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1病例资料女,35岁。因胸骨前渐进性无痛性肿块1.5年入院。查体:胸骨柄部位有5cm×7cm肿块,皮肤无红肿,质硬,无压痛,固定。肿块上界达胸骨切迹偏右,下界达第三前肋水平,两侧达胸肋关节,右侧超过胸锁关节。X线胸片示:前胸壁见5cm×6cm密度增高影CT片示:胸骨柄恶性肿瘤,累及右侧锁骨头、前胸壁和上纵隔。诊断为胸骨肿瘤,在全麻下行肿瘤切除并自体髂骨植骨胸骨成形术。取胸骨正中T形切口,横切口由左锁骨中点下缘至右锁骨中点下缘,纵切口由胸骨上窝至胸骨的第三肋水平。术中见肿瘤位于胸骨柄,7cm×5cm×4cm大小,两侧达胸肋关节(右侧略超出),上…  相似文献   

高频超声诊断并随访锁骨骨折1例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
患者男,56岁,因棍棒伤及右锁骨近端1周,右锁骨处软组织肿块疼痛来院就诊。体格检查:右锁骨近端软组织肿胀,皮肤有瘀斑,压痛明显,右手不能持重。X线正位片显示右锁骨骨皮质连续性好,未见明显骨折。超声检查:右侧锁骨近端距胸锁关节约20mm处前缘骨皮质分离,两断端错位(错位距离约1.5mm),但对线尚可,显示清晰。右胸锁关节处软组织明显增厚、水肿,回声不均匀,累及范围约52mm×30mm,内见多个小片状无回声区。超声提示:①右侧锁骨近端局部骨皮质分离,考虑骨折或骨裂;②右侧锁骨处软组织血肿形成。  相似文献   

滑膜肉瘤是高度恶性软组织肿瘤,其发生病变部位常在关节周围软组织,发生于胸壁的多发性低分化滑膜肉瘤罕见. 病例 男,63岁,1月前患者无明显原因出现胸痛,深呼吸时疼痛加重,伴阵发性干咳,无肩背部放射痛,无咳痰、咯血,无畏寒、发热、四肢及关节疼痛.10天前,患者发现右侧前胸部肿块,生长快速、进行性增大,伴胸痛.遂来我院就诊,入院查体:右前胸部扪及一大小约3.0 cm×4.0 cm肿块,质硬,边界清,活动度差,无压痛.CT平扫提示:右前胸壁胸骨柄旁胸大肌深面见大小约2.7 cm×5.8 cm软组织密度肿块,密度较均匀,CT值约30~45 HU,边界较清晰,胸骨柄左右两旁另见多个软组织密度结节,部分跨胸壁浅、深层生长凸入胸腔,胸骨骨质未见确切破坏,右侧后胸壁广基底软组织密度结节突向肺野,边缘清晰(图1,2).  相似文献   

胸骨剑突延长变异1例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1 病例报告男 ,5 0岁。阴茎鳞癌术后 3个月。查体 :上腹中央自胸骨下角可扪及长约 6 cm、一横指、质地中硬的条索状物 ,无触痛。腹部无伤口及疤痕。肝脾未扪及。正位 X线胸片 :心肺未见异常。超声 :慢性胆囊炎 ,左肾囊肿 ,肝、胆、胰、脾、右肾未见异常。肝肾功正常。患者经静脉注射99m Tc- MDP 92 5 MBq(2 5 m Ci)后 4 h作全身骨显像。全身骨显像见胸骨体下缘一条索状放射性浓聚影像 ,胸部右前斜位像见该影像紧接胸骨体下缘。疑该影像为延长的胸骨剑突。测量 :身高 171cm,胸骨柄长 3.0 cm,体长13.0 cm,剑突影像长 8.9cm。遂建议作胸部…  相似文献   

患者女,59岁,甲状腺癌术后1年余,高血压病史15年,头晕、头痛10年.颈部超声:于横切面见左锁骨下动脉前壁瘤样结构向外突起,约8 mm×6 mm,距椎动脉开口约13 mm(图1).CDFI于瘤体内见丰富血流信号(图2).超声诊断:左锁骨下动脉瘤.CTA:左锁骨下动脉胸廓内动脉起始段局限性隆起,约0.7 cm×0.5 cm,边界清晰,距离椎动脉开口约14 mm(图3);锁骨下动脉其余部分及其分支未见明显异常.CTA诊断与超声一致.  相似文献   

骶肋3例报告孙建中①蔡跃增骶肋是一种罕见的先天性发育畸形,我院遇到3例,报告如下。例1女,62岁,因臀部外伤来院就诊。为排除骶骨骨折乃摄X线片。偶然发现末节骶骨旁右侧有一肋骨,长约3.6cm,宽0.6cm,由内上向外下走行。它具有完整的皮质和海绵质结...  相似文献   

