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This work was performed to verify whether or not the inhalation response to cigarette smoke in animal species for assessing carcinogenic potential in humans reflects the strong epidemiological evidence in human smokers. Significant increases in the numbers of malignant tumors of the respiratory tract were not seen in rats, mice, hamsters, dogs, or nonhuman primates exposed for long periods of time to very high concentrations of mainstream cigarette smoke. The results are clearly at variance with the epidemiological evidence in smokers, and it is difficult to reconcile this major difference between observational studies in humans and controlled laboratory studies.  相似文献   

Glycerin (CAS no. 56-81-5) and propylene glycol (CAS no. 57-55-6) are commonly used as humectant ingredients in manufactured cigarettes to control and maintain the moisture content of the cut tobacco filler. The potential of these added humectants to affect the toxicity of cigarette smoke was investigated in a subchronic nose-only smoke inhalation study in rats. Filtered test cigarettes were prepared from an American-style tobacco blend containing either glycerin added at 5.1% w/w tobacco, propylene glycol at 2.2% w/w tobacco, or combinations of these humectants totaling 2.3%, 3.9%, and 7.2% w/w tobacco. Other groups of animals were exposed similarly to the smoke of reference cigarettes without added humectants, or to filtered air (sham control). Smoke exposures were conducted for 1 h/ day, 5 days/wk for 13 wk, at target smoke particulate concentrations of 350 mg/m 3. All smoke-exposed groups had equivalent increases in blood carboxyhemoglobin, serum nicotine, and serum cotinine relative to the air controls. Smoke-associated reductions in body weights and occasional increases in heart and lung weights were generally similar among the various exposure conditions at necropsy. Increases in serum alkaline phosphatase and decreases in serum glucose and cholesterol were observed among smoke-exposed females relative to air controls. However, no significant differences in these parameters were evident between the humectant-containing and reference cigarette smoke exposure groups. Assessments of respiration conducted after 3, 6, 9, and 12 wk of smoke exposure indicated an initial smoke-related but not humectant-related decrease in respiratory rate, tidal volume, and minute volume during the first 20 min of each smoke exposure. Respiratory-tract histopathology was consistent across sexes and smoke groups, comprising (1) diffuse and focal alveolar pigmented macrophages and chronic interstitial inflammation in the lung, (2) laryngeal epithelial hyperplasia, squamous metaplasia, and scab formation, and (3) epithelial hyperplasia in the anterior nose. Smoke-related histopathology resolved substantially during a 6-wk postexposure recovery period. Addition of the tested humectants to cigarettes, singly or in combination, had no meaningful effect on the site, occurrence, or severity of respiratory-tract changes or on the measured indices of pulmonary function. It was concluded that the addition of glycerin and propylene glycol to cigarettes does not significantly affect the biological activity of inhaled cigarette smoke in this rat model.  相似文献   

Inhalation studies were conducted to determine the potential toxicity and/or potential neurotoxicity of cyclohexane. Groups of rats and mice were exposed to 0, 500, 2000, or 7000 ppm concentrations of cyclohexane vapor 6 hr/day, 5 days/week for 14 weeks. Subgroups of rats and mice were further observed during a 1-month recovery period. Functional observational battery (FOB) and motor activity (MA) behavioral tests were conducted on rats. These tests were conducted prior to the exposure series and during weeks 4, 8, and 13 on non-exposure days. Clinical pathology evaluations were conducted after approximately 7, 13, and 18 weeks. Approximately 14 and 18 weeks after study initiation, tissues from rats and mice were histologically processed and evaluated by light microscopy.

