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目的探讨腔内支架技术治疗自发性孤立性肠系膜上动脉夹层(spontaneous isolated dissection of superior mesenteric artery,SIDSMA)的安全性及有效性。方法回顾性分析2009年1月~2011年4月16例接受血管腔内支架治疗的SIDSMA的临床资料。结果均手术顺利,12例行单层裸支架释放,4例行双层裸支架释放。术后腹痛症状改善15例,无变化1例。术后6个月CTA复查,16例均支架通畅,14例假腔消失,2例支架外造影剂显影。结论对于未合并夹层破裂出血、肠坏死的症状性SIDSMA,腔内支架治疗是一种安全、有效、微创的治疗选择。  相似文献   

目的探讨血管腔内裸支架成形术治疗自发性孤立性肠系膜上动脉夹层(SIDSMA)的安全性及有效性。方法回顾性分析经CTA及DSA确诊的15例SIDSMA患者的临床资料。按照Yun分型将SIDSMA分为4型。所有患者均接受SMA腔内裸支架成形术,术后予抗凝治疗2天及抗血小板治疗6个月。术后1、6、12个月及以后每年1次进行临床症状及CTA随访。结果15例患者中Ⅰ型1例,Ⅱa型11例,Ⅱb型3例。技术成功率100%,共植入裸支架22枚,其中行单个裸支架植入8例,双层裸支架重叠植入7例。随访时间5~51个月,平均(30.0±14.5)个月。随访期间未出现症状复发及与支架植入相关并发症;CTA提示SMA支架通畅,夹层重塑。1例患者于术后7个月死于急性心脏疾病。结论血管腔内裸支架成形术治疗SIDSMA是一种安全、有效的方法。  相似文献   

目的:探讨自发性孤立性肠系膜上动脉夹层(SISMAD)的诊治策略。 方法:回顾性分析中南大学湘雅医院血管外科2012年10月—2013年5月期间收治的3例SISMAD患者的临床资料,总结SISMAD患者的临床表现和影像学特征、治疗策略的选择以及预后情况。 结果:3例SISMAD患者中男2例,女1例;临床症状均表现为腹痛,伴恶心呕吐;治疗前CTA均示肠系膜上动脉内由内膜片分割形成的真假腔,其中Sakamoto II型2例、III型1例;均未合并夹层破裂出血或肠坏死。3例均在低分子肝素钙抗凝治疗的基础上再行腔内支架治疗,术后无严重并发症发生,腹痛症状缓解。随访2~8个月,3例均存活,症状消失,支架通畅。 结论:对有症状的疑似SISMAD的患者,应行CTA检查明确诊断;未合并夹层破裂出血、肠坏死SISMAD的患者,抗凝治疗的基础上腔内支架治疗是一种安全、有效的方法。  相似文献   

目的:探讨自发性孤立性肠系膜上动脉夹层(SISMAD)的临床特点及诊治路径。方法:回顾性分析2012年9月—2017年10月中南大学湘雅医院收治的16例SISMAD患者的临床资料。其中男12例,女4例;年龄47~70岁,中位数年龄56.5岁;其中14例表现为急性上腹痛或脐周痛,另外2例分别因肾结石及胸腺癌复查CT时发现SISMAD。所有患者均经过CTA扫描检查明确诊断。治疗方法包括保守治疗、腔内血管重建术及开放手术治疗。结果:保守治疗成功10例,腔内血管重建术治疗成功5例,1例保守治疗中出现血压下降,怀疑夹层破裂出血急诊行开放动脉修补术,成功重建肠系膜上动脉血运。16例患者全部获得随访,随访时间4~60个月,平均(28±13)个月,在随访期内无腹痛复发及肠道缺血症状。随访CT显示,保守治疗的患者无夹层瘤样扩张,腔内治疗成功的患者支架均通畅。结论:对于SISMAD,当诊断明确、肠系膜血运没有受到夹层严重影响、无腹膜炎征象时,应先给予保守治疗;没有缺血性肠坏死或腹膜炎征象、经保守治疗腹痛症状没有明显缓解时,应考虑采取腔内修复术;若出现夹层破裂出血、肠坏死或腹膜炎征象则应积极采取开放手术治疗。  相似文献   

