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用荧光素逆行标记法研究膈肌的神经支配   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
为了探讨膈肌的神经支配,用Wistar大鼠14只,将荧光素Bb注入左侧膈肌,结果在C3-5和T8-10节段双侧的脊髓前角和脊神经节中,均发现Bb标记的荧光细胞。本实验提示:膈神经和肋间神经都参与了膈肌的神经支配;一侧的膈神经阳助间神经不但支配同侧膈肌,还可有分支支配对侧膈肌.并可推断:移位一侧膈神经不会导致同侧膈肌失神经支配;刺激一侧膈神经可使双侧膈肌收缩。  相似文献   

[目的]探讨副神经移位膈神经重建高位颈髓损伤大鼠呼吸功能后膈肌的病理学变化及膈肌运动诱发电位(motion evoked potential,MEP)的特点。[方法]健康雄性SD大鼠60只。随机分为1~6个月6个时间组。取下颈部正中切口,将双侧副神经在锁骨下水平发出内、外侧支之前切断,移位缝接膈神经干起始部。术后第1~6个月各组样本取颈后正中切口,切除C3全椎板充分显露颈髓并于C3、4水平锐性横断。证实胫前肌MEP完全消失后,于两侧腋前线肋下缘作切口,显露该处膈肌腹腔侧。直视下将同心针电极于腋前线第9肋骨下缘垂直胸壁插入膈肌肋部,监测其MEP的变化。然后完整取出膈肌,于电子天平称重。并于右侧腋前线顺膈肌肌纤维方向切取2 mm宽肌条行HE染色。分析膈肌肌纤维截面积的变化。[结果]神经移位后随着时间延长,大鼠膈肌MEP潜伏期逐渐缩短,波幅逐渐增大。6个月组MEP波幅为(6.35±0.51)mV,潜伏期为(3.41±0.36)m s。同时,膈肌逐渐饱满,肌重逐渐恢复,6个月为正常对照组的(97.23±4.07)%。肌纤维截面积也逐渐增大,6个月组达(1 741±439)μm2为正常对照组(1 809±461)μm2的(98.28±3.65)%。6个月组的各数据与对照组比无显著差异(P>0.05)。[结论]从电生理及病理学来看副神经可作为运动神经移位膈神经重建高位颈髓损伤后呼吸功能。  相似文献   

目的 探讨移植神经长度对膈神经移位肌皮神经治疗臂丛神经根性撕脱伤疗效的影响.方法 对2007年至2010年于我院行膈神经移位肌皮神经治疗臂丛损伤的患者进行临床随访,其中17例需要做神经移植.通过检测肱二头肌肌力与体重指数(BMI)评定手术疗效.结果 17例患者的总体有效率82.4%,移植神经长度以及BMI与屈肘功能恢复无明显相关性.结论 臂丛损伤患者尤其是全臂丛损伤患者中,膈神经移位肌皮神经的临床疗效不受移植神经长度以及BMI的影响.  相似文献   

全长膈神经移位不同路径选择的解剖学研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的 对全长膈神经移位的路径进行解剖学研究为电视胸腔镜下切取全长膈神经移位奠定解剖学基础。方法 选用新鲜尸体 10具 2 0侧 ,对锁骨上移位和锁骨下移位两种移位路径进行比较。结果 锁骨上移位 :右侧全长膈神经可移至锁骨中点以远 11.45± 1.64cm ,左侧可至锁骨中点以远 19.1± 1.42cm ,两侧均不能携带伴行血管。锁骨下移位 :右侧全长膈神经可移至锁骨中点以远 6.4±0 .74cm ,左侧可至锁骨中点以远 11.7± 1.5cm ,两侧均可携带伴行血管。结论 两种移位路径各有优缺点。锁骨上移位可以获得神经的最大长度 ,但不能带血管 ,且手术范围大。锁骨下移位虽获得膈神经的长度较短 ,但能携带膈神经伴行血管一同移位 ,确保神经的血供  相似文献   

