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The polymorphic CAG repeat that is expanded on Huntington disease(HD) chromosomes is flanked by a CCG repeat. Here we show thatthis CCG tract, previously assumed to be invariant at sevenCCG repeats, is also polymorphic. We have identified five CCGalleles from 205 normal chromosomes, with 137 (67%) having allelesof seven repeats, five (2%) with nine repeats, 61 (30%) with10 repeats, one (0.5%) with 11 repeats and one (0.5%) with 12repeats. In contrast, analysis of 113 HD chromosomes revealedthat the majority (105 chromosomes, 93%) contained seven CCGrepeats, while the remaining eight chromosomes (7%) had allelesizes of 10 CCG repeats. Despite evidence that both CAG andCCG are polymorphic on normal chromosomes, we have found thatit is only the CAG length that has a significant impact on ageof onset. The discovery of larger sized CCG alleles, however,has significant implications for the assessment of CAG repeatlength, particularly for persons with estimated CAG size of36–42 repeats, since an overestimation of CAG length inthis range could result in erroneous information being impartedto patients.  相似文献   

We have analysed the distribution of CAG and adjacent polymorphic CCG repeats in the Huntingtin gene in 28 clinically diagnosed unrelated Huntington's disease (HD) patients and in normal individuals belonging to different ethnic groups of India. The range of expanded CAG repeats in HD patients varied from 41 to 56 repeats, whereas in normal individuals this number varied between 11 and 31 repeats. We identified six CCG alleles from a total of 380 normal chromosomes that were pooled across different ethnic populations of India. There were two predominant alleles: (CCG)7 (72.6%) and (CCG)10 (20%). We report here for the first time one four-repeat CCG allele which has not been found in any population so far. We found 30 haplotypes (two loci CAG-CCG) for 380 normal chromosomes. In the present study, no statistically significant preponderance of expanded HD alleles was found on either (CCG)7 or (CCG)10 backgrounds. Our studies suggest that the overall prevalence of HD in Indian populations may not be as high as in Western populations. Further studies are necessary to identify the origin of HD mutation in these populations.  相似文献   

Spoligotyping is a major tool for molecular typing of Mycobacterium bovis. This technique is based on the polymorphism of spacers that separate direct repeats (DRs) in the M. tuberculosis complex DR region. Numerous M. bovis strains show a lack of several spacers which appears as a gap in the spoligotyping pattern. To determine whether these gaps contain alternative spacers not included in the spoligotyping membrane, PCRs using primers that hybridize to the spacers adjacent to the gaps were performed. Comparing the sizes of products obtained by PCR with those deduced from spoligotyping patterns, fragments were selected and sequenced to look for alternative spacers. Upon analysis of the sequences, five alternative spacers were detected, although deletions of spacers are mainly responsible for the observed gaps. The alternative spacers, which are more frequent in M. bovis than in M. tuberculosis, may contribute to increased M. bovis differentiation.  相似文献   

A recent case-control study suggested that modest enlargements of a CAG repeat in the hKCa3 potassium channel may be associated with bipolar disorder. We tried to replicate this result in a UK Caucasian sample of 203 DSM-IV bipolar I disorder patients and 206 controls group-matched for age and sex. Using the same model of analysis as the earlier study, bipolar probands did not have a higher frequency of alleles with greater than 19 repeats than controls (chi2 = 1.44, 1 df, P = 0.23). Similarly, comparison of the distributions of repeat sizes between probands and controls did not approach statistical significance (Mann-Whitney U test, P = 0.35). We conclude that our data provide no support for the hypothesis that variation at the hKCa3 gene contributes to susceptibility to bipolar disorder.  相似文献   

The 'expanded' HD CAG repeat that causes Huntington's disease (HD) encodes a polyglutamine tract in huntingtin, which first targets the death of medium-sized spiny striatal neurons. Mitochondrial energetics, related to N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) Ca2+-signaling, has long been implicated in this neuronal specificity, implying an integral role for huntingtin in mitochondrial energy metabolism. As a genetic test of this hypothesis, we have looked for a relationship between the length of the HD CAG repeat, expressed in endogenous huntingtin, and mitochondrial ATP production. In STHdhQ111 knock-in striatal cells, a juvenile onset HD CAG repeat was associated with low mitochondrial ATP and decreased mitochondrial ADP-uptake. This metabolic inhibition was associated with enhanced Ca2+-influx through NMDA receptors, which when blocked resulted in increased cellular [ATP/ADP]. We then evaluated [ATP/ADP] in 40 human lymphoblastoid cell lines, bearing non-HD CAG lengths (9-34 units) or HD-causing alleles (35-70 units). This analysis revealed an inverse association with the longer of the two allelic HD CAG repeats in both the non-HD and HD ranges. Thus, the polyglutamine tract in huntingtin appears to regulate mitochondrial ADP-phosphorylation in a Ca2+-dependent process that fulfills the genetic criteria for the HD trigger of pathogenesis, and it thereby determines a fundamental biological parameter--cellular energy status, which may contribute to the exquisite vulnerability of striatal neurons in HD. Moreover, the evidence that this polymorphism can determine energy status in the non-HD range suggests that it should be tested as a potential physiological modifier in both health and disease.  相似文献   

