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人体蠕形螨是一种小型寄生虫,有毛囊蠕形螨和皮脂蠕形螨2种,寄生于人体可引起睑缘炎、酒渣鼻、外耳道瘙痒症等蠕形螨病,给人们的面容及身心健康造成很大的影响。该文综述了人体蠕形螨的生物学特性、感染致病性,并介绍一些防治蠕形螨病的方法。  相似文献   

人体蠕形螨病由毛囊蠕形螨和皮脂蠕形螨感染引起,感染部位以面部、鼻、颊、额多见。中、西药均可用于治疗人体蠕形螨病,用生物制剂治疗蠕形螨病也有一定效果。本文对我国人体蠕形螨病治疗研究概况进行了综述。  相似文献   

自1842年Simon发现蠕形螨,人类对蠕形螨致病性的认识经历了漫长的过程。我国学者在蠕形螨病确认和防控过程中作出了中国贡献。本文主要就我国学者在蠕形螨致病性确认、致病机制、诊断与检测、流行与防治、分子水平等方面的研究进展进行综述,旨在推动蠕形螨病防控向纵深发展,减少蠕形螨病对我国人群的危害,提高人民群众生活质量和幸福指数。  相似文献   

寄生于人体皮肤中的蠕形螨主要为毛囊蠕形螨和皮脂蠕形螨两种 ,二者在人群中的感染很普遍 ,各地报道蠕形螨感染率在 7.0 % [1] 至 90 .9% [2 ] 之间。蠕形螨的寄生虽不易导致大的危害 ,但它们与人体的某些皮肤病如酒渣鼻、毛囊炎、痤疮、脂溢性皮炎、睑缘炎、外耳道瘙痒、急性结膜炎及沙眼等密切相关 ,故在美容及防治上日益受到重视。本文就近几年来蠕形螨的致病及治疗方面作一综述 :1 蠕形螨的致病1 .1 蠕形螨所致组织病理改变经皮肤组织切片观察发现 [3 ] ,毛囊蠕形螨主要寄生于毛囊底部 ,部分寄生于毛囊周边部 ;皮脂蠕形螨常寄生于皮脂…  相似文献   

眼部蠕形螨感染可造成患者眼表不适,引起多种眼部疾病,近年来发病率呈上升趋势。茶树油及其衍生物不仅有显著的杀螨效果,还具有抗菌、抗炎活性,是治疗蠕形螨性眼病的常用制剂。目前茶树油相关制剂品种多样,其安全性和最佳使用方法等均未有充分的研究证明。本文对茶树油治疗蠕形螨性眼病的机制、使用方法、安全性和疗效等方面进行综述,以期为临床治疗蠕形螨性眼病提供参考。  相似文献   

目的 了解昆明医科大学在校学生蠕形螨感染情况及其对蠕形螨的认知情况,分析蠕形螨感染的相关影响因素,为大学生预防蠕形螨感染提供参考依据。方法 以昆明医科大学2014级必修《医学寄生虫学》课程的学生为调查对象。采用透明胶纸法对学生面部蠕形螨进行取样,显微镜检查并鉴定虫种,同时就性别、民族、生源地、皮肤类型等方面进行问卷调查。结果 共调查1 463人,蠕形螨阳性279名,总感染率为19.07%(279/1 463),男生和女生蠕形螨感染率分别为16.05%(96/598)和21.16%(183/865),差异有统计学意义([χ2] = 5.965,P < 0.05)。彝族、白族等少数民族学生蠕形螨感染率为18.33%(66/360),不同民族蠕形螨感染率差异无统计学意义(P > 0.05)。感染类型以毛囊蠕形螨为主,感染率为50.54%(141/279);感染程度以轻度为主,占96.77%(270/279),无重度感染者。多因素非条件logistic回归分析显示,性别及舍友有蠕形螨感染是蠕形螨感染的危险因素,蠕形螨感染与民族、生源地、皮肤类型等无关。仅有2.53%(37/1 463)的学生了解蠕形螨相关知识。结论 昆明医科大学在校大学生面部蠕形螨感染率相对较低,感染与性别及舍友有蠕形螨感染密切相关。要加大在学生中开展卫生保健知识宣传的力度。  相似文献   

