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CD137, a member of the TNF receptor family, and its ligand are expressed on T lymphocytes and antigen-presenting cells (APC), respectively. During interaction with APC, T lymphocytes receive a potent, costimulatory signal through CD137. Reverse signaling has been demonstrated for the CD137 ligand, which causes activation in monocytes. Here we show that B lymphocytes also receive costimulatory signals through the CD137 ligand. Immobilized CD137 augmented proliferation of preactivated B lymphocytes up to fivefold and immunoglobulin synthesis, up to threefold. CD137 had no effect on resting cells. Further, we show that CD137 is expressed in vivo by follicular dendritic cells (FDC) in germinal centers. Germinal centers form during humoral immune responses and are essential for B lymphocyte affinity maturation. These data imply that, similar to the CD40 receptor/ligand system, which mediates T lymphocyte help to B lymphocytes after the first antigen encounter, the CD137 receptor/ligand system may mediate costimulation of B lymphocytes by FDC during affinity maturation.  相似文献   

Germinal centers in lymph nodes with follicular hyperplasia from 15 patients with HIV-1 infection were analyzed by qualitative and quantitative electron microscopical methods and compared with control follicular hyperplasia (FH). Using a pattern recognition method, two main clusters were recognized within the germinal centers of HIV and FH lymph nodes on the basis of the relative frequencies of small centroblast and centrocytes. All FH lymph nodes and 6 HIV-1 lymph nodes (HIV-Clu-1) were placed in cluster 1; 9 HIV-1 lymph nodes (HIV-Clu-2) formed cluster 2. Germinal centers in the HIV-Clu-2 lymph nodes were characterized by a cell composition of predominantly lymphoid blasts and decreased numbers of centrocytes, but without altered numbers of mitotic figures. The frequency distribution of ultrastructurally distinct FDC subtypes differed between these clusters. In HIV-Clu-2 the frequencies of FDC types with an undifferentiated and regressive morphology occurred at a higher frequency, whereas FDC types with a highly differentiated morphology had a lower frequency. We conclude that 9 out of 15 lymph nodes with HIV-1 associated follicular hyperplasia show changes in FDC morphology indicative of a less differentiated functional stage of FDC. The changes in FDC morphology are closely associated with changes in the germinal center B-cell population resulting in an inverted blast to the centrocyte ratio.  相似文献   

Hur DY  Kim DJ  Kim S  Kim YI  Cho D  Lee DS  Hwang Y  Bae K  Chang KY  Lee WJ 《Immunology letters》2000,72(2):107-111
Follicular dendritic cells (FDCs) provide the most obvious source of antigens, which are essential for the differentiation of GC B cells. It has been reported that most proliferating B cells in germinal centers undergo apoptosis. Quantitative histology shows macrophages with apoptotic debris throughout the germinal center, the highest frequency of these cells being found in the dense FDC network. Based on these findings, we hypothesized that FDC may be involved in an apoptotic pathway of the germinal center B cells. To prove this hypothesis, we performed double immunohistochemical analysis using anti-FDC mAb and peanut agglutinin (PNA), with their respective TUNEL kits. Collated data showed that a great proportion of the apoptotic cells, most of which were positive for PNA, were in close contact with FDC, which indicated an interaction between FDC and B cells in the apoptotic pathway. Further studies using double immunohistochemical staining and FACS analyses demonstrated the expression of Fas-ligand (FasL) in a subset of the FDC. These results suggest that FDC may play a role in the apoptosis of germinal center B cells via Fas-FasL interaction.  相似文献   

