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A second BamHI DNA polymorphism has been identified in the factor IX gene in an American black population at an allelic frequency of 0.13. This site has been localized within 500 basepairs (bp) 5' to the XmnI intron 3 polymorphic site and increases the heterozygosity of black females at the factor IX gene locus. In addition, haplotype analysis of factor IX genes at five polymorphic loci indicates that although there is conservation of sequences between the races, factor IX genes show more heterogeneity in an American black population and thus more heterozygosity is observed in black females compared with whites. This increased heterogeneity is due to DNA polymorphisms unique to black populations and to linkage equilibrium between the most 5' and 3' polymorphic sites in factor IX genes in blacks.  相似文献   

The putative factor IX gene promoter in hemophilia B Leyden   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Hemophilia B Leyden is characterized by low levels of factor IX antigen and activity before the age of 15, whereas after puberty factor IX levels rise at a rate of about 5% per year. A single base substitution (-A----T) at position -20 was identified in the putative promoter of the gene cloned from a patient with hemophilia B Leyden. This nucleotide change was confirmed in a second patient from the same pedigree and was also found in a patient from a second Dutch pedigree with the same hemophilic phenotype. The results indicate that the two Dutch kindreds are related and point to the functional significance of the -20 position for the expression of the human factor IX gene.  相似文献   

Thompson  AR; Chen  SH; Smith  KJ 《Blood》1988,72(5):1633-1638
In hemophilia B, assays based on a monoclonal antifactor IX specific for the Thr-148 variant of an exonic polymorphism have diagnosed carriers in selected families by either establishing linkage or by indicating the presence or absence of a given normal factor IX. The sensitivity of the immunoassays for detecting heterozygous women was explored by comparing results from immunoassays with solid-phase polyclonal v the monoclonal antifactor IXs. Factor IX with the normal Ala-148 variant gave a flat dilution curve, qualitatively distinct from factor IX with the Thr-148 variant in the monoclonal assay. The two were indistinguishable in the polyclonal assay. Mixtures of equal amounts of the two types gave an intermediate result, about half as reactive in the monoclonal as compared with the polyclonal assay system. Whereas mixtures with 10% Ala-148 and 90% Thr-148 factor IXs could not readily be distinguished from Thr-148 factor IX plasma, as little as 1% of the Thr-148 protein was detected in Ala-148 factor IX plasma. The frequency of the Ala-148 variant varied in individuals with different ethnic backgrounds; it was found in 29% of white, 12% of black, and none of Asian blood donors' factor IX genes in Seattle. Only 4% of samples from South African black men were nonreactive (ie, Ala- 148). The Thr/Ala-148 dimorphism is in strong linkage disequilibrium with Taql restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs). Three recombinations were noted in normal white genes and one in a normal black factor IX gene (less than 2% of those examined). In 34 white families with at least one woman being a possible carrier, genetically, the immunoassay results were informative in 18. RFLP analyses were informative in eight of the 15 families tested. In five families each, assignment of carrier status was made to a woman by only DNA or only immunoassay results, whereas the other approach was noninformative. The immunoassays provide a rapid, inexpensive screening test and complement DNA analysis in white women who are potential carriers of hemophilia B.  相似文献   

Hemophilia B is an X-linked disease caused by a functional deficiency in coagulation factor IX. A cDNA clone corresponding to factor IX has been used to detect homologous sequences in the human genome. All DNA fragments hybridizing to the probe, under medium- or high-stringency conditions, are X-linked, and the patterns obtained suggest that a single large (greater than or equal to 20 kilobases) gene is detected. The gene has been mapped to the q26-q27 region of the long arm of the X chromosome by hybridization to DNA from a panel of human-mouse hybrid cell lines. A search for restriction fragment length polymorphisms using seven restriction enzymes has led to the detection of a Taq I polymorphism, with allelic frequencies of about 0.71 and 0.29. This genetic marker should be useful for the detection of carriers of the hemophilia B trait and for prenatal diagnosis in informative families and, more generally, for the establishment of a linkage map of the human X chromosome.  相似文献   