护理学院大学生蠕形螨感染状况   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
护理学院大学生蠕形螨感染状况调查表明,大学生蠕形螨感染以轻度感染居多、毛囊蠕形螨感染为主。蠕形螨感染是导致大学生面部疾患的重要因素之一,个人卫生习惯与蠕形螨感染关系密切。  相似文献   

蠕形螨是人群中感染较普遍的一类永久性寄生螨,寄生于人和哺乳动物的毛囊和皮脂腺内,寄生人体的有毛囊蠕形螨和皮脂蠕形螨。酒糟鼻、毛囊炎、痤疮、脂溢性皮炎和睑缘炎等与蠕形螨的感染有关。为了解大学生蠕形螨感染状况,于2000-2002年对本校大学生进行了蠕形螨感染调查,现报告如下。  相似文献   

人类发现蠕形螨已有175年的历史,但因蠕形螨在人群中的感染率高而发病率低以及感染螨荷与临床症状不完全相关,使得临床医生一直质疑蠕形螨的致病性。近几十年来,随着国内外有关蠕形螨感染引起皮肤损害的病例不断报道,其致病性逐渐引起了人们的关注。国内人们对蠕形螨的致病性认识不足,仅限于酒渣鼻与蠕形螨感染可能存在关联,蠕形螨感染引起的丘疹、脓疱等面部其他部位出现的损害基本处于误诊和漏诊状况。本文主要介绍蠕形螨病的发现过程、典型病例、致病机制、临床诊断和治疗,旨在提高全社会尤其是临床皮肤病医生对蠕形螨病的认识和重视。  相似文献   

[摘要] 目的 研究艾叶、腊梅、藿香、松针、金桂等5种中草药体外抑杀蠕形螨的效果。方法 通过透明胶纸粘贴法获得人体蠕形螨,以百部作为阳性对照,采用乙醇热回流提取百部和上述5种中草药提取物,作用于离体蠕形螨进行体外杀螨实验,镜下持续观察百部、艾叶、腊梅、藿香、松针、金桂6种中草药对蠕形螨的抑杀效果。螨体及螯肢不动者判断为死亡,记录蠕形螨加药后的存活时间。结果 艾叶、腊梅、藿香均能够有效抑杀人体蠕形螨,其中艾叶、藿香抑杀蠕形螨的效果与百部相似(P > 0.05),腊梅抑杀蠕形螨效果弱于百部(P < 0.05);对于毛囊蠕形螨,藿香抑杀时间相对最短([4.60±1.66])[ min],金桂用时最长([114.65min±80.14 min]);而对于皮脂蠕形螨,艾叶抑杀时间最短([3.56min±1.92min]),金桂用时最长([194.24min±134.96] min)。结论 艾叶、藿香抑杀蠕形螨的效果与百部相当,腊梅、松针抑杀蠕形螨的效果弱于百部,金桂无杀螨作用。  相似文献   

目的探讨广西地区急性中毒程度的相关影响因素。方法采用回顾性调查分析方法对2005~2009年6011例中毒患者的临床资料进行查阅、分类统计及分析。结果在6011例中,轻、中、重度中毒分别为2577例(42.87%)、2038例(33.90%)和1396例(23.22%),死亡157例(2.61%)。各类影响因素与病例分布分析表明,发病地区以农村病例数(61.84%)最多,重度中毒率与死亡率(分别为25.88%和3.38%)最高。发病形式以散发性病例数(89.34%)最多,其重度中毒与死亡人数分别占总构成数的96.85%和95.54%。年龄以20~60岁组病例数(68.84%)最多,其重度中毒与死亡人数分别占71.78%和72.61%。中毒原因以意外性、自杀性、误食性中毒的病例数(91.89%)最多,其重度中毒与死亡人数分别占93.76%和92.99%。毒物类别以农药类与化学类的病例数(61.23%)最多,其中农药类的重度中毒与死亡人数分别占60.24%、73.25%。结论以农村、散发性、20~60岁年龄段和意外性、自杀性、误食性原因与农药类、化学类毒物对发病人数和中毒程度有着突出影响,应为广西地区急性中毒关注的重点。  相似文献   

