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Two marine invertebrates, the common mussel, Mytilus edulis, and the polychaete, Lanice conchilega, have been selected to demonstrate effects influencing the determination of concentration factors using α-HCH, γ-HCH, and pentachlorophenol as test substances. Bioconcentration factors were measured at steady-state concentrations in a static system. Species difference and lipid content of the animals appeared to seriously affect bioconcentration factors. Variation of temperature, and metabolic activity, as conjugation of PCP in the mussels, showed no remarkable effect. A tentative translation of laboratory data to the environment has been made with acceptable results.  相似文献   

通过分析某三级甲等骨科医院医学检验检查结果互认现状和问题,探索相应的对策和改进措施.采用实地调查的方式对某三级甲等骨科医院医学检验检查结果互认现状进行分析,其结果显示,目前医院的结果互认工作尚处于起步阶段,医务人员对互认工作的推行意识淡薄,医院缺乏相关法律保障,结果互认标准不一,管理水平良莠不齐,认知水平有待提高.今后...  相似文献   

We studied certain indicators of the speed with which infectious diseases were notified and epidemiological case records carried out by public health workers for notifications with and without inclusion of laboratory test results. The notification records for brucellosis, dysentery, typhoid fever, viral hepatitis, meningococcal meningitis, and pulmonary tuberculosis in the province of Barcelona between 1982 and 1986 have been reviewed. For each disease notified the time lapse between the onset of symptoms and notification (Delay 1), between notification and implementation of the epidemiological investigation (Delay 2), and the sum of both time lapses (Delay 3) were calculated. In all diseases (with the exception of meningococcal meningitis) when significant differences in delays were noted, the longest were found in those notifications that included laboratory data in the epidemiological investigation. This means that the provision of laboratory data makes the process of notification slower (Delays 1, 2, and 3). Both notification when laboratory results are available and the inclusion of laboratory data in the epidemiological investigation, have a negative influence on the speed of the statutory notification process.  相似文献   

The fate of 14C-labeled sulfadiazine (SDZ) in manured soil has been investigated in laboratory test systems. In the first approach, stability of 14C-SDZ in liquid bovine manure has been tested. Only 1% of the initially applied radiotracer was mineralized to 14C-carbon dioxide and 82% were transferred to nonextractable residues within a 102-d incubation period. Test slurries with defined aged residues were prepared and, supplementary to standard solutions, applied to silty-clay soil samples. These tests showed the high affinity of 14C-SDZ residues to the soil matrix. In the second approach, basic data on microbial, chemical, and photoinduced degradability in soil were gathered. The data indicated the formation of nonextractable residues as the predominant process in soil, which was accelerated by the test slurry application. In the third approach, laboratory lysimeter tests were conducted to investigate leaching and degradation as simultaneously occurring processes. The 14C-SDZ residues (64%) mainly were retained in the surface layer as nonextractable residues. Although a high mobility in soil was revealed by a soil/water distribution coefficient of 2 L kg(-1), percolate contamination amounted to only 3% of the initially applied 14C-SDZ. The tendencies of leaching and degradability in soil also were observed in test plot studies under field conditions.  相似文献   



Phoenix Firefighters have had abnormally high rates of tuberculin skin test (TBST) results on medical surveillance. The objectives of this study were to evaluate our firefighters using QuantiFERON-TB (QFT), comparing the results to their TBST results.  相似文献   

The commercially available kits (Test-Combination, Cholinesterase, Boehringer, Mannheim and Test-reagent, Cholinesterase EC, Pliva, Zagreb) and reagents prepared in own laboratory for measuring cholinesterase activity (Ellman method) were tested with respect to their stability and the reproducibility of the activity measurements. The reagents of the three sources were shown to be interchangeable and equally stable over a few weeks. The coefficient of variation for within-run measurements by the Ellman method was 2-3% and that for between-run measurements 6%. The stability of the few enzyme standards (Precinorm E, Precinorm U, NBS-serum and native human serum) for the quality control of the measurements was also tested: the most stable was native human serum.  相似文献   

