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Pessimistic views regarding the course and outcome of schizophrenia have been replaced by an emphasis on recovery. The concept of recovery emphasizes the need to provide access to treatments and services that are effective in both decreasing manifestations of the disorder and in assisting individuals to lead maximally productive and personally meaningful lives. To this end, the schizophrenia Patient Outcomes Research Team (PORT) published an updated consensus list of evidence-based practices that includes 14 recommendations, six of which describe psychosocial treatments (family interventions, supported employment, assertive community treatment, skills training, cognitive therapy and token economy programs). This paper reviews the schizophrenia PORT committee recommendations for psychosocial evidence-based practices, and discusses future needs and potential confounds that can have an impact on the effectiveness of these approaches. Among these potential confounds, the heterogeneity of individuals diagnosed with schizophrenia, variations in quality and integrity of implementation and the degree to which services listed are truly accessible and available as needed are paramount. The PORT psychosocial recommendations are an excellent foundation in the process of identifying evidence-based practices that can foster social recovery; they are not a comprehensive list. More innovation and research on psychosocial therapies remains to be accomplished in order to improve the chances for social recovery of patients diagnosed with schizophrenia.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to develop principles of combining pharmacological and psychosocial treatment that can be useful for clinicians who are treating patients with schizophrenia. METHOD: Research studies in schizophrenia that controlled both pharmacological and psychosocial treatments were reviewed. These included studies using conventional and newer antipsychotics as well as a number of psychosocial methods. RESULTS: The interactions between the forms of treatment appear to be more than merely additive, since each can enhance the effects of the other. Drug and psychosocial treatments may affect different outcome domains, with the former affecting symptoms and the later affecting social outcomes. Recent studies using newer antipsychotics suggest that these agents improve the participation of patients in psychosocial treatments. CONCLUSION: Understanding the interactions between psychosocial and pharmacological treatments can be useful for clinicians who are developing treatment strategies for patients with schizophrenia. Newer agents with different side-effect profiles and broader effectiveness appear to have improved the outcomes of psychosocial treatments.  相似文献   

A qualitative review of psychosocial treatments for bulimia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This review covers 32 individual and group therapy studies of the psychosocial treatment of bulimia published between 1976 and 1986. Using 14 criteria to assess the quality of experimental methodology, three studies were rated as high, 17 as medium, and 12 as low. Common methodological problems included the failure to use a control group or to specify the experience level of the therapist, overreliance on self-report outcome measures, and small sample sizes. Great variability was found among studies in inclusion criteria, treatment length, and length of follow-up. Thirty-eight percent of patients in group therapy and 41.5% of those in individual therapy were totally abstinent from bingeing and purging at follow-up. Although most studies used behavioral or cognitive-behavioral strategies, no modality of treatment has shown clear superiority. The results are discussed in terms of their implications for treatment, training, and future research.  相似文献   

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) has now been recognized to exist in both males and females, albeit the literature supports a higher prevalence in males. However, when girls are diagnosed with ADHD, they are more often diagnosed as predominantly inattentive than boys with ADHD. This paper provides a review of gender differences noted across the lifespan in terms of psychosocial functioning, cognitive abilities and psychiatric comorbidities. Males and females with ADHD are more similar than different, and generally symptoms of ADHD are not sex specific. Small gender differences have been found: adolescent girls with ADHD have lower self-efficacy and poorer coping strategies than adolescent boys with ADHD, but these differences tend to disappear by adulthood; rates of depression and anxiety may be higher (especially in adolescence) while physical aggression and other externalizing behaviors may be lower in girls and women with ADHD, although not all studies support these findings (e.g., non-referred samples show similar rates of coexisting psychiatric disorders between boys and girls with ADHD). However, many studies suffer from small sample sizes, referral biases, differences in diagnostic procedures and possible rater influences. Psychosocial treatments are reviewed and discussed with reference to the reported gender differences in functioning as well as the global deficits noted in all samples. Although the data available so far suggest that psychosocial treatments are likely to be equally effective in males and females, this conclusion is based more on the small number of gender differences noted in overall functioning and less on empirical research on treatment by sex effects and the moderating role of sex, an effect only investigated by the Multi-modal Treatment Study of ADHD group, to date. Future research should include equal representation of both sexes in samples such that treatment analyses by gender can be routinely conducted.  相似文献   