An important task of the nephrologists during the last century, it has been the search of elements and means that allow us, with the adequate precision, to correlate the functional deterioration of the kidney, and the patient's clinical reality. And the continuous searching of factors and markers that injure them, the prognosis, and early diagnosis, to be able to predict the degree of the organs and patient's survival. Almost parallel survival presage in the natural history of the illness, almost one century ago. In the second half of the XX century, in the developed countries, appear modifications of the social, cultural, and sanitary conditions, that make appear some very different partner-sanitary and epidemic circumstances, and take place like they are, among others: 1. An increase of per cápita private rents, what takes place to increase of the level of social life and the population's health. With increment of the longevity, and smaller incidence and prevalence of classic process, as malnutrition, infections, infantile mortality, so increasing the weight of the cardiovascular diseases and death. This is potentiated for the increment and the incidence of environmental cardiovascular risk's factors (like high caloric and fatty-rich diets, smoke, alcohol, disappearance of the physical work, inactivity, etc). And that situations are also product of the change of the outline of human and social values and guides. 2. Access of the whole population to a sanitary attention of more quality and effectiveness. It allows the biggest survival of patients that suffer vascular crisis, (as angina, miocardial infarction or cerebrovascular accident), that few years ago they have had a higher morbimortality and an inferior survival (2). 3. The execution of big epidemic studies has been able to, not only characterize and test with scientific evidence to numerous factors and markers, that induce renal and cardiovascular prejudicial changes, but risk and death probability prediction. And also, its possible association nexuses, its injuring mechanisms, and the characterization of the new "emergent" renal and cardiovascular risk's markers and factors. 4. The impact on the possibility to treat the end stage renal disease with effective and prolonged procedures, by hemodialisis or kidney transplantation, has been occurred. The affected population's survival with the adequacy renal-sustitution treatment, and the possibility of indefinite duration of its treatment, has also impacted on the public health, and its resources, in an evident way. Simultaneously to increase of the incidence in the population, the electivity for the treatment has been enlarged and extended increasing it exponentially. These facts are documented here, and are defined the characteristics of the factors and markers of risk, of renal and cardiovascular diseases. The defined factors are valued to mark, so far as with the well-known evidence is possible, the prediction and the progression of the renal and cardiovascular functional deterioration: The hypertension, cardiovascular remodeling, the arterial stiffness, the heart rate, the sympathetic activation, the modification of the physiological response of the target organ to the overcharge, the metabolic syndrome, the obesity, the insulin resistance, the altered lipid profile, and metabolism of the fatty acids, the salt-sensibility, the decrease of the renal functional reserve, the glomerular hyperfiltration, the absence of the arterial pressure nocturnal descent, the abnormal excretion of proteins for the urine, the phenomenon induced by dysfunctions of the clotting, superoxide production, growth factors, the production of chronic inflammation and its markers, the factors of the glomerulosclerosis progression, the hyperuricemic status, the endothelial dysfunction and others, are evaluated. As well as their association among them and with other factors of risk not changeable like the age, and in turn, with other acquired voluntarily factors of risk, as the smoking habit and the alcohol. These facts are now impacting on the population's sanity. And also in the professional nephrologic exercise, so much for the cardiovascular and renal morbimortality increased, as for the increase of the incidence of end-stage renal disease susceptible to treat with of substitutive procedures. They try to justify the sentence of Alan Weder of the heading, and other concepts like "epidemic factors of the XXI century", and intuitive expressions like "predialitic endothelial disruption or ruin".  相似文献   