Within recent years there have been a number of papers on the testing of protective clothing materials for degradation, penetration and permeation by chemicals. However, little guidance has been provided concerning the practical application of such data in the selection and use of gloves. A scheme is proposed for the selection of appropriate gloves and for deciding whether they should be reused. This takes into account the toxic properties of the chemical involved, the type of activity being undertaken and the degree of protection afforded by a particular material as indicated by data obtained from standard tests.  相似文献   

目的分析武威市449例食源性疾病病例实验室检验结果,了解本市食源性疾病发病原因及流行趋势,为采取相应的风险监管提供科学依据;了解致病菌抗生素敏感情况,为合理用药提供依据。方法按照《2017年武威市食源性疾病监测计划》,对食源性疾病病例进行实验室检测、汇总和分析。结果共检出病原体57株(12.69%);其中诺如病毒38株(8.46%),致病菌19株(4.23%);致病菌中沙门菌检出率最高(2.90%);诺如病毒中以诺如病毒Ⅱ(8.46%)最高;男性检出率(15.75%)高于女性(8.72%),差异有统计学意义(χ^2=4.92,P<0.05);诺如病毒检出率以春季最高,差异有统计学意义(χ^2=28.18,P<0.05);致病菌检出率以秋季最高,差异有统计学意义(χ^2=8.24,P<0.05);感染者主要集中在0岁~5岁年龄组;不同菌株之间耐药性体现差异大,不同抗生素对19种菌株所体现出的抑制作用也各不相同。结论继续加强食源性疾病监测力度,防止聚集性食物中毒事件的发生和暴发,加强各类抗生素管理、使用和敏感检测。  相似文献   

This study compared chemical permeation data obtained with a photo-ionization detector in both open- and closed-loop test systems. Also, chemical permeation data obtained at two flow rates with an infrared detector in a closed-loop test system were compared. Breakthrough times for acetone-neoprene were obtained using all systems. Results were evaluated and determined to be system dependent.  相似文献   

The mobility of a chemical in the environment is often determined by its volatilization from aqueous solution, especially if it shows poor water solubility and/or high vapor pressure. A small laboratory apparatus is described which allows the simulation of the volatilization process from a stirred water body with well-defined wind velocities and water temperatures. In experiments with naphthalene, pentachlorophenol, trichloroethene, and di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate, substance concentrations in the water body decrease exponentially, in accordance with theory. Half-residence times are found to be independent of wind velocity (v < 1 m sec−1) or air humidity, but are strongly dependent on temperature. The measured substance fluxes through the water surface are comparable with theoretical values. In the case of pentachlorophenol, which partly dissociates in aqueous solution, the volatility is controlled by the pH value of the solution.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: In 1986, a report of the U.S. Surgeon General concluded that second hand smoke is a cause of disease in healthy non smokers. Subsequent many nations including Tunisia implement smoke-free worksite regulations. The aim of our study is to test air quality in indoor ambient air venues in Tunisia. METHODS: A TSI SidePak AM510 Personal Aerosol Monitor was used to sample, record the levels of respirable suspended particles (RSP) in the air and to assess the real-time concentration of particles less than 2.5 microm in micrograms per cubic meter, or PM2.5. Thirty three venues were sampled in Tunis. The venues were selected to get a broad range of size, location and type of venue. Venues included restaurants and cafés, bars, bus stations, hospitals, offices, and universities. RESULTS: The mean level of indoor air pollution was 296 microg/m3 ranged from 11 microg/m3 to 1,499 microg/m3. The level of indoor air pollution was 85% lower in venues that were smoke-free compared to venues where smoking was observed (p<0.001). Averaged across each type of venue, the lowest levels of indoor air pollution were found in hospitals, offices and universities (52 microg/m3) and the highest level was found in a bar (1,499 micro/m3). CONCLUSION: Hospitality venues allowing indoor air smoking in Tunisia are significantly more polluted than both indoor smoke-free sites and outdoor air in Tunisia. This study demonstrates that workers and patrons are exposed to harmful levels of a known carcinogen and toxin. Policies that prohibit smoking in public worksites dramatically reduce second hand smoke exposure and improve worker and patron health.  相似文献   