<正>患者女,28岁,体检发现右侧颈部肿块1个月余。超声检查:甲状腺右叶后方、锁骨上窝及胸骨后方见一大小约8.6 cm×5.0 cm×2.8 cm团块状较低回声(图1),边界清晰,形态规则,回声欠均匀,上缘达颈中段,下缘至胸骨后,内侧位于甲状腺右叶后方气管右后部,外侧达胸锁乳突肌前缘。CDFI:包块内探及条状血流信号(图2)。超声提示:甲状腺右叶后方至胸骨后方及锁骨上窝不均质包块,考虑良性病变可能性大。颈部增强CT提示:右颈部占位,考虑血管源性或神经源性肿瘤可能。患者于全身麻醉下行右颈侧进路颈部肿物切除术,术中见肿物表面呈灰红色,边界清晰,大小约6.8 cm×5.8 cm×4.5 cm,包膜尚完整,质韧,沿被膜将肿物分离切除。术后病理诊断:(右颈部)神  相似文献   

病例 女,45岁.右侧腰部胀痛不适1月,食欲不振,时有尿频,排尿后主诉心慌、头晕.查体:右侧肾区压痛,叩击痛.血常规、肝肾功能、肿瘤指标(A FP、CEA、CA125、CA199)均未见异常,尿红细胞、白细胞和尿蛋白阳性. CT平扫示膀胱右侧壁见软组织肿块突向膀胱内,形态不规则,表面有突起,大小约3.6 cm×2.8 cm,CT值40 HU(图1),膀胱前壁见一软组织结节,大小约1.4 cm×0.7 cm,表面光滑,CT值43 HU(图2),增强后肾皮质期两处病灶明显强化,右侧壁病灶不均匀明显强化,CT值约60~157 HU(图3),前壁结节明显均匀强化,CT值约175 HU(图4);肾实质期病灶强化较皮质期减弱,右侧壁病灶CT值约50~120 HU(图5),前壁结节CT值减弱,约110 HU(图6),手术所见:全麻下行肿块完整切除及邻近膀胱部分切除,术中血压平稳.  相似文献   

X线诊断肱骨髁上突1 例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
患者,男,15岁,主诉右上臂及肘关节外伤一周来我院就诊.查体右上臂下段前内侧触到一硬性突起,不活动,略不适,余未见阳性体征.右肱骨下段及肘关节正侧位X线片显示:右肱骨下段髁上约5.50 cm见一宽基底骨性棘状物突起(图1),与骨干垂直,前端尖细,长约1.10 cm,基底宽约2.10 cm.骨性突起边缘光滑、锐利,无软骨帽,骨质结构正常,其密度略低于骨皮质密度.肘关节未见明显骨折及关节脱位征象.X线诊断右肱骨髁上突,在外院曾误诊为外生性骨软骨瘤(外生骨疣).  相似文献   

患者28岁,孕1产0.妊娠34^+3周。自述迁入新装修房屋后不久怀孕。超声检查显示:单活胎.股骨长4.66cm,胫骨长4.51cm,腓骨长4.52cm,肱骨长4.02cm.尺骨长3.76cm,桡骨长3.51cm。心脏内未见明显房间隔及卵圆孔瓣图像,呈单心房样改变。室间隔上部回声中断约9mm,仅底部可见长约6mm的嵴性突起,心室类似单心室。  相似文献   

