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Purpose  Determine age and gender differences and interaction effects in domain-specific life satisfaction in the German population and examine to which degree depressive and anxiety symptoms are associated with life satisfaction in addition to sociodemographic variables, and which domains are affected. Methods  Representative survey of the German population conducted 2006 with 5,036 participants (53.6% female). Mean age was 48.4 years (SD = 18.0). Measurements included domain-specific life satisfaction (FLZM), anxiety (GAD-7), depressive symptoms (PHQ-2), and sociodemographic variables (e.g., marital status, income, employment, education, urbanity, part of Germany, religiousness, age and gender). Results  Women were more satisfied with their family life, men showed greater satisfaction with their leisure activities. Age-group differences appeared in every life satisfaction domain. Age by gender interaction emerged in the field of satisfaction with health, income, and family life. Anxiety and depressive symptoms contributed significantly to the explained variance of domain-specific life satisfaction. Conclusions  Depressive and anxiety symptoms as two psychological variables have an additional impact on domain-specific life satisfaction. Further investigation is needed regarding the impact of psychological variables on domain-specific life satisfaction.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To describe gender differences in smoking cessation counseling practices among general practitioners (GPs), and to investigate the association between training for cessation counseling and counseling practices according to gender. METHODS: Data were collected in two cross-sectional mail surveys conducted in independent random samples of GPs in Montreal, the first in 1998, and the second in 2000. RESULTS: Respondents included 653 GPs (71% of 916 eligible). All indicators of smoking cessation counseling practices were more favorable among female GPs. Higher proportions of female GPs had received training (28% vs. 17%, p=0.002), and were aware of mailed print educational materials related to cessation counseling (81% vs. 57%, p<0.0001). Training among male GPs was associated with higher scores for ascertainment of smoking status (odds ratio (OR) (95% confidence interval)=1.69 (0.97, 2.96)), provision of advice (OR=2.20 (1.23, 3.95)), and provision of adjunct support (OR=2.86 (1.58, 5.16)). Training was not associated with counseling practices among female GPs. CONCLUSIONS: Female GPs may not benefit from formal cessation counseling training to the same extent as male GPs, possibly because they read and integrate the content of (easily available) print educational materials into their clinical practice to a greater extent than male GPs. The gender-specific impact of print educational material and formal training on cessation counseling should be evaluated among GPs.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: In a series of surveys intended for current and former smokers but sent to a random sample of the general population, we asked never smokers and smokers who did not wish to participate to transmit the questionnaire to any ever smoker they knew. We compared participants who received the questionnaire directly from us (original participants) to participants who received it from an addressee (secondary participants). METHODS: Questionnaires on smoking were mailed to 3300 residents of Geneva (Switzerland) in 1997, and returned by 1167 people (35%). RESULTS: The final sample consisted of similar numbers of original participants (n = 578, primary response rate = 18% of total sample, or about 46% of ever smokers) and secondary participants (n = 566). Original participants were 1.7 years older than secondary participants (P = 0.03) and were more likely to be men (50% versus 43%, P = 0.009). Proportions of current smokers, stages of change, confidence in ability to quit smoking, cigarettes per day and attempts to quit smoking were similar in the two groups. Secondary participants had lower self-efficacy scores (-0.30 standard deviation (SD) units, P < 0.03), and they derived more pleasure from smoking (+0.25 SD units, P = 0.04). Among ex-smokers, direct participants were less active than secondary participants in coping with the temptation to smoke (-0.58 SD units, P = 0.002). Associations between smoking-related variables were similar in original and secondary participants. CONCLUSION: Allowing non-eligible addressees to transmit the questionnaire to someone else doubled the response rate, produced moderate bias on some variables only and had no detectable impact on associations between smoking-related variables.  相似文献   

Although genetic polymorphisms have been shown to explain some of the large variation observed in the metabolism of inorganic arsenic there may be several other factors playing an important role, e.g. nutrition. The objective of this study was to elucidate the influence of various factors on current arsenic exposure and metabolism in Matlab, a rural area in Bangladesh, where elevated water arsenic concentrations and malnutrition are prevalent. In total 1571 individuals, randomly selected from all inhabitants above 5 years of age, were investigated by measuring arsenic in urine and drinking water. In a subset of 526 randomly selected individuals, arsenic metabolites were speciated using HPLC coupled to inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (HPLC-HG-ICPMS). A significant association was observed between arsenic in urine and drinking water (R2=0.41). The contribution to urinary arsenic from arsenic exposure from food and other water sources was calculated to be almost 50microg/L. The individuals in the present study had remarkably efficient methylation, in spite of high exposure and prevalence of malnutrition. Gender and age were major factors influencing arsenic metabolism in this population with a median of 77microg/L of arsenic in urine (range: 0.5-1994microg/L). Women had higher arsenic methylation efficiency than men, but only in childbearing age, supporting an influence of sex hormones. Overall, exposure level of arsenic, gender and age explained at most 30% of the variation in the present study, indicating that genetic polymorphisms are the most important factor influencing the metabolism of inorganic arsenic.  相似文献   

