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Weekly dexamethasone suppression tests (DSTs) were performed in 15 patients with schizophrenia (n = 12) and mania (n = 3) until clinical response. At initial evaluation, 53.4% of the patients were nonsuppressors, and 93.3% showed nonsuppression at least once during the treatment period. There was a tendency for DST results to normalize coincident with clinical improvement, although single peaks of DST nonsuppression occurred in several patients irrespective of clinical course. The tests did not prove useful as predictors of recovery or relapse. DST nonsuppression occurred significantly more often in severely ill patients than in moderately ill patients or in patients after recovery, emphasizing the effects of nonspecific stress factors and/or severity of illness on the DST. The cutoff point, established on the basis of DST results in 67 healthy controls, was lower than in other studies, and nonsuppression among healthy controls was associated with low dexamethasone serum levels.  相似文献   

The effects of different intervening variables on dexamethasone suppression test (DST) results were evaluated in depressed, schizophrenic, and manic patients. There was a significant correlation between age and DST results in major depression. Some "isolated peaks" of DST nonsuppression were explained by low dexamethasone serum levels. In schizophrenic and manic patients, the dexamethasone concentrations increased to above the normal range during the study period. A significant negative correlation between dexamethasone concentrations and DST results was found in schizophrenia and mania, but not in depression. Dexamethasone levels were generally higher in men than in women. Weight loss and hospital admission affected the DST in individual cases, whereas length of episode and drug withdrawal did not. Thus, the intervening variables accounted for some of the abnormal DST results, but other factors such as severity of illness, nonspecific stress, or possibly depression itself emerged as the main causes of abnormal DST results.  相似文献   

Recent work suggests that the simultaneous occurrence of major depressive disorder (MDD) and panic disorder (PD) may be of relevance for clinical findings, therapeutic outcome, and prognosis. It is of interest to know whether or not this relevance extends to biological findings. We addressed this question through comparison of serial Dexamethasone Suppression Test (DST) results in patients who had either MDD alone or simultaneous MDD and PD. We were unable to describe differences between the groups.  相似文献   

Dexamethasone Suppression Tests (DST) were performed on 30 patients with panic disorder and on 30 patients treated for major depressive episodes in order to seek an answer to the question of whether or not the two disorders have a common biological background. The hypothesis was based on the results of family studies known from the literature and on the favorable therapeutic response obtained with tricyclic antidepressants. Normal suppressive (i.e., negative in our terminology) DSTs were found in 16.7% of the patients with panic disorder and in 56.7% of patients suffering from major depressive episodes. The anxiety indices of the two groups differed significantly from each other. The results do not suggest the possibility of a close genetic relationship between the two conditions.  相似文献   

A sample of 100 consecutively admitted cases were recruited to test the hypothesis that an abnormal dexamethasone suppression test (AbDST) is associated with decreasing clinical severity during the course of hospitalization in various diagnostic categories. Serial DSTs and psychopathological ratings were done at the end of the first and the third week postadmission, and 1 week before discharge. DST was also done at 1-year follow-up after discharge. The results of this study strongly suggest that a dual mechanism is responsible for the prevalence of AbDST. One is related to the global psychopathology of a nonspecific quantitative mechanism in various diagnostic categories. The other is a specific qualitative mechanism relating to the depressive state, as reflected in the higher prevalence of AbDST and more consistent AbDST results across different study time points in melancholia, and also in higher AbDST rates in disorders with higher depressive scores.  相似文献   

Clinical correlates of endogenous depression which may be associated with dexamethasone resistance have been evaluated by many investigators and found to be inconclusive. The authors investigated in 40 endogenously depressed patients the relationship of the dexamethasone suppression test (DST) and various clinical correlates - SADS scales, Research Diagnostic Criteria (RDC) depressive subtypes, family history from the FHRDC, responsivity to antidepressant treatment, etc. Dexamethasone resistance was found to be significantly associated with psychotic and bipolar depression but unrelated to the other clinical correlates examined. These findings are limited to the 2 mg DST; clinical correlates associated with non-suppression to dexamethasone may be related to the dose of dexamethasone.  相似文献   