During exposure to 2000 or 7000 ppm, rats and mice had a diminished response or an absent response to delivery of a punctate auditory alerting stimulus. Immediately following removal of rats from the inhalation chambers, 7000 ppm males and females and 2000 ppm females displayed a compound-related increase in the incidence of wet and/or stained fur (which occurred in the areas of the mouth, chin, and/or perineum). These signs were transient, were not observed during exposure or prior to exposure the following day, and were not associated with any behavioral or morphological changes. During exposure sessions, mice exposed to 7000 ppm exhibited clinical signs of toxicity which included hyperactivity, circling, jumping/hopping, excessive grooming, kicking of rear legs, standing on front legs, and occasional flipping behavior. Clinical signs of toxicity observed in 7000 ppm mice immediately after exposure included hyperactivity, hyperreactivity, ruffled fur (females only), gait abnormalities, spasms in both rear legs, and excessive grooming (males only). The clinical signs observed in mice during and immediately after exposure were transient, and were not present prior to the subsequent exposure. A few mice exposed to 2000 ppm appeared hyperactive during exposure in the latter portion of the study. There were no compound-related changes in mean body weights, body weight gains, food consumption, food efficiency, or mortality; and there were no ophthalmological abnormalities in rats or mice. In addition, there were no compound-related effects on 37 different behavioral parameters assessed during the FOB or during motor activity tests in rats.

Male and female mice exposed to 7000 ppm had slight increases in measures of circulating erythrocyte mass (red blood cells, hemoglobin, hematocrit) and plasma protein concentration (males only).

Male rats and male and female mice exposed to 7000 ppm had significantly increased relative liver weights, and 7000 ppm male mice also had significantly increased absolute liver weights at the end of the exposure period. At the end of the 1-month recovery period, absolute and relative liver weights of male and female mice were similar to control. However, relative liver weights of 7000 ppm male rats continued to be significantly higher at the end of the recovery period. Male and female rats exposed to 7000 ppm had a significantly increased incidence of hepatic centrilobular hypertrophy at the end of the exposure period, which was not observed at the conclusion of the 1-month recovery period. No microscopic changes were observed in mice.

In rats, the no-observed-effect level (NOEL) for acute, transient effects was 500 ppm based on a diminished/absent response to an auditory alerting stimulus at 2000 ppm and above. The NOEL for subchronic toxicity in rats was 7000 ppm based on the lack of adverse effects on body weight, clinical chemistry, tissue morphology, and neurobehavioral parameters. In mice, the NOEL for acute, transient effects was 500 ppm based on behavioral changes during exposure at 2000 ppm and above. The NOEL for subchronic toxicity in mice is 2000 ppm based on hematological changes at 7000 ppm.  相似文献   

Groups of adult male and female rats received exposure to tetrahydrofuran (THF) vapor by inhalation in acute or subchronic exposure scenarios. Acute exposure concentrations were 0, 500, 2500, or 5000 ppm for 6 hr. Evaluations conducted immediately after exposure included clinical observations, motor activity assessments (MA), and a battery of functional tests (FOB) designed to reveal nervous system dysfunction. During exposure to 2500 and 5000 ppm, rats had a diminished or absent startle response to a punctate auditory alerting stimulus. Following exposure to 5000 ppm, male and female rats were lethargic, exhibited abnormal gait or mobility, and splayed rear feet. Lethargy and splayed rear feet were also observed in females esposed to 2500 ppm. During the subsequent FOB, males exposed to 5000 ppm had a lower incidence of palpebral closure, higher incidences of slow or absent righting reflex, and a biphasic pattern of reduced motor activity followed by increased motor activity. Females exposed to 5000 ppm had increased incidences of palpebral closure in the open field, increased incidences of slow or absent righting reflex, and decreased motor activity.

During the 14-week subchronic exposure series, daily THF exposure concentrations were 0, 500, 1500, or 3000 ppm, and neurobehavioral evaluations occurred on non-exposure days at approximately monthly intervals. Diminished startle responses to an auditory alerting stimulus were observed during exposure to 1500 or 3000 ppm; however, repeated exposures did not cause additional neurobehavioral or pathological effects. This pattern of effects is suggestive of transient sedation. Despite daily reinstatement of acute sedative effects during repeated exposure with up to 3000 ppm, THF did not produce any persistent or cumulative effects on nervous system structure or function. The demonstrated no-observed-effect level of THF for both acute and subchronic exposure was 500 ppm.  相似文献   