In the context of the present-day teaching of parasitocenoses and the proposition that the pathogen's population is the only compulsory and specific component of a natural focus, the authors bring to light the ecological bases of the combination of natural foci of leptospirosis and tick-borne encephalitis, leptospirosis and Ixodes tick-borne borrelioses. These foci are one-host population-combined. While analyzing the combination of the foci, it is expedient to consider in pairs since this provides a way of identifying the combination bases that are unique to these foci and determining the level, pattern, type, and degree of the combination of foci and, on their basis, the type of a combined focus. By determining the confined pattern of foci of leptospirosis, tick-borne encephalitis, and Ixodes tick-borne borrelioses to the same elements of a landscape, the morphological structure of the northern forest-steppe landscape of the Tyumen Region predetermines their relationship, by acting as the abiotic basis of the combination of foci. Despite the differences in the types of the parasitic systems and the absence of the same mechanism of transmission of causative agents, the natural foci of leptospirosis, tick-borne encephalitis, and Ixodes tick-borne borrelioses are, nevertheless, combined at the level of parasitocenosis of the co-acting populations of pathogenic organisms and their reservoir hosts act as the biotic bases of the combination of foci of leptospirosis, tick-borne encephalitis, and Ixodes tick-borne borrelioses. The susceptibility of Cl. rutilus and S. araneus to infection with the pathogens ofleptospirosis, tick-borne encephalitis, and Ixodes tick-borne borrelioses and multihost pattern of the causative agents act as the epizootic bases of a combination of the foci of leptospirosis, tick-borne encephalitis, and Ixodes tick-borne borrelioses. It has been shown that the biotic, epizootic, and abiotic bases of a combination of the natural foci of leptospirosis, tick-borne encephalitis, and Ixodes tick-borne borrelioses of the Javanica serogroup are, in the aggregate, the ecological bases of the combination of these foci.  相似文献   

目的 目的 运用基于社区的两级健康教育模式对湖沼型血吸虫病流行区居民进行干预, 探索低流行水平下的健康 教育模式。方法 方法 在湖北省江陵县选取两个血吸虫病流行村, 干预村实施以社区为基础的两级健康教育干预模式和常 规防治措施, 对照村仅实施常规防治措施, 比较干预前后两村村民血防知识知晓率、 健康行为率、 查病和治病依从性等。 结果 结果 2014年基线调查结果显示, 干预组与对照组血防知识知晓率分别为84.00%和77.45%, 正确行为率分别为72.00% 和63.73%, 治病依从率分别为80.36%和82.28%, 差异均无统计学意义 (P均 > 0.05)。干预后, 干预组与对照组行为正确 率分别为92.31%和80.37%, 查病依从率分别为95.11%和82.55%, 化疗依从率分别为84.13%和63.64%, 差异均有统计学 意义 (P均 < 0.05); 与干预前相比, 干预组干预后查病、 治病及化疗依从率增幅分别为20.97%、 15.33%、 23.29%, 对照组增 幅分别为14.27%、 4.17%、 -3.77%, 干预组均高于对照组。结论 结论 基于社区的两级健康教育模式可有效提高目标人群的 查、 治病依从性, 适宜在湖沼地区推广应用。  相似文献   

Tuberculosis (TB) is a problem in some institutions, but not in others. Six factors may be used to assess the risk of TB in an institution: the entrance-point prevalence of infection among institutional residents and staff, the potential for reactivation, the role of transmission within the institution, the potential for detection of infection and disease, the potential for prevention and treatment of disease, and the potential of the building environment to favor transmission. The aging of the population, the crowding of prisons and the high prevalence of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection are factors currently increasing the likelihood of TB in nursing homes, prisons, drug detoxification centers, and acute hospitals. Entrance-point skin testing, contact testing, periodic retesting, supervised preventive therapy, effective treatment of disease, and the selective application of ultraviolet air disinfection for certain high-risk areas are the suggested control strategies for hospitals, nursing homes, prisons, and chronic care facilities. However, for inner-city shelters and jails skin testing and preventive treatment are usually not possible, and the control strategy shifts to disease detection, isolation, effective long-term treatment, reduced crowding, ultraviolet air disinfection, and periodic testing and treatment of staff.  相似文献   

