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碘伏的细胞毒性研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
碘伏于50年代开始应用于临床以后,逐渐受到重视.特别是在1984年第三届国际抗感染会议上对碘伏的药理及临床应用进行了广泛的讨论,进一步推动该药在临床上的使用.作为一种新型、广谱、高效的消毒剂,以其确实的优点取代了一些临床上常用的消毒剂.本实验旨在研究碘伏对L929细胞的毒性作用,探索碘伏的浓度与作用时间对杀灭细胞的影响,为临床用药浓度提供理论依据.  相似文献   

作者对比研究了碘伏、戊二醛、氯已定在三种不同浓度及作用时问下对L929细胞毒性作用.结果表明.无论在哪一种药物浓度及作用时间.碘伏对L929细胞的毒性作用均为最低.且随着作用时间的延长.碘伏与戊二醛、氯巳定对L929细胞的毒性作用呈显著性差异.揭示碘伏是一个安全低毒的消毒药物.可以推广应用于口腔临床。  相似文献   

激光对口腔软组织的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
激光对口腔软组织的影响朱天岭①综述史俊南②审阅①广州市第一军医大学南方医院(510515)②西安市第四军医大学口腔医学院(710032)故激光对口腔软组织应用较为广泛,如切除口腔肿瘤、活检术、龈切术、舌系带修整术,消除炎症和康复溃疡等。激光具有热、光...  相似文献   

本文报告口腔颌面部软组织肉瘤102例,其中男性63例、女性39例,平均年龄33.3岁(3~64岁)。病期:≤三月者17例,>3个月~2年者43例,复发病例42例。原发部位依次为上颌区、下颌区、颊、腮腺等。病理类型依次为纤维肉瘤、横纹肌肉瘤、神经纤维肉瘤、滑膜肉瘤、恶性纤维组织细胞瘤、血管肉瘤、脂肪肉瘤。本组病例均施行手术治疗,局部切除者68例,扩大切除者34例,其中42例作了颈清扫术,术后病检证实颈淋巴转移率为23.8%。随访:三年、五年、十年、十五年的生存率分别为:46.3%、34.8%、38.8%、38.9%。文章讨论了组织学类型的临床意义,临床表现的诊断价值,手术与临床表现的关系,术前活检和术后标本的差异,颈淋巴清扫术的临床应用,术后复发病例的再治疗评价。  相似文献   

目的 探讨胶原蛋白类可吸收口腔修复膜修复口腔内软组织浅层缺损的临床效果。方法 共纳入口腔内软组织浅层缺损患者32例。缺损部位为唇部、舌、颊部、腭部、前庭沟及口底。随机将研究对象分配成实验组和对照组各16例进行非劣效性实验。实验组采用胶原蛋白类可吸收口腔修复膜,对照组采用脱细胞基质类口腔修复膜。分别在术后7天,术后1个月和术后3个月记录实验组和对照组的创面愈合率、瘢痕形成率以及有无过敏、排斥、炎症反应。结果 实验组和对照组口腔修复膜在术后都发生吸收降解,创面不断缩小。术后3个月创面愈合完全,留有少量瘢痕。与对照组相比,实验组的创面愈合率较高,瘢痕形成率较低,差异有统计学意义。实验组和对照组都不引起过敏、排斥、炎症反应。结论 胶原蛋白类可吸收口腔修复膜能够促进口腔内软组织浅层缺损更快地修复,并且在修复过程中不引起过敏、排斥、炎症反应,修复后的瘢痕小。  相似文献   

有统计资料显示软组织肉瘤约占全身恶性肿瘤的 1% ,发生于颌面部者占全部肉瘤的 5 %。我科曾收治 2例头颈部软组织肉瘤。本文回顾性病人临床资料 ,结合复习文献 ,对软组织肉瘤的诊断及治疗与预后进行讨论。临床资料典型病例 1:男性 ,44岁。因左颈无痛性肿物 3年迅速增大 2周而入院。专科检查 :左颈部胸锁乳突肌上中 1/ 3区扪及一约 7cm× 6cm大小肿物 ,质硬 ,固定 ,边界清无触痛 ,与表面皮肤无粘连。MR提示左颈一巨大团块 ,约 6cm×6cm× 4cm位于胸锁乳突肌下后方 ,颈椎外侧 ,边界尚清 ,形状不规则 ,考虑为淋巴结融合团块 ,以结…  相似文献   

口腔颌面部软组织的整形大致可以分成美容性的整形和功能性的整形两大部分。前者的概念还应该包括两个方面的内容:即容貌缺陷的整形(如全鼻再造)及单纯为了美观而进行的整形(加重睑术)。而无论是进行哪一类手术,都应尽可能详尽了解患者的心理需要及掌握病情,合理掌握手术适应症,力争使患者和医生对手术效果都满意。不同的种族具有特点鲜明的外鼻形态,东方人外鼻形态最突出的特点是鼻梁较为低平,鼻底部相对较宽,鼻小柱及中隔的长度相对较短,这些特点的存在使东方人的面部外形整体现显得较为柔和、含蓄。欧美人的外鼻形态则显得相…  相似文献   

