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During atrioventricular (AV) sequential pacing from the right heart, the interval between the left atrium and ventricle may vary from the programmed AV interval depending on the position of the atrial and ventricular electrodes and interatrial and interventricular conduction. The aim of this study was to determine the hemodynamic effects of altering the left AV interval while keeping the programmed AV interval constant. Four male and 17 female patients, aged 49 ± 15 years were studied. The left AV interval was measured by a catheter in the coronary sinus. Stroke volume and mitral flow were measured by simultaneous echo Doppler during AV sequential pacing from the right atrial appendage and right ventricular apex at programmed AV intervals of 100. 60, and 6 ms. The atrial catheter was then positioned on the atrial septum and the measurements repeated. With the atrial catheter in the right atrial appendage, interatrial activation time (118 ± 20 ms) was similar to interventricular activation time (125 ± 21 ms) and the left AV interval was almost identical to the programmed right AV interval. There was a significant correlation between interatrial and interventricular activation times (r = 0.8; P < 0.001). Positioning the atrial electrode on the septum decreased interatrial activation time by 39 ± 12 ms and increased the left AV interval by a similar amount. At a programmed AV interval of 60 ms, the left AV interval increased from 67 ± 15 ms to 105 ± 17 ms after the atrial catheter was repositioned from the appendage to the septum (P < 0.001). Compared to pacing from the right atrial appendage, atrial septal pacing increased mitral A wave velocity integral (2.8 ± 1.4 vs 4.4 ±1.7 cm at a programmed AV interval of 60 ms, P < 0.01), decreased E wave velocity integral (8.1 ± 2.2 vs 6.1 ± 2.4 cm, P < 0.001) but did not alter stroke volume (44.8 ± 10.6 vs 44.9 ± 10.1 mL). In contrast, a 40 ms decrease in the programmed right AV interval from 100 to 60 ms decreased stroke volume from 48.0 ± 10.0 to 44.9 ± 10.2 mL (P < 0.001). There was a strong relationship between interatrial and interventricular conduction so that patients with prolonged interatrial conduction still had equivalent left and right AV intervals during atrioventricular sequential pacing from the right atrial appendage and right ventricular apex. Positioning the atrial electrode on the septum decreases interatrial activation time and increases the left AV interval by about 40 ms but has minimal hemodynamic effect in patients without heart failure.  相似文献   

In the interpretation of electrocardiograms recorded during atrioventricular sequential pacing, uncertainty frequently arises in the assessment for evidence of atrial capture. In the present study, electrocardiographic characterization of pacing from the right atrial appendage as a component of atrioventricular pacing was performed on tracings obtained from 16 patients with bipolar dual chamber pacing units, and from 18 patients with unipolar dual chamber pacing units in which large overshoot potentials occurred following the atrial pacing spike. Atrial complexes resulting from bipolar pacing of the right atrial appendage were found to be uniformly prolonged and of diminished amplitude compared to those in sinus rhythm; they were also noted to contain sequential inferoposterior and leftward-posterior component vectors. The exponential overshoot-decay complex associated with unipolar atrial pacing appeared as a vector directed along the axis from the pulse generator to the pacing lead; the degree to which this deflection interfered with identification of atrial capture in various leads was thus largely dependent on pulse generator location. It was concluded that careful systematic inspection of multiple electrocardiographic leads will generally permit the characteristic features of pacing the right atrial appendage to be recognized, thus facilitating correct interpretation of atrial capture during atrioventricular sequential pacing.  相似文献   

Using telemetry, right atrial electrogram (RA), and marker channel of atrial sense events (MA) in combination with the left atrial electrogram (LA), recorded by a filtered bipolar esophageal lead, interatrial conduction during submaximal exercise and at rest was examined in 46 DDD pacemaker patients. The RA-LA and MA-LA conduction times measured in the presence of atrial sensing (VDD) as well as the conduction time SA-LA from atrial stimulus (SA) to LA, determined during atrial pacing (DDD) were found to be individual constants independent of exercise induced sympathetic influences. Thus, having determined an optima! mechanical interval (LA-LV)mech/opt from left atrium to ventricle by other methods, the optimal AV delay for DDD as well as for VDD operation can be calculated by the sum of the appropriate interatrial conduction time (SA-LA, respectively MA-LA) and the (LA-LV)mech/opt interval. Due to the constant SA-LA and MA-LA, the difference between these two values (AV delay correction interval) is a constant as well, which remains unchanged during exercise. Therefore, in selecting the rate responsive AV delay, only hemodynamic and not electrophysiologica] measurements need to be considered.  相似文献   