Appetite and/or weight loss are integral, albeit not necessary, symptoms of depression. We explored the contribution of diminished appetite and/or weight loss ascertained by history to the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical (HPA) axis dysregulation in 120 patients with primary major depressive disorder. Significant positive relationship for both appetite and weight loss with cortisol levels in plasma and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) were observed. Plasma cortisol levels were consistently higher in patients who noted both appetite and weight loss as opposed to patients without appetite or weight loss. Depressed patients with weight loss showed higher rates of dexamethasone-nonsuppression. Age and severity of depression influenced but did not eliminate the significance of the findings, suggesting that weight loss accounts in part for the HPA-axis function changes observed in depression.  相似文献   

The authors administered the dexamethasone suppression test to 14 children aged 5-12 years who met the Research Diagnostic Criteria and DSM-III criteria for major depressive disorder. The dexamethasone dose used was 20 micrograms/kg; 2 subjects were nonsuppressors.  相似文献   

Serial 1-mg dexamethasone suppression tests with concurrent plasma dexamethasone assessments were conducted in 58 patients with endogenous depression treated with electroconvulsive therapy (ECT). Plasma cortisol levels decreased significantly from pretreatment to immediately posttreatment, and they declined further during the first week after the ECT course, when patients remained drug free. Plasma dexamethasone levels showed an opposite pattern of progressive increases over these three time points. The progressive changes in plasma dexamethasone and cortisol levels seen during the week after ECT indicate that alterations in the bioavailability of dexamethasone and in hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis function may be incomplete immediately after the ECT course. This may partly account for previous inconsistencies in serial dexamethasone suppression test findings with this treatment modality. The major finding was that clinical response was associated with increased plasma dexamethasone levels, whereas changes in cortisol levels were independent of clinical outcome. With ECT, changes in plasma dexamethasone levels may be more related to changes in clinical state than changes in postdexamethasone cortisol levels. The extent to which clinical recovery with other treatments in depression is associated with altered bioavailability of dexamethasone and perhaps other compounds is unknown and in need of investigation.  相似文献   

The authors review the available studies on the use of the dexamethasone suppression test (DST) in children and adolescents with psychiatric disorders. For the purposes of analysis, the authors divided the studies according to the two age groups. Pooled sensitivity, specificity, and positive predictive power were calculated for each age group per diagnostic category. DST nonsuppression among subjects with major depressive disorder (MDD) in the children's group was 69.6%, with a specificity of 69.7%, whereas for adolescent subjects, DST sensitivity was 41.3%, and specificity was 79.3%. The positive predictive power of an abnormal DST result in helping diagnose MDD in the children's group was 69.7%, whereas for the adolescent group, the positive predictive power was 66.6%. The authors conclude that the evidence cannot support the routine clinical use of the DST in children and in adolescents, but there may be a research role for the DST in these patient populations.  相似文献   

The author performed weekly dexamethasone suppression tests on five nondepressed male chronic schizophrenic patients over 12 weeks. Nonsuppression occurred three times in two patients, twice in two patients, and once in one patient.  相似文献   

The authors report a study of 24-hour serial cortisol determinations, measured during baseline and after the administration of 0.25 and 0.5 mg of dexamethasone in a sample of predominantly outpatient children with major depressive disorder, nonaffective psychiatric controls, and normal controls. In this sample, 24-hour baseline cortisol and the dexamethasone suppression test (DST) do not discriminate between the three groups. In addition, the authors measured 24-hour serum dexamethasone levels. There were no significant between group differences in serum dexamethasone. These results raise questions as to the utility of this test in the diagnosis of affective disorders in children. Possible reasons for the discrepancies in the dexamethasone suppression test results between in- and outpatient studies are discussed.  相似文献   

Seventy patients satisfying DSM-III and Research Diagnostic Criteria for major depression were given a salivary cortisol dexamethasone suppression test, with samples collected at 0700 h, 1500 h and 2300 h after dexamethasone. The patients were classified as nonsuppressors (mean post-dexamethasone salivary cortisol concentration greater than or equal to 2.0 ng/ml, N = 27) and suppressors (mean post-dexamethasone salivary cortisol concentration less than 2.0 ng/ml, N = 43). At 3-yr follow-up there was no difference in illness outcome as assessed by the life table method or by the length of rehospitalisation for several periods after the index episode. In multiple regression and discriminant function analyses, with outcome as the dependent variable (readmitted within 1 yr, readmitted between 1 and 3 yr, not readmitted), the mean post-dexamethasone salivary cortisol concentration was not significantly predictive of outcome.  相似文献   