腔内支架人工血管治疗主动脉弓部动脉瘤   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:5  
Li C  Li X  Qu W  Ma HP  Gao F  Cui ZQ 《中华外科杂志》2003,41(3):197-200
目的 探讨腔内支架人工血管治疗主动脉弓部动脉瘤的基本方法。方法 采用国产腔内支架人工血管治疗主动脉弓部动脉瘤患者46例,其中主动脉瘤累及主动脉弓中部23例(50%),单纯累及弓降部22例(48%),累及胸降主动脉1例(2%)。选择支架直径是夹层破裂口或瘤口近端相应部位主动脉直径宽的1.15~1.20倍。支架近端直径34~38mm,长度90~120mm。支架材料为国产形状记忆镍钛合金。结果 支架释放成功45例(98%),无远端动脉并发症发生。支架释放后即刻封闭瘤口或破裂口43例(96%),早期内漏2例(4%)。夹层真腔全部恢复正常。急性期患者中转手术1例,死亡2例。术后43例患者获随访,随访时间1~23个月,远期内漏3例(7%),但所有随访患者均恢复正常生活。结论 腔内支架人工血管可用于主动脉弓部动脉瘤的治疗,其治疗的长期效果还需进一步观察。  相似文献   

目的总结自发孤立性肠系膜上动脉夹层(SIDSMA)的诊治体会。方法自发孤立性肠系膜上动脉夹层5例,收集其一般资料、诊断手段及治疗结果等数据,探讨SIDSMA的误诊原因、确诊手段及治疗方案。结果 5例病人均为男性,平均年龄55.0,以腹痛为主要表现,平均就诊时间为56.2小时,就诊初步诊断为胃炎、尿路结石、胃溃疡各1例,确诊为SIDSMA 2例,平均确诊时间3天,5例病人初诊时行彩超均未发现病变,均以CTA检查确诊。5例病人均首先采用保守治疗,2例因保守治疗腹痛缓解不明显行介入支架手术,1例因长时间(3个月)饭后腹痛行介入支架植入。结论自发孤立性肠系膜上动脉夹层的误诊率较高;SIDSMA需以CTA确诊,彩超可作为随访手段;保守治疗对于SIDSMA疗效较好,即使对于部分肠系膜上动脉真腔严重狭窄的病人,可作为首选方案。介入手术或开放手术可作为腹痛缓解不明显、动脉瘤样变明显及肠坏死病人的进一步治疗手段。  相似文献   

目的探讨应用Castor分支型主动脉覆膜支架治疗健康锚定区不足15 mm的Stanford B型主动脉夹层(TBAD)的临床效果。方法回顾性分析解放军第九七〇医院2017年10月至2018年6月应用Castor单分支型支架治疗18例近端健康锚定区15 mm的TBAD患者的临床资料,其中急性TBAD 17例,慢性TBAD 1例,患者均经CT血管成像(CTA)确诊。结果手术成功率100%,手术平均时间(127.8±20.1)min,均无内漏发生,围术期无脑梗死、夹层动脉瘤破裂等并发症,无死亡病例。术中2例左锁骨下动脉(LSA)分支支架释放后存在狭窄,给予球囊扩张后狭窄解除;1例术后出现左侧肱动脉穿刺点血肿,经保守治疗治愈。随访18例,平均随访时间(8±2)个月,无截瘫及死亡病例,LSA分支支架通畅率为100%,无内漏及夹层逆撕,胸主动脉段真腔直径较术前明显扩大、假腔直径较术前明显缩小(P0.05),胸段假腔术后血栓化率高于腹主动脉。结论 Castor分支型覆膜支架治疗近端健康锚定区不足15 mm的TBAD可以有效重建LSA,操作安全精准,隔绝效果好,短期随访无内漏发生,远期疗效尚需进一步观察。  相似文献   

目的探讨B型主动脉夹层腔内修复术(EVAR)的适应证、围手术期并发症及中期治疗效果。方法 1998年11月至2009年2月对115例Stanford B型主动脉夹层患者行覆膜支架腔内修复术治疗。随访75例,随访时间1~83个月,分析其临床特点及随访疗效。结果 113例(共122枚)支架置入成功,破口封堵满意。杂交手术:术前2例,术中1例。围手术期并发症:锁骨下动脉窃血征4例;肺部感染3例;下肢动脉栓塞、急性脑梗死、肾功能衰竭各2例;移植物感染、急性肠缺血、消化道出血、A型主动脉夹层各1例。围手术期死亡5例(4.42%)。随访75例中支架近、远端内漏9例,5例患者行二次腔内修复术;继发A型主动脉夹层2例。随访中死亡6例(8%),4例分别死于心肌梗死、脑溢血、A型夹层破裂,2例死因不明。结论覆膜支架EVAR是治疗急、慢性B型主动脉夹层的有效方法,但应控制适应证,术中仔细操作和术后监护对于减少并发症具有重要意义。加强随访依从性尤为重要。  相似文献   

