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自微乳释药系统研究进展 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
简要介绍了自微乳释药系统的组成、体外释药研究方法及自微乳新型制剂的研究进展.自微乳新型制剂主要包括固体自微乳、过饱和自微乳和正电荷自微乳,新型自微乳制剂可以弥补其不足,更好地发挥自微乳固有特点. 相似文献
2006年,国家出台了多项与医药行业息息相关的政策法规,如打击医药商业贿赂、整顿和规范药品市场秩序、加大医疗体制改革力度和连续对药品实行降价等,这些因素也直接或间接地影响了医药市场。2006年1-9月医药工业累计产品销售收入和实现利润增幅继续下滑,2006年上半年医院用药的 相似文献
笔者通过检索中国专利检索系统文摘数据库(CPRSABS),对1992–2013年间治疗获得性免疫缺陷综合征(AIDS)的核苷类逆转录酶抑制剂恩曲他滨、替诺福韦及两者的复方制剂在中国的专利保护现状进行分析,为中国企业和研究机构提供专利预警和应对建议,使其在药物研发、专利保护方面更加有针对性,更准确地把握临床应用趋势,赢得市场。 相似文献
《Expert opinion on therapeutic patents》2013,23(11):1297-1306
Critical reassessment of established inotropic drugs such as the phosphodiesterase inhibitors and the digitalis glycosides has reaffirmed the need for novel cardiotonic agents that will not only beneficially affect the haemodynamic and functional impairment of patients with overt congestive heart failure, but also prevent its clinical manifestation and reduce the high mortality. None of the drugs examined in these directions - calcium sensitisers, β-receptor blockers, sodium channel modulators, digitalis derivatives - have been shown to achieve these goals. The research on endogenous digitalis did not, as was hoped, reveal a general strategy for improving the therapeutic index of cardiac glycosides. The proof that Na+/K+-transporting ATPase of cardiac muscle is the molecular point of attack (receptor) for the inotropic and toxic effects of digitalis-like acting C/D-cis and C/D-trans steroids revealed the cyclopentano-perhydrophenanthrene nucleus as their common pharmacophoric lead structure. This has opened a wide field for lead development in the direction of derivatives that favourably discriminate between the inotropy-linked α1-isoform and the toxicity-linked α3-isoform of Na+/K+-ATPase as the basis for the design of inotropic agents with high therapeutic margin. 相似文献
心房颤动是临床常见的心律失常之一,其发病率越来越高。自1909年人类认识心房颤动以来,心房颤动的治疗经历了仅着眼于转复心房颤动本身的Ⅰ类抗心律失常药物、直流电转复以及外科迷宫手术等单一治疗,发展到针对心房颤动的病理基础、离子通道、并发症预防等综合治疗。治疗方式、方法、途径与以往比较也发生了巨大变化。虽然近年来房颤的射频消融有了飞速发展,但药物治疗仍然是一线治疗,有时甚至是唯一可行的方法。 相似文献
质子泵抑制剂市场前景看好 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
目的:消化性溃疡是一种常见病和多发病,质子泵抑制剂是目前治疗消化性溃疡病抑制胃酸分泌最强的药物,质子泵抑制剂市场的现状和进展是人们关注的热点。方法:调查近年来长江流域上海、杭州、南京、武汉、成都和重庆六城市样本医院质子泵抑制剂品种用药金额、排序、份额、增长率及临床评价。结果:常用品种为奥美拉唑、泮托拉唑、埃索美拉唑、雷贝拉唑和兰索拉唑,其中用药金额名列第1是奥美拉唑,第2是泮托拉唑。结论:质子泵抑制剂市场前景看好。 相似文献
1抗肿瘤药1.1马来酸苏尼替尼胶囊辉瑞公司的抗肿瘤药马来酸苏尼替尼(sunitinib malate)胶囊(商品名:Sutent),是一种新的靶向抗癌治疗药,用于治疗胃肠道间质瘤(GIST)和晚期肾癌。本品是首个同时获准2种适应证的抗肿瘤新药,可治疗以α干扰素和白介素2治疗失败后的晚期和(或)转移性肾细胞癌。剂量规格:12.5mg/粒,25mg/粒,50mg/粒。 相似文献
2003年全球主要医药市场回顾 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
2003年经历了SAILS,现在又有禽流感、疯牛病等。艾滋病仍然困扰着人们。2003年美国经济开始复苏,年增长率达到4%。中国的GDP增长率仍然在7%以上。世界药品市场的增长率比2002年低,但是仍然在5%。6%之间。中国药品市场的增长率在20%左右,估计2004年仍然会有15%~20%的增长率。老年人和儿童仍然是药品消费 相似文献
1降血糖药及其辅助治疗药1.1磷酸西他利停片2006年8月8日,墨西哥批准默克公司的磷酸西他利停(sitagliptin phosphate)片(商品名:Januvia)上市,用于治疗2型糖尿病。据预测,至2009年,西他利停的销售额将达10亿美元。默克制药公司进行了西他利停(MK-0431)的3项降血糖的临床研究,其 相似文献
Ogita Y Takahashi Y Iwata M Sasatsu M Onishi H Hashimoto S Machida Y 《Die Pharmazie》2010,65(11):801-804
White petrolatums of Japanese Pharmacopoeia grade and Sun white marketed as a cosmetic were characterized by measuring their physical properties and drug-releasing characteristics. White petrolatums of Japanese Pharmacopoeia grade available commercially in Japan were Perfecta, White 1S, Ultima, Snow, Snow V and Regent (Propeto). Penetrating stress, shear stress and spreading properties were measured as physical properties of the white petrolatums. The physical properties of white petrolatums varied, and Regent was the softest and the most spreadable ointment base. In vitro release test was performed using flow-through Franz diffusion cells. Fluorescein isothiocyanate and tetracycline hydrochloride were used as drug models. Their release characteristics varied among the tested white petrolatums, and Regent had the best release properties. Among the white petrolatums, with the exception of Regent, the release properties should depend on the distribution of drugs between white petrolatum and the receiver solution. Considerations of usability and characteristics of theprincipal agent are needed when choosing white petrolatums. 相似文献