The Dexamethasone Suppression Test (DST) was administered to 12 patients with major depression and 4 normal controls. Peripheral blood smears were collected before and after the DST, and atypical lymphocytes were counted. Six patients who were nonsuppressors on the DST had a high percentage of so-called stress lymphocytes (Downey type II atypical lymphocytes). Five of six subjects with normal suppressor responses had low stress lymphocyte counts or no such cells (p less than 0.01). The findings suggest that the stress lymphocyte response might be related to nonsuppression on the DST in major depression.  相似文献   

Objectives We aimed to examine whether the C-reactive protein (CRP) level could be used to differentiate between major depressive disorder (MDD) and bipolar II disorder (BD II). Methods Ninety-six healthy controls, 88 BD II and 72 MDD drug-naïve patients in their major depressive episodes were enrolled. The fasting plasma level of high-sensitivity CRP was assessed at baseline and after treatment. Results The BD II patients presented significantly higher 17-item Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HDRS) scores and CRP levels at baseline when adjustment for age, gender, and body mass index (P?< 0.001 and P?< 0.001, respectively). After treatment the CRP levels remained significantly different (P?< 0.001), although the HDRS score was not significantly different between the BD II and MDD patients. A receiver-operating characteristic analysis showed that a baseline CRP level of 621.6?ng/mL could discriminate between BD II and MDD, with an area under the curve of 0.816 and a sensitivity and specificity of 0.699 and 0.882, respectively. Furthermore, the baseline CRP level greater than 621.6?ng/ml had 28.2 higher odds of a diagnosis of BD II (P?< 0.001, 95% confidence interval: 10.96–72.35). Conclusions The level of CRP plays a role of biomarker to differentiate between MDD and BD II depression in both their depressed and euthymic state.  相似文献   

Four different methods of quantifying the 1-mg Dexamethasone Suppression Test (DST) were contrasted with serial testing in endogenous depressives receiving electroconvulsive therapy (ECT). Of three continuous measures in 38 patients with pretreatment DSTs, only the log-transformed value for plasma cortisol was normally distributed, indicating that it possessed superior psychometric properties. Pretreatment Hamilton Depression Rating Scores (HAM-D) correlated positively with pretreatment DST status, with a similar association noted between posttreatment DST status and HAM-D scores. There was no uniform effect of ECT on the DST. Although pretreatment nonsuppressors showed a trend toward decreased postdexamethasone cortisol values, initial suppressors (cutoff: 5 micrograms/dl) evidenced a significant increase in these values, and 35.3% of initial suppressors were nonsuppressors at final DST assessment. These trends were noted in the DST assessment done following the third ECT treatment, suggesting an effect of regression to the mean. The findings highlight the importance of following initial DST suppressors in studies of this type.  相似文献   

Recent research suggests that, despite the development of effective psychiatric treatment, there is marked underuse of care. This pilot study had the objective of dissecting the process of care in an attempt to understand outcomes for patients with major affective disorder and for their families. Twenty-four patients with a DSM-III diagnosis of major affective disorder were identified 12 to 18 months after hospital admission in three countries (Italy, Japan, and the United States). The patients, their families, and their doctors were interviewed separately and then together, using instruments measuring delivery of treatment (using an ideal treatment criteria set) and percentage of achievement of treatment goals. These measures were then (using parametric and nonparametric statistics) correlated with resolution of the index episode and the patient's global outcome (using the Global Assessment Scale). The data demonstrated that physicians delivered about half (52%) and, subsequently, achieved about half (54%) of what would be considered ideal care to patients and other family members. The mean resolution of the index episode at follow-up was only 3.0 (on a 0- to 5-point scale). There was a significant positive association between the most important outcome measure, i.e., the resolution of the episode, and the achievement of treatment goals for both the patient (p less than .07) and the family (p less than .005). Patients and families with the best resolutions received significantly more good treatment than those with the worst resolutions (p less than .02), most notably with regard to medication (p less than .002).  相似文献   

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