It is well established that most children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) will continue to experience clinically significant problems in adulthood. Moreover, many individuals exhibiting symptoms of ADHD during childhood and adolescence may not experience impairments necessitating assessment and intervention until they face difficulties fulfilling adult responsibilities. Although pharmacotherapy is the most effective treatment option for ADHD, in many cases adjunctive psychosocial treatment is necessary to address the wide-ranging functional impairments and emotional issues faced by adults with ADHD. This article reviews the published clinical outcome literature on psychosocial treatments for adult ADHD. Topics include impairments associated with adult ADHD that are a target of treatment, clinical outcome research on psychosocial treatments for adult ADHD, directions for research, and the side effects of psychosocial treatments.  相似文献   

Patient characteristics associated with early termination from psychosocial and pharmacologic treatments of depression were delineated. Patients were 125 female primary nonbipolar depressives randomly assigned to 12 weeks of protocol treatment in one of four conditions: social skills training plus placebo; short-term psychotherapy plus placebo; amitriptyline alone; and social skills training plus amitriptyline. Results indicated that premature terminators from pharmacotherapy tended to be mildly depressed and intolerant of medication side effects. In contrast, dropouts from psychosocial treatment were more severely depressed and dissatisfied with the lack of early response which often accompanies interventions of this type. These findings may support the use of short-term psychosocial approaches in lieu of pharmacotherapy in mild nonendogenous depressions. However, antidepressant medication, either alone or in conjunction with psychosocial treatment, should continue to be considered the treatment of choice in more severely depressed melancholic patients.  相似文献   


Using data from the National Institute of Drug Abuse Collaborative Cocaine Treatment Study, the authors examined 24 patient pretreatment variables as predictors of outcome. The most clinically meaningful outcome in the treatment of substance dependence—degree of sustained abstinence—was used. Predictor variables included demographic features, aspects of the disorder and the recovery environment, expectations about treatment, and beliefs about addiction, relapse, and the 12-step philosophy. Four of the 24 examined variables—craving, acuity of biomedical problems, belief in the 12-step philosophy, and expectations for improvement—were significantly predictive of degree of sustained abstinence using a Bonferroni-corrected alpha level. No significant interactions with treatment condition were noted. The joint effect of the 4 predictor variables had a clinically meaningful impact on outcome.  相似文献   

Dissemination methods are used to increase the likelihood that a given treatment or form of clinical practice is implemented by clinicians in the community. Therapist training in treatment methods is an important component of dissemination. Successful dissemination also requires that roadblocks to treatment implementation are identified and circumvented, such as misconceptions that clinicians might hold about a given treatment. The present article offers a commentary on the papers included in the special issue on treatment dissemination for anxiety disorders. Most papers focus on issues concerning the training and education of clinicians with regard to exposure therapy. Training and education is an important step but should be part of a broad, multifaceted approach. There are several other important methods of treatment dissemination, including methods developed and implemented with success by the pharmaceutical industry, might also be used to disseminate psychosocial therapies. Optimal dissemination likely requires a broad perspective in which multiple dissemination methods are considered for implementation.  相似文献   

