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在有害生物综合防治过程中,化学防制仍是当前最主要的控制手段。施药器械是撒布药剂的重要工具,其操作使用得当与否,直接影响杀虫效果、工作效率等。杀虫效果的好坏取决于药剂、器械、应用技术三方面的因素,三者必须密切结合。不同剂型的药剂只有通过与之匹配的器械,才能充分显示其药效。  相似文献   

人类自有文明以来,就与各种传播疾病的媒介昆虫进行着不屑的斗争,化学防治技术是其中的一种重要手段。然而,防治效果的好坏,取决于防治操作人员、施药器械、药剂、杀灭对像(人、枪、子弹、靶)四位一体的有机结合,即合理配置和正确应用。施药器械是施用药物以杀灭有害生物的重要工具,它是有害生物防治技术中重要组成部分,在现代有害生物化学防治中与药剂共同发挥着重要作用。  相似文献   

有害生物广义上是指在一定条件下,对人类的生活、生产甚至生存产生危害的生物,包括有害微生物、植物、动物等,又可以分为农村害虫和城市害虫两大类。家栖鼠、蝇类、蚊类、蟑螂等危害、骚扰人类、传播疾病的节肢动物、啮齿动物等有害生物称为媒介生物。有害生物产生的根本原因是单一的人居环境无法建立生态平衡,有害生物摆脱了天敌制约,又获得人类提供的丰富食物、水和隐藏场所,因而大量繁殖,危害人类。所以,对付有害生物必须采用综合防治方法,即采用各种方法改造我们的环境(包括施加药物,制造不利于有害生物孳生的方法),使得目标环境适合人类生活、生产,而有害生物不能生存,或只能维持较小的密度,不危害人类。  相似文献   

有害生物防治机构对有害生物防治已经成为城市公共卫生服务的一部分,但作为新兴行业仍存在着一些问题,如何对提供服务机构进行管理,以达到经济高效的防治效果,通过近几年作为第三方监管实践总结,探索有害生物防治服务机构在防治服务前、服务中及服务后的管理内容,以为需方提供借鉴。  相似文献   

食品加工企业的有害生物管理的主要困境是管理力度不够,投入少。其结果可能导致侵入的有害生物种类和数量多,容易出现产品污染事件。食品加工企业在有害生物管理上通常外包给PCO企业,希望其灭除所有虫鼠害。这种管理模式和观念不利于有害生物管理。建议食品加工企业摒弃全部外包的思想,主动承担主体责任,建立有害生物管理体系;而PCO企业则提高技术水平,转变作业指导,从单纯的杀灭有害生物转变为协助食品加工企业建立有害生物管理体系,保障生产产品的品质安全,共同完成有害生物管理目标。  相似文献   

目的介绍有害生物防治业(PCO)如何参与2008年北京奥运会期间病媒生物的监测与防制,为日后国内大型保障活动提供病媒生物防制经验。方法对PCO企业进行筛选招标,对中标企业进行培训与演练,并对其服务过程进行监督、检查。结果 PCO企业全面参与奥运会病媒生物防制工作取得理想效果。结论探讨出一种由政府出资,卫生行政部门对PCO企业进行管理、组织、协调、监督;疾病预防控制系统对其进行培训及技术指导,并制定各类技术方案;PCO企业进行实施的大型活动保障模式。  相似文献   

随着我国城市化进程的不断发展,城市有害生物的危害越来越广泛,有的地方甚至危害相当的严重.过去北方城市除害的主要对象是蚊、蝇和鼠类,而现在除蚊、蝇和鼠类外,蟑螂、蚂蚁、白蚁等的危害也屡见不鲜,就连二十几层的高楼上也常常发现蟑螂.随着人们生活水平的不断提高和生活环境的不断改善,有害生物防治工作也越来越受到重视,相继出现了许多大大小小的专业除害公司,在有害生物防治工作中发挥着积极的作用.伴随着我国加入WTO,国际上的先进除害技术和管理模式相继进入我国,对我国原有的除害管理模式提出了挑战.如何针对目前有害生物防治工作中存在的系统管理问题,提出适应当地现阶段实际的除害管理模式,是摆在我们面前的任务.  相似文献   

有害生物防治服务的对象十分广泛,可以说,凡是有人类生活、工作和活动的地方就会有防治有害生物的服务需求.当然,防治服务的需求和程度要与客户的实际环境及运作情况互相配合.因此,专业的虫控公司对不同的服务对象就应该有不同的设定方案和处理方法.这是因为:其一,客户所生产、经营的产品不同,业务运作、生活的环境不一样;其二,客户所辖区域的害虫种类、栖息地、孳生地及害虫的活动情况也有分别.因此,专业虫控公司为不同的客户服务时,药、械的选用及应用技术均应有一定程度的区别和针对性.不管使用什么方法,不管使用什么药,施药的基本原则不会改变,这就是:对人、畜要安全,要避免污染食物和环境.  相似文献   

