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加强原发性青光眼的机会性筛查工作   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Zhao JL 《中华眼科杂志》2010,46(6):481-484
早期发现和确诊原发性青光眼患者有利于减少青光眼引起的盲和视力损伤.开展机会性筛查工作是更早、更及时地发现原发性青光眼患者的有效方法.机会性筛查是指一些人因为健康体检或者其他问题来眼科就诊时,眼科医师有意识地进行青光眼方面的必要检查而发现的有关青光眼的情况,这应当是眼科临床工作的一部分.由于原发性闭角型青光眼与原发性开角型青光眼是两种不同类型的青光眼,具有明显不同的发病机制和临床特征,因此所采用的机会性筛查方法应当不同.作为眼科医师应当明确认识原发性闭角型青光眼和原发性开角型青光眼的发生和发展是一个连续体的概念,注意筛查试验和诊断试验的重要区别,选择筛查试验方法要力求简便、易行,重视防治青光眼人力资源的开发和应用,这对于做好机会性筛查工作十分重要.  相似文献   

加强原发性青光眼的机会性筛查工作   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
早期发现和确诊原发性青光眼患者有利于减少青光眼引起的盲和视力损伤.开展机会性筛查工作是更早、更及时地发现原发性青光眼患者的有效方法.机会性筛查是指一些人因为健康体检或者其他问题来眼科就诊时,眼科医师有意识地进行青光眼方面的必要检查而发现的有关青光眼的情况,这应当是眼科临床工作的一部分.由于原发性闭角型青光眼与原发性开角型青光眼是两种不同类型的青光眼,具有明显不同的发病机制和临床特征,因此所采用的机会性筛查方法应当不同.作为眼科医师应当明确认识原发性闭角型青光眼和原发性开角型青光眼的发生和发展是一个连续体的概念,注意筛查试验和诊断试验的重要区别,选择筛查试验方法要力求简便、易行,重视防治青光眼人力资源的开发和应用,这对于做好机会性筛查工作十分重要.  相似文献   

〕采用随机抽样方法,对4066位农民进行青光眼有关各项检查。查出青光眼17人,患病率为41.8/万。从年龄分组看,患病率21~30岁组中为6.86/万;31~40岁组中为32.9/万;41~50岁组中为60.1/万;51~60岁组中为89.8/万;61~70岁组中为11.42/万。结论是农村(农民)青光眼患病率较城市为低,青光眼患病率随年龄增长而增高,女性患病率高于男性。  相似文献   

采用随机抽样方法,对4066位农民进行青光眼有关各项检查。查出青光眼17人,患病率为41.8/万,从年龄分组看,患病率21 ̄30岁组中为6.86/万;31 ̄40岁组中为32.9/万,41 ̄50岁组中为60.1/万;51 ̄60岁组中为89.8/万组中为11.42/万,结论是农村青光眼患病率较较市为低,青光眼患率随年龄增长而增高,女性患病率高于男性。  相似文献   

原发性开角型青光眼   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
原发性开角型青光眼李美玉青光眼是由于眼压升高引起的视乳头损害和视野缺损的一种眼病。个体眼球对眼压的耐受力不同,有些眼球眼压高于2.8kPa(1kPa=7.5mmHg)可产生视乳头和视野损害,形成真正的青光眼;有些眼压虽高出正常值,却不产生视乳头和视野...  相似文献   

原发性青光眼的统计分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了进一步了解我国原发性青光眼的发病情况,搞好防治工作,本文对1986年1月至1992年!2月在我院眼科住院,经过检查确诊的原发性青光眼的发病率、病型构成、发病年龄、眼别、性别等进行统计分析如下。统计结果一、发病率:7年间我院收住院各种眼病3981例,其中原发性青光眼226例,占5.68%。二、患病类型:急性闭角型青光眼155例,占68.58%;慢性闭角型青光眼55例,占24.34%;开角型青光眼16例,占708%。急性闭角型青光眼和慢性闭角型青光眼病的比例为2.82。1;开角型青光眼和闭角型青光眼病的比例为1:13.13。三、患病年龄:急性…  相似文献   

危险窄房角者若能在急性房角关闭及周边虹膜前粘连形成之前筛查出高度可疑前房角关闭者,可早期阻断发病环节,对防止演变成原发性闭角型青光眼(primaryangleclosureglaucoma,PACG)具有重要意义。PACG的预测及筛查方法中,前房角镜检查、超声生物显微镜、眼前段相干光断层扫描、Scheimpflug照相技术有各自的优缺点。预测及筛查PACG涉及众多的眼球生物学参数测量,最新的研究进展涉及静态参数与动态参数。前者包括前房深度、宽度、体积、面积,房角开放程度参数,虹膜厚度、体积、曲率,晶状体厚度、相对位置、拱高等;后者包括虹膜容积变化测量及葡萄膜渗漏检查等。  相似文献   

