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Severe invasive infectious diseases remain a major and life-threatening health problem. In serious cases, a systemic activation of the coagulation cascade is a critical complication that is associated with high mortality rates. We report here that streptokinase, a group A streptococcal plasminogen activator, triggers the activation of the human contact system. Activation of contact system factors at the surface of the Streptococcus pyogenes serotype M49 is dependent on streptokinase and plasminogen. Our results also show that secreted streptokinase is an efficient contact system activator, independent from a contact surface. This results in the processing of high-molecular-weight kininogen and the release of bradykinin, a potent vascular mediator. We further investigated whether the ability of 50 different clinical S. pyogenes isolates to activate the contact system is associated with an invasive phenotype. The data reveal that isolates from invasive infections trigger an activation of the contact system more potently than strains isolated from noninvasive infections. The present study gives new insights into the mechanisms by which S. pyogenes triggers the human contact system and stresses the function of soluble and surface located plasmin exploited as a group A streptococcal virulence factor through the action of streptokinase.  相似文献   

《Medical hypotheses》1998,50(2):135-137
The numerous reports in the last ten years on the serious diseases caused by Streptococcus pyogenes indicate the continued significance of this pathogen. Furthermore, clinical studies and modern techniques have yielded new information on S. pyogenes and its pathogenic mechanisms. Although much still remains to be discovered about the biology S. pyogenes, two different strategies — the ‘epidemic’ and the ‘endemic’ strategy — can be seen in the interaction of different S. pyogenes strains with the human host. The challenges posed by these two groups of bacteria are also outlined.  相似文献   

Streptococcus pyogenes with null mutations in the csrRS regulatory locus are highly virulent in mice due to derepression of hyaluronic acid capsule synthesis and exotoxins, e.g., streptolysin S (SLS) and pyrogenic exotoxin B (SpeB). We generated derivatives of a DeltacsrRS strain that also carry deletions in hasAB (leading to an acapsular phenotype) or in sagA (phenotypically SLS-) or an interruption of speB (SpeB-) to test the relative contributions of these factors to the development of necrotic skin lesions. Inoculation of 2 x 10(6) to 4 x 10(6) CFU of either acapsular or SLS- strains into hairless mice resulted in lesions approximately 70% smaller than those of the DeltacsrRS parent strain. Elimination of SLS also reduced lethality from 100% to 0% at this inoculum (P < 10(-7); Fisher exact test). In contrast, SLS+ SpeB- mutants yielded lesions that were only 41% smaller than the parent strain (t = 2.2; P = 0.04), but only 3 the 17 lesions had dermal sloughing (P = 10(-5)). The nonulcerative lesions associated with SpeB- strains appeared pale with surrounding erythema. We conclude that capsule and SLS contribute to the subcutaneous spread of S. pyogenes and to a fatal outcome of infection. SpeB facilitates early dermal ulceration but has minor influence on lesion size and mortality. Large ulcerative lesions are observed only when both toxins are present.  相似文献   

The ability of Streptococcus pyogenes to invade human epithelial cells has been suggested to be an important contributing factor to the bacterium's ability to cause severe, invasive infections. We know little, however, of the mechanism underlying intracellular invasion by this organism. In this study, we demonstrate that the invasion of cultured human epithelial cells by a serotype M1 strain of S. pyogenes (strain 90-226) is stimulated over 50-fold by the addition of fetal calf serum (FCS) to the cell culture medium (RPMI medium). Purified human fibrinogen and peptides containing the sequence Arg-Gly-Asp (RGD) were also found to promote bacterial invasion of cultured cells. Experiments that demonstrate that the agonists stimulate invasion by interacting with bacterial cells are described. Invasion stimulation did not appear to involve de novo synthesis of a bacterial protein, as FCS and fibrinogen stimulated invasion in the presence of chloramphenicol. Although the agonists stimulated adherence by up to threefold, strain 90-226 efficiently adhered to cultured cells in unsupplemented RPMI medium. The invasion index (the number of internalized CFU/the number of adherent CFU) of strain 90-226 was increased 10- to 25-fold by the addition of the agonists. Postinternalization survival of bacteria was unaffected by fibrinogen or FCS. Thus, the agonistic factors affect the efficiency by which adherent bacteria are internalized by epithelial cells.  相似文献   