The extent to which the results of randomized controlled trials can be expected to generalize to clinical populations has been the subject of much debate. To examine this issue among a population of individuals diagnosed with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), the clinical characteristics of Veterans Affairs (VA) patients with PTSD were compared to the eligibility criteria for clinical trials of psychosocial treatments for PTSD. Administrative data for 239,668 patients who received a diagnosis of PTSD within the VA healthcare system during the 2003 fiscal year were compared with inclusion and exclusion criteria of 31 clinical trials for PTSD. Based on available data, all patients appeared to be eligible for at least one study, and half (50%) were eligible for between 16 and 21 (50% or more) of the 31 studies examined. The studies for which the most veterans with PTSD would have been eligible targeted combat-related trauma or did not specify type of trauma in their eligibility criteria. Veterans who exhibited psychotic symptoms (3% of the sample) were ineligible for most, but not all, of the studies. However, most veterans with comorbid Axis I conditions, such as depression, anxiety disorders, and substance use disorders, were eligible for multiple studies. These findings, which indicate that the existing literature on the efficacy of psychosocial treatment may inform the treatment of the majority of veterans who present with PTSD, have applications for the design of future clinical trials and for consultation of the literature regarding appropriate treatments for veterans with PTSD.  相似文献   

Designs of clinical trials that will permit evaluation of independent, additive, and interactive effects of drugs and psychosocial treatments are described. The central feature of such designs is that they incorporate control conditions for both classes of treatment. Data from the articles in this issue are drawn upon the support the contention that the current state of knowledge in both drug and psychosocial treatment research makes such studies ethically and scientifically possible and highly desirable clinically.  相似文献   

ObjectiveAlmost all of the efforts to study and implement evidence-based practice (EBP) have used individual treatments as the unit of analysis. A complementary approach using aggregated common elements of multiple individual evidence-based treatment programs has been introduced. The purpose of this article is to describe a new method for identifying common elements of EBP and to present common elements resulting from a systematic review of interventions for children with disruptive behavior problems and their parents.MethodWe identified eight individual treatment programs with established efficacy for children ages 4 to 13 with disruptive behavior problems, reviewed all of the treatment materials thoroughly, identified core elements of each treatment, and determined which elements were common to at least half of the programs. The validity of these common core elements was confirmed through a survey of national experts using a modified Delphi technique.ResultsWe identified 21 treatment elements that were common to multiple evidence-based treatment programs. These included therapeutic content (e.g., principles of positive reinforcement, problem-solving skills training), treatment techniques (e.g., role-playing, assigning homework), aspects of the working alliance, and other parameters such as treatment duration.ConclusionsIdentification of common core elements of EBP has important implications for efforts to characterize practice, as well as therapist training and implementation of EBP in community-based service settings. Therapist training and ongoing supervision that builds on common elements of EBP could potentially improve the effectiveness of care overall. It could also build a strong foundation for targeted individual treatment implementation efforts by enhancing therapists' skills and attitudes about EBP.  相似文献   

Evidence-based psychosocial treatments in the juvenile justice system   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
During the past three decades, considerable progress has been made in the development, implementation, and evaluation of psychosocial treatments focused on alleviation of risk factors of delinquency, reduction of juvenile crime, and prevention of recidivism. This article reviews selected youth-, family-, and community-based psychosocial treatments for delinquent behavior that are likely to be used in the juvenile justice system and evidence-based psychosocial treatments for internalizing disorders that have a potential for being successfully implemented in the juvenile justice system. The authors discuss the practical issues in dissemination and implementation of evidence-based psychosocial treatments in the juvenile justice system.  相似文献   

The objective was to describe the psychosocial burden experienced by informal carers of elderly stroke victims, and to identify its predictors among baseline characteristics of the patients. From a prospective study of 171 elderly stroke patients admitted to a geriatric ward for rehabilitation in the acute phase, 68 patients living at home with a primary caregiver were identified 6 months after the stroke. At baseline, all the patients were assessed with respect to motor function, cognitive function, global handicap and activities of daily living, and after 6 months the caregivers were assessed, using the Relatives' Stress Scale. According to this, the most frequent impacts were worries that an accident might befall their relatives, that they had to reorganise their household routines and further, that their social life and ability to take holidays had been reduced. Impaired cognitive function was the only baseline patient characteristic that predicted a subsequent psychosocial burden on the carer. Special attention should be paid to elderly stroke patients initially assessed with impaired cognitive function and their caregivers.  相似文献   