Nonsmokers, exsmokers, cigarette smokers, and other smokers were compared for a variety of psychological, physiological, and sociodemographic characteristics. A total of 183 white men and 284 white women, 17 to 65 years of age, who were home office employees of the Liberty Life Insurance Company participated in the study. Age-adjusted comparisons indicated that nonsmokers differed from smokers in that they attended church more frequently and had more education; were less likely to have spouses who smoked; were less active physically on the job; were more likely to eat breakfast and desserts; consumed fewer soft drinks, alcoholic beverages, and coffee; and had lower pulse rates (men only) and thinner skinfolds. The differences among smoking categories for job-related factors, coping techniques, leisure time physical activity, and personality characteristics were generally unremarkable. In light of the numerous comparisons made, it was surprising how few differences were observed. Although the discriminant function was only modestly successful in classifying smokers and nonsmokers (78% accuracy), differences in diet, behavior, spouse characteristics, religious habits, and health orientations may prove useful in designing smoking prevention and cessation programs.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The prevalence of smoking remains higher among the Medicaid population compared with the general population. To reduce this disparity, the majority of state Medicaid programs now provide coverage for smoking cessation pharmacotherapy. The objectives of this study were to (1) assess awareness of this benefit among Medicaid smokers and (2) compare the use of pharmacotherapy among a sample of Medicaid smokers with smokers in the general population of western New York. METHODS: This report summarizes findings from two cross-sectional studies conducted in western New York State during 2002 to 2003: (1) Medicaid smokers (n = 1,174) completed an interviewer-administered questionnaire in the Office of Medicaid Management and (2) smokers from the general population (n = 852) completed a telephone survey. RESULTS: The majority of Medicaid smokers (54%) remain unaware of the program benefit providing coverage for smoking cessation pharmacotherapies. Medicaid smokers were much less likely (odds ratio = 0.33, 95% confidence interval = 0.25-0.44) than the general population to report having ever used pharmacotherapies. CONCLUSIONS: Highlighting the availability of the smoking cessation pharmacotherapy benefit to Medicaid program participants may be one strategy to enhance quit attempts among this population. Future research should identify other potential barriers to the use of effective pharmacotherapies among poorer smokers.  相似文献   

This study presents male and female responses of 193 university students to questions about sexual experiences and fantasies. There are few significant gender differences in experiences, but many in fantasies. Males fantasized about sex more and exhibited greater interest in partner variation and in the spectrum from domination to sadism. While male sexuality is often described as aggressive/sadistic and female sexuality as passive/masochistic, most men and women in our population do not report fantasies supporting such stereotypes.  相似文献   

目的 了解四川省病残儿先天性疾病性别、城乡顺位差异及年龄趋势,为探讨疾病重点防治策略提供科学依据。方法 基于国际疾病分类编码体系,对四川省2004-2015年鉴定的18 897例先天性病残儿对应的21 059个鉴定诊断进行疾病编码,分析性别、城乡顺位差异及年龄趋势。结果 先天性心脏病在女性(30.85%)病残儿中构成比高于男性(19.08%),脑先天性畸形、肌肉骨骼先天性变形构成比在男性(7.24%和4.76%)中高于女性(5.94%和3.92%)。脊柱及胸廓先天性畸形构成比随年龄增长而升高,先天性心脏病、脑先天性畸形、唐氏综合征则随年龄增长而降低(均有P<0.05)。唐氏综合征、先天性晶状体畸形在城镇组中构成比更高,肌肉骨骼先天性变形、上肢短小缺陷、唇腭裂在农村组中构成比更高。结论 四川省病残儿先天性疾病在性别、城乡顺位构成和年龄趋势上存在差异,应据此制订切实有效的重点防治策略,合理管控先天性病残儿家庭再生育风险,降低疾病发生率和致残率。  相似文献   