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In secondary lymphoid organs, follicular dendritic cells (FDC) are located within B cell follicles and germinal centers. Through their cytoplasmic extensions they come into contact with a large number of neighboring lymphocytes. Using an enzyme cocktail to digest human tonsils followed by ultracentrifugation on bovine serum albumin gradients, single cell suspensions were obtained. Immunocytochemistry revealed that 7% of the cells were FDC, 5% T cells, and 5% macrophages. The remaining population were B cells with greater than 95% being of the germinal center phenotype (i.e. CD19-positive, CD39/sIgD negative). After 24 h of culture up to 44% of the lymphocytes were found in clusters centered around FDC. At the start of the culture as well as 24 and 72 h later, between 31 and 55% of the B cells within FDC associated clusters were in late G1 to M phase of the cell cycle. In contrast, less than 10% of the B cells not in contact with FDC (i.e. outside the clusters) were in an activated state. Autoradiography revealed that after three days of incubation the rate of proliferation was 26.2 times higher for the lymphocytes involved in cluster formation as compared to those cells not associated with FDC. Furthermore, the number of viable B cells after a 72 h mitogen-free culture period was determined. By adding FDC to these preparations, 31.9% of the lymphocytes were rescued from dying. These data show that FDC provide a microenvironment which can maintain the viability, activation and proliferation of germinal center B cells in vitro.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies to B-cell differentiation antigens B1, B2, C3b, and Ia were used for ultrastructural characterization of B lymphocytes undergoing follicular transformation in human germinal centers. Morphologic alterations and morphometric parameters including form factor (FF) and nuclear contour index (NCI) were evaluated. Antibodies to B1, Ia, and C3b revealed uninterrupted linear surface membrane staining in B cells at various stages of transformation, while staining for B2 appeared as aggregates of gold particles localized to sites of antigen expression along the cell membrane. B cells with highly irregular or convoluted nuclei (NCI greater than 6.5) formed 3% of follicular lymphocytes and may explain the derivation of rare follicular center cell lymphomas with marked nuclear irregularity which mimic T-cell lymphomas histologically. Cleaved cells (NCI greater than or equal to 4.5) comprised 48% of the cellular population and were present at all stages of transformation. Results of morphometric studies suggest that small cleaved cells (centrocytes) and noncleaved cells transform to large lymphoid cells (centroblasts) along parallel lines, and without following the sequential differentiation pathway suggested by Lukes and Collins.  相似文献   

Natural killer cells may play a significant role in virus infections. Virus-induced interferon activates these cells to become highly cytotoxic, and viral infections may also affect the proliferation of such cells. Non-immune mice have an apparently cellular defense mechanism which rapidly lyses implanted virus-infected cells. The evidence for NK cell involvement in viral disease is reviewed.Presented at the Fifth International congress of Virology, Strasbourg, France, 1981.  相似文献   

Affinity maturation of antibodies during immune responses is achieved by multiple rounds of somatic hypermutation and subsequent preferential selection of those B cells that express B cell receptors with improved binding characteristics for the antigen. The mechanism underlying B cell selection has not yet been defined. By employing an agent-based model, we show that for physiologically reasonable parameter values affinity maturation can be driven by competition for neither binding sites nor antigen--even in the presence of competing secreted antibodies. Within the tested mechanisms, only clonal competition for T cell help or a refractory time for the interaction of centrocytes with follicular dendritic cells is found to enable affinity maturation while generating the experimentally observed germinal centre characteristics and tolerating large variations in the initial antigen density.  相似文献   

A lymph node from a bisexual Caucasian male infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and in the persistent generalized lymphadenopathy (PGL) stage was studied. Dendritic reticulum cells (DRCs) were well preserved in over half of the germinal centers (GCs), while in the rest, they showed marked destruction, producing patchy or rather wide DRC-depleted areas. Proliferation-associated antigens, i.e., PC antigen and DNA-polymerase alpha, were demonstrated in nuclei of germinal center B cells in areas where the DRC network was intact, while they were prominently depleted in areas where the DRC network was lost. The p-24 viral core antigen was shown to be localized in DRCs, especially those in the process of degeneration. These results suggest that the DRC in this patient, when infected with HIV, were destroyed, and that the resulting DRC depletion led to the suppression of B cell proliferation in GCs.  相似文献   

Germinal centers (GCs) are crucially involved in T cell-dependent B cell responses. B cells rapidly proliferate within GCs and their Ig variable region genes undergo hypermutation. Cognate T helper cells and antigen presented in native form on follicular dendritic cells (FDCs) select B cells expressing high-affinity Igs, leading to affinity maturation and the generation of memory B cells. In addition to these well-established functions of GCs, this article presents evidence that they also play a crucial role for the maintenance of specific memory Ig titers and for the prevention of viral antibody escape mutants.  相似文献   

Previous studies have suggested a possible role for natural killer (NK) cells in resistance to some fungal infections, including Cryptococcus neoformans infections. The role of NK cells in early clearance of C neoformans from tissues and in long-term survival was studied in mice following intravenous inoculations of the organism. Mice treated with anti-asialo GM1 antiserum to temporarily reduce NK activity demonstrated an increase in colony-forming units (CFU) of C neoformans in the lung 24 hours after an intravenous inoculation of the organism. CFU in liver, spleen, kidney, and brain were not different in anti-asialo GM1 antiserum-treated versus control mice. An NK-specific reagent, anti-NK 1.1 monoclonal antibody, was used to deplete mice of NK cells in vivo for at least 14 days without affecting other natural defenses. The number of C neoformans retained in the lungs 24 hours after inoculation of the organism was significantly greater in NK cell-depleted mice than in controls, although CFU in other organs were unaffected. Following the intravenous inoculation of C neoformans, the survival of anti-NK 1.1-treated mice was not different from control mice. The effect of NK cell activity on resistance to C neoformans was also determined after an intratracheal inoculation of the organism. Mice pretreated with anti-NK 1.1 demonstrated no increases in CFU in the lungs, spleen, or brain as compared with controls. These data indicate that NK cells can play a role in vivo in early resistance against C neoformans if the organism is delivered via the intravenous route. However, NK cells do not play a role in either determining survival after an intravenous inoculation nor in resistance during an infection acquired via the respiratory tract.  相似文献   