目的观察应用Sprague—Dawley(SD)大鼠膈神经转位桥接尺神经修复股神经,观察此手术对重建大鼠股四头肌功能的疗效。方法三级SD大鼠20只,随机分为A、B两组,每组10只,左侧为实验侧,右侧为对照侧。实验侧:行膈神经桥接带血管蒂的尺神经转位修复股神经手术;对照侧不吻合神经,作空白处理。A组于12周后检测指标。B组于24周后检测指标。观察指标为电生理、有髓神经纤维通过率及截面积、股四头肌湿重比、肌纤维截面积比。结果B组肌肉复合动作电位波幅、股四头肌湿重比、肌纤维截面积比、有髓神经纤维截面积均优于A组;两组有髓神经纤维通过率、截面积比较,差异无统计学意义。结论大鼠膈神经通过桥接尺神经移位吻合至股神经,可恢复股四头肌部分功能,其功能恢复随着术后时间的延长而改善。  相似文献   

了解一侧膈神经和部分肋间神经同时移位治疗臂丛神经损伤后对呼吸功能的影响。选择28例臂丛神经根损伤,行膈神经和肋间神经同时切断前后,测量呼吸潮气量,频率,呼气未二氧化碳分压和脉搏血氧饱和度的变化。结果:该两种经同时切断后,Vt,f有所下降,PetCO2升高,表示呼吸功能受到抑制。  相似文献   

膈神经移位术后神经元再生的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的 通过观察膈神经移位术后大鼠神经元再生情况及其形态学改变,了解该神经移位术后运动和感觉神经元的再生能力.方法 采用SD成年雌鼠(10~12周龄,n=11只),一组大鼠膈神经切断后用荧光示踪剂快蓝溶液标记,一周后经心脏灌注4%副甲醛溶液,取出C2-5脊髓节段及背根神经节,切片在荧光显微镜放大250倍下计数快蓝标记的运动神经元和感觉神经元,并测量荧光标记的神经元截面积.另一组大鼠行膈神经移位至肌皮神经,经过6个月的神经再生后,在吻合口远端切断肌皮神经,采用同样方法逆向标记已经完成再生的神经元,一周后如上法取材,计数神经元及测量胞体截面积.结果 1.正常大鼠膈神经核含运动神经元[(344.3±10.0)个,(x)±s,下同],截面积为(588.5±31.9)μm2;含感觉神经元(427.0±54.6)个,截面积为(881.9±86.9)μm2.2.膈神经移位术后,约有95%的运动神经元(326.0±16.3)个完成了再生,再生的运动神经元胞体表现出轻度肿胀(673.6±25.8)μm2;只有约60%的感觉神经元完成了再生(255.8±45.2)个,再生的感觉神经元表现出胞体萎缩(668.8±51.1)μm2.结论 膈神经移位后具有良好的神经元再生能力,尤其表现在运动神经元,为术后运动功能恢复创造了重要的先决条件.  相似文献   

膈神经移位术后肺功能随访观察   总被引:10,自引:4,他引:6  
本文报道21例应用膈神经移位治疗臂丛神经根性撕脱伤,术后2年内定期随访肺功能,证实膈神经移位后,肺功能的改变是短暂的。  相似文献   

Wang C  Yuan W  Zhou XH  Wang XW  Shi S  Xu GQ  Wu GX  Bo Y 《中华外科杂志》2010,48(16):1252-1255
目的 了解副神经及膈神经的解剖特点、位置关系及内部运动神经纤维含量,为副神经移位膈神经重建高位颈髓损伤后患者呼吸功能提供解剖学依据.方法 选取20具(38侧)福尔马林固定的成人尸体标本,解剖并观察副神经、膈神经的走形特点,测量副神经及膈神经的长、宽及厚度,副神经舌骨水平至膈神经颈部起点及终点的距离.利用免疫组化方法对膈神经及副神经不同位置进行切片染色,对比纤维含量.结果 副神经发出胸锁乳突肌支后主干的宽度为(1.55±0.11)~(1.61±0.46)mm,厚度为(0.53±0.18)~(0.57±0.24)mm;膈神经的宽度为(1.44±0.27)~(1.45±0.27)mm,厚度为(0.47±0.13)~(0.55±0.24)mm;副神经的长度为(9.48±1.02)cm,副神经舌骨水平与膈神经起始点及膈神经与锁骨交点的距离分别为(3.19±1.23)cm和(8.71±0.75)cm;膈神经的长度为(6.45±0.86)cm;副神经发出胸锁乳突肌支后运动神经纤维含量为(917±234)~(1104±254)条,膈神运动神经纤维含量为(836±311)~(1443±526)条.结论 副神经及膈神经的宽度、厚度及运动神经纤维含量均相似,且副神经的长度可保证与膈神经无张力直接吻合,从解剖学及免疫组化的角度来讲,副神经是重建高位颈髓损伤呼吸功能理想的移位神经.  相似文献   