Intragenic Factor IX restriction site polymorphism in hemophilia B variants   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
This study includes 47 normal subjects and 25 hemophilia B patients without inhibitor(s), showing different factor IX coagulant activity and antigen levels. Genomic DNA, digested with various restriction endonucleases, was hybridized with two different factor IX probes, ie, the cDNA and the subgenomic probe for the intragenic TaqI polymorphic site. cDNA restriction patterns suggest absence of gross rearrangements and/or deletions in all hemophilic patients. The frequency of the X chromosome bearing the TaqI polymorphic site is 0.32 +/- 0.09 in hemophilic subjects v 0.36 +/- 0.06 in normal control subjects, the latter value being comparable to that reported for the normal British population. No association between this polymorphism and hemophilia B variants has been observed, thus indicating that a wide spectrum of mutations underlies this blood-clotting disorder and particularly each of its variants.  相似文献   

Driscoll  MC; Bouhassira  E; Aledort  LM 《Blood》1989,74(2):737-742
Hemophilia B is an X-linked recessive bleeding disorder resulting from a deficiency of the coagulation factor IX (FIX) protein activity, a vitamin K-dependent serine protease active in both the intrinsic and extrinsic coagulation systems. DNA analyses of the factor IX gene in two unrelated patients with severe hemophilia B, with a IX coagulant activity less than 1% and undetectable FIX antigen, detected the loss of the second TaqI site in exon h (VIII) in both individuals. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification of 576 base pairs of exon h (VIII) with cloning and dideoxy sequencing of cloned DNA from one hemophiliac revealed a single C----T transition in codon 338 that changes an arginine residue codon CGA to a nonsense codon TGA. Allele- specific oligonucleotide probe hybridization with a mutant (C----T) and a wild-type allele confirmed the same mutation in amplified genomic DNA of the second hemophilia patient. The C----T transition represents another example of mutation at a CpG dinucleotide. DNA polymorphism analysis of the FIX gene in both individuals revealed each to be on a separate FIX haplotype; therefore, predicting each to be a separate mutation event.  相似文献   

Hemophilia B, a recessive X-linked coagulopathy, is rare in females, and only a few cases have been reported so far. In this report, we describe a 9-year-old female, offspring of a consanguineous marriage, with a clinically severe course of hemophilia B and a normal 46,XX karyotype. Polymerase chain reaction and conformation sensitive gel electrophoresis techniques have been applied to the important regions of the factor IX gene,and an abnormal conformation sensitive gel electrophoresis profile was identified in exon 5 of the gene. After sequencing, the mutation was found to be C17761T (R116X) in homozygous form. Then, polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism using the EcoRV restriction enzyme was applied for confirmation of the homozygous mutation in the proband and for carrier testing in the relatives. In addition, haplotype analysis was informative at the HhaI polymorphic site for the female patient.  相似文献   

Heteroduplex analysis of polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-amplified factor IX (FIX) sequences in eight hemophilia B pedigrees localized the causative hemophilia mutation to a single exon in each case. Subsequent PCR-based direct DNA sequence analysis identified two novel FIX mutations and six recurrent mutations. Three of the eight pedigrees represent sporadic hemophilia B, and direct mutation analysis facilitated hemophilia carrier diagnosis in each case. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Hemophilia B is an X-linked coagulopathy caused by absence of functional coagulation factor IX (F.IX). Previously, we established an experimental basis for gene transfer as a method of treating the disease in mice and hemophilic dogs through intramuscular injection of a recombinant adeno-associated viral (rAAV) vector expressing F.IX. In this study we investigated the safety of this approach in patients with hemophilia B. In an open-label dose-escalation study, adult men with severe hemophilia B (F.IX < 1%) due to a missense mutation were injected at multiple intramuscular sites with an rAAV vector. At doses ranging from 2 x 10(11) vector genomes (vg)/kg to 1.8 x 10(12) vg/kg, there was no evidence of local or systemic toxicity up to 40 months after injection. Muscle biopsies of injection sites performed 2 to 10 months after vector administration confirmed gene transfer as evidenced by Southern blot and transgene expression as evidenced by immunohistochemical staining. Pre-existing high-titer antibodies to AAV did not prevent gene transfer or expression. Despite strong evidence for gene transfer and expression, circulating levels of F.IX were in all cases less than 2% and most were less than 1%. Although more extensive transduction of muscle fibers will be required to develop a therapy that reliably raises circulating levels to more than 1% in all subjects, these results of the first parenteral administration of rAAV demonstrate that administration of AAV vector by the intramuscular route is safe at the doses tested and effects gene transfer and expression in humans in a manner similar to that seen in animals.  相似文献   