原发性开角型青光眼和正常眼压性青光眼危险因素的研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
目的:探讨原发开角型青光眼(POAG)和正常眼压性青光眼(NTG)发病相关的危险因素。方法:对592例(1156眼)原发开角型青光眼和53例(100眼)正常眼压青光眼患者进行眼科常规检查,视野检查,屈光,血糖,血压检测,家庭史及药物史和全身病调查,结果:NTG组与POAG组相比较,在患病年龄的分布上有差异:POAG组以20-40岁年龄最常见,而NTG组以50-60岁年龄最常见;两组患者均有较高的近视患病率(POAG组为42.1%,NTG组为66.04%),NTG组低血压患病率67.92%),阳性家族史为20.75%,两者均明显高于POAG组,差异有显著性,结论:年龄,近视,低血压,青光眼家族史可能是POAG和NTG发病的重要因素。  相似文献   

Background: Primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG) is one of the three leading causes of blindness in Australia, often causing considerable visual field loss before the patient becomes symptomatic. Recent years have seen a quickening of public health interest in primary open-angle glaucoma. Our study evaluates the attitudes and skills of Brisbane GPs with regard to screening for POAG. Objectives: To evaluate general practitioners' current use of possible screening modalities for POAG. To evaluate general practitioners' attitudes to screening for POAG. To evaluate general practitioner's levels of satisfaction with their knowledge and skills in the diagnosis of common ophthalmological conditions. Method: A questionnaire was distributed to 130 randomly selected GPs in the Brisbane metropolitan area. Response rate was 94%. Results: Tonometry and funduscopy were infrequently used in Brisbane general practice. Only 15% of the sample were satisfied with their current knowledge and skills concerning the detection of POAG. 88% felt that patients >50 years should be screened for POAG and nominated a variety of sources — 75% advocating ophthalmology screeners, 65% GP screeners, and 41% optometrist screeners. Ninety-nine per cent believed ophthalmologists should be treating glaucoma patients, and 57% believed GPs should have a role in management. Only 1 % supported a therapeutic role for optometrists. Major perceived barriers to glaucoma screening in the elderly were the inaccuracy of current general practice screening tools (65%) and paucity of information concerning the desirability of screening (32%). Conclusion: Brisbane general practitioners believe patients >50 years old should be screened for POAG. They advocated a role for screening by ophthalmologists, GPs and optometrists. Major perceived barriers to current screening in general practice are the inaccuracy of current general practice tools (65%) and paucity of information on the subject (32%). The majority (85%) requested further information and provision of skills in this area.  相似文献   

孔祥斌  何明光 《眼科》2012,21(1):7-10
简单、快速、高效、非接触、易操作及能够量化前房角结构是闭角型青光眼筛查追求的主要目标。手电筒斜照法、眼球生物学测量法、van Herick检查法、前房角镜检查、超声生物显微镜、眼前段相干光断层扫描、前房角扫描分析仪、Scheimpflug照相技术均有各自的优缺点,临床医生可根据自身情况,选择适合自己的方法,同时也可联合两种或两种以上的方法,提高筛查的敏感性和特异性。(眼科,2012,21:7-10)  相似文献   

Among Caucasians, it is well known that 75–95% of primary glaucoma is due to open-angle glaucoma (POAG), with angle-closure (PACG) comprising only a very small minority of cases. These figures are reversed among other groups such as Asians and Eskimos, where PACG makes up 80–90% of primary glaucoma. Among Eskimos, the prevalence of PACG has been reported as 2–8%, as compared to 0.1% among Caucasians. It appears that a population tendency toward shallow anterior chambers may explain the excess burden of PACG morbidity. Among Asians, the prevalence of PACG is intermediate between Caucasians and Eskimos. Existing biometrical data do not show a clear tendency toward shallower anterior chambers among Asians. PACG may be screened for on a population basis by means of various techniques that estimate axial or limbal anterior chamber depth, measure intraocular pressure, or evaluate the optic disc or visual fields. Demographic information and medical and family history will also be of great importance in screening for PACG in large populations. Groups at increased risk for the disease include women, individuals over 50, first-degree relatives of PACG probands, and hyperopes.  相似文献   