目的 研究膈神经端侧吻合移位至肌皮神经治疗臂丛神经撕脱伤的可行性.方法 取雄性SD大鼠51只,随机分成4组:A组,单侧全臂丛神经撕脱组;B组,膈神经端端吻合组;C组,膈神经端侧吻合组;D组,膈神经螺旋状端侧吻合组(B、C、D组膈神经均移植2.0 cm腓肠神经至肌皮神经).并于术后进行肢体功能、组织学和神经电生理检测.另取绿色荧光蛋白(green fluorescent protein,GFP)转基因F344大鼠9只,通过荧光显微镜观察膈神经轴突再生情况.方果 各实验组术后手术侧肢体功能逐渐恢复,术后神经电生理和组织学检测表明,术后3个月,C、D组左侧肱二头肌肌张力恢复率和肌湿重恢复率,分别为B组的76.4%和86.3%、85.6%和87.7%,即端侧吻合组肱二头肌功能达到端端吻合组的80%以上,同时保留了膈肌的功能.荧光显微镜观察发现膈神经轴突通过端侧吻合口长入移植神经.方论 膈神经端侧吻合治疗臂丛神经损伤的手术方法是有效、可行的.  相似文献   

目的:探讨副神经移位膈神经恢复膈肌运动功能的可行性。方法:成年雄性SD大鼠100只随机分成A、B2组。经颈前路显露两侧膈神经干,于C6水平切断。A组原位缝接;B组游离副神经,在其主干进入斜方肌前切断,并与膈神经干缝接。术前:术后5min及第1、2、4、6、8个月观察膈肌的位移,然后于C3-4水平横断脊髓了解膈肌的位移变化。比较各时间点2组膈肌位移的恢复率。结果:高位颈髓横断伤前2组膈肌位移恢复率无显著性差异,而高位颈髓横断伤后3组膈肌位移恢复率明显优于A组。结论:副神经移位膈神经能有效地恢复高位颈髓横断伤大鼠的膈肌运动功能。  相似文献   

目的阐明膈神经、副神经肌电图检查对提高臂丛神经根性损伤诊断符合率的机制和意义。方法对100例术中证实为全臂丛或上中干根性损伤的术前肌电图资料(包括膈神经、副神经和臂丛神经)进行分析,总结C5神经根性损伤中节前、后的发生率,术前诊断符合率及膈神经、副神经的功能。结果100例臂丛神经根性损伤中,C5神经根性损伤的诊断符合率为87%,比过去提高31.9%;节后损伤的诊断符合率为81.9%,提高30.8%。膈神经、副神经完全损伤者C5神经根均为节前损伤。膈神经完全损伤13例,不全损伤7例中5例(71.4%)为节前损伤;副神经完全损伤5例,不全损伤14例中8例(57.1%)为节前损伤。结论对膈神经、副神经进行肌电图检测,可提高C5神经根性损伤的术前诊断符合率;并可判断膈神经、副神经的功能是否适合作神经移位术的动力神经  相似文献   