Factor IX variants improve gene therapy efficacy for hemophilia B   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Intramuscular injection of adeno-associated viral (AAV) vector to skeletal muscle of humans with hemophilia B is safe, but higher doses are required to achieve therapeutic factor IX (F.IX) levels. The efficacy of this approach is hampered by the retention of F.IX in muscle extracellular spaces and by the limiting capacity of muscle to synthesize fully active F.IX at high expression rates. To overcome these limitations, we constructed AAV vectors encoding F.IX variants for muscle- or liver-directed expression in hemophilia B mice. Circulating F.IX levels following intramuscular injection of AAV-F.IX-K5A/V10K, a variant with low-affinity to extracellular matrix, were 2-5 fold higher compared with wild-type (WT) F.IX, while the protein-specific activities remained similar. Expression of F.IX-R338A generated a protein with 2- or 6-fold higher specific activity than F.IX-WT following vector delivery to skeletal muscle or liver, respectively. F.IX-WT and variant forms provide effective hemostasis in vivo upon challenge by tail-clipping assay. Importantly, intramuscular injection of AAV-F.IX variants did not trigger antibody formation to F.IX in mice tolerant to F.IX-WT. These studies demonstrate that F.IX variants provide a promising strategy to improve the efficacy for a variety of gene-based therapies for hemophilia B.  相似文献   

The existence of two genetic variants (allotypes) of normal human factor IX is used for carrier detection in three families with severe and one with mild haemophilia B. By analysis of IX:Ag with two different monoclonal antibodies in 93 members of the families, allelic assignment is shown to be a complement in carrier diagnosis to genotypic DNA studies. Allelic assignment makes possible a reliable diagnosis based on phenotypic studies, though its usefulness is limited due to ethnic variation in allelic frequency. Determination of factor IX allotypes should be useful for carrier detection in many Swedish families with haemophilia B.  相似文献   

Hemophilia B is an X-linked coagulopathy caused by absence of functional coagulation factor IX (FIX). Using adeno-associated virus (AAV)-mediated, liver-directed gene therapy, we achieved long-term (> 17 months) substantial correction of canine hemophilia B in 3 of 4 animals, including 2 dogs with an FIX null mutation. This was accomplished with a comparatively low dose of 1 x 10(12) vector genomes/kg. Canine FIX (cFIX) levels rose to 5% to 12% of normal, high enough to result in nearly complete phenotypic correction of the disease. Activated clotting times and whole blood clotting times were normalized, activated partial thromboplastin times were substantially reduced, and anti-cFIX was not detected. The fourth animal, also a null mutation dog, showed transient expression (4 weeks), but subsequently developed neutralizing anti-cFIX (inhibitor). Previous work in the canine null mutation model has invariably resulted in inhibitor formation following treatment by either gene or protein replacement therapies. This study demonstrates that hepatic AAV gene transfer can result in sustained therapeutic expression in a large animal model characterized by increased risk of a neutralizing anti-FIX response.  相似文献   

Hemophilia B (Christmas disease) is a chromosome X-linked blood clotting disorder which results when factor IX is deficient or functionally defective. The enzyme is synthesized in the liver, and the existence of animal models for this genetic disease will permit the development of somatic gene therapy protocols aimed at transfer of the functional gene into the liver. We report the construction of an N2-based recombinant retroviral vector, NCMVFIX, for efficient transfer and expression of human factor IX cDNA in primary rabbit hepatocytes. In this construct the human cytomegalovirus immediate early promoter directs the expression of factor IX. Hepatocytes were isolated from 3-week-old New Zealand White rabbits, infected with the recombinant virus, and analyzed for secretion of active factor IX. The infected rabbit hepatocytes produced human factor IX that is indistinguishable from enzyme derived from normal human plasma. The recombinant protein is sufficiently gamma-carboxylated and is functionally active in clotting assays. These results establish the feasibility of using infected hepatocytes for the expression of this protein and are a step toward the goal of correcting hemophilia B by hepatic gene transfer.  相似文献   

We have studied a family of three patients who were severely afflicted with hemophilia B without inhibitor for their factor IX genes through the use of factor IX cDNA and genomic DNA probes. The patients had detectable (30% of normal) factor IX antigen. DNA hybridization analysis demonstrated that these patients had a partial intragenic deletion in their factor IX gene. This 2.8-kb deletion included exon d and the surrounding sequences. This exon codes for the amino acid sequence from No. 47 through 84 of the factor IX protein and contains its first potential EGF domain; the de novo occurrence of the mutation in the grandfather's germ cells was established by linkage analysis. This specific gene has been named F IXStrasbourg.  相似文献   

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