To evaluate the frequency of spontaneous or rate dependent interatrial blocks, the interatrial conduction time (IACT) was studied on 100 consecutive patients (mean age 78.3 ±7.8 years) during a transvenous dual chamber pacemaker implant. The spontaneous interatrial conduction time (SIACT) was measured from the intrinsic deflection (ID) of the unipolar right atrial signal to the ID of the left atrial signal recorded in a bipoiar way by an esophageal lead. The paced interatrial conduction time (PIACT) was measured from the stimulus artifact to the left atrial ID, when the atrium was paced at a slightly higher rate than the spontaneous rate and during incremental atrial pacing. From these measurements, the maximum increase ofPIACT (MIPIACT) was deduced. In this elderly population, the PIACT was similar (117 ± 26.9 msec) to the data in the literature. However, there were large interindividual variations that were also found in SIACT. We found a close correlation between SIACT and PIACT (P < 0.0001). PIACT was on average 50 msec longer than SIACT. SIACT increased with age (P < 0.03). The MIPIACT was 15.3 ± 15.2 msec. In the majority of patients, the MIPIACT was > 10 msec, and even reached 90 msec in one patient. MIPIACT was longer in patients with a PIACT exceeding 110 msec (P < 0.004). Based on IACT alone, the AV interval must be lengthened on average by 50 msec when changing from atrial tracking-ventricular pacing to atrial pacing-ventricular pacing, but large individual differences must be kept in mind. Elderly people should probably have a longer AV delay.  相似文献   

Interatrial conduction time (IACT) and left atrial dimension (LAD) were determined in 75 patients (41 males, 34 females, mean age 78.2 ± 7,9 years) undergoing atrioventricular (AV) stimulation. The LAD was measured by M mode echocardiography as the distance between the posterior aortic wall and the posterior left atrial wall. The IACT was determined during a transvenous dual chamber pacemaker implant done under local anesthesia (lidocaine). The spontaneous interatrial conduction time (SIACT) was measured from the intrinsic deflection (ID) of the right atrium recorded in a unipolar mode (unipolar J-shaped had positioned in the right appendage) to the ID of the left atrium (bipolar esophageal lead, left atrial positive deflection equal to the negative one) during sinus rhythm. The right atrium then was paced at a rate slightly greater than the spontaneous one. The paced interatrial conduction time (PIACT) was measured from the stimulus artifact to the left atrial ID. The PIACT was also measured during incremental right atrial pacing (10 beats/min step increase to 180 beats/min) and, from these measurements, the maximum increase of PIACT (MIPIACT) was deduced. The LAD was measured at 39.5 ± 8.7 mm, SIACT at 70.3 ± 24.8 msec, PIACT at 118.8 ± 27.9 msec, and MIPIACT at 16.5 ± 16.4 msec. We found highly significant relationships between SIACT and LAD(P = 0.0006, r - 0.39), PIACT and LAD (P = 0.0001, r = 0.45), and MIPIACT and LAD (P = 0.0006, r = 0.38). We also noted that the LAD was greater in patients in whom MIPIACT was >10 msec than in patients in whom the MIPIACT was negligible (P < 0.002). However, the “r” values indicate that IACT is probably determined by multiple factors, and LAD appears to be one of the most important. Thus, we demonstrated the existence of highly significant relationships between the LAD determined by M mode echocardiography and the IACT when sensing and pacing the right atrium. We also demonstrated that the LAD was greater in patients in whom PIACT increased by an appreciable duration during fast atrial pacing. These results must be kept in mind when choosing a mode of stimulation and determining the AV delay (dual chamber pacemaker), particularly in patients with left atrial enlargement in whom the contribution of the atrial contraction and its timing are hemodynamically determinant.  相似文献   