We report on mutation screening and CAG repeat length analysis of the androgen receptor (AR) gene in 21 patients with hypospadias. The urethral meatus was located at the glandular region in six patients (glandular type), at the penile shaft in seven patients (penile type), and at the scrotal/perineal region in eight patients (scrotal/perineal type). Mutation screening was performed for exons 1-8 and their flanking introns (except for the CAG and GGC repeat regions at exon 1) by the heteroduplex detection method and showed no abnormal chromatograms. The CAG repeat length analysis was carried out using 50 normal boys and 50 fertile males as controls, and demonstrated no statistically significant difference in the median of CAG repeat lengths or in the frequency of long CAG repeats (> or = 26 or > or = 28) between the controls and the patients with the three different types of hypospadias. The results suggest that AR gene abnormalities do not constitute a major factor in the development of hypospadias.  相似文献   

The expansion of CGG repeats in the 5′-untranslated region (5′UTR) of FMR1 gene is the molecular basis of fragile X syndrome in most of the patients. The nature of the flanking sequences in addition to the length and interruption pattern of repeats is predicted to influence CGG repeat instability in the FMR1 gene. We investigated nucleosome occupancy as a contributor to CGG repeat instability in a transgenic mouse model containing unstable (CGG)26, from human FMR1 cloned downstream of nucleosome-excluding sequence. We observe that the transgene has an open chromatin structure compared to the stable endogenous mouse Fmr1 within the same nucleus. CGG repeats in mouse Fmr1 are flanked by nucleosomes unlike the repeats in the transgene in all the tissues examined. Further in vitro chromatin reconstitution experiments show that DNA fragment without the SV40ori/EPR (nucleosome-excluding sequence) forms more stable chromatin than the one containing it, despite having the same number of CGG repeats. The correlation between nucleosomal organisation of the FMR1 gene and CGG repeat instability was supported by significantly lower frequency of repeat expansion in mice containing an identical transgene without the SV40ori/EPR. Our studies demonstrate that flanking DNA sequences can influence repeat instability through modulation of nucleosome occupancy in the region.  相似文献   

The CAG repeats in the Huntington's disease gene were investigated in chromosomes from 71 unrelated schizophrenic persons and 18 patients with schizoaffective disorder in order to determine if any of these patients had abnormal expansions. All of the probands had repeat sizes in the normal range (< 35 repeats) and there was no significant difference between the allele distributions of these patients and the normal controls. The families of two patients with 32 repeats and one patient with 34 repeats were investigated further and showed no uniform segregation of the disease with the large repeat alleles. The proband with 34 repeats inherited a chromosome that originally had 36 repeats in her father. The presence of 36 CAG repeats in members of her family and in HD patients suggests that there is an overlap between the normal and Huntington's disease CAG repeat size ranges. The more recently described CCG polymorphism in this gene was also examined in the schizophrenic and schizoaffective persons. All patients had alleles in the normal range.  相似文献   

The polyglutamine repeat disorders represent a family of degenerative neurological diseases which are characterized by expansions of tandemly repeated CAG repeats. Investigations have demonstrated that in Huntington disease, dentatorubral pallidoluysian atrophy, and the spinocerebellar ataxias type 1, 2, and 3, the polyglutamine expansions show both meiotic and mitotic instability. However, previous studies have suggested that the polyglutamine motif within exon 1 of the androgen receptor gene (AR) which expands in cases of spinobulbar muscular atrophy differs in that it is apparently mitotically stable. During linkage analysis in a family with FG syndrome, a rare condition mapped to Xq12-q22.1, we detected the presence of an unusually small AR allele segregating within the pedigree. Sequencing, cytogenetic analysis, and PCR of flanking markers indicate that this allele arose by a somatic contraction of seven CAG repeats in the proband's mother, representing the first report of mitotic instability of an AR CAG repeat of normal size.  相似文献   

