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目的 分析肠道病毒71型灭活疫苗(EV71疫苗)上市后的疑似预防接种异常反应(AEFI)发生情况,评价疫苗安全性,为疫苗的推广使用提供科学依据.方法 采用被动监测和主动监测相结合的方式,通过AEFI信息管理系统和主动随访,收集浙江省金华市2016年9月-2019年12月接种EV71疫苗的AEFI病例资料,对相关数据进行...  相似文献   

目的分析宁波市两种儿童肠道病毒71型(EV71)灭活疫苗疑似预防接种异常反应(AEFI)主动监测发生率。方法选择宁波市接种门诊2016-2018年6-59月龄儿童接种Vero细胞EV71疫苗(EV71-Vero)或人二倍体细胞EV71疫苗(EV71-HD),采用主动监测方式收集接种后30d内发生的AEFI,分析AEFI发生率。结果儿童EV71疫苗总AEFI发生率为19.42‰(197例),其中一般反应、异常反应别为18.63‰(189例)、0.79‰(8例)。EV71-Vero、EV71-HD AEFI发生率分别为22.39‰、14.17‰(χ~2=8.31,P=0.004),其中一般反应分别为21.77‰、13.08‰(χ~2=9.67,P=0.002),异常反应分别为0.62‰、1.09‰(Fisher确切概率法,P=0.471)。两种疫苗发热发生率分别为12.97‰、7.63‰(χ~2=6.12,P=0.013)。所有AEFI痊愈或好转。结论两种EV71疫苗AEFI发生率均在预期范围内,未观察到严重AEFI。  相似文献   

目的 初步评价肠道病毒71型(EV71)灭活疫苗(EV71疫苗)上市后常规接种的安全性,比较疑似预防接种不良反应(AEFI)主动及被动监测的差异。方法 2016年8-11月在北京市朝阳区对3 162名儿童开展EV71疫苗上市后安全性监测,其中对770名受种儿童采用手机应用(APP)信息化平台进行主动监测AEFI,对2 392名受种儿童通过家长上报方式进行被动监测AEFI。结果 主动监测组AEFI总发生率为42.33%(326/770),以全身反应为主,未见罕见和极罕见不良反应;被动监测组AEFI总发生率为0.67%(16/2 392),明显低于主动监测组(χ2=51 274.285,P<0.001),主要表现为一般反应。结论 该EV71疫苗安全性良好;主动监测能够更敏感地获得疫苗接种后不良反应,可为疫苗的安全性评价提供可靠的数据支持。  相似文献   

目的 分析2017—2018年金华市肠道病毒71型(enterovirus type 71,EV71)灭活疫苗疑似预防接种异常反应(adverse events following immunization,AEFI)监测结果,评价该疫苗的安全性。 方法 通过中国和浙江省免疫规划信息管理系统分别收集2017—2018年金华市报告的EV71疫苗AEFI个案和EV71疫苗接种剂次数,对数据进行描述性分析。 结果 2017—2018年金华市共接种EV71疫苗250 811剂次,报告AEFI 307例,报告发生率为122.40/10万剂。307例AEFI病例中,一般反应286例,异常反应12例,偶合症9例。报告发生率前三位是义乌市、武义县和东阳市,分别为194.86/10万剂、147.50/10万剂和117.10/10万剂。不同年度(χ2=27.29,P<0.05)、不同企业(χ2=44.75,P<0.05)和不同剂次报告发生率(χ2=9.46,P<0.05)差异均有统计学意义。绝大部分AEFI发生在接种后0~1 d内。异常反应以过敏性皮疹为主,所有AEFI病例均已治愈。 结论 EV71疫苗具有较好的安全性,要进一步加强健康教育,提高疫苗接种率,保护儿童身体健康。  相似文献   

目的观察6月龄~3周岁儿童人群接种肠道病毒71型灭活疫苗(Vero细胞)(以下简称EV71疫苗)的安全性。方法通过主动监测与被动监测相结合的方式,观察受种者EV71疫苗接种后30d内发生的不良事件,采用描述性流行病学方法分析其特征。结果 4 077名儿童受种者,接种7 952剂EV71疫苗,其中第1剂4 077人,第2剂3 875人,共观察到接种后30d内发生的不良事件102例,总体不良事件发生率1.28/100剂,其中第1剂1.55/100剂,第2剂1.01/100剂,剂次间差异无统计学意义(χ~2=4.555,P=0.033)。接种局部可出现红、痛、疹、硬结、肿,发生率间差异无统计学意义,全身不良事件以发热、疲倦乏力、食欲下降、上呼吸道感染占优势,全身不良事件较局部发生率为高,不良事件发生与接种时间间隔以24h内(85.53%)多见,所有不良事件以1、2级(92.11%)为主,3级不良事件以发热(83.33%)为主,未发现致残致死或并发症等严重危及受种者身体健康的不良事件,所有不良事件经对症处理后均在7d内痊愈。结论在6月龄~3周岁儿童中实施EV71灭活疫苗接种具有较好的安全性。  相似文献   