为促进福州市有害生物防治业健康发展,推动PCO业界的交流与合作,有效防控病媒生物传播性疾病的发生和流行,保护人民群众的身体健康,提高人民生活质量,福州市卫生有害生物防制协会于2010年4月22日组织专家及部分PCO公司的代表,对本市已注册的24家PCO公司进行了检查。通过实地检查,更进一步了解各PCO企业的整体现状,多数企业在硬件设施与软件管理上舍得投入经费和时间,  相似文献   

目的对依据HACCP原理建立的有害生物防控体系实施效果进行评价。方法根据HACCP(Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point)原理建立食品生产企业HACCP有害生物防治计划,组织实施近5年,应用鼠密度、侵害率、密度下降率等指标评价防治效果。结果鼠类、爬虫类和飞虫类有害生物侵害率分别下降了61.3%、64.1%和67.1%,均存在显著差异(P0.01),防治效果显著。结论虫控企业依据HACCP原理制实施有害生物防治计划效果显著,是食品生产企业保障食品安全的重要依据。  相似文献   

A survey of licensed pest control advisors (PCAs) in two key agricultural counties in California was undertaken to better understand current practices of PCAs and their implications on pesticide worker health and safety. PCAs advise farmers on pest control, and make legally required recommendations before restricted use pesticides can be applied on farms. A mail questionnaire was developed to ascertain current client needs, business practices, concerns, and potential impacts of the 1991 ban on parathion by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Of 388 eligible, 114 (35%) returned completed questionnaires. Of respondents' regular clients, nearly half were using or experimenting with biologic sprays, cultural practices to encourage national predation, or using spot treatments, although clients of PCAs working as a distributor or representative for a pesticide company were less likely to do so than those of independent consultants. PCAs (82%) ranked effectiveness of pest control and worker health and safety as the top concerns when selecting pest control materials, and cost last. A majority ranked as extremely important market pressure for cosmetically perfect produce and lack of non-chemical pest control methods as barriers to growers' reducing their pesticide use. In response to the parathion ban, most PCAs planned to substitute either similar Class I toxicity insecticides or less toxic organophosphates or carbamates. This survey indicates that increased penetration of integrated pest management is possible, and that reduced pesticide use may also be achieved by relaxing of cosmetic standards and increasing research into nonchemical pest control methods.  相似文献   

通过我国有害生物防制方式和防制现状的分析,探讨构建我国有害生物防制体系的目标和对策。以往有害生物防制主客体关系、防制策略、对象、内容、方法、对策等已不适应当前有害生物防制工作所需,亟待需要探讨如何适应市场经济发展所需,加快有害生物防制观念、策略、管理方法的转变,构建符合我国国情的有害生物防制体系。建立有害生物防制体系是实现有害生物长效管理的必然。  相似文献   

There is a need to implement a new approach to pest control in which agroecological strategies are developed and adapted in a site-specific way to highly variable and diverse farm conditions typical of farms in tropical regions such as Brazil. It has become evident that the conventional agriculture based on high use of external inputs and oriented to maximize profits, has often been detrimental and unviable when considered from social and ecological perspectives. Pest problems, for example, are generally related to high input, single-crop agroecosystems. We discuss here agroecological strategies such as conservation biological control, use of natural pesticides and selectivity of synthetic and natural pesticides as a way to conserve and increase natural enemies' efficiency in Brazilian agroecosystems. In addition, we discuss some patents related to agroecological pest management.  相似文献   

随着全球气候变化、全球化等自然和社会因素的变化,媒介生物对人类的威胁持续上升。传统的消杀技术因环保法规和对人健康的危害,其应用越来越受到限制,媒介生物控制需要环境友好的可持续控制技术。对应用于城区蚊虫控制的绿篱技术、新灭鼠剂胆钙化醇、学校病媒生物控制技术规范、区域鼠害控制信息化管理系统、基于智能手机的专业有害生物管理现场勘查软件等具有应用潜力的病媒生物控制新技术进行了综述,并对其原理、防治效果和应用价值进行了评述。  相似文献   

