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Low-grade cribriform cystadenocarcinoma is a rare tumor that is recognized as a variant of cystadenocarcinoma by the 2005 WHO classification. We report a case of low-grade cribriform cystadenocarcinoma. The patient was a 32-year-old woman who presented with a mass in the right parotid region. Computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging revealed a polycystic mass in the right parotid gland. The preoperative fine needle aspiration biopsy showed no malignancy, however the frozen section during surgery showed carcinoma. The patient subsequently underwent total parotidectomy with preservation of the facial nerve. Microscopically, the tumor had a typical feature of intraductal proliferation. There was a golden brown pigment and PAS-positive/diastase-resistant cytoplasmic granules in the epithelium of the cysts. Immunohistochemically, smooth muscle actin highlighted the cells rimming the cystic spaces. The tumor cells were negative for S-100 protein. The patient has no recurrence and no facial palsy after the treatment.  相似文献   

目的总结颞下窝肿瘤切除术的围手术期处理经验。方法回顾性分析首都医科大学宣武医院2013年9月—2018年8月收治的154例颞下窝肿瘤患者的临床资料。术前评估包括专科检查、颅底CT及增强MRI,32例患者行术前数字减影血管造影(DSA)检查。采用内镜经鼻入路手术105例,经颈入路26例,经面入路23例。结果37例患者术中输血。内镜经鼻入路全切率90.5%(95/105),4例患者术后出现脑脊液鼻漏,经保守治疗及换药后治愈,无颅内感染;2例患者术后出血,再次手术止血;1例患者术后出现颈内动脉痉挛、脑梗死,经抗血管痉挛、激素、脑保护剂等治疗后好转。经颈入路全切率100.0%(26/26),5例患者行预防性气管切开术,术后对症支持治疗后顺利拔管。经面入路全切率95.7%(22/23)术后行补液及营养支持治疗。结论颞下窝肿瘤切除术的围手术期处理包括术前评估、术中输血、术后并发症等诊治,正确及时的围手术期处理对患者的早期恢复尤为重要。  相似文献   

颞下窝肿瘤的外科治疗   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
目的 :探讨颞下窝肿瘤的手术进路及手术方法。方法 :根据肿瘤病变的性质及范围采用耳前上、耳后下、改良Ferguson Weber及下颌骨下 4种手术进路。 结果 :手术结果按Kaplan Meire生存率计算 ,其 2年生存率良性肿瘤为 10 0 % ,恶性肿瘤为 4 7.1%。结论 :应根据肿瘤部位、性质与相邻解剖关系选择合适的手术进路 ,以保证手术能安全、有效及顺利进行  相似文献   

First described as a pleural neoplasm, the solitary fibrous tumor (fibrous mesothelioma) has been reported in a number of extrapulmonary sites, including the Head-Neck region. In the Head-Neck region, it has been described in the sinonasal tract, epiglottis, parapharyngeal, retropharyngeal spaces, parotid and infratemporal fossa. We present the second case of solitary fibrous tumor of infratemporal fossa described in world literature. A complete excision was achieved by transmaxillary approach.  相似文献   

Hemangiomas of the head and neck region can represent a therapeutic challenge depending on their size, location and symptoms. We report a case of a 40-year-old woman who presented with a 2-cm encapsulated cavernous hemangioma in the infratemporal fossa (ITF). Extensive workup included CT, MRI and angiography. A transoral/transpalatine approach avoiding osteotomy was used for surgical excision. After an unremarkable postoperative course the patient has remained disease-free after a 2-year follow-up period. We suggest this surgical approach as an alternative in carefully selected cases of circumscribed small, benign lesions of the ITF.  相似文献   