目的了解上海市肠道病毒71型(EV71)灭活疫苗接种率和疑似预防接种异常反应(AEFI)发生率。方法通过上海市免疫规划信息系统、中国AEFI监测信息管理系统收集2013年10月-2019年3月出生儿童EV71疫苗接种和AEFI数据,分析EV71疫苗接种率和AEFI发生率。结果上海市2013年10月-2019年3月出生儿童EV71疫苗1剂次接种率为38.30%,2剂次(全程)接种率为35.05%。本市、外来人口1剂次接种率分别为46.34%、33.89%,2剂次接种率分别为43.61%、30.36%;各年龄组1剂次接种率在20.49%-52.71%之间,2剂次接种率在17.34%-49.85%之间。EV71疫苗接种后AEFI报告发生率为224.91/10万剂(3046例);其中一般反应、异常反应分别为217.08/10万剂(2940例)、6.87/10万剂(93例),分别以发热(2263例,167.09/10万剂)、过敏性皮疹(87例,6.42/10万剂)为主。结论上海市儿童EV71疫苗接种率不高,AEFI报告发生率在预期范围内;仍应加强EV71疫苗接种宣传,提高儿童接种率。  相似文献   

目的 分析2019年江苏省人二倍体和Vero细胞肠道病毒71型(EV71 - HD和EV71 - Vero)灭活疫苗接种率和疑似预防接种异常反应(AEFI)发生的流行病学特征。方法 通过全国AEFI信息系统收集2019年在江苏省接种EV71疫苗所引起的AEFI个案数据,通过江苏省预防接种综合服务管理信息系统收集受种者接种信息和接种剂次数,对数据进行描述性分析。结果 2019年江苏省共接种EV71疫苗634 879剂次,第一和第二剂次接种率分别为7.5%和6.5%;共报告EV71疫苗AEFI 344例,报告发生率54.2/10万剂,其中EV71 - HD和EV71 - Vero分别报告207例和137例AEFI,发生率分别为52.0/10万剂和57.9/10万剂。不良反应以一般反应为主,症状主要为发热、烦躁和疲倦乏力,异常反应症状主要为过敏性皮疹。不良反应男女性别比例均为1.5∶1。以6~23月龄儿童发生率较高。结论 两种 EV71 疫苗在常规接种中不良反应发生率较低,主要以一般反应为主,未有严重AEFI报告,且预后较好。  相似文献   

目的 探讨肠道病毒71型(Enterovirus 71,EV71)灭活疫苗对预防手足口病(hand-foot-mouth disease,HFMD)的预防作用及安全性。方法 选取2018年1—12月山东省广饶县大码头镇辖区内786例适龄儿童为研究对象,按照是否接种EV71疫苗分为研究组(接种疫苗)367例与对照组(未接种疫苗)419例。分析儿童接种EV71疫苗后的不良反应,并统计比较两组儿童2年内EV71型HFMD发生率及重症HFMD发生率。结果 研究组儿童接种EV71疫苗后30 d内不良反应发生率为3.54%(26/734);不同性别、不同年龄儿童接种EV71疫苗后全身不良反应、局部不良反应比较差异均无统计学意义(均P> 0.05)。随访2年,研究组EV71型HFMD发生率为0.27%,低于对照组的2.15%(P <0.05),两组重症HFMD发生率比较差异无统计学意义(P> 0.05)。结论 接种EV71疫苗,不良反应发生率低且症状轻微,具有较高安全性,可有效降低EV71型HFMD发病率。  相似文献   