The current treatment for uncomplicated rib fractures is the exclusion of associated injuries followed by symptomatic treatment with analgesics. Encouragement of deep breathing is also recommended to avoid secondary or delayed pulmonary complications. The use of circumferential rib belts in treating patients with acute rib fractures has been discouraged because of possible complications from restricted ventilation. A review of the literature revealed no previous clinical studies to support this view. We designed and conducted a controlled, prospective, randomized pilot study to determine if there was any increased morbidity associated with the use of rib belts in the treatment of patients with acute rib fractures. Twenty-five adult patients with radiographically proven acute rib fractures were randomized into two groups. The first group was treated with analgesics and a standard circumferential rib belt (Zimmer Universal Rib Belt). The second group was treated with oral analgesics alone. Patients were contacted by telephone three days after the initial injury and then reexamined 14 days postinjury. Rates of pain resolution, compliance, and delayed complications were determined. Rib belts were not found to significantly reduce the severity of pain. Four complications (one case of bloody pleural effusion requiring hospitalization, two cases of asymptomatic discoid atelectasis, and one case of allergic contact dermatitis) were identified, all occurring in the group of patients receiving rib belts. This pilot study indicates that while rib belts are widely accepted by patients for control of pain, they appear to be associated with an increased incidence of complications. Clinical studies with larger sample sizes will be needed to confirm these findings.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To define the demographic, clinical, and radiological features of patients with cough-induced rib fractures and to assess potential risk factors. PATIENTS AND METHODS: For this retrospective, single-center study, we identified all cases of cough-induced rib fractures diagnosed at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn, over a 9-year period between January 1, 1996, and January 31, 2005. Bone densitometry data from patients' medical records were analyzed, and T scores were used to classify patients into bone density categories. RESULTS: The mean +/- SD age of the 54 study patients at presentation was 55+/-17 years, and 42 patients (78%) were female. Patients presented with chest wall pain after onset of cough. Rib fracture was associated with chronic cough (> or =3 weeks' duration) in 85% of patients. Rib fractures were documented by chest radiography, rib radiography, computed tomography, or bone scan. Chest radiography had been performed in 52 patients and revealed rib fracture in 30 (58%). There were 112 fractured ribs in 54 patients. One half of patients had more than one fractured rib. Right-sided rib fractures alone were present in 17 patients (26 fractured ribs), left-sided in 23 patients (35 fractured ribs), and bilateral in 14 patients (51 fractured ribs). The most commonly fractured rib on both sides was rib 6. The fractures were most common at the lateral aspect of the rib cage. Bone densitometry was done in 26 patients and revealed osteopenia or osteoporosis in 17 (65%). CONCLUSIONS: Cough-induced rib fractures occur primarily in women with chronic cough. Middle ribs along the lateral aspect of the rib cage are affected most commonly. Although reduced bone density is likely a risk factor, cough-induced rib fractures can occur in the presence of normal bone density.  相似文献   

Slipping rib syndrome is a rare and underdiagnosed condition. Since approximately one third of the cases reported to date have involved patients considered to be psychoneurotic and/or who have undergone psychiatric evaluation, a conservative treatment approach is recommended. Many patients respond to simple reassurance, and in others, a single intercostal nerve block provides lasting relief. In the case reported here, radicular pain, a history of injury to the affected side, noncontributory findings on ancillary investigations, a positive response to the hooking maneuver, and relief of pain after intercostal nerve block led to the diagnosis.  相似文献   

目的探讨电视胸腔镜辅助肋骨内固定术治疗多发肋骨骨折的效果。方法将60例多发肋骨骨折患者随机分为胸腔镜组(n=30,电视胸腔镜辅助肋骨内固定术)与开胸组(n=30,传统开胸手术)。比较两组治疗效果。结果术后2个月,胸腔镜组的MVV、FEV1/FVC、FVC均高于开胸组(P<0.05)。术后1 d,两组的SaO2、PaO2/FiO2均较术前升高,且胸腔镜组高于开胸组(P<0.05)。术后3 d,胸腔镜组VAS评分低于开胸组(P<0.05)。胸腔镜组并发症总发生率低于开胸组,骨折愈合率高于开胸组(P<0.05)。结论胸腔镜辅助肋骨内固定术可明显改善多发肋骨骨折患者的肺通气功能及血气指标,术后疼痛程度较轻,并发症较少,骨折愈合率高。  相似文献   

病例男,47岁。因腰酸、腰痛、偶尔见肉眼血尿行腹部平片及静脉尿路造影时见:右侧骶髂关节下方见一长条骨影,沿骶骨右侧走行,近端同骶骨右侧耳状面下缘形成关节,远端游离于小骨盆腔内,致骨盆畸形,右侧骶髂关节较对侧为高(图1)。切线位摄片示长骨呈弓形,一端与骶骨形成关节,一端游离在臀部软组织内,弓部可见一裂隙状影。讨论骶骨肋骨是起始于骶骨的肋图1右骶髂关节下方有一长条骨,沿盆壁下行,上与骶骨耳状面成关,下端游离于小骨盆腔。骨,它从骶椎向下或向外走行,具有皮质和松质结构。它是十分罕见的先天发育畸形,国外文…  相似文献   