The CCG rich sequence immediately 3' to the CAG repeat thatis expanded in Huntington's disease (HD) has recently been shownto be polymorphic with at least 4 alleles differing by multiplesof 3 bp being found in the normal population. We have studiedthe allele distribution in 180 HD families resident in Scotlandand have found very strong evldence for disequilibrium in thispopulation. For the 131 families where phase was unambiguouslydetermined, 130 were shown to have a CCG repeat allele of 176bp cosegregating with the HD chromosome. This observation issignificantly different to the normal population distributionwhere 31% of people have an allele of 185 bp. The evidence forand against a possible founder effect in the Scottish HD populationis discussed. We propose the hypothesis that we may have identifieda region of the IT15 gene that is critical in Huntington's disease.  相似文献   

The expansion of CAG.CTG repeat sequences is the cause of several inherited human disorders. Longer alleles are associated with an earlier age of onset and more severe symptoms, and are highly unstable in the germline and soma with a marked tendency towards repeat length gains. Germinal expansions underlie anticipation; whereas age-dependent, tissue-specific, expansion-biased somatic instability probably contributes toward the progressive nature and tissue-specificity of the symptoms. The mechanism(s) of repeat instability is not known, but recent data have implicated mismatch-repair (MMR) gene mutS homologues in driving expansion. To gain further insight into the expansion mechanism, we have determined the levels of somatic mosaicism of a transgenic expanded CAG.CTG repeat in mice deficient for the Pms2 MMR gene. Pms2 is a MutL homologue that plays a critical role in the downstream processing of DNA mismatches. The rate of somatic expansion was reduced by approximately 50% in Pms2-null mice. A higher frequency of rare, but very large, deletions was also detected in these animals. No significant differences were observed between Pms2(+/+) and Pms2(+/-) mice, indicating that a single functional Pms2 allele is sufficient to generate normal levels of somatic mosaicism. These findings reveal that as well as MMR enzymes that directly bind mismatched DNA, proteins that are subsequently recruited to the complex also play a central role in the accumulation of repeat length changes. These data suggest that somatic expansion results not by replication slippage, single stranded annealing or simple MutS-mediated stabilization of secondary structures, but by inappropriate DNA MMR.  相似文献   

hSKCa3 is a neuronal small conductance calcium-activated potassium channel, which contains a polyglutamine tract, encoded by a polymorphic CAG repeat in the gene. Since an association between longer alleles of this CAG repeat and bipolar disorder or schizophrenia has been reported, we genotyped the polymorphic CAG repeat in 91 German family trios of patients with bipolar disorder I and used the transmission disequilibrium test (TDT) to test for association. Applying a dichotomized model (< or = 19 or > 19 CAG triplets), we found no evidence for an association of longer alleles with bipolar disorder (TDT = 0.75, P = 0.386). Regarding the whole range of alleles, there was no preference in transmitting the larger of the two observed alleles from parents to the affected offspring. In parallel we performed an independent case-control study on German patients with bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. Again we did not detect an overrepresentation of longer CAG repeats in patients. Thus, our data do not support the hypothesis that longer CAG repeats in the hSkCa3 gene contribute to the susceptibility for bipolar disorder and schizophrenia.  相似文献   

We report on three brothers with mental retardation and a contracted CAG repeat in the androgen receptor (AR) gene. It is known that expansion of the CAG repeat in this gene leads to spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy (SBMA or Kennedy disease); however, contracted repeats have not yet been implicated in disease. As the range of the length of CAG repeats in the AR gene, like those of other genes associated with dynamic mutations, follows a normal distribution, the theoretical possibility of disease at both ends of the distribution should be considered.  相似文献   

An increasing number of human genetic disorders are associated with the expansion of trinucleotide repeats. The majority of these diseases are associated with CAG/CTG expansions, including Huntington's disease, myotonic dystrophy and many of the spinocerebellar ataxias. Recently, two new expanded CAG/CTG repeats have been identified that are not associated with a phenotype. Expanded alleles at all of these loci are unstable, with frequent length changes during intergenerational transmission. However, variation in the relative levels of instability, and the size and direction of the length change mutations observed, between the CAG/CTG loci is apparent. We have quantified these differences, taking into account effects of progenitor allele length, by calculating the relative expandability of each repeat. Since the repeat motifs are the same, these differences must be a result of flanking sequence modifiers. We present data that indicate a strong correlation between the relative expandability of these repeats and the flanking GC content. Moreover, we demonstrate that the most expandable loci are all located within CpG islands. These data provide the first insights into the molecular bases of cis -acting flanking sequences modifying the relative mutability of dispersed expanded human triplet repeats.  相似文献   