目的 探讨B型主动脉夹层腔内修复术的中期疗效.方法 回顾性分析1998年11月至2009年2月行覆膜支架腔内修复治疗115例B型主动脉夹层的临床资料.男7l例,女44例;年龄32~87岁,平均(56±11)岁.伴发病:高血压105例,糖尿病24例,冠心病14例,下肢动脉硬化11例,慢性肾功能不全7例,另5例有近期外伤史.结果 115例中,113例支架置入成功,释放支架人工血管122枚,破口封堵满意.3例同时行相关杂交手术.围手术期内并发症:下肢动脉栓塞2例,急性脑梗塞致偏瘫2例,移植物感染1例,锁骨下动脉窃血征4例,急性肠缺血1例,肺部感染3例,消化道出血l例,肾功能衰竭2例,A型夹层1例.围手术期死亡5例(4.42%).随访75例,随访率66.4%,随访时间7-83个月,平均随访44.5个月.其中支架近远端内漏9例,5例患者行二次腔内修复术;继发A型主动脉夹层2例,再次行血管置换手术.随访中死亡6例(8%),4例分别死于心肌梗死、脑出血、A型夹层破裂等,2例死因不明.结论 覆膜支架腔内修复术是治疗急慢性B型主动脉夹层的有效方法.  相似文献   

目的:总结腔内方法治疗破口位于升主动脉的Stanford A型主动脉夹层的经验。方法:回顾性分析6例破口位于升主动脉的Stanford A型主动脉夹层行升主动脉覆膜支架植入术或联合弓部分支重建术的患者临床资料。结果:所有患者全部成功施行手术,4例行升主动脉覆膜支架植入术,2例先行颈-颈动脉人工血管转流后再行升主动脉覆膜支架植入术。术后并发急性脑梗塞1例,急性心功能衰竭1例,呼吸功能不全2例。1例因夹层破裂出血术后1 d死亡,其余患者均安全出院。随访时间3~48个月,随访期间2例出现I型内漏,均未再接受手术继续随访。结论:对于一些不能耐受传统手术的高危患者,腔内治疗A型夹层以其微创的优势,可作为传统手术的替代方法挽救患者生命。  相似文献   

目的:探讨裸支架在内脏动脉夹层治疗中的安全性及疗效。方法:2008年4月—2012年3月,6例内脏动脉夹层患者接受裸支架腔内治疗。其中,肠系膜上动脉夹层5例,腹腔干动脉夹层1例,分别采用单层或双层裸支架叠加技术隔绝夹层破口及瘤体。结果:6例手术均顺利,无并发症发生,腹腔干动脉夹层患者与1例肠系膜上动脉夹层患者植入双层裸支架后假腔即刻不显影,另4例植入单层或双层裸支架3个月后CT或彩超复查提示假腔闭塞、真腔通畅。结论:采用单层裸支架或双层裸支架叠加技术,是治疗内脏动脉夹层可行、有效、安全的方法。  相似文献   

