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邢春国 《中华医学图书情报杂志》2020,29(10):70-75
目的:调查分析江苏省基层医疗机构信息化现状,并提出对策。方法:通过问卷方式对江苏省209所基层医疗机构信息化建设情况进行调查,包括医院信息系统建设、健康档案信息化、医疗信息共享、便携式智能设备使用等内容,并比较乡镇卫生院和社区卫生服务中心之间,以及南京、苏北、苏中、苏南地区之间的信息化差异。结果:江苏省基层医疗机构信息化全面普及,但信息系统的完整性、家庭医生签约信息化、院外患者信息共享、便携式智能化设备普及等方面有待完善。乡镇卫生院和社区卫生服务中心在医院信息系统的完整性、电子病历的建设方面存在差异(P<0.05)。南京在院外医疗信息共享、便携式智能化设备普及方面优于其他地区(P<0.05)。结论:江苏省的卫生水平高于全国平均水平,但某些机构信息模块建设不完整,存在医疗“信息孤岛”等现象,有待进一步改进。 相似文献
电子病历是指计算机化的病历,它建立在医院医疗活动全面信息化的基础上。发展电子病历系统是计算机应用向临床发展的需要。本文通过对软件系统边实施边总结的方法,概述了系统的功能与特点、新旧系统的对比及具体实施要求。 相似文献
本文阐释了医疗信息技术教育(health information technology education,HIT教育)的概念,并在调查美国医疗信息技术教育的基础上,分别从学位教育及认可机制、知识群与知识单元、市场对HIT专业人员需求及政府对HIT教育资助等方面对美国医疗信息技术教育进行了详细论述.Abstract: This paper first explores the scope and the meaning associated with the concept of the health information technology education (HIT education). It then presents an intensive and comprehensive analysis on different aspects of HIT education in the United States, including its academic degree structure, the features demonstrated by education programs at different levels of academic degrees, the accreditation mechanism and programs, the design of knowledge cluster and knowledge unit, requests for HIT professionals from society and market, and the government funding for HIT education. 相似文献
目的通过对世界全球卫生教学机构设置情况的研究,了解全球卫生教学现状,为我国开展相应的教学提供参考。方法对Web of Science数据库文献进行计量学分析,同时结合机构网页检索和专家访谈,了解目前主要的教学机构及其研究方向。结果 目前,世界上以“全球卫生”或“国际卫生”为名设立的教学机构将近百所,其中大部分位于北美和欧洲,分别占所有教学机构数量的52%和29%。主要采用设在单一学院下、作为独立学院、跨学院及合作中心等设置方式。主要教学和研究方向包括生物和流行病学、国际关系与外交、社会学和伦理学等。结论全球卫生教学机构的设置方式和研究方向多种多样,我国在设立相应机构和确立研究方向时应当结合自身优势,加以综合考虑。 相似文献
本文从公共卫生课程体系、公共卫生课程难点等方面论述公共卫生教学特点,总结翻转课堂、远程学习、网络课程、爱课题平台、Elearning、慕课、UMU网络教育平台等智慧教学方式在公共卫生教学中的应用现状,提出要从学习自主性、教学与技术深度融合、智慧教室建设等角度提高智慧公共卫生教学水平。 相似文献
当今教育的根本任务是培养学生学会求知、学会做人、学会健体、学会生存、学会求知是现代人最基本的素质。培养学生自主学习能力显得至关重要。如何培养学生强烈的学习动机和浓厚的学习兴趣?现代信息技术给语文课堂吹入一股春风,带来无限活力与生机,为学生自主学习能力的培养插上了腾飞的翅膀。 相似文献
The CSIRO (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation) and the Queensland Government have jointly established the Australian e-Health Research Centre (AEHRC) with the aim of developing innovative information and communication technologies (ICT) for a sustainable health care system. The AEHRC, as part of the CSIRO ICT Centre, has access to new technologies in information processing, wireless and networking technologies, and autonomous systems. The AEHRC's 50 researchers, software engineers and PhD students, in partnership with the CSIRO and clinicians, are developing and applying new technologies for improving patients' experience, building a more rewarding workplace for the health workforce, and improving the efficiency of delivering health care. The capabilities of the AEHRC fall into four broad areas: smart methods for using medical data; advanced medical imaging technologies; new models for clinical and health care interventions; and tools for medical skills development. Since its founding in 2004, new technology from the AEHRC has been adopted within Queensland (eg, a mobile phone-based cardiac rehabilitation program), around Australia (eg, medical imaging technologies) and internationally (eg, our clinical terminology tools). 相似文献