淋巴结是成熟T细胞和B细胞在抗原刺激下发生免疫应答的部位。淋巴结皮质淋巴滤泡中的生发中心,是由抗原刺激机体而出现的抗原依存性组织。滤泡树突状细胞(follicular dendritic cell,FDC)存在于生发中心,与T、B淋巴细胞紧密接触,能够捕捉极微量的抗原并长期保持微量抗原活性,维持长达数年的记忆性免疫反应。  相似文献   

Immunization leads to the generation of both antibody-forming cells (AFC) and memory B cells which are thought to arise in germinal centers within lymphoid follicles. The findings that the precursors to memory B cells reside in the J11Dlo subpopulation of the spleens in non-immune mice and that this subpopulation is distinct from conventional AFC precursors, including CD5+ B cells, suggest that the precursors of germinal centers might also reside in the J11Dlo subpopulation. To test this hypothesis, SCID mice were repopulated with CD4+ carrier-primed T cells and T-depleted J11Dlo, J11Dhi or CD5+ B cells and immunized with a hapten-carrier conjugate. Only the J11Dlo population was enriched for cells that produced germinal centers. Thus, the subpopulation of precursors that generates memory B cells also originates germinal centers.  相似文献   

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It is supposed that FDC have a pivotal role in the rescue of germinal centre (GC) B lymphocytes from apoptosis. However, formal proof for this hypothesis has not as yet been presented. In the present study FDC and GC B cells were isolated from human tonsils and cultured. When brought into culture FDC and B cells rapidly formed spherical clusters. T cells were not observed inside these clusters. At different time points cultures of FDC and B cells were supravitally stained with Hoechst 33258 or acridine orange and examined by direct observation using fluorescence microscopy. Viable B cells appeared to be profoundly restricted to clusters, whereas cells not taking part in clusters all had an apoptotic appearance. The formation of clusters could be prevented by addition of MoAbs against CD11a (LFA-1 alpha) or CD49d (VLA-4 alpha), resulting in an apoptotic appearance of virtually all B lymphocytes. The present data demonstrate that a physical interaction between FDC and germinal centre B lymphocytes is able to rescue the latter from apoptotic cell death.  相似文献   

We have investigated the suppressive effect of human natural killer (NK) cells on autologous B-cell proliferation. Removal of NK cells by anti-NK-cell monoclonal antibodies (CD16, Leu 11b; Leu 7) increased by 2-3-fold the proliferative response of purified B cells activated by anti-mu and B-cell growth factor (BCGF). The inhibitory effect of NK cells was observed using recombinant IL-2 or semi-purified BCGF-I as sources of BCGF. Moreover NK cells, highly purified by centrifugation on a Percoll discontinuous density gradient, suppressed the proliferative response of purified autologous B cells activated by anti-mu and BCGF. These results show a suppressive effect of human NK cells on B-cell proliferation in vitro.  相似文献   

Modulation of natural killer cells by human cytomegalovirus.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) causes lifelong, persistent infections and its survival is under intense, continuous selective pressure from the immune system. A key aspect of HCMV's capacity for survival lies in immune avoidance. In this context, cells undergoing productive infection exhibit remarkable resistance to natural killer (NK) cell-mediated cytolysis in vitro. To date, six genes encoding proteins (UL16, UL18, UL40, UL83, UL141 and UL142) and one encoding a microRNA (miR-UL112) have been identified as capable of suppressing NK cell recognition. Even though HCMV infection efficiently activates expression of ligands for the NK cell activating receptor NKG2D, at least three functions (UL16, UL142 and miR-UL112) act in concert to suppress presentation of these ligands on the cell surface. Although HCMV downregulates expression of endogenous MHC-I, it encodes an MHC-I homologue (UL18) and also upregulates the expression of cellular HLA-E through the action of UL40. The disruption of normal intercellular connections exposes ligands for NK cell activating receptors on the cell surface, notably CD155. HCMV overcomes this vulnerability by encoding a function (UL141) that acts post-translationally to suppress cell surface expression of CD155. The mechanisms by which HCMV systematically evades (or, more properly, modulates) NK cell recognition constitutes an area of growing understanding that is enhancing our appreciation of the basic mechanisms of NK cell function in humans.  相似文献   

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