Endovascular treatment of the descending thoracic aorta.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
OBJECTIVES: to report our initial experience with endovascular stent graft repair of a variety of thoracic aortic pathology. DESIGN: retrospective single center study. MATERIAL AND METHODS: between February 2000 and January 2002, endovascular stent graft repair was performed in 26 patients: traumatic aortic isthmus rupture (n=3), Type B dissection (n=11) and descending thoracic aortic aneurysm (n=12). The deployed stent graft systems were AneuRx-Medtronic (n=1), Talent-Medtronic (n=13) and Excluder-Gore (n=12). RESULTS: successful deployment of the stent grafts in the intended position was achieved in all patients. No hospital mortality neither paraplegia were observed. Late, non procedure related, death occurred in four patients (15%). Access artery complications with rupture of the iliac artery occurred in two patients and were managed by iliac-femoral bypass. The left subclavian artery was overstented in seven patients (27%). Only the first patient received a carotido-subclavian bypass. The mean maximal aortic diameter decreased significantly in patients treated for descending thoracic aneurysm. Only one patient had an endoleak type II after 6 months without enlargement of the aneurysm. Complete thrombosis of the thoracic false lumen occurred in all but one patient treated for Type B dissection 6 months postoperatively. Two patients underwent a consecutive stent graft placement, due to a large re-entry tear distal to the first stent graft. CONCLUSIONS: endovascular stent graft repair for Type B dissection, descending thoracic aneurysm and aortic isthmus rupture is a promising less-invasive alternative to surgical repair. Further studies are mandatory to determine its long-term efficacy.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Even with rapid diagnosis and effective medical treatment mortality in type B aortic dissection with evidence of extraaortic leakage of blood remains high. Considering a mortality rate of 29% to 50% associated with emergency surgical repair, the concept of endovascular stent-graft placement may become a life-saving option in impending or evolving rupture by endovascular sealing of the entry tear and subsequent abortion of leakage. METHODS: The concept was tested by comparing short-term and 1-year outcomes of 11 patients after emergency endovascular stent-graft placement with historic-matched control patients subjected to conventional therapy. All patients had acute type B dissection complicated by loss of blood into periaortic spaces.RESULTS: Emergency stent-graft placement was successful without periprocedural morbidity, aborted leakage, and ensured reconstruction of the dissected aorta; at a mean follow-up of 15 +/- 6 months no death had occurred in the stent-graft group whereas four patients had died with conventional treatment (p < 0.05). CONCLUSION: With appropriate logistics and expertise, type B aortic dissection with leakage and evolving rupture may benefit from nonsurgical reconstruction of the dissected segment by endovascular stent grafts.  相似文献   

目的 探讨腔内胸主动脉修复术治疗Stanford B型夹层的临床价值.方法 回顾性分析2006年1月至2011年4月126例行腔内胸主动脉修复术的B型主动脉夹层患者的临床资料,其中男86例,女40例;年龄32~82岁,平均(56±8)岁.在数字减影血管造影(digital subtraction angiography,DSA)监控下,切开股动脉,将带膜支架置于胸主动脉内膜破口处,封堵破口.术后影像学随访观察有无内漏、移位和支架塌陷等术后并发症.结果 126例手术成功,释放支架157枚.所有患者原发胸主动脉夹层破口完全封闭,真腔血流恢复,受损脏器功能恢复正常.术后82例患者获得随访,随访率65%,随访时间3~63个月,平均随访时间(26±8)个月.复查显示无内漏、移位等并发症,围手术期死亡2例,随访死亡1例,12例出现支架尾部破口,再次行腔内隔绝,1例术后出现逆行性A型夹层.结论 腔内胸主动脉修复术是治疗Stanford B型夹层具有技术可靠,安全性高,术后恢复快等优点.  相似文献   

OBJECT: The authors describe their preliminary clinical experience with the use of endovascular stents in the treatment of traumatic vascular lesions of the skull base region. Because adequate distal exposure and direct surgical repair of these lesions are not often possible, conventional treatment has been deliberate arterial occlusion. The purpose of this report is to demonstrate the safety and efficacy as well as limitations of endovascular stent placement in the management of craniocervical arterial injuries. METHODS: Six patients with vascular injuries were treated using endovascular stents. There were two arteriovenous fistulas and two pseudoaneurysms of the distal extracranial internal carotid or vertebral arteries resulting from penetrating trauma, and two petrous carotid pseudoaneurysms associated with basal skull fractures. In one patient a porous stent placement procedure was undertaken as well as coil occlusion of an aneurysm, whereas in the remaining five patients covered stent grafts were used as definitive treatment. There were no procedural complications. One patient in whom there was extensive traumatic arterial dissection was found to have asymptomatic stent thrombosis when angiography was repeated 1 week postoperatively. This was the only patient whose associated injuries precluded routine antithrombotic or antiplatelet therapy. Follow-up examinations in the remaining five patients included standard angiography (four patients) or computerized tomography angiography (one patient), which were performed 3 to 6 months postoperatively, and clinical assessments ranging from 3 months to 1 year in duration (mean 9 months). In all five cases the vascular injury was successfully treated and the parent artery remained widely patent. No patient experienced aneurysm recurrence or hemorrhage, and there were no thromboembolic complications. CONCLUSIONS: The authors' experience demonstrates that endovascular treatment of traumatic vascular lesions of the skull base region is both feasible and safe. The advantages of minimally invasive stent placement and parent artery preservation make this procedure for repair of neurovascular injuries a potentially important addition to existing methods.  相似文献   