To investigate how continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) changes the vagal nerve activity and whether CPAP alters the efferent phrenic nerve activity or the breathing pattern similarly before and after vagotomy, a study was made of vagal and phrenic nerve activity in chloralose-anaesthetized cats. In the vagal nerve, CPAP increased the mean impulse frequency during expiratory rest. The breath-related impulse frequency also increased with CPAP. With higher CPAP (greater than or equal to 0.5 kPa), the peak of breath-induced activity in the vagal nerve lasted longer than inspiration. In the phrenic nerve, the impulse frequency in the bursts increased almost linearly with CPAP irrespective of whether the vagal nerves were intact or not. The duration of the phrenic nerve bursts decreased with increasing CPAP when the vagal nerves were intact. When the vagal nerves were cut, the burst duration did not change. The rate of breathing was almost unchanged by CPAP regardless of whether the vagal nerves were cut or not. The inspiration/expiration ratio decreased with increasing CPAP when the vagal nerves were intact, but not when they were cut.  相似文献   

目的 :探讨副神经移位膈神经重建高位颈髓损伤患者呼吸功能的解剖学可行性。方法 :选取经福尔马林固定的成人尸体30具,解剖分离颈部双侧膈神经及副神经共60侧,测量副神经主干终点(设定为副神经进入斜方肌处)及膈神经起始点的宽度及厚度、副神经出胸锁乳突肌外侧缘点至膈神经主干起始点及终点的距离、胸锁乳突肌外侧缘与斜方肌内侧缘之间的副神经长度,寻找副神经沿胸锁乳突肌外侧缘斜出的位置、副神经起始点与甲状软骨的位置关系及副神经入斜方肌内侧缘的位置与锁骨中线的关系。选取5具尸体(10侧)的副神经主干终点及膈神经起始点标本,进行切片、免疫组织化学染色,计数运动神经纤维含量。结果:副神经进入胸锁乳突肌后,5侧穿过胸锁乳突肌下行,55侧在胸锁乳突肌的深面继续向下外穿行,其在胸锁乳突肌后缘,距胸锁乳突肌锁骨止点85.2±5.9mm处浅出;在肩胛提肌表面,副神经越过颈后三角行至斜方肌前缘于锁骨中线内侧13.2±1.9mm处进入斜方肌,于斜方肌深面分为2~5支支配斜方肌。副神经主干终点的宽度为1.61±0.39mm,厚度为0.61±0.23mm,胸锁乳突肌外侧缘与斜方肌内侧缘之间的副神经长度为59.2±12.2mm。16侧膈神经起始点位于甲状软骨的中点水平,32侧位于甲状软骨上缘水平,6侧位于甲状软骨下缘水平,6侧位于甲状软骨上1/3水平。膈神经起始点处的宽度为1.43±0.27mm,厚度为0.60±0.26mm,副神经胸锁乳突肌外侧缘点至膈神经起始点的距离为26.9±6.0mm,至膈神经终点的距离为76.7±8.2mm。胸锁乳突肌外侧缘与斜方肌内侧缘间的副神经长度大于副神经胸锁乳突肌外侧缘至膈神经起始点的距离(P=0.000)。膈神经起始点的运动神经纤维含量为836±311条,副神经主干终点的运动神经纤维含量为1290±371条,两者比较差异有统计学意义(P=0.019)。结论:胸锁乳突肌外侧缘与斜方肌内侧缘之间的副神经长度明显大于副神经胸锁乳突肌外侧缘点至膈神经起始点的距离,从解剖学的角度证明了在不损伤胸锁乳突肌的情况下副神经可与膈神经起始点无张力直接吻合。  相似文献   

We report a case of mediastinal neurofibroma originating from the left phrenic nerve in a 42-year-old woman who was referred to us after a routine chest X-ray showed a smooth, round abnormal shadow in the left middle lung field adjacent to the heart. We resected a 25 × 20 × 20-mm tumor by video-assisted thoracic surgery. Histopathological examination confirmed that the lesion was a mediastinal neurofibroma originating from the left phrenic nerve without von Recklinghausens disease. Neurogenic mediastinal tumors originating from the phrenic nerve are very rare, and to the best of our knowledge, no other case of a mediastinal neurofibroma originating from the phrenic nerve in a patient without von Recklinghausens disease has ever been reported.  相似文献   