目的 分析北京市某区适龄儿童肠道病毒71型(Enterovirus 71,EV71)疫苗接种率和疑似预防接种异常反应(Adverse event following immunization, AEFI)报告发生率。方法 通过北京市预防接种管理系统和中国疾病预防控制信息系统收集2016-2021年研究地区6月龄-5岁儿童EV71疫苗接种和AEFI报告数据,分析EV71疫苗接种率和AEFI报告发生率。结果 2016-2021年研究地区适龄儿童EV71疫苗全程接种率为23.14%(50 142/216 707),其中6-11月龄、1岁、2-3岁、4-5岁儿童分别为45.22%、75.04%、13.39%、2.29%。AEFI总报告发生率为3.80/万(40例),其中一般反应、异常反应分别为2.85/万(30例)、0.86/万(9例),发热、局部红肿、局部硬结、过敏性皮疹分别为2.38/万(25例)、0.19/万(2例)、0.19/万(2例)、0.86/万(9例)。结论 2016-2021年研究地区适龄儿童EV71疫苗接种率总体偏低;AEFI发生率在预期范围内,以常见的轻微反应为主。需继续加...  相似文献   

目的评价上市肠道病毒71型(Enterovirus 71,EV71)灭活疫苗的免疫原性。方法采用分层随机抽样方法选取金华市6-35月龄健康婴幼儿,接种2剂次EV71疫苗,检测免疫前和免疫后30-45d血清抗EV71中和抗体,分析免疫后抗体阳转率和几何平均滴度(Geometric mean titer,GMT)。结果受试者2剂次EV71疫苗免疫后抗EV71中和抗体阳转率为99.24%(362/364),GMT为1:117.06。6-11、12-23、24-35月龄儿童中和抗体阳转率分别为100%、98.39%、100%(Fisher精确概率法,P=0.244),GMT(1:)分别为103.28、123.95、163.61(F=0.32,P=0.728)。A、B、C生产企业EV71疫苗的中和抗体阳转率分别为100%、98.33%、100%(Fisher精确概率法,P=0.216),GMT(1:)分别为127.75、109.95、113.88(F=1.04,P=0.353)。结论金华市上市EV71疫苗在6-35月龄儿童中均具有良好的免疫原性;建议加强EV71疫苗接种宣传,提高适龄儿童接种率。  相似文献   

IntroductionTwo types of enterovirus 71 (EV71) vaccines, manufactured using human diploid (H2) and Vero cells, have been administered in Jiangsu Province, China since 2017. In this study, we evaluated their safety profiles using records collected from the Chinese National Adverse Events Following Immunization (AEFIs) Information System (CNAEFIS) and Electronic Immunization Registries System (EIRS) between 2017 and 2019.MethodsDemographic characteristics of the patients, AEFI incidence rates(IRs), symptoms, and time intervals were summarized from the reported AEFI data in the CNAEFIS. Also, the administered doses of the two vaccines were exported from the EIRS to calculate the IRs of AEFIs and thus compare the AEFIs between the two types of EV71 vaccines.ResultsIn total, 209, 407, and 344 AEFIs cases following EV71 vaccine administration were reported during 2017, 2018, and 2019, respectively, yielding IRs of 59.2, 48.2, and 54.2 per 100,000 doses, respectively. Fever, irritability, allergic eruptions, fatigue, loss of appetite, redness and induration at the injection site were the most commonly reported AEFIs. No significant differences in rare reactions were found between the two types of EV71 vaccinations. The majority of AEFIs were developed within 30 min to 3 days after administration.ConclusionEV71 vaccines showed satisfactory safety profiles since their first use 3 years ago in the Jiangsu Province. The AEFI profiles were identical to those in pre-marketing studies; most AEFIs after vaccination were mild and common. More active surveillance studies should be performed to provide more comprehensive post-marketing safety data.  相似文献   