目的建立敏感株和阻抗株小鼠口腔念珠菌感染模型,揭示两种小鼠对口腔念珠菌感染的体液免疫反应。方法雌性BALB/c和CBA/CaH小鼠及白色念珠菌3630用于本研究。1×10^8念珠菌/20μl接种于小鼠的口腔黏膜,建立口腔念珠菌感染模型;SDS—PAGE和Western—Blotting用于检测血清抗体。结果念珠菌敏感株鼠CBA/CaH的口腔感染比阻抗株鼠BALB/c严重(P〈0.05);CBA/CaH小鼠在口腔免疫后5周产生了IgG1、IgG2a、IgM,而BALB/c小鼠仅产生IgG1。结论念珠菌敏感鼠CBA/CaH的口腔念珠菌感染比念珠菌阻抗鼠BALB/c感染更为严重;抗白色念珠菌抗体IgM可能对宿主的口腔念珠菌感染起保护作用。  相似文献   

目的:探讨口腔颌面部皮肤软组织创伤早期处理的方法和经验。方法:对口腔颌面部皮肤软组织急性创伤进行严格清创,根据创面情况、部位等选择适当的处理。不伴组织缺损的普通裂伤应精细缝合或“Z”形缝合,关闭伤口;伴有组织器官缺损的创面应用组织移植等方法进行针对性的处理,并为二期修复打下基础。结果:本组共治疗400例患者,386例伤口Ⅰ期愈合,随防6个月至1年,无明显瘢痕增生,无功能障碍,不需要Ⅱ期修复,美容效果良好。结论:口腔颌面部皮肤软组织创伤早期及时、正确的处理能提高术后效果。减轻患者容貌缺陷及精神痛苦。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND, AIMS: Liposarcoma is the 2nd most frequent soft tissue sarcoma in adults, but it is extremely rare in the head and neck and, particularly, in the oral cavity. We report on a 25-year-old female who presented with a periodontal mass, extended from the right upper 3rd molar to the right upper 2nd premolar, covered by intact oral mucosa. The clinical differential diagnosis included peripheral giant cell granuloma, salivary gland neoplasms, squamous cell carcinoma of the gingiva, sarcoma and malignant lymphoma. METHODS: To accurately plan subsequent treatment, an excisional biopsy was performed and a myxoid liposarcoma was diagnosed. Consequently, the patient underwent wide excision of the neoplasm with maxillary en-block resection. RESULTS: The post-operative course was uneventful and the patient is alive and well 8 years after the original diagnosis. The authors stress the importance of considering soft tissue sarcomas in the diagnostic approach to patients with unusual periodontal neoplasms and to plan adequate surgical sampling of the lesion (i.e. excisional biopsy). CONCLUSIONS: This appears of pivotal importance as more limited specimens may result in inaccurate pre-operative diagnosis.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Myofibroma is a solitary benign tumor of myofibroblasts. Myofibromatosis describes multiple, simultaneous myofibromas at different sites in various organs. The clinico-pathologic correlations of myofibroma/myofibromatosis confined only to oral soft tissues were analyzed. METHODS: In the English language literature, 41 myofibroma and 12 myofibromatosis cases involving the oral soft tissues were found. From our files, three new myofibroma cases were added. RESULTS: Age at time of diagnosis of oral mucosa myofibroma ranged from birth to 70 years (mean 21.7 years), considerably higher than myofibroma in other parts of the body. Lesions occurred during the first decade (44%) and in the first year of life (17%). Male:female ratio was 1:1.6, contrary to the male predominance in other parts of the body. Common sites were the tongue (32%) and buccal mucosa (18%). Treatment was local excision, either complete (n = 13) or partial (n = 3), wide excision (n = 4), surgery, and chemotherapy (n = 1). Myofibromatosis involving oral soft tissues was diagnosed at birth in nine (75%) patients, within the first year in two, and as a young adult in one. Male:female ratio was 2:1. The tongue was the most common site (50%). Half the patients died of disseminated disease within a few days from birth, three were cured by partial or complete excision, and three experienced spontaneous regression. Histologically, oral mucosa myofibroma/myofibromatosis appearance agreed with findings in the literature. CONCLUSIONS: Myofibroma should be included in the clinical differential diagnosis of masses of the oral soft tissues, especially in the tongue and buccal mucosa of children and adolescents. Histological differential diagnosis includes benign and malignant spindle-shaped lesions. Treatment of choice is local excision.  相似文献   