The incidences of streptococcal infectious diseases in the regional surveillance informations of infectious diseases of 47 prefectures were compared with each other by the ratios of number of patients with streptococcal infectious diseases, exanthema subitum and varicella to the populations of surveyed age groups, respectively. It was estimated that although there were almost no regional differences in the ratios of exanthema subitum and varicella, the ratios of streptococcal infectious diseases were high in Hokkaido, Akita, Yamanashi, Shiga and Ehime Prefectures, respectively, and was low in Okinawa Prefecture. The corrected incidences of number of patients with streptococcal infectious diseases, calculated on the basis of the ratios of exanthema subitum and/or varicella, were also high in the regions of Hokkaido, Akita, Iwate, Nagano, Yamanashi, Gifu, Shiga, Okayama and Ehime Prefectures, respectively, and were low in the regions along the Pacific from the southern Tohoku (northern Japan) through a part of the Shikoku Island and the Sea of Japan from the Hokuriku (central Japan) through the Kyushu Island, and the regions of Nara and Okinawa Prefectures, respectively. The climate in the regions with high corrected incidence belonged to the Tohoku-Hokkaido, the Central Highlands and the Seto Inland Sea types, respectively. On the other hand, the regions with low corrected incidence belonged to the Tokai-Kanto, the Nankai (southern sea of Japan), the Hokuriku-Sanin, the Kyushu and the Okinawa climate types, respectively.  相似文献   

L Thiery 《Phlébologie》1988,41(3):624-634
The real definition of pain, the mechanism of its genesis and the relation with its nociception are now very developed, even to the point of being extremely finely nuanced. The author explains the structure and physiopathology of the nociceptive system, the nociceptors, the role of the neurons in the posterior horn and the spinothalamic duct, and the function of the cerebral cortex. After analysing the international definition of the pain symptom, the author underlines the significance of the subjective component, suffering. There follows an analysis of the specific characteristics of superficial and deep pain (somatic and visceral), of psychical and central pain. The discriminative, affective, emotive, motor vegetative sensorial components and the psychomotor are explained. Finally the mechanism of the genesis of leg pain is examined, with emphasis on the important difference between nociceptive, neurological and projected pain.  相似文献   

In examination of 541 patients with hypertensive disease and 98 practically healthy persons by means of mechanocardiography, rheography of the aorta and lung, rheovaso-, hepato-, and encephalography, and encephalography, and polycardiography, 4 types of disturbed hemodynamics were distinguished: hyperkinetic, hypokinetic, mixed, and normokinetic. Each type has characteristic signs distinguishing it from the other types and from the normal age parameters. Compared to the normal age parameters the changes in the parameters of the contractive function of the right and left ventricular myocardium and the disorders of blood supply to the liver, brain, and limbs are the most marked in the mixed and hypokinetic hemodynamic variant and less in the normokinetic hemodynamic variant.  相似文献   

Quantitative determination of the nucleotides AMP, ADP, ATP, GTP, NAD, NADP, 2,3-DPG and the free amino acids Lys, His, Gly, Ala, Val, Met, Phe, Tyr, Pro, Thr, Ser, Glu, Asp in erythrocytes was carried out in early and late stages of myocardial infarction. It was found that in erythrocytes, in the early stage of myocardial infarction, the concentrations of AMP, NADP and 2,3-DPG increased, whereas those of ADP, ATP, GTP and NAD decreased. In the third week of the disease the concentrations of AMP, ADP, NADP, and especially 2,3-DPG remained high, while those of ATP and GTP shifted towards the control. The concentrations of His, Gly, Ala, Val, Met, Phe, Thr and Glu increased, while those of Tyr, Ser and Asp decreased in the first stage of myocardial infarction. At the later stage of the illness (21 days) the concentrations of free amino acids returned to normal.  相似文献   

The pancreatic islets of rats with surgically constructed end-to-side portacaval anastomosis were studied immunocytochemically, morphometrically, and ultrastructurally, and the plasma levels of glucose, insulin, and glucagon determined. The results of the current study show that, four weeks after surgery, hypoglycemia, normal insulinemia, and hyperglucagonemia occur and that these hematologic changes are associated with immunocytochemical and ultrastructural signs of impairment of the secretory activity of islet B cells and normal secretion pattern of the remaining islet cell types. The causes and the meaning of the hematologic and islet cell changes are discussed, and the hypothesis has been drawn that they are primarily related to the functional deterioration of the liver, which follows the diversion of the portal blood in the systemic circulation.  相似文献   

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