Li YP  Liang ZL  Gao Q  Huang LR  Mao QY  Wen SQ  Liu Y  Yin WD  Li RC  Wang JZ 《Vaccine》2012,30(22):3295-3303
There is an urgent need for a novel vaccine that is effective against human Enterovirus 71 (EV71) outbreaks. A double-blind, randomized controlled study was to evaluate the safety and immunogenicity of a human EV71 vaccine in healthy adults, children and infants. The vaccine dosages were 200 U and 400 U for children and adults, and 100 U, 200 U and 400 U for infants. Subjects were randomized to receive different dosages of the vaccine or placebo. Adults received intramuscular injection on Days 0, 14 and 28. Children and Infants received on Days 0, 28 and 56. The novel human EV71 inactivated vaccine was well tolerated and highly immunogenic in healthy volunteers, especially in infant populations. For immune response, the seropositive rates (with titers ≥≥1:8) of neutralizing antibody [NTAb] increased to 100% for all dosage groups after the second vaccination. For NTAb seronegative infants before vaccination, after one dose, the NTAb GMTs were 29.7 (95% CI, 13.1-67.2), 10.1 (95% CI, 6.6-15.3), and 27.4 (95% CI, 14.3-52.2) in the 100 U, 200 U, and 400 U vaccine groups, respectively; after two doses, the GMTs were 114.1 (95% CI, 44.5-292.4), 159.5 (95% CI, 49.3-515.3), and 509.0 (95% CI, 181.3-1429.1), respectively. TRIAL REGISTRATION: ClinicalTrial.gov identifier: NCT01273246 and NCT01273233.  相似文献   

Enterovirus 71 (EV71) has recently emerged as an important neurotropic virus in Asia because effective medications and prophylactic vaccine against EV71 infection are not available. Based on the success of inactivated poliovirus vaccine, the Vero cell-based chemically inactivated EV71 vaccine candidate could be developed. Identification of EV71 vaccine strain which can grow to high titer in Vero cell and induce cross-genotype virus neutralizing antibody responses represents the first step in vaccine development. In this report we describe the characterization and validation of a clinical isolate E59 belonging to B4 sub-genotype based on VP1 genetic analysis. Before selected as the vaccine strain, the genetic stability of E59 in passage had been analyzed based on the nucleotide sequences obtained from the Master Virus Seed, Working Seed banks and the virus harvested from the production lots, and found to be identical to those found in the original isolate. These results indicate that E59 vaccine strain has strong genetic stability in passage. Using this vaccine strain the prototype EV71 vaccine candidate was produced from 20 L of Vero cell grown in serum-containing medium. The production processes were investigated, characterized and quantified to establish the potential vaccine manufacturing process including the time for virus harvest, the membrane for diafiltration and concentration, the gel-filtration chromatography for the down-stream virus purification, and the methods for viral inactivation. Finally, the inactivated virion vaccine candidate containing sub-microgram of viral proteins formulated with alum adjuvant was found to induce strong virus neutralizing antibody responses in mice and rabbits. Therefore, these results provide valuable information for cell-based EV71 vaccine development.  相似文献   

Enterovirus 71 (EV71) is a common pathogen for hand, foot, and mouth disease (HFMD), which has significant morbidity and mortality, and for which children aged 6–59 months age are at highest risk. Due to lack of effective treatment options, control of EV71 epidemics has mainly focused on development of EV71 vaccines. Clinical trials have been completed on 3 EV71 vaccines, with trial results demonstrating good vaccine efficacy and safety. When EV71 vaccine is approved by China's national regulatory authority, an evidence-based strategy should be developed to optimize impact and safety. An immunization strategy for EV71 vaccine should consider several factors, including the target population age group, the number of doses for primary immunization, the need for a booster dose, concomitant administration of other vaccines, economic value, program capacity and logistics, and public acceptance. Once EV71 vaccines are in use, vaccine effectiveness and safety must be monitored in large populations, and the epidemiology of HFMD must be evaluated to assure a match between vaccination strategy and epidemiology. Evaluation in China is especially important because there are no other EV71 vaccines globally.  相似文献   

杨东平  王滨  邢娜  王伟  武蕾 《现代预防医学》2015,(23):4395-4397
摘要:目的 探讨2009-2014年天津市河西区预防接种不良反应监测系统报告的不良反应问题,为疫苗安全使用提供科学依据。方法 采取描述流行病学得方法对河西区监测系统收集的AEFI病例分析。结果 2009-2014年河西区通过AEFI信息管理系统接报15种疫苗引起的AEFI病例208例,总报告接种剂次为778172剂,AEFI发生率为26.73/10万,12个社区卫生服务中心均有AEFI病例发生。常见临床症状为发热、接种局部红肿及硬结。较为严重有两例,均为接种吸附无细胞百白破疫苗后,一例为血管性水肿、另一例为血小板过敏性紫癜。结论 全区12个社区卫生服务中心均有AEFI病例发生,AEFI报告发生率很低,预防接种的安全性良好。AEFI监测是科学评价接种疫苗的利弊,及时处置AEFI,增加大众对预防接种信心的有效措施。  相似文献   

