 97.9%, specificity of 95%, positive predictive value of 99.1%, and negative predictive value of 89.6%. The authors comment on their main pitfalls using this cytological diagnostic procedure.  相似文献   

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