目的研究个体化三维数字模型(three dimension digital manikin,3D DM)在内镜经鼻翼腭窝、颞下窝解剖中的应用。方法12例(24侧)成人头部标本灌注后经CT扫描,将图像导入3Dview软件,重建出3D DM,然后在3D DM辅助下对翼腭窝、颞下窝进行内镜解剖,对头部标本解剖与3D DM视野及相关测量进行比较。结果头部标本解剖与个体化3D DM下视野高度一致,相关测量间比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论个体化3D DM为内镜下经鼻入路暴露翼腭窝、颞下窝提供详尽解剖数据,可以术前模拟翼腭窝、颞下窝解剖,对该手术入路的临床应用具重要指导意义。  相似文献   

目的通过观察颅骨标本颈静脉孔及周围重要结构和在尸头标本上模拟颞下窝A型入路,获得相关的国人解剖学数据,为临床应用提供参考。方法选取10例颅骨标本测量颈静脉孔大小及与周围重要结构间距离;应用10例尸头标本对颞下窝A型入路的相关结构进行显微解剖研究和测量。结果 1颈静脉孔外口距茎突根(4.17±1.99)mm、距茎乳孔(6.06±1.71)mm、距舌下神经管(2.41±1.23)mm;2面神经鼓室段长度(9.66±1.41)mm、乳突段长度(16.08±2.15)mm、面神经锥段距外半规管(1.08±0.41)mm;3颈静脉球距面神经乳突段(6.56±1.81)mm、距后半规管弓峰下缘(3.67±1.27)mm;4岩骨内颈内动脉垂直段长度(10.36±2.31)mm、水平段长度(19.41±2.02)mm;5后半规管弓峰下缘距寰椎横突(31.22±1.93)mm、乙状窦垂直臂距下颌关节(19.17±1.51)mm、乳突尖距岩尖(53.91±4.82)mm。结论颞下窝A型入路可充分暴露颞下窝后部及迷路下区特别是颈静脉孔区,适用于切除迷路下区及颈静脉孔周围病变。  相似文献   

目的 探讨颞下窝肿瘤切除术围手术期护理要点及术后潜在并发症的预防。方法 通过对1例颞下窝肿瘤切除术后并发症的观察及对症护理,总结颞下窝肿瘤切除术后常见并发症及相应护理对策。结果 患者顺利康复出院,围手术期并发症处理满意。结论 对颞下窝肿瘤切除患者,实施科学有效的护理,是手术成功、预防并发症的重要保证。  相似文献   

Trigeminal schwannomas are commonly located in the intracranium, and extracranial schwannomas limited to the infratemopral fossa (ITF) are extremely rare. Trigeminal mandibular schwannoma was found in the left ITF of a 48-year-old man who presented with a 1-year history of left facial pain and trismus. The schwannoma was completely removed by a transmandibular transpterygoid approach with no major complications. This case is discussed with a review of the literature on this rare occurrence, focusing on the surgical approach.  相似文献   

Robinson S  Patel N  Wormald PJ 《The Laryngoscope》2005,115(10):1818-1822
OBJECTIVES/HYPOTHESIS: Preliminary results of the endoscopic two-surgeon technique for the management of benign infratemporal fossa tumors are presented. METHODS: Four patients with juvenile nasopharyngeal angiofibroma, a patient with an inverting papilloma, and a patient with a maxillary nerve schwannoma were reviewed. The average age was 22.7 years; the male-to-female ratio was 5:1. The endoscopic anatomy and surgical technique are presented. RESULTS: The two-surgeon technique allowed complete resection of all six tumors extending into the infratemporal fossa. There has been no recurrence of tumor within the infratemporal fossa, after a mean follow-up of 31.3 months (SD = 11.2 mo). CONCLUSION: The two-surgeon transnasal technique allows benign infratemporal fossa tumors to be resected endoscopically.  相似文献   