The implantation of permanent pacemakers in patients with congenital heart disease can be challenging. This report describes the complexity of pacemaker implantation in a patient with Ebstein's disease, tricuspid valve replacement, and right atrial abnormalities like severe intra- and interatrial conduction block that prevented dual chamber pacing from conventional sites. This case illustrates the promising possibility to circumvent the interatrial conduction block with single left atrial pacing instead of biatrial pacing which was not suitable here.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to specify the mathematical relationship between spontaneous AV interval (AVI) and heart rate (HR), the amplitude and rate of variation of AVI, and the physiological factors likely to affect these characteristics. Ten patients with healthy hearts were studied. Two catheter electrodes were positioned in the right atrium and at the tip of the right ventricle respectively, allowing the detection of endocardial signals. The AV and AA intervals for each heart cycle were digitized to on accuracy of ± 1 msec. Measurements were made at rest, then during a stress test on an exercise bicycle, and finally during the recovery phase. The results show that adaptation is very precise and takes place instantly. Any variation in heart rate causes an immediate, inversely proportional variation in AVI. Adaptation follows a linear pattern, generally with relatively low amplitude and an average AVI reduction of 27.5 ±11.2 msec for an average HR increase of 78.7 ± 22.5 bpm, i.e., a decrease of 4 ± 2.1 msec for an HR variation 0f 10 bpm. The amplitude and variation rate of AVI seem to be independent 0f the age and base value of the PR interval. These observations may be useful for designing new VDD or DDD pacemakers that automatically adapt the AV interval to the instantaneous heart rate. The hemodynamic benefits 0f this adaptation were also demonstrated.  相似文献   

Clinical improvement with dual chamber pacing bas largely been reported in patients suffering from hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy and mainly attributed to the reduction of the subaortic pressure gradient. To be effective, pacing must induce a permanent and complete capture of the LV. In two patients of our collective, symptoms (angina and dyspnea NYHA Class III and/or syncopes) persisted or relapsed despite pacing. This was related to the inability to obtain full LV capture due to a too-short native PR interval. RF ablation of the AV junction was therefore performed in botb patients, resulting in permanent AV block in one and prolonged PR interval up to 310 ms in the second. Pacing was thereafter associated with an immediate and significant clinical improvement related to permanent LV capture, whatever the patient's activity. After RF ablation, the AV delay was set up to induce the best LV filling, as assessed by Doppler analysis of mitral flow. Our observations suggest that RF ablation or modification of the AV junction can be a successful procedure in some patients with residual or recurrent symptoms, when the latter result from a loss of capture or from the inability to program an AV delay tbat does not compromise the active component to LV filling. Doppler echocardiography is a simple and effective mean to assess the hemodynamic effect of AV interval modulation in this setting.  相似文献   

RUITER, J.H., ET AL.: The A-R Interval as Exercise Indicator: A New Option for Rate Adaptation in Single and Dual Chamber Pacing. We investigated the possibility to use the interval from an atrial stimulus to the Ventricular R wave [A-R interval) as an indicator of physical stress, in 16 patients with pacemakers implanted for severe atrial bradycardia but with intact AV conduction. The A-R interval was studied during incremental atrial pacing at rest and during exercise with a constant workload. In addition, the atrial pacing rate was kept constant just above spontaneous sinus rate and the dynamics of the A-R interval were studied during exercise with a low constant workload and during a maximal exercise test with increasing workload. Incremental atrial pacing prolonged the A-R interval and this response was blunted during exercise [p < 0.003). Atrial pacing at a constant rate and during a constant workload resulted in an almost direct shortening of the A-R interval. When the workload was increased but the atrial rate kept constant, a pronounced shortening of the A-R interval was noted [p < 0.0001). It is concluded that changes of the A-R interval during different kinds of exercise were prompt and predictable in patients with sinus node dysfunction but intact AV conduction. In these patients the shortening of the A-R interval during exercise may be a suitable indicator for rate adaptive atrial pacing.  相似文献   