The effect of differential lung ventilation (DLV) on afferent vagal and efferent phrenic nerve activities was studied in urethane anesthetized cats. One endotracheal tube was inserted into the left bronchus to ventilate its side lung. Another tube was inserted until its tip reached about 1cm above the carina to ventilate the right lung. Using two respirators, each lung was ventilated independently. Using hooked silver electrodes, the vagal and phrenic nerve activities were recorded.The afferent vagal nerve was activated in concurrence with lung inflation at any ventilation rate. The right and left vagal nerves were activated by right and left lung ventilation, respectively. On the other hand, the right and left efferent phrenic nerves were synchronized, whether the ventilation was disused or ventilation was achieved by right or left one lung ventilation or even by asynchronous DLV.The phrenic nerve activity was surpressed by one-lung, right or left, ventilation independently, so that the rhythm of the phrenic nerve was disturbed by asynchronous DLV. From these results, to reduce the stress of patients during asychronous DLV, it was considered that patients need heavier sedation than a usual mechanical ventilatory support.(Kasaba T, Kosaka Y: Phrenic nerve and vagal nerve activities during differential lung ventilation in cats. J Anesth 2: 170–175, 1988)  相似文献   

Traumatic brachial plexus injuries are a devastating injury that results in partial or total denervation of the muscles of the upper extremity. Treatment options that include neurolysis, nerve grafting, or neurotization (nerve transfer) has become an important procedure in the restoration of function in patients with irreparable preganglionic lesions. Restoration of elbow flexion is the primary goal in treating patients with severe brachial plexus injuries. Nerve transfers are used when spinal roots are avulsed, and proximal stumps are not available. In the present study, we analyze the results obtained in 20 patients treated with phrenic–musculocutaneous nerve transfer to restore elbow flexion after brachial plexus injuries. A consecutive series of 25 adult patients (21 men and 4 women) with a brachial plexus traction/crush lesion were treated with phrenic–musculocutaneous nerve transfer, but only 20 patients (18 men and 2 women) were followed and evaluated for at least 2 years postoperatively. All patients had been referred from other institutions. At the initial evaluation, eight patients received a diagnosis of C5-6 brachial plexus nerve injury, and in the other 12 patients, a complete brachial plexus injury was identified. Reconstruction was undertaken if no clinical or electrical evidence of biceps muscle function was seen by 3 months post injury. Functional elbow flexion was obtained in the majority of cases by phrenic–musculocutaneous nerve transfer (14/20, 70%). At the final follow-up evaluation, elbow flexion strength was a Medical Research Council Grade 5 in two patients, Grade 4 in four patients, Grade 3 in eight patients, and Grade 2 or less in six patients. Transfer involving the phrenic nerve to restore elbow flexion seems to be an appropriate approach for the treatment of brachial plexus root avulsion. Traumatic brachial plexus injury is a devastating injury that result in partial or total denervation of the muscles of the upper extremity. Treatment options include neurolysis, nerve grafting, or neurotization (nerve transfer). Neurotization is the transfer of a functional but less important nerve to a denervated more important nerve. It has become an important procedure in the restoration of function in patients with irreparable preganglionic lesions. Restoration of elbow flexion is the primary goal in treating patients with severe brachial plexus injuries. Nerve transfers are used when spinal roots are avulsed, and proximal stumps are not available. Newer extraplexal sources include the ipsilateral phrenic nerve as reported by Gu et al. (Chin Med J 103:267–270, 1990) and contralateral C7 as reported by Gu et al. (J Hand Surg [Br] 17(B):518–521, 1992) and Songcharoen et al. (J Hand Surg [Am] 26(A):1058–1064, 2001). These nerve transfers have been introduced to expand on the limited donors. The phrenic nerve and its anatomic position directly within the surgical field makes it a tempting source for nerve transfer. Although not always, in cases of complete brachial plexus avulsion, the phrenic nerve is functioning as a result of its C3 and C4 major contributions. In the present study, we analyze the results obtained in 20 patients treated with phrenic–musculocutaneous nerve transfer to restore elbow flexion after brachial plexus injuries.  相似文献   

We describe a 58-year-old male diagnosed with a tumour of the left lung, which on subsequent thoracotomy proved to be invading the phrenic nerve. The clinical and spirometric outcome of a lobectomy, which resulted in a postoperative ipsilateral hemidiaphragmatic paralysis, versus the alternative surgical option of a pneumonectomy is discussed.  相似文献   

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