目的 探讨快速恢复外科(FTS)理念在多发性肋骨骨折内固定手术中的应用研究.方法 对我院2008年3月至2010年3月救治的48例胸外伤合并多发性肋骨骨折患者随机分为FTS组(24例)和传统方法组(24例),分别用FTS和传统围手术期方法处理.比较2组患者术后胸壁疼痛程度及持续时间、早期活动耐量、静脉输液维持时间、相对住院时间、胸壁瘢痕、并发症及其发生率等指标.结果 FTS组术后胸壁疼痛持续时间较传统方法组明显缩短[(112.46±23.24)min与(180.23±51.56)min,t=4.23,P<0.05];早期活动耐量延长[(68.35±9.30)min与(33.48±5.18)min,t=2.87,P<0.05];静脉输液维持时间缩短[(10.83±1.87)d与(13.30±2.12)d,t=2.38,P<0.05];相对住院时间缩短[(12.35±2.03)d与(16.48±3.18)d,t=3.04,P<0.05];并发症发生率少(8.3%与37.5%,x2=5.005,P<0.05);术后胸壁疼痛程度减轻[(3.43±0.45)cm与(6.62±0.62)cm,P<0.05];胸壁瘢痕愈合好.2组患者均顺利康复出院.结论 对于胸外伤合并多发性肋骨骨折的患者,采用FTS的围手术期治疗理念疗效满意,明显提高患者远期生活质量.
Objective To evaluate the application of fast track surgery (FTS) in the rib internal fixation of multiple rib fractures. Methods Forty-eight chest trauma with multiple rib fractures patients from March 2008 to March 2010 were divided into FTS group and traditional care group randomly. Meanwhile two groups accepted FTS and conventional management of perioperative period respectively. The degree and duration of the chest pain, early exercise tolerance, intravenous infusion time, the length of postoperative hospital stay,chest scar and postoperative complications were observed and compared between the two groups. Results The duration of chest pain was significantly shorter in FTS group than in the traditional care group([ 112. 46 ±23. 24 ] mins vs [ 180. 23 ± 51.56 ] mins, t = 4. 23 ,P < 0. 05); the early exercise tolerance was longer([ 68. 35 ±9. 30 ] mins vs [ 33.48± 5. 18 ] mins,t = 2. 87, P < 0. 05) ;the intravenous infusion time was shorter ([ 10. 83 ±1.87 ] d vs [ 13. 30 ± 2. 12 ] d, t = 2. 38, P < 0. 05); the length of postoperative hospital stay was shorter([ 12. 35 ± 2.03 ] d vs [ 16. 48 ± 3. 18 ] d, t = 3.04, P < 0. 05); the less postoperative complications(8.3% vs 37. 5 %, x2 = 5. 005,P < 0. 05); chest pain was relieved([ 3.43 ± 0. 45 ] cm vs. [ 6. 62 ± 0. 62 ] cm, P < 0. 05);the scar healed well. All patients were successfully discharged. Conclusion The perioperative idea of fast track surgery was feasible and effective in the chest trauma with multiple rib fractures patients. FTS can improve the patients long term living quality.  相似文献   

Objective To evaluate the application of fast track surgery (FTS) in the rib internal fixation of multiple rib fractures. Methods Forty-eight chest trauma with multiple rib fractures patients from March 2008 to March 2010 were divided into FTS group and traditional care group randomly. Meanwhile two groups accepted FTS and conventional management of perioperative period respectively. The degree and duration of the chest pain, early exercise tolerance, intravenous infusion time, the length of postoperative hospital stay,chest scar and postoperative complications were observed and compared between the two groups. Results The duration of chest pain was significantly shorter in FTS group than in the traditional care group([ 112. 46 ±23. 24 ] mins vs [ 180. 23 ± 51.56 ] mins, t = 4. 23 ,P < 0. 05); the early exercise tolerance was longer([ 68. 35 ±9. 30 ] mins vs [ 33.48± 5. 18 ] mins,t = 2. 87, P < 0. 05) ;the intravenous infusion time was shorter ([ 10. 83 ±1.87 ] d vs [ 13. 30 ± 2. 12 ] d, t = 2. 38, P < 0. 05); the length of postoperative hospital stay was shorter([ 12. 35 ± 2.03 ] d vs [ 16. 48 ± 3. 18 ] d, t = 3.04, P < 0. 05); the less postoperative complications(8.3% vs 37. 5 %, x2 = 5. 005,P < 0. 05); chest pain was relieved([ 3.43 ± 0. 45 ] cm vs. [ 6. 62 ± 0. 62 ] cm, P < 0. 05);the scar healed well. All patients were successfully discharged. Conclusion The perioperative idea of fast track surgery was feasible and effective in the chest trauma with multiple rib fractures patients. FTS can improve the patients long term living quality.  相似文献   

目的探讨CT扫描对肋骨肿瘤的诊断价值。方法对病变部位行薄层CT扫描,必要时行矢状位和冠状位重建,对病变进行观察。结果可观察到病变的大小、形态、内部结构、肋骨有无破坏以及病变与周围组织的关系。结论CT扫描对肋骨肿瘤的明确诊断有重要价值。  相似文献   

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