【摘要】 目的 了解长沙市基层医疗卫生机构对医学检验技术专业的人才需求情况,为民办高校医学检验技术专业制定人才培养方案、课程教学改革提供科学的参考依据。方法 采用自编的《长沙市基层医疗卫生机构医学检验技术人才需求调查问卷》,从长沙市9个区县中随机抽取59家基层医疗卫生机构的检验科负责人及技术人员进行调查。用统计学软件SPSS180分析结果。结果 有678%的基层医疗卫生机构未来3~5年对医学检验人才有需求;人才引进方式主要通过高校招聘应届生(4746%)与人才市场中介招聘(4068%);应用型人才类型需求占6610%;基层医疗卫生机构关注人才是否具有相关技能证书(6271%)、专业技能(6102%)、学历(5763%)、较好的综合素质(4915%);5593%的受访机构认为医学检验技术专业应掌握室内质量控制;绝大多数基层医疗机构认为当前医学检验技术专业毕业生存在的最大不足有理论与实践脱节、动手能力差和适应能力弱,占到5085%、3220%和3220%认同率。结论 长沙市基层医疗机构对医学检验人才的需求呈未饱和状态,医学检验技术专业应培养适应于当前基层医疗卫生机构需要的综合素质较高的、掌握较丰富检验专业知识和具备熟练职业操作技能的应用型技术人才。 相似文献
为进一步完善卫生适宜技术推广管理指标体系和工作流程,建立"卫生适宜技术推广管理信息系统",通过分析需求收集方法,用户需求具体内容,界定"信息系统"范围、接口与系统功能实现,建立整体结构,形成用户需求等,介绍了该系统建立的一些相关问题。 相似文献
With the proliferation of relatively mature health information technology (IT) systems with large numbers of users, it becomes increasingly important to evaluate the effect of these systems on the quality and safety of healthcare. Previous research on the effectiveness of health IT has had mixed results, which may be in part attributable to the evaluation frameworks used. The authors propose a model for evaluation, the Triangle Model, developed for designing studies of quality and safety outcomes of health IT. This model identifies structure-level predictors, including characteristics of: (1) the technology itself; (2) the provider using the technology; (3) the organizational setting; and (4) the patient population. In addition, the model outlines process predictors, including (1) usage of the technology, (2) organizational support for and customization of the technology, and (3) organizational policies and procedures about quality and safety. The Triangle Model specifies the variables to be measured, but is flexible enough to accommodate both qualitative and quantitative approaches to capturing them. The authors illustrate this model, which integrates perspectives from both health services research and biomedical informatics, with examples from evaluations of electronic prescribing, but it is also applicable to a variety of types of health IT systems. 相似文献
信息技术与医学学科的整合 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
吴琼 《中国医学教育技术》2003,17(4):195-197
介绍了信息技术整合的概念,讨论了信息技术与课程整合的内涵,研究了信息技术与医学学科的整合,指出了目前整合的误区。 相似文献
Evidence-based medicine and health informatics may assist clinicians contend with the current barriers to the integration of evidence-based "best practice" into typical healthcare settings. Computer-based decision support systems can improve the process of care, but whether they improve patient outcomes in a cost-effective manner is uncertain. 相似文献
Thomas W Feeley George W Sledge Laura Levit Patricia A Ganz 《J Am Med Inform Assoc》2014,21(5):772-775
A recent report from the Institute of Medicine titled Delivering High-Quality Cancer Care: Charting a New Course for a System in Crisis, identifies improvement in information technology (IT) as essential to improving the quality of cancer care in America. The report calls for implementation of a learning healthcare IT system: a system that supports patient–clinician interactions by providing patients and clinicians with the information and tools necessary to make well informed medical decisions and to support quality measurement and improvement. While some elements needed for a learning healthcare system are already in place for cancer, they are incompletely implemented, have functional deficiencies, and are not integrated in a way that creates a true learning healthcare system. To achieve the goal of a learning cancer care delivery system, clinicians, professional organizations, government, and the IT industry will have to partner, develop, and incentivize participation. 相似文献