《Auris, nasus, larynx》2019,46(6):921-926
ObjectiveIn the case of deep invasion of an infratemporal fossa (ITF) tumor, surgeons find it difficult to gain sufficient visualization and working space by conventional surgical approaches. To overcome these limitations, we have developed a novel surgical technique, maxillo-orbito-zygomatic (MOZ) approach, by combining partial lateral maxillectomy with the conventional orbito-zygomatic approach.MethodsA 63-year-old male presented with the fifth recurrent adenoid-cystic carcinoma in the right deep ITF. Using a Weber–Ferguson-type incision and partial dismasking, we elevated the skin and scalp flap, while preserving the facial nerve and orbicularis oculi muscle intact in the flap. Then, we performed MOZ osteotomy using three cut lines, the zygomatic arch, the frontozygomatic suture, and from the inferior orbital fissure to the anterolateral wall of the maxilla. Following this, we temporarily elevated the bone flap by partially opening the lateral maxillary sinus. We obtained an excellent surgical view of the ITF, middle skull base, and pterygopalatine fossa with this technique, which facilitated the safe removal of the tumor.ResultsThe postoperative course remained almost uneventful, and we obtained favorable cosmetic results.ConclusionsOur novel MOZ approach could be a robust approach to remove deep ITF tumors.  相似文献   

Although it represents the second most common neoplasm of the head and neck, lymphoma is generally not surgically managed and thus may be less familiar to otolaryngologists than other malignancies. However, otolaryngologists are often involved in the initial diagnosis, and should be aware of unusual presentations and the main lymphoma subtypes. We present a case of an extranodal marginal zone B-cell lymphoma, an indolent non-Hodgkin's lymphoma subtype. This type of lymphoma most commonly occurs in the stomach, but was found in the infratemporal fossa. This is the first report of an extranodal marginal zone B-cell lymphoma occurring in this location.  相似文献   

目的探索经鼻内镜翼腭窝、颞下窝恒定的解剖标志,为手术处理该区域病变奠定基础。方法对11例尸头行鼻内镜侧颅底解剖学研究。经鼻内镜经中鼻道、蝶腭孔、上颌窦后壁入路,暴露翼腭窝及颞下窝的重要血管、神经及骨性解剖标志,并测量各解剖标志间的距离。结果经鼻内镜可恒定暴露蝶腭孔、翼管、圆孔、蝶腭神经节、眶下神经、卵圆孔、棘孔等重要侧颅底标志。鼻小柱基底到蝶腭孔、翼管、圆孔、卵圆孔、棘孔、破裂孔的距离分别为(69±3)、(73±3)、(75±3)、(90±5)、(96±4)、(88±3)mm。结论经鼻内镜可显露翼腭窝及颞下窝重要解剖结构,且各解剖结构可通过相互之间的距离及位置在鼻内镜二维平面上互相定位,以更直观、安全的处理该区域的病变。  相似文献   

Herein, we present the case of a previously healthy 54 year-old female who developed several weeks of unilateral tinnitus and aural fullness. She subsequently underwent unilateral pressure equalization tube placement at an outside institution after exam demonstrated a middle ear effusion, conductive hearing loss and normal nasopharyngoscopy. Ultimately, an MRI revealed an occult mass in the infratemporal fossa (ITF), which was successfully removed via an endoscopic transnasal ITF approach. Following resection of a histopathologically confirmed benign neurofibroma, she reported complete resolution of her symptoms. The antiquated diagnostic algorithm of unilateral effusion suggests that normal nasopharyngscopy successfully “rules out” a causative neoplastic process; however, Eustachian tube occlusion by occult skull base lesions may be missed without further investigation. This case highlights the need for additional radiological investigation of unexplained unilateral persistent middle ear effusion in the setting of normal nasopharyngoscopy.  相似文献   



Synovial sarcoma in the head and neck region is rare, and is difficult to resect with adequate safety margins because of its anatomical complexity. We herein report our experiences with synovial sarcoma in this region, and review the literature regarding the management of such cases.


We retrospectively examined four cases of synovial sarcoma arising from the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) area and infratemporal fossa.


Only one patient remains alive without disease, while the other three patients have died.


The local control of these tumors has improved because of the progress in the surgical operation methods, while it is expected that there is still a high rate of deaths due to distant metastasis increase. The development of strong chemotherapy is needed for the use after the initial treatment and surgery.  相似文献   

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