Regulatory frameworks to control chemical exposure in general living and occupational environments have changed exposure scenarios towards a widely spread contamination at relatively low doses in developed countries. In such evolving context, some critical aspects should be considered to update risk assessment and management strategies. Risk assessment in low-dose chemical exposure scenarios should take advantage of: toxicological investigations on emerging substances of interest, like those recognised as endocrine disruptors or increasingly employed nanoscale materials; human biological monitoring studies aimed to identify innovative biomarkers for known chemical exposure; “omic” technologies useful to identify hazards of chemicals and their modes of action. For updated risk assessment models, suitable toxicological studies, analyses of dose-responses at low-concentrations, environmental and biological monitoring of exposure, together with exposome studies, and the proper definition of susceptible populations may all provide helpful contributions. These may guide defining preventive measures to control the exposure and develop safe and sustainable chemicals by design. Occupational medicine can offer know-how and instruments to understand and manage such evolution towards a toxic-free environment to protect the safety and health of the workforce and, in turn, that of the general population.  相似文献   

Green zoning has emerged as a widely used policy response to tackle the Covid-19 pandemic. ‘Green zones’—areas where the virus is under control based on a uniform set of conditions—can progressively return to normal economic and social activity levels, and mobility between them is permitted. By contrast, stricter public health measures are in place in ‘red zones’, and mobility between red and green zones is restricted. France and Spain were among the first countries to introduce green zoning in April 2020. Subsequently, more and more countries followed suit and the European Commission advocated for the implementation of a European green zoning strategy, which has been supported by the EU member states. While there remain coordination problems, green zoning has proven to be an effective strategy for containing the spread of the virus and limiting its negative economic and social impact. This strategy should provide important lessons and prove useful in future outbreaks. Research in epidemiology indicates that thoroughly implemented and operationalised green zoning can prevent the spread of a transmittable disease that is poorly understood, highly virulent, and potentially highly lethal. Finally, there is strong evidence that green zoning can reduce economic and societal damage as it avoids worst-in-class measures.  相似文献   

"除四害"一词始于20世纪50年代初的群众运动。其中,"除"意为消灭,希望斩尽杀绝。几十年来的实践证明,单纯消灭收效短,弊病多,不仅引发抗药性,效果每况愈下,且污染环境,破坏生态平衡。故合理对策应是科学管理,即,综合治理,改造环境,控制密度,持之以恒。而"四害"指蚊、蝇、鼠、臭虫(及蟑螂),长期不变,全国统一,缺乏灵活性,不能适应各种情况和需要。因而,近年来,"除四害"一词理所当然地被"有害生物管理"所取代。  相似文献   

目的了解有害生物防治员和物业管理人员对蚊虫防治的知识、态度和实际行为。方法对在珠海市香洲区有害生物防治专业服务机构和居民社区开展知信行问卷调查。结果物业管理人员蚊虫防治知识的知晓途径以电视为主,对蚊虫孳生地和蚊虫抗药性认识不足。有害生物防治员和物业管理人员对保障居民不受蚊虫骚扰信心不足。结论需要重视电视等媒体的蚊虫防治知识宣传,告知人们蚊虫孳生地和化学杀虫剂抗药性问题,增强人们对蚊虫防治的信心。  相似文献   

Current issues in preventing infectious diseases and their implications for the future are examined, looking broadly at technologies, program strategies, and the growing influence of public and professional attitudes and perceptions in maintaining and achieving infectious disease control. It is concluded that the technologies to control infectious diseases are available, implementation of delivery programs is feasible, and current attitudes of public and professions dampen but should not impede progress. The need for distributing the benefits of available preventive medical technology to the developing world is obvious, but achievements will be difficult and costly. It is equally important for the economically developed countries that have achieved successes in infectious disease prevention to sustain their progress and confront the concerns of public compliance, liability, management, and program support which threaten to hinder progress. Obviously, the needs must be clearly enunciated and the problems solved in order for the job of infectious disease prevention to be done.  相似文献   

《卫生害虫管理学》首次在卫生害虫防制的专著中引进了"管理学"的概念,"管理"在卫生害虫治理中与环境防制、物理防制、化学防制、生物防制等具有同等地位,特别重大活动或事件的媒介生物控制中,管理更是起着决定防制成败的关键作用。《卫生害虫管理学》框架结构合理,内容精心布局,博众家之长,吸取相近学科之精髓,内容涵盖21种卫生害虫的生态与习性、与疾病的关系、控制措施等。采用通俗语言,精炼语句,深入浅出,图文并茂地展现在读者面前。该书内容全面,资料新颖,文字精炼,实用性强。全书二十章,附有插图267幅、表格88个,各章附有主要参考文献和思考题,增大了信息量,且易于读者理解。  相似文献   

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