摘要:目的 分析2009-2014年北京市昌平区回龙观镇AEFI监测情况,为疫苗安全监测工作提供科学依据。方法 通过AEFI信息管理系统,收集回龙观镇2009-2014年报告病例,采用描述性方法进行流行病学分析。结果 2009-2014年回龙观地区上报AEFI共113例,其中男66人,女47人;2岁组最多为40例;AEFI报告的总发生率为13.2/10万剂次;AEFI涉及的疫苗发生率最高的依次为麻疹风疹联合减毒活疫苗,吸附无细胞百白破联合疫苗以及23价肺炎疫苗;预防接种一般反应为69例,异常反应为34例,偶合症10例;接种后1 d内发生AEFI 79例,1~2 d内发生21例,2 d以上13例。结论 回龙观地区AEFI报告敏感性增加,无严重AEFI产生。  相似文献   

摘要:目的 分析2008-2013年宾阳县疑似预防接种异常反应(Adverse Events Following Immunization,AEFI)发生特征,评价本县AEFI监测系统运行情况。方法 通过疑似预防接种异常反应信息管理系统收集宾阳县2008-2013年报告的AEFI个案数据,运用卡方检验的统计方法对相关指标进行描述性流行病学分析。结果 宾阳县2008-2013年共报告AEFI为 82例,年报告发生率为1.61/10万剂次~7.59/10万剂次,年平均发生率3.16/10万剂次(82/2597229),其中一般反应22例(占26.83%),异常反应51例(占62.20%),偶合症8例(占9.76%),接种事故1例(占1.22%);偶合死亡4例(占4.88%);男女发生比例为2.15∶1.00,男性发生率显著高于女性;0岁组报告的例数最多,为49例(占59.76%);接种卡介苗后发生的AEFI最多,为43例(占52.44%)。结论 宾阳县AEFI监测系统运转良好。AEFI主要发生在小年龄组儿童和国家免疫规划疫苗,接种卡介苗后发生的AEFI是监测的工作重点,要继续加强AEFI监测和处置技术培训,提高AEFI的监测和处置水平。  相似文献   

目的 分析肠道病毒71型(EV-A71)疫苗上市接种后的疫苗保护效果和免疫原性。方法 采用队列研究于2017年10-12月在上海市静安区招募符合纳入标准的预防接种门诊受种者为研究对象,按0、30 d程序接种疫苗者纳入接种组,不接种疫苗者纳入对照组,随访观察1年,评估疫苗保护效果和接种2剂次疫苗后抗体水平及阳转率。结果 共纳入3 018名8~20月龄的儿童,接种组1 211人,对照组1 807人,经过1年随访,EV-A71疫苗对EV-A71感染引起的手足口病保护率为100.00%(95% CI:-66.99%~100.00%)。接种组中124人检测了中和抗体,接种首剂疫苗后60 d抗体几何平均滴度(GMT)为41.76(95% CI:35.60~49.34),接种后365 d GMT为28.44(95% CI:23.59~34.54)。结论 EV-A71疫苗对于儿童有良好的免疫应答,EV-A71感染引起的手足口病病例较少,需进一步观察。  相似文献   

Hand, foot and mouth disease (HFMD) is a major public health concern in Asia; more efficient vaccines against HFMD are urgently required. Adenoviral (Ad) capsids have been used widely for the presentation of foreign antigens to induce specific immune responses in the host. Here, we describe a novel bivalent vaccine for HFMD based on the hexon-modified, E1-deleted chimpanzee adenovirus serotype 68 (AdC68). The novel vaccine candidate was generated by incorporating the neutralising epitope of Coxsackievirus A16 (CA16), PEP71, into hypervariable region 1 (HVR1), and a shortened neutralising epitope of Enterovirus 71 (EV71), sSP70, into HVR2 of the AdC68 hexon. In order to enhance the immunogenicity of EV71, VP1 of EV71 was cloned into the E1-region of the AdC68 vectors. The results demonstrated that these two epitopes were well presented on the virion surface and had high affinity towards specific antibodies, and VP1 of EV71 was also significantly expressed. In pre-clinical mouse models, the hexon-modified AdC68 elicited neutralising antibodies against both CA16 and EV71, which conferred protection to suckling mice against a lethal challenge of CA16 and EV71. In summary, this study demonstrates that the hexon-modified AdC68 may represent a promising bivalent vaccine carrier against EV71 and CA16 and an epitope-display platform for other pathogens.  相似文献   

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