The extracellular cysteine protease from Streptococcus pyogenes is a virulence factor that plays a significant role in host-pathogen interaction. Streptococcal protease is expressed as an inactive 40-kDa precursor that is autocatalytically converted into a 28-kDa mature (active) enzyme. Replacement of the single cysteine residue involved in formation of the enzyme active site with serine (C192S mutation) abolished detectable proteolytic activity and eliminated autocatalytic processing of zymogen to the mature form. In the present study, we investigated activity of the wild-type (wt) streptococcal protease toward human fibrinogen and bovine casein. The former is involved in blood coagulation, wound healing, and other aspects of hemostasis. Treatment with streptococcal protease resulted in degradation of the COOH-terminal region of fibrinogen alpha chain, indicating that fibrinogen may serve as an important substrate for this enzyme during the course of human infection. Polyclonal antibodies generated against recombinant 40- and 28-kDa (r40- and r28-kDa) forms of the C192S streptococcal protease mutant exhibited high enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay titers but demonstrated different inhibition activities toward proteolytic action of the wt enzyme. Activity of the wt protease was readily inhibited when the reaction was carried out in the presence of antibodies generated against r28-kDa C192S mutant. Antibodies produced against r40-kDa C192S mutant had no significant effect on proteolysis. These data suggest that the presence of the NH(2)-terminal prosegment prevents generation of functionally active antibodies and indicate that inhibition activity of antibodies most likely depends on their ability to bind the active-site region epitope(s) of the protein.  相似文献   

The role of an extracellular cysteine protease encoded by the speB gene in group A Streptococcus (GAS) skin infection was studied with a mouse model. Mice were injected subcutaneously with a wild-type GAS serotype M3 strain or a cysteine protease-inactivated isogenic derivative grown to stationary phase. The mortality rate of mice injected with the M3 speB mutant strain was significantly decreased (P < 0.0008) compared to that of animals injected with the wild-type parental organism. The abscesses formed in animals infected with the cysteine protease mutant strain were significantly smaller (P < 0.0001) than those caused by the wild-type organism and slowly regressed over 3 to 4 weeks. In striking contrast, infection with the wild-type GAS isolate generated necrotic lesions, and in some animals the GAS disseminated widely from the injection site and produced extensive cutaneous damage. All of these animals developed bacteremia and died. GAS dissemination was accompanied by severe tissue and blood vessel necrosis. Cysteine protease expression in the infected tissue was identified by immunogold electron microscopy. These data demonstrate that cysteine protease expression contributes to soft tissue pathology, including necrosis, and is required for efficient systemic dissemination of the organism from the initial site of skin inoculation.  相似文献   

IdeS (IgG-degrading enzyme of Streptococcus pyogenes) is a virulence factor for S. pyogenes, group A Streptococcus (GAS). IdeS is believed to allow GAS to evade antibody-mediated phagocytosis by cleaving IgG at the lower hinge region. Human immunoglobulins bind to the GAS surface by two mechanisms: Specific antibodies attach at the Fab region to their specific antigens on the bacterial surface. Immunoglobulins can also attach nonspecifically at the Fc region to streptococcal M and M-like proteins. This phenomenon is believed to form the host-like coat and to block the recognition of Fc region by Fc receptor on phagocytes and antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity. It is not known whether IdeS preferentially cleaves IgG attached at the Fab or Fc regions. To explore this issue, we used Sepharose beads coated with protein A or L or M protein as surrogate markers for specific (Fab) and nonspecific (Fc) binding sites. We found that IdeS cleaved Fab-bound IgG as rapidly as soluble IgG. In contrast, Fc-bound IgG was cleaved about 4 fold less than soluble IgG. In a competitive binding assay, we found that M protein had a greater affinity than IdeS to attach to the Fc region of human IgG. Thus, IdeS exhibited preferential IgG endopeptidase activity for Fab-bound IgG while allowing the non-specific binding of IgG to remain attached to M protein. We propose that this preferential enzymatic activity accounts for the ability of GAS to resist immunoglobulin-mediated phagocytosis and cytotoxicity.  相似文献   

emm typing is the most widely used molecular typing method for the human pathogen Streptococcus pyogenes (group A streptococcus [GAS]). emm typing is based on a small variable region of the emm gene; however, the emm cluster typing system defines GAS types according to the nearly complete sequence of the emm gene. Therefore, emm cluster typing is considered to provide more information regarding the functional and structural properties of M proteins in different emm types of GAS. In the present study, 677 isolates collected between 1994 and 2008 in a hospital in southern Taiwan were analyzed by the emm cluster typing system. emm clusters A-C4, E1, E6, and A-C3 were the most prevalent emm cluster types and accounted for 67.4% of total isolates. emm clusters A-C4 and E1 were associated with noninvasive diseases, whereas E6 was significantly associated with both invasive and noninvasive manifestations. In addition, emm clusters D4, E2, and E3 were significantly associated with invasive manifestations. Furthermore, we found that the functional properties of M protein, including low fibrinogen-binding and high IgG-binding activities, were correlated significantly with invasive manifestations. In summary, the present study provides updated epidemiological information on GAS emm cluster types in southern Taiwan.  相似文献   

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