This article posits that the positive findings for supportive therapy (ST) in recent trials may indicate an important but undervalued aspect of psychosocial interventions for schizophrenia. In developing this thesis, we consider the possible mechanisms underlying the beneficial effects of ST observed in recent trials of cognitive behavioral therapy for schizophrenia. We place this evidence in the context of a review of psychological models of mental health, the therapeutic alliance, and research on social cognition and social support in schizophrenia. We conclude this article by describing a new theoretically driven intervention for schizophrenia, functional cognitive-behavioral therapy (FCBT), which improves functional outcomes by integrating evidence-based advances in cognitive behavioral therapy with the strengths of ST approaches.  相似文献   

In this article, we primarily focus on the treatment approaches currently marketed and in advanced stages of development for Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary tangles remain the pathologic hallmarks of AD, and much progress has been made in unraveling the molecular biology of these changes. In addition, there is also intense research into inflammatory and oxidative mechanisms as well as vascular and neurochemical alterations in AD. Therapies targeted at these mechanisms are discussed.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To characterize the psychosocial burden on spouses living with the elderly suffering from mild dementia, stroke and Parkinson's disease, and to identify patient characteristics associated with it. Materials and methods Data on patient-spouse couples came from three studies of patients with stroke (36 couples), mild dementia (92 couples) and Parkinson's disease (58 couples). The psychosocial burden was recorded by the 15-item Relatives' Stress Scale (RSS). A factor analysis of this instrument produced a one-factor solution (CFI = 0.98) consisting of eight items with good face validity and acceptable reliability within each diagnostic group (Cronbach's alpha range 0.66-0.69). Covariates of this factor were identified using structural equation modeling (SEM) by regression on patient's age, gender, cognitive function (MMSE), activities of daily living (ADL) and depressive symptoms (MADRS). RESULTS: Disorganization of household routines, difficulties with going away for holidays, restrictions on social life, and the disturbances of sleep were the most frequently reported problems in all three groups. According to the mean sumscore on the RSS, the perceived psychosocial burden was similar across the diagnostic groups. In the final SEM model, a lower cognitive function of the patient was associated with a higher psychosocial burden on the spouses of patients with stroke (beta = -1.3, p = 0.01) and Parkinson's disease (beta = -0.89, p < 0.01), while in the dementia group, only an insignificant trend was demonstrated. In the dementia group, a significantly higher burden was identified on female spouses (beta = -0.56, p = 0.04). A heavier burden of care was also associated with depressive symptoms in the patients with Parkinson's disease. In neither group did the final model disclose any effect of ADL function on the spouse's psychosocial burden. CONCLUSION: Spouses caring for patients with dementia, stroke and Parkinson's disease perceive a similar type and level of psychosocial burden, independent of the disease. The cognitive functioning of the patient is a particularly important factor in this, especially when caring for patients with stroke or Parkinson's disease.  相似文献   

In this study, we report changes in psychosocial function in two groups of older adults that participated in the experimental trial of our cognitive rehabilitation program. The results, based on tests that measured a range of psychosocial attributes, showed that, following training, participants improved in terms of overall well-being, as well as in specific areas that included perceived happiness, coping strategies, and quality of life. An important finding was that improvements were also observed in long-term follow-up testing. Both groups benefited from training, but the effect was greater in the group that received training before undergoing a control procedure. The results, which show that the benefits of our rehabilitation program extend into the psychosocial domain, underscore the potentially important relationship between psychosocial factors and cognitive performance in older adults.  相似文献   

This article reviews recent findings and new developments in alcohol and substance abuse treatment over the past 2 years. Outcome results from two large clinical trials: Project MATCH (Matching Alcoholism Treatments to Client Heterogeneity) for alcohol dependent patients; and the National Institute on Drug Abuse Collaborative Cocaine Treatment Study for cocaine dependent patients; and the naturalistic Drug Abuse Treatment Outcome Study have yielded important results on the possibility of patient treatment matching. The promising community reinforcement approaches have been expanded to opiate dependent and homeless populations. Finally, a number of studies point to the important role of self-help groups and the power of 12-step-based treatment approaches.  相似文献   

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