Genetically precise models of Huntington's disease (HD), Hdh CAG knock-in mice, are powerful systems in which phenotypes associated with expanded HD CAG repeats are studied. To dissect the genetic pathways that underlie such phenotypes, we have generated Hdh(Q111) knock-in mouse lines that are congenic for C57BL/6, FVB/N and 129Sv inbred genetic backgrounds and investigated four Hdh(Q111) phenotypes in these three genetic backgrounds: the intergenerational instability of the HD CAG repeat and the striatal-specific somatic HD CAG repeat expansion, nuclear mutant huntingtin accumulation and intranuclear inclusion formation. Our results reveal increased intergenerational and somatic instability of the HD CAG repeat in C57BL/6 and FVB/N backgrounds compared with the 129Sv background. The accumulation of nuclear mutant huntingtin and the formation of intranuclear inclusions were fastest in the C57BL/6 background, slowest in the 129Sv background and intermediate in the FVB/N background. Inbred strain-specific differences were independent of constitutive HD CAG repeat size and did not correlate with Hdh mRNA levels. These data provide evidence for genetic modifiers of both intergenerational HD CAG repeat instability and striatal-specific phenotypes. Different relative contributions of C57BL/6 and 129Sv genetic backgrounds to the onset of nuclear mutant huntingtin and somatic HD CAG repeat expansion predict that the initiation of each of these two phenotypes is modified by different genes. Our findings set the stage for defining disease-related genetic pathways that will ultimately provide insight into disease mechanism.  相似文献   

Dentatorubral-pallidoluysian atrophy (DRPLA) is known to show the most prominent genetic anticipation among CAG repeat diseases. To investigate the mechanism underlying the meiotic instability of expanded CAG repeats in the gene for DRPLA, we determined the CAG repeat sizes of 427 single sperm from two individuals with DRPLA. The mean variance of the change in the CAG repeat size in sperm from the DRPLA patients (288.0) was larger than any variances of the CAG repeat size in sperm from patients with Machado-Joseph disease (38. 5), Huntington's disease (69.0) and spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy (16.3), which is consistent with the clinical observation that the genetic anticipation on the paternal transmission of DRPLA is the most prominent among CAG repeat diseases. The variance of the change in CAG repeat size was significantly different between the two DRPLA patients (F-test, P < 0.0001). However, the segregation ratio of single sperm with an expanded allele to ones with a normal allele is not statistically different ( P = 0.161) from the expected 1:1 segregation ratio, and thus segregation distortion of expanded alleles in meiosis in male patients with DRPLA was not demonstrated.   相似文献   

In order to address the possibility that the MICA gene located 47 kb upstream from HLA-B is involved in the pathogenesis of ankylosing spondylitis (AS), we have investigated microsatellite polymorphism in the transmembrane region of MICA in Caucasian patients with AS. The microsatellite allele consisting of 4 repetitions of GCT/AGC was present at significantly higher frequency in the patient group (Pc<0.0000001) than in the ethnically matched control group. However, the frequency of the (GCT/AGC)4 allele was significantly low in the B27-positive patients than in the B27-positive healthy controls (Pc=0.0145). These observations suggest that B27 itself remains the primary genetic marker for AS, although the significantly dissimilar pheno-type frequency of the (GCT/AGC)4 allele in B27-positive patients and healthy individuals may reflect the existence of other genetic factor(s) in the HLA-B27 haplotype involved in the development of AS.  相似文献   

We report the identification of a partial duplication of GABRA5 , a gene within the imprinted 15q11-q13 region. The duplicated locus maps to the pericentromeric region of 15q, proximal to the large deletions associated with Angelman and Prader-Willi syndromes. We also observed variation in the number of copies of this locus in different individuals, indicating that the duplication is part of a variable repeat. Investigation of the duplication in individuals with a normal karyotype revealed between one and four copies of the repeat on each chromosome 15, whereas from eight to 20 copies were found in individuals possessing a cytogenetically detectable elongation of the 15q region. The variable region is roughly 1 Mb in size and contains two other non-processed duplications, the immunoglobulin heavy chain (IgH) D segment gene and the neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) gene. One unit of the pericentromeric repeat is thus composed of duplications of genes from different chromosomal regions. Moreover, we have found replication asynchrony across the GABRA5 duplication, suggesting for the first time that the imprinted part of chromosome 15q extends proximal of the region commonly deleted in Angelman and Prader-Willi syndromes.   相似文献   

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