目的了解眼科医生对原发性闭角型青光眼筛查和诊断的认识以及在临床实践中应用的基本情况。设计横断面调查。研究对象2005年9月11日在第十届全国眼科学术大会青光眼会场参会的眼科医生。方法采用问卷调查的形式,调查表内容包括被调查者基本信息和对闭角型青光眼诊断进展的认识以及实际工作状况。共发出330份问卷表,收回有效问卷262份(有效应答率79.4%)。主要指标问卷调查结果。结果29个省、市的眼科医生接受了本次问卷调查。96.9%的人认为我国应开展闭角型青光眼的社区筛查工作;57.3%接受国际地域性和眼科流行病学组(ISGEO)关于闭角型青光眼的分类体系,41.6%反对必须伴有视神经损害才诊断为青光眼的观念;69.1%认为以房角关闭机制为基础的闭角型青光眼分类体系对临床治疗有指导作用。在实际工作中,81.3%的人将前房角镜检查作为门诊闭角型青光眼筛查的常规手段,77.4%将暗室激发试验作为门诊早期可疑闭角型青光眼筛查的常规手段,49.2%将超声活体显微镜检查(UBM)作为可疑闭角型青光眼筛查的常规手段。而对于急性闭角型青光眼眼压下降后视神经损害的评价,80.9%的人常规进行眼底检查,仅54.6%的人常规进行眼压下降后的视野损害评价。结论我国眼科医生对于原发性闭角型青光眼的定义与分类体系的认识与国际上存在较大差异。闭角型青光眼的筛查手段及其使用在不同医院和不同知识背景的医生中具有较大的变异性。  相似文献   

梁庆丰  ;彭晓霞  ;王宁利 《眼科》2014,23(3):177-181
目的 基于“北京眼病研究”与“邯郸眼病研究”获得的基础数据,对采用眼底照相在人群开展原发性开角型青光眼(POAG)筛查的成本-效果进行评价,为POAG人群筛查策略的制定提供数据支持。设计 成本-效果分析。研究对象 “北京眼病研究”及“邯郸眼病研究”中关于POAG流行病学调查结果。方法 采用R软件计算40岁以上POAG在人群筛查和医院机会就诊两种诊疗模式下的伤残调整生命年,并基于2014年的成本,计算两种诊疗模式的直接成本费用(筛查成本、诊断成本、干预成本),然后比较两种模式的成本-效果。主要指标 成本费用,伤残调整生命年。结果 以1万例40岁以上社区人口为拟合基数,分析结果提示:如果每5年筛查一次,可及早发现POAG患者并及时药物控制,其视功能损害率为30%左右;而医院就诊方式,其视功能损害率均在50%以上;采用眼底照相完成POAG的筛查、确诊及治疗所需直接医疗成本为175万;通过医院机会就诊模式,需直接成本为406万,但开展社区筛查发生的疾病负担,即伤残调整生命年(1.33)却低于医院机会就诊模式(2.76)。结论 POAG的社区筛查可降低由于其导致的伤残调整生命年,对患者视功能的维持及改善生命质量具有重要意义,且可降低直接医疗成本。  相似文献   

The value of screening for glaucoma with tonometry   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This paper estimates the value of performing Schiotz tonometry to detect glaucoma in an asymptomatic patient. About 9% of adults over 40 will be found on a single Schiotz tonometry test to have elevated intraocular pressure (IOP). On work-up, about 1 out of 50 of these individuals with high IOP will be found to have glaucoma. Tonometry, however, will miss about half of all patients with glaucoma because they do not have elevated IOPs at the time of the test. Pilocarpine or epinephrine are the most commonly used drugs to treat the disease, but they are not always effective in lowering a patient's IOP or in stopping the progression of field defects. From the available evidence it does not appear that earlier diagnosis makes a substantial difference in the patient's outcome. If all individuals over 40 years of age in a city of 1,000,000 were screened, the total cost of finding and treating about 484 people with chronic simple glaucoma would be on the order of $4,944,866 or about $13,000 per patient potentially benefited. Screening with tonometry does not appear to be warranted.  相似文献   

In a study at the Flinders Medical Centre, South Australia, 24 glaucomatous eyes with known field defects were tested by three examiners of different backgrounds using oculo-kinetic perimetry, a screening test for glaucoma. The interrater agreement was excellent; only in one case did results differ. Seventeen eyes had a defective result, but in six cases the test was normal. Both patients and untrained staff find this test easy to do, but the apparent high false-negative rate is cause for concern and needs further evaluation. Oculo-kinetic perimetry may well be better used as a complementary test by those opticians doing tonometry and by general practitioners who currently rarely screen for glaucoma.  相似文献   

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