Most ecological effect assessment methodologies use effect concentrations derived from single-species testing (ECx,single-species-test) as the basis to estimate 'safe' environmental concentrations (such as environmental quality criteria). Here, we examined to what extent such ECx,single-species-test are representative for population-level effect concentrations in a community setting (ECx,multi-species-test). Data from USEPA's ECOTOX database revealed the existence of considerable scatter around the relationship between ECx,single-species-test (endpoint: mortality) and ECx,multi-species-test (endpoint: population abundance). However, we demonstrate that this scatter is reduced when ECx,single-species-test and ECx,multi-species-test are determined simultaneously and by the same research group. Indeed, if these conditions are fulfilled, the quotient of both ECx values for invertebrates approaches 1 for chemicals that directly target invertebrates. Unfortunately, comparable data for other classes of chemicals and/or taxonomic groups were not found. However, theoretical ecosystem model simulations, which confirmed the results based on the above-mentioned analysis of the ECOTOX database, indicated that for phytoplankton, EC10,single-species-test>EC10,multi-species-test, for chemicals that directly target invertebrates. For chemicals that directly target phytoplankton, the ecosystem model simulations suggest that ECx,single-species-test>ECx,multi-species-test for both phytoplankton and invertebrates. Hence, our observation based on the analysis of existing experimental data that the ECx,single-species-test is similar to the ECx,multi-species-test may be biased by the fact that only data were available for invertebrates and for chemicals targeting invertebrates. Experimental research is required to test the predictions made by the model simulations for phytoplankton as well as for chemicals directly targeting phytoplankton.  相似文献   

目的研究40%毒死蜱乳油1、0%氯菊酯乳油、5%联苯菊酯悬浮剂和10%吡虫啉悬浮剂4种白蚁预防药剂对黑胸散白蚁防治效果差异,为控制房屋建筑白蚁提供理论依据。方法采用滤纸药膜法、毒土法和毒土柱法测定4种白蚁预防药剂对黑胸散白蚁的毒杀和驱避效果。结果 供试的4种药物中,对黑胸散白蚁触杀和驱避效果以40%毒死蜱乳油、5%联苯菊酯悬浮剂最好,10%氯菊酯乳油、10%吡虫啉悬浮剂次之。在4种药剂高浓度组的药液处理土壤时,处理后1~4 d内,4种药剂均可使与毒土接触的黑胸散白蚁全部死亡;4种药剂的毒土穿透试验中,黑胸散白蚁均未能穿透5 cm厚的毒土层。结论供试的4种药物均可用于白蚁预防。但从综合效果而言,生产上仍以应用5%联苯菊酯悬浮剂为佳。  相似文献   

目的 促进水质实验室的检测能力建设,提高全国饮用水卫生监测水平。方法 按照《生活饮用水标准检验方法》(GB/T 5750 - 2006)方法对氟化物、氯化物和铅进行检测, 31个省(自治区、直辖市)和新疆生产建设兵团的1907家疾病预防控制中心实验室参与质控考核,采用稳健(Robust)统计技术和Z比分数评价考核结果。结果 本次参与饮用水氟化物、氯化物和铅质控考核的疾病预防控制中心分别有1 898家,1 896家和1 255家。饮用水氟化物、氯化物和铅质控考核结果满意率分别为84.14%,81.49%和76.89%;考核结果在不同地区间差异有统计学意义(P<0.01);采用不同检测方法测定氯化物和铅,其考核结果差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),采用不同检测方法测定氟化物,其考核结果差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。结论 开展饮用水水质监测的县市级疾控中心实验室氟化物、氯化物和铅检测能力总体较强,但部分实验室检测水平还有待提高。  相似文献   

The activity size distributions of radon progeny in indoor air are considered. A general theoretical model is presented and then applied to this experiment where experimental data was obtained in a very large and nearly airtight laboratory for two cases: low particle concentration (Case 1) and high particle concentration (Case 2). The balance equations of aerosol particles, radon, and radon progeny in indoor air are solved numerically. The effects of particle coagulation are noticeable for u = 0.005 ms-1, (u. equals friction velocity) but negligible for u = 0.015 ms-1 as long as we adopt a certain theoretical model of wall deposition. Numerical results agreed rather well with this experimental data. Furthermore, an example calculation was done in the case of a usual living space with a high air-exchange rate.  相似文献   

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