There is increasing interest in diesel fuels derived from plant oils or animal fats ("biodiesel"), but little information on the toxicity of biodiesel emissions other than bacterial mutagenicity. F344 rats were exposed by inhalation 6 h/day, 5 days/wk for 13 wk to 1 of 3 dilutions of emissions from a diesel engine burning 100% soybean oil-derived fuel, or to clean air as controls. Whole emissions were diluted to nominal NO x concentrations of 5, 25, or 50 ppm, corresponding to approximately 0.04, 0.2, and 0.5 mg particles/m 3, respectively. Biologically significant, exposure-related effects were limited to the lung, were greater in females than in males, and were observed primarily at the highest exposure level. There was a dose-related increase in the numbers of alveolar macrophages and the numbers of particles in the macrophages, as expected from repeated exposure, but no neutrophil response even at the highest exposure level. The macrophage response was reduced 28 days after cessation of the exposure. Among the high-level females, the group mean lung weight/body weight ratio was increased, and minimal, multifocal bronchiolar metaplasia of alveolar ducts was observed in 4 of 30 rats. Lung weights were not significantly increased, and metaplasia of the alveolar ducts was not observed in males. An increase in particle-laden macrophages was the only exposure-related finding in lungs at the intermediate and low levels, with fewer macrophages and fewer particles per macrophage at the low level. Alveolar histiocytosis was observed in a few rats in both exposed and control groups. There were statistically significant, but minor and not consistently exposure-related, differences in body weight, nonpulmonary organ weights, serum chemistry, and glial fibrillary acidic protein in the brain. There were no significant exposure-related effects on survival, clinical signs, feed consumption, ocular toxicity, hematology, neurohistology, micronuclei in bone marrow, sister chromatid exchanges in peripheral blood lymphocytes, fertility, reproductive toxicity, or teratology. This study demonstrated modest adverse effects at the highest exposure level, and none other than the expected physiological macrophage response to repeated particle exposure at the intermediate level.  相似文献   

Assessment of the cytotoxicity of mainstream and sidestream cigarette sm oke has traditionally involved exposure of cell cultures to the particulate m atter of smoke. For a m ore com plete assessment of cigarette sm oke cytotoxicity, a technique (cellular smoke exposure technique or CSET) was developed to directly expose mammalian cell cultures to either whole mainstream or sidestream cigarette sm oke. The objective of this study was to com pare the cytotoxicity of whole smoke or vapor phase from mainstream or sidestream sm oke of three Kentucky reference cigarettes. The cigarettes com pared were a high ''tar''cigarette (2R1), a low ''tar'' cigarette (1R4F), and an ultra low ''tar'' cigarette (1R5F). Cytotoxicity was assessed in two cell types (WB rat liver cells and CHO cells) using the neutral red cytotoxicity assay. The order of cytotoxicity of m ainstream smoke from the three cigarettes expressed on a per cigarette basis was 2R1 > 1R4F > 1R5F. Sidestream sm oke from all three reference cigarettes was more toxic than the respective mainstream smoke on a per cigarette basis. The vapor phase of mainstream or sidestream smoke was the major contributor to the cytotoxicity of the whole cigarette smoke. Finally, the com parative trends in cytotoxicity between the smoke from the three reference cigarettes was similar in the two cell types, but CHO cells were more sensitive. CSET is a useful system to assess the cytotoxicity of cigarette smoke and m ay serve as an appropriate adjunct to the use of isolated particulate matter for the in vitro toxicological assessment of cigarette smoke and other aerosols.  相似文献   

A 13-wk inhalation study was conducted with Sprague-Dawley CD rats ( 12/sex/ group) were exposed by inhalation for 13 weeks to a light alkylate naphtha distillate (LAND-2, C-C ; average molecular weight 89.2) at actual average concentrations of 0 (room 4 10 air), 668, 2220, or 6646 ppm, 6 h/d, 5 d/wk; 12 additional rats/sex in the control and high dose groups were held after final exposure for a 4-wk recovery period. The highest exposure concentration was 75% of the lower explosive limit. Standard parameters of subchronic toxicity were measured throughout the study; at necropsy, organs were weighed and tissues processed for microscopic evaluation. Neurotoxicity evaluations consisted of motor activity (MA) and a functional operational battery (FOB) measured pretest, during 5, 9, and 14 wk of the study, and after the 4-wk recovery period. Wholebody perfusion and microscopic examination of selected organs and nervous tissue from the control and high dose rats were conducted at the end of exposure. No testrelated mortality or effects on physical signs, body weight, or food consumption were observed. Statistically significant increases in absolute and relative kidney weights in high-exposure males correlated with microscopically observed hyaline droplet formation and renal nephropathy, effects in male rats that are not toxicologically significant for humans. Increased liver weights in both sexes at the highest dose had no microscopic correlate and appeared reversible after the 4-wk recovery period. Exposure to LAND-2 at any dose did not produce neurotoxicity measured by MA, FOB, or neuropathology. The no-observed-effects level (NOEL) for LAND-2 was 2220 ppm for subchronic toxicity and 6646 ppm for neurotoxicity.  相似文献   