Background: The clinical benefit of cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) for patients with moderate-to-severely symptomatic heart failure, left ventricular systolic dysfunction, and ventricular conduction delay is established. However, some patients do not demonstrate clinical improvement following CRT. It is unclear whether systematic optimization of the programmed atrioventricular (AV) delay improves the rate of clinical response.
Methods: SMART-AV is a randomized, multicenter, double-blinded, three-armed trial that will investigate the effects of optimizing AV delay timing in heart failure patients receiving CRT + defibrillator (CRT-D) therapy. A minimum of 950 patients will be randomized in a 1:1:1 ratio using randomly permuted blocks within each center programmed to either DDD or DDDR with a lower rate of 60. The study will include echocardiographic measurements of volumes and function [e.g., left ventricular end-systolic volume (LVESV)], biochemical measurements of plasma biomarker profiles, and functional measurements (e.g., 6-minute hall walk) in CRT-D patients who are enrolled and randomized to fixed AV delay (i.e., 120 ms), AV delay determined by electrogram-based SmartDelay, or an AV delay determined by echocardiography (i.e., mitral inflow). Patients will be evaluated prior to initiation of CRT, 3 and 6 months post-implant. The primary endpoint is the relative change in LVESV at 6 months between the groups. Patient enrollment commenced in May 2008 and the study is registered at clinicaltrials.gov.
Conclusion: SMART-AV is a randomized, clinical trial designed to evaluate three different methods of AV delay optimization to determine whether systematic AV optimization is beneficial for patients receiving CRT for 6 months post-implant. (PACE 2010; 54–63)  相似文献   

Single lead DDD pacing using unipolar or bipolar stimulation is limited by high atrial threshold. Overlapping biphasic (OLBI) waveform stimulation via atrial floating ring electrodes may preferentially enhance atrial pacing and avoid diaphragmatic pacing. Single lead DDD pacing with OLBI atrial pacing was studied in 12 patients (6 men and 6 women; mean age 74 ± 7 years) with complete heart block. At implantation, atrial bipolar rings (area 27 mm2, separation 10 mm) were positioned at radiological defined high, mid, and low right atrial (RA) levels, and P wave amplitude and atrial and diaphragmatic pacing thresholds were determined in each position using unipolar, bipolar, and OLBI stimulation in random order. Although statistically insignificant, both the maximum and minimum sensed P wave amplitudes tended to be lower in the low RA position. Independent of the stimulation modes, minimum atrial pacing threshold occurred in the mid-RA. At mid-RA. the atrial pacing threshold was significantly lower with OLBI pacing compared with either unipolar or bipolar mode (3.9 ± 2.2 V vs 6.7 ± 3.5 V and 6.9 ± 3.5 V, P < 0.05). Although the diaphragmatic thresholds were similar, OLBI pacing modes in the mid-RA and final location significantly improved the Safety margin for avoidance of diaphragmatic pacing compared with unipolar mode. There was no correlation between atrial pacing and sensing threshold. At predischarge testing, all but one patient who developed atrial fibrillation had satisfactory atrial capture and a stable atrial pacing threshold (day 0: 2.6 ± 1.1 V vs day 2: 3.2 ± 1.3V, P = NS). However, diaphragmatic pacing occurred in four of 11 (36%) patients, especially in the upright position (sitting and standing). Our preliminary clinical results suggest that OLBI pacing via atrial floating ring electrodes can reduce the atrial pacing threshold. To optimize atrial pacing and sensing, the bipolar electrodes should be located at the mid-RA level first, although the high RA is an alternative. Despite significant improvements in the safety margin for diaphragmatic pacing with OLBI pacing, diaphragmatic stimulation remains a clinical problem.  相似文献   

The main disadvantages of VVI pacing are absence of acceleration of the heart rate and loss of atrial synchronization. The alternatives to AAI and DDD pacing are stimulation at a low rate or hysteresis in order to decrease pacing time and thus reduce AV asynchrony. Nine patients who suffered from sinus node disease and who had been given a multiprogrammable pacemaker were monitored at each of three stimulation rates: 70, 50, and 70 bpm with an inhibition rate of 50 bpm (hysteresis).
The total pacing time was shortest (p < 0.05) for the stimulation rate of 50 bpm as compared to 70 bpm and hysteresis. It was also shorter for the hysteresis mode than for the 70 bpm mode (p < 0.05).
Only for hysteresis pacing was there a significant reduction in the number of changes from conducted cardiac rhythm to pacemaker-induced rhythm. Most patients found the 50 bpm mode preferable. None favored the hysteresis mode.
In patients with sinus node disease and intermittent bradycardia being permanently paced, the periods of AV-conducted rhythm may be lengthened by reducing the stimulation rate from 70 bpm, with or without hysteresis pacing, to 50 bpm. In paced patients with sinus node disease and symptoms due to AV asynchrony, it might be worth trying a decrease in the stimulation rate before resorting to other pacemaker systems.  相似文献   

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