Abstract – The oral effects of cigarette smoking have been well documented but the effects of cannabis smoke on the oral environment have been poorly documented. Three-hundred cannabis/tobacco/methaqualone smokers were examined. Two control groups consisting of 152 tobacco- and 189 non-smokers respectively were examined similarly. Health of the oral tissues and oral dryness was recorded. Lesions present included leukoedema, leukoplakia and numerous others. The only significant differences between lesions and conditions noted in cannabis users and controls occurred with respect to leukoedema, dry mouth and traumatic ulcer.  相似文献   

口腔黏膜组织工程主要应用于修复因肿瘤切除、牙周病、外伤等导致的软组织缺损.以前的组织工程研究主要围绕上皮细胞培养方法的发展以及结缔组织支架材料的研发开展,本文将对口腔黏膜组织工程替代物的培养模式、支架结构、基质功能及临床应用进行综述,展示组织工程的新视角及口腔黏膜组织工程的新应用.  相似文献   

口腔黏膜组织工程主要应用于修复因肿瘤切除、牙周病、外伤等导致的软组织缺损。以前的组织工程研究主要围绕上皮细胞培养方法的发展以及结缔组织支架材料的研发开展,本文将对121腔黏膜组织工程替代物的培养模式、支架结构、基质功能及临床应用进行综述,展示组织工程的新视角及口腔黏膜组织工程的新应用。  相似文献   

随着组织工程技术的发展,近年来国内外许多学者致力于口腔黏膜组织工程的研究,取得了一定的成就,支架材料是黏膜组织工程的一个重要因素,本文对组织工程化口腔黏膜的支架材料研究作一简要综述。  相似文献   

Background and Objective:  Development of human oral mucosa substitutes by tissue engineering may provide new therapeutic tools for the management of periodontal diseases. In this study we evaluated a fibrin–agarose human oral mucosa substitute both in vitro and in vivo .
Material and Methods:  In vitro bioengineered oral mucosa substitutes were developed from irrelevant biopsy samples of human oral gingiva. In vivo evaluation of the constructed tissues was performed by implantation into athymic nude mice. The expression of several epithelial markers was assessed by microarray analysis and immunohistochemistry.
Results:  Bioengineered oral mucosa samples kept in vitro developed a multilayered epithelium that expressed several cytokeratins, including some markers of simple epithelia (cytokeratins 7, 8 and 18), along with markers of stratified epithelia (cytokeratins 5 and 13) and of cell proliferation (proliferating cell nuclear antigen). Bioengineered tissues grafted in vivo onto nude mice exhibited very good biointegration with the host, showing a cytokeratin expression pattern that was very similar to that of normal native oral mucosa controls. Histological analysis of the artificial tissues demonstrated that oral mucosa substitutes evaluated in vivo were structurally mature, showing some typical structures of human native oral mucosa such as rete ridges and chorial papillae, along with numerous blood vessels at the fibrin–agarose stromal substitute. These structures were absent in samples evaluated in vitro .
Conclusion:  The results indicate that this model of human oral mucosa, constructed using fibrin–agarose scaffolds, shows similarities to native oral mucosa controls and imply that bioengineered oral mucosa substitutes could eventually be used clinically.  相似文献   

Abstract We examined 1316 pupils, average age 16.6 years, in a small town in Serbia. The purpose of this study was to find out the effects of the oral hygiene on the condition of the periodontal tissues and the frequency of gingivitis and periodontal disease and their severity in this age group. The presence and quantity of dental plaque were registered according to the Silness & Löe Plaque Index. The amount of dental calculus was determined according to the Greene & Vermillion method. The condition of periodontal tissues was evaluated by Ramfjord's method. It was found that only 5.3% of the examined pupils had a clinically healthy periodontium. Gingivitis was discovered in 60.6%, and periodontal disease (with periodontal pockets) in 34.1% of the examined pupils. The average PDI was 1.8. We revealed great quantities of soil and hard deposits on the teeth of examined pupils. The average Plaque Index was very high (1.9).  相似文献   

目的:应用组织工程技术,以胶原膜为支架构建组织工程化人口腔黏膜。方法:体外培养、扩增人口腔黏膜角化细胞,通过细胞形态学及角蛋白免疫组化染色等对细胞进行定性研究,角化细胞接种于胶原膜上液面下培养1周后,升至液-气平面培养1周,光镜、电镜下观察大体组织形态及超微结构。结果:口腔黏膜上皮细胞可在生物支架材料胶原膜上粘附生长,并可形成上皮样组织,但无成熟的桥粒及基底膜样结构。胶原膜降解快,14d左右难以操作。结论:胶原膜与口腔黏膜角化细胞具有良好的生物相容性;由于降解速度和不易操作等特点,胶原膜作为支架材料构建组织工程化口腔黏膜有待深入研究。  相似文献   

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