A 13-wk whole-body inhalation study was conducted with Sprague-Dawley CD rats (16/sex/group) exposed to a light catalytic reformed naphtha distillate (LCRN-D, CAS number 64741-63-5) at target concentrations of 0, 750, 2500, and 7500 ppm for 6 h/d, 5 d/wk. Sixteen rats per sex in the control and high-dose groups were maintained after final exposure for a 4-wk recovery period. The highest exposure concentration was 75% of the lower explosive limit. Standard parameters of subchronic toxicity were measured throughout the study; at necropsy, organs were weighed and tissues processed for microscopic evaluation. Neurotoxicity evaluations consisted of motor activity (MA) and a functional operational battery (FOB) measured pretest, throughout exposure and after the recovery period. Neuropathology was evaluated at termination. No test-related mortality or effects on physical signs, body weight, food consumption, or clinical chemistry were observed. In males exposed to 7500-ppm LCRN-D, a statistically significant decrease in white blood cell counts and lymphocyte counts was observed at the termination of exposure that was not present in animals after the 4-wk recovery period. However, mean corpuscular volume was slightly decreased in high-dose males after the recovery period. Statistically significant increases in kidney weights relative to body weights in 7500-ppm male rats correlated with microscopically observed hyaline droplet formation and renal tubule dilation, indicative of light hydrocarbon nephropathy, a condition in male rats that is not toxicologically significant for humans. Statistically significant decrease in absolute and relative spleen weights in 7500-ppm male rats correlated with decreases in hematologic parameters but had no microscopic correlate and was not observed in animals after 4 wk of recovery. This mild, reversible effect in white blood cell populations may relate to the presence of aromatics in the distillate. The only effect of LCRN-D on neurobehavioral parameters was significantly higher motor activity counts among high-dose (7500 ppm) males after the 4-wk recovery period, suggesting a possible delayed effect of LCRN-D. However, there was no evidence of hyperactivity or abnormal behavior from the functional observational battery evaluations, and there were no microscopic changes in neural tissue to support this observation. The no-observed-adverse-effects level (NOAEL) for LCRN-D was 2500 ppm for both subchronic toxicity and neurotoxicity. The no-observed-effects level (NOEL) was 750 ppm.  相似文献   

目的:了解我院2000年-2007年酒精所致精神障碍住院患者的例次、构成比、诊断构成和人口学特征。方法:收集各年度精神障碍住院患者和酒精所致精神障碍住院患者的人次,查阅酒精所致精神障碍住院患者的病历并收集相关信息。结果:(1)2000年-2007年间共收治酒精所致精神障碍患者973例次,占精神病总住院患者人次的2.04%(973/47730);(2)酒精所致精神障碍住院患者人次虽逐年增加,但趋势分析表明各年度间在全部精神障碍住院患者人次的构成比差异无显著性(χ2=1.56,P>0.05);(3)诊断构成中,酒精所致精神病性障碍为82.6%,其次为酒依赖综合征16.2%;(4)酒精所致精神障碍住院患者以男性(97.9%)、中学文化程度者(64.5%)、已婚者(94.6%)和农民(57.3%)、工人(19.6%)居多,住院时年龄47.6 a±s9.6 a。结论:在精神病专科医院中,酒精所致精神障碍住院患者的构成比近年处于较高水平,住院诊断以酒精所致精神病性障碍为主。  相似文献   

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