OBJECT: Stent-assisted embolization is an alternative endovascular treatment method for wide-necked intracranial aneurysms. Currently available stents have the limitations of poor radial force, difficult delivery systems, and lack of full retrievability. The authors report on their preliminary experience with the use of a new, fully retrievable, self-expanding neurovascular stent, which has a high radial force and easy delivery system, combined with coil or Onyx embolization for the treatment of wide-necked aneurysms, including 6-month follow-up data. METHODS: Fifteen patients with 18 wide-necked intracranial aneurysms were treated using the SOLO stent system and detachable platinum coils. Aneurysms were located at the posterior communicating artery (seven lesions), midbasilar artery (one lesion), internal carotid artery (ICA) bifurcation (one lesion), ICA-ophthalmic artery segment (eight lesions), and posterior cerebral artery (one lesion). Eleven aneurysms were small, six were large, and one was giant. Only one of these aneurysms was in the acute stage of subarachnoid hemorrhage; balloon remodeling alone failed to keep the coils in the aneurysm sac. RESULTS: Only one stent required retrieving and repositioning after it had been fully deployed, and retrieval was easy and successful. No thromboembolic complication, dissection/rupture, or vasospasm occured during stent placement. Follow-up angiograms obtained at 6 months posttreatment in the 18 aneurysms demonstrated that all stents were patent with no evidence of intimal hyperplasia or stenosis. In all cases but one, 100% lesion occlusion was observed at the 6-month control angiography examination. Only one aneurysm had recanalized. CONCLUSIONS: The fully retrievable self-expandible SOLO stent is a feasible, secure, and effective system with a high radial force and ease of delivery in treating wide-necked intracranial aneurysms in combination with coil embolization.  相似文献   

Hostile neck anatomy remains the predominant reason that patients are denied endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR). We reviewed our experience of EVAR with use of prophylactic adjunctive proximal balloon-expandable stents in patients with hostile neck anatomy and adjunctive proximal balloon-expandable stents in patients with type I endoleaks. Of 140 patients who underwent EVAR between 2000 and 2004, we reviewed data for 19 patients in whom we used proximal balloon-expandable stents. By high-resolution computed tomography scan or angiography, hostile neck anatomy was classified as length <15 mm, neck diameters > or =26 mm, circumferential thrombus at the proximal neck, angulated neck > or =60 degrees, and neck bulge or reverse taper necks. Patients were considered to have hostile anatomy if they met 1 or more of the above-cited criteria. All patients underwent AAA repair with commercially available endograft systems, Zenith (Cook, Bloomington, IN) and AneuRx (Medtronic/AVE, Minneapolis, MN). Balloon-expandable stents utilized included Cordis-Palmaz stents (17/19) and eV3 Max stents (2/19). Stents were deployed in the proximal graft with transrenal extension. AneuRx (18/19) and Zenith (1/19) endografts were used in all of the patients. Of the 19 patients, 15 had prophylactic stent placement for known hostile neck anatomy and 4 patients had stent placement for type I endoleak. Assisted primary technical success was achieved in all patients. Three patients had maldeployment of the endograft or proximal stent requiring additional endovascular interventions at the time of surgery. No endografts were deployed too low requiring stent placement. Procedure-related complications occurred in 2 of 19 patients. These included 1 operative death secondary to pneumonia and 1 patient who developed progressive renal failure. Short-term clinical success was achieved in 17 of 19 patients. Two patients required secondary interventions, 1 due to device migration with secondary conversion to open repair, and an endoleak, which, on angiogram, was a large type II endoleak successfully treated with coiling of the inferior mesenteric artery. One patient was observed to have a type II endoleak with no associated aneurysm enlargement. Short-term results suggest the use of prophylactic adjunctive balloon-expandable stents may decrease the incidence of secondary interventions related to hostile neck anatomy when used as an adjunctive measure with EVAR. Based on our experience, we feel EVAR may be offered to an expanded patient population with hostile neck anatomy with use of prophylactic balloon-expandable stents.  相似文献   

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