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The sternocleidomastoid muscle may be used as a muscular or a myocutaneous flap to satisfy the need for viable soft tissue in the reconstruction of some cancer- and trauma-related deformities. The anatomic and technical bases of these flaps are discussed in the context of a single-stage pedicled transfer in oral and maxillofacial reconstructive surgery.  相似文献   

Large ulcerated lesions of the oral cavity may be benign or malignant, and often the oral and maxillofacial surgeon is asked to differentiate between the two. Biopsy is recommended in all suspected lesions. However, occasionally the original histologic impression of a malignant neoplasm is not confirmed by the clinical behavior of the lesion. This report describes such a case and emphasizes the role of light microscopy, immunohistochemistry, and electron microscopy in the evaluation of such lesions.  相似文献   

A case of squamous cell carcinoma has been observed in conjunction with a mandibular staple bone plate. Because minor complications such as chronic irritation and gingival hyperplasia can possibly lead to more major sequelae, continuous follow-up care and observation are of the highest importance to the clinician who is involved in placement of the staple bone plate.  相似文献   

Grand Rapids, the first city in the world to implement controlled water fluoridation, has served as a model for thousands of other communities. Fluoridation is one of the greatest public health and disease-preventive measures of all time. Its advantages include effectiveness for all, ease of delivery, safety, equity, and low cost. Today, nearly 56 percent of the US population lives in fluoridated communities (62% of those on central water supplies). Previously observed caries reductions of one-half to two-thirds are no longer attainable in the United States because other fluoride methods and products have reduced the caries prevalence in all areas, thus diluting the measurement of effectiveness, and because benefits of fluoridation are dispersed in many ways to persons in nonfluoridated areas. Water fluoridation itself, however, remains as effective as it ever was among groups at high risk to dental caries. Contrary to early beliefs that stressed the importance of preeruptive fluoride exposure, fluoridation also provides an important source of topical fluoride and facilitates remineralization. Although data on effectiveness and safety are compelling, future progress of water fluoridation will be affected by economic, political, and public perception factors.  相似文献   

舌下腺囊肿145例临床病例分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的:对舌下腺囊肿临床病理资料进行回顾性分析,评价手术方式与疗效的关系。方法:术前行穿刺、超声等检查,在全麻或局麻下经口内进路、颌下进路或口内联合颌下进路行舌下腺及囊肿摘除术,术后标本进行组织病理观察。结果:87例穿刺液淀粉酶检查阳性76例,88例单纯型舌下腺囊肿经口内行舌下腺及囊肿摘除术均无复发;18例哑铃型舌下腺囊肿经口内或颌下联合口内进路行舌下腺及囊肿摘除术,术后无复发;32例口外型舌下腺囊肿分别经口内、颌下进路及颌下联合口内进路行舌下腺及囊肿摘除术,其复发率分别为0、50%、0。病理切片镜下观察,143例中82例(57.3%)囊肿有纤维囊壁,但只有4例有部分上皮衬里。结论:舌下腺囊肿的囊壁无上皮衬里,完整摘除舌下腺是治愈的关键。  相似文献   

人体下颌骨强度研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:研究取件角度对人体下颌骨皮质骨拉压强度的影响。方法:将人体下颌骨看作是各向异性生物复合材料,采用复合材料力学方法测试其不同方向、不同角度的抗压强度。结果:确定了人体下颌骨皮质骨在应力应为空间的正轴、偏轴强度参数。结论:骨的强度分析不能简单地套用复合材料力学强度理论,而要根据试验结果修理加以应用。  相似文献   

Seal & Protect TM对牙本质作用的扫描电镜研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
目的 通过扫描电镜观察Seal&ProtectTM封闭人离体牙牙本质小管的效果 ,探讨作用机理。方法 选择新鲜的离体牙进行脱敏治疗 ,立即制备标本 ,进行扫描电镜观察其牙本质横纵断面的结构变化。结果 对照组牙本质表面凹凸不平 ,呈弹坑状 ,牙本质小管口完全暴露 ;实验组牙本质表面呈均匀一致状 ,大部分牙本质小管被封闭 ,极少数小管外露。结论 Seal&ProtectTM能有效地封闭牙本质小管 ,达到治疗牙本质过敏症的目的。  相似文献   

Abstract The effect on plaque, gingivitis and dental caries of regularly repeated professional mechanical tooth cleaning combined with topical application of monofluoro-phosphate was tested in a group of 192 schoolchildren, 7–14 years of age, during a 2-year trial. They were divided into test and control groups. A baseline examination revealed that the test and control groups had a very similar oral hygiene status, degree of gingival inflammation and caries experience. Once every second week during the 2-year period the children of the test groups were given professional oral prophylaxis including careful tooth cleaning and topical application of 5 % sodium mono-fluorophosphate. Once every month, the children of the control groups brushed their teeth at school, under supervision, using a 0.2 % sodium fluoride solution. The results after 1 and 2 years of experiment indicate that the test group children had low Plaque Index scores (~ 0.3), only negligible signs of gingivitis (~ 0.25) and very low caries increment (0.1 new carious surface per year). The control group children had higher Plaque Index scores (~ 1.0), showed signs of gingivitis (~ 0.75), and developed on an average 3.1 new carious surfaces per year. It is suggested that the efficacy of public health programmes, based on professional tooth cleaning and topical fluoride administration, should be tested in larger groups of children and adults.  相似文献   

The odontogenic keratocyst   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

The efficacy of etodolac for patients with pain following oral surgery   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The analgesic efficacy of etodolac for 161 patients reporting moderate to severe pain after oral surgery was evaluated. The patients were given single oral doses of one of the following test drugs--aspirin, 650 mg; etodolac, 50 mg; or etodolac, 200 mg--or placebo. There were at least 39 patients in each drug group. After medication, patients recorded pain intensity and pain relief at half-hour intervals for the first hour and then hourly for up to eight hours. Pain intensity differences, total pain relief, onset of analgesia, and each patient's overall opinion of the drug were analyzed. Time--effect curves were derived from the pain relief and pain intensity difference scores. Analgesic effects produced by both doses of etodolac were comparable with those of 650 mg of aspirin. All active drugs were significantly more effective than placebo, and the 200-mg dose of etodolac provided an earlier onset and longer duration of analgesia than the other test drugs.  相似文献   

Oral and maxillofacial surgeons, in the course of patient evaluation, may incidentally discover abnormalities of the sella turcica. A large percentage of patients with sella deformities will be found to have the empty sella syndrome. The clinical and radiographic manifestations of this disorder, and the significance of this diagnosis, are discussed.  相似文献   

A study was performed to identify the area within the maxilla where vertical maxillary deformities are expressed. Analysis of the maxillas of individuals who displayed 4 mm or more of the central incisors at rest were compared with those who displayed less than 1 mm. Similarly, individuals who had greater than or equal to 2 mm negative incisor overbite (open-bite) were compared with those who had greater than or equal to 2 mm positive overbite. The results showed that the vertical position of the maxillary skeleton (palate) was similar in all groups. The vertical excess was found to lie within the dentoalveolus. The clinical implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

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