This study aimed to elucidate gender differences in dietary intake of rural Bangladeshi adults. A food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) survey using 15 food/dish items, together with anthropometric measurements, was conducted for 230 adults and adolescents (95 males and 135 females). To estimate the portion sizes of these foods/dishes, the samples consumed by 25 subjects were weighed. The FFQ revealed that rice was eaten two to three times (or more) per day by 98% of the subjects, providing nearly 60% of energy for both sexes. Puri (fried bread), meats, eggs, pulses, milk, fresh vegetables, fruits, tea with milk and sugar, and soft drinks were consumed more frequently by males. Males' larger portion sizes of rice, fish dish, potato dish, and vegetable dish resulted in larger daily energy intake per body weight in males (235 +/- 41 kJ/kg) than in females (161 +/- 28 kJ/kg). Despite males' larger energy intake, the proportion of chronically energy deficient persons (<18.5 kg/m2 in body mass index) was similar between males (35.8%) and females (37.8%), attributing to males' larger energy expenditure. Females' less-frequent consumption of nutritious foods and smaller energy intake were considered vulnerable to micronutrient deficiency.  相似文献   

This study aimed to elucidate gender differences in dietary intake of rural Bangladeshi adults. A food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) survey using 15 food/dish items, together with anthropometric measurements, was conducted for 230 adults and adolescents (95 males and 135 females). To estimate the portion sizes of these foods/dishes, the samples consumed by 25 subjects were weighed. The FFQ revealed that rice was eaten two to three times (or more) per day by 98% of the subjects, providing nearly 60% of energy for both sexes. Puri (fried bread), meats, eggs, pulses, milk, fresh vegetables, fruits, tea with milk and sugar, and soft drinks were consumed more frequently by males. Males’ larger portion sizes of rice, fish dish, potato dish, and vegetable dish resulted in larger daily energy intake per body weight in males (235±41 kJ/kg) than in females (161±28 kJ/kg). Despite males’ larger energy intake, the proportion of chronically energy deficient persons (<18.5 kg/m2 in body mass index) was similar between males (35.8%) and females (37.8%), attributing to males’ larger energy expenditure. Females’ less-frequent consumption of nutritious foods and smaller energy intake were considered vulnerable to micronutrient deficiency.  相似文献   

Measurement of mental health in a general population survey   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Ascorbic acid requirements for smokers: analysis of a population survey   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The recommended dietary allowance (RDA) of ascorbic acid for smokers was recently increased from 60 to 100 mg. To determine whether this new RDA for smokers is sufficient to reduce the risk of low serum ascorbic acid (AA) concentrations (LoC) to the same concentration as nonsmokers, we analyzed the dietary intakes and serum concentrations of AA in 11,582 adult respondents in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (1976-1980). Serum AA concentrations and the risk of LoC (serum ascorbic acid levels less than 23 mumol/L) for smokers consuming different amounts of AA were compared with those for nonsmokers whose AA intake exceeded the RDA (60 mg). Serum AA concentrations were reduced, and risk of LoC increased, in smokers maintaining AA intakes greater than 60, 100, and 150 mg. Only smokers consuming greater than 200 mg AA/d had serum ascorbate concentrations and risk of LoC equivalent to nonsmokers meeting the RDA.  相似文献   



A change in pattern of tobacco use has been observed in the last decade in Norway. Snuff use and occasional smoking have to some degree replaced daily smoking among adolescents and young adults. Daily smoking is known to be negatively associated with social background factors, but little is known about these associations for other types of tobacco use. Our aim was to study different types of tobacco use among adolescents according to gender, educational ambitions, family background factors, and urbanization.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To investigate nonresponse bias in a two-phase epidemiologic study of eating-disordered behavior. METHOD: Self-report questionnaires were delivered to a community sample of women aged 18-45 drawn from the electoral roll. Follow-up interviews were completed with a subgroup of respondents. Eating disorder psychopathology, general physical and mental health, and sociodemographic characteristics were compared among early (n = 259) and late (n = 71) respondents at the first phase of the study and among individuals with whom interviews were completed (n = 208) and individuals declining to be interviewed (n = 63) at the second phase. RESULTS: With respect to levels of eating disorder psychopathology, and on all other measures, individuals who responded at the first phase of the study only after repeated reminders did not differ from those who responded to the initial mailout, and individuals who declined to be interviewed did not differ from individuals with whom interviews were completed. CONCLUSIONS: Nonresponse bias among individuals declining to be interviewed is unlikely to pose a problem in two-phase epidemiologic studies of eating disorders. Further research is needed to examine the characteristics of nonrespondents at the first phase of such studies.  相似文献   

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