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QCT provides a measure of volumetric BMD (vBMD) and distinguishes trabecular from cortical bone. Few studies have determined the factors related to vBMD in men, especially among men of African heritage. This study evaluated the relationship of anthropometric, medical, and behavioral factors and vBMD in a population‐based cohort of men of African ancestry (n = 1901) ≥40 yr of age who had undergone screening for prostate cancer for the first time. Trabecular and cortical vBMD were measured at the radius and tibia by pQCT. Multiple linear regression analysis identified age, height, body weight, cigarette smoking, history of diabetes, fracture, and prostate cancer as the independent correlates of vBMD. However, associations with several variables differed between cortical and trabecular vBMD and between the radius and tibia. Longitudinal studies are needed to gain a better understanding of the mechanisms underlying these differential associations that may show new insight into the etiology of trabecular and cortical bone loss in men.  相似文献   

Summary Correlates of BMD were examined in a cross-sectional analysis of men of West African ancestry. BMD, measured at the total hip and the femoral neck subregion, was associated with age, anthropometric, lifestyle, and medical factors in multiple linear regression models. These models explained 25–27% of the variability in total hip and femoral neck BMD, respectively, and 13% of the variability in estimated volumetric BMD. Objective To examine the correlates of bone mineral density (BMD) in men of West African ancestry. Methods Two thousand five hundred and one men aged 40 to 93 years were recruited from the Caribbean Island of Tobago. Participants completed a questionnaire and physical examination. We measured hip BMD and body composition, using DXA. Volumetric BMD was estimated as bone mineral apparent density (BMAD). Results BMD was 10% and 20% higher in African Caribbean males compared to U.S. non-Hispanic black and white males, respectively. In multiple linear regression models, greater lean mass, history of working on a fishing boat or on a farm, frequent walking, and self-reported diabetes were significantly associated with higher BMD. Fat mass, history of farming, and self-reported hypertension were also associated with higher BMAD. Older age, mixed African ancestry, and history of a fracture were associated with lower BMD and BMAD. Lean body mass explained 20%, 18% and 6% of the variance in BMD at the total hip, femoral neck and BMAD, respectively. Conclusions African Caribbean males have the highest BMD on a population level ever reported. Lean mass was the single most important correlate. Variability in BMD/BMAD was also explained by age, mixed African ancestry, anthropometric, lifestyle, and medical factors.  相似文献   

We used data from the Osteoporotic Fractures in Men (MrOS) study to test the hypothesis that men with higher levels of bone turnover would have accelerated bone loss and an elevated risk of fracture. MrOS enrolled 5995 subjects >65 yr; hip BMD was measured at baseline and after a mean follow‐up of 4.6 yr. Nonspine fractures were documented during a mean follow‐up of 5.0 yr. Using fasting serum collected at baseline and stored at ?190°C, bone turnover measurements (type I collagen N‐propeptide [PINP]; β C‐terminal cross‐linked telopeptide of type I collagen [βCTX]; and TRACP5b) were obtained on 384 men with nonspine fracture (including 72 hip fractures) and 947 men selected at random. Among randomly selected men, total hip bone loss was 0.5%/yr among those in the highest quartile of PINP (>44.3 ng/ml) and 0.3%/yr among those in the lower three quartiles (p = 0.01). Fracture risk was elevated among men in the highest quartile of PINP (hip fracture relative hazard = 2.13; 95% CI: 1.23, 3.68; nonspine relative hazard = 1.57, 95% CI: 1.21, 2.05) or βCTX (hip fracture relative hazard = 1.76, 95 CI: 1.04, 2.98; nonspine relative hazard = 1.29, 95% CI: 0.99, 1.69) but not TRACP5b. Further adjustment for baseline hip BMD eliminated all associations between bone turnover and fracture. We conclude that higher levels of bone turnover are associated with greater hip bone loss in older men, but increased turnover is not independently associated with the risk of hip or nonspine fracture.  相似文献   

Short leukocyte telomere length (TL), low BMD, and osteoporosis have been associated with increased inflammation. Previous reports suggest an association between TL, BMD, and osteoporosis in women. We sought to verify these associations and to determine whether TL is related to fracture in a cohort of older men and women. Participants included 2750 community‐dwelling older persons from the longitudinal Health, Aging, and Body Composition Study (Health ABC) in who average leukocyte TL was measured at baseline using qPCR. We used unconditional logistic regression to determine the association of TL with prevalent fracture, Cox proportional hazards regression for the association with 7‐yr incident fracture, and mixed linear models for the association with BMD, change in BMD, and the number of incident fractures. TL was negatively correlated with age, weight, fasting insulin, and fasting glucose in men and women, and additionally, with C‐reactive protein and IL‐6 in men. TL was not associated with BMD; change in BMD over 1, 3, or 5 yr; osteoporosis; baseline fracture; or 7‐yr incident fracture, before or after adjustment for age, race, smoking, and health characteristics. TL is not associated with BMD, osteoporosis, or fracture in older men or women in this sample.  相似文献   

Using QCT, we made a longitudinal, population‐based assessment of rates of bone loss over life at the distal radius, distal tibia, and lumbar spine. Cortical bone loss began in perimenopause in women and later in life in men. In contrast, trabecular bone loss began in young adulthood in both sexes. Introduction: Although conventional wisdom holds that bone loss begins at menopause in women and later in life in men, this has not been examined longitudinally in population‐based studies using precise technology capable of distinguishing cortical and trabecular bone. Materials and Methods: In an age‐ and sex‐stratified population sample (n = 553), we measured volumetric BMD (vBMD) of trabecular and cortical bone by QCT annually for up to 3 yr at the distal radius (DR) and distal tibia (DT) (n = 552) and trabecular vBMD at baseline and 3 yr at the lumbar spine (LS) (n = 474). Results: Substantial cortical bone loss began in middle life in women but began mainly after age 75 in men. In contrast, substantial trabecular bone loss began in young adult women and men at all three skeletal sites and continued throughout life with acceleration during perimenopause in women. Women experienced 37% and men experienced 42% of their total lifetime trabecular bone loss before age 50 compared with 6% and 15%, respectively, for cortical bone. Median rates of change in trabecular bone (%/yr) were ?0.40, ?0.24, and ?1.61 in young adult women and ?0.38, ?0.40, and ?0.84 in young adult men at the DR, DT, and LS, respectively (all p < 0.001). The early trabecular bone loss did not consistently correlate with putative causal factors, except for a trend with IGF‐related variables at DT in women. However, in postmenopausal women and, to a lesser extent, in older men, higher rates of cortical and trabecular bone loss were associated with lower levels of biologically‐active sex steroids and with higher levels of follicle‐stimulating hormone and bone turnover markers. Conclusions: The late onset of cortical bone loss is temporally associated with sex steroid deficiency. However, the early‐onset, substantial trabecular bone loss in both sexes during sex steroid sufficiency is unexplained and indicates that current paradigms on the pathogenesis of osteoporosis are incomplete.  相似文献   

Better assessment of the association between cardiovascular disease and osteoporosis in older men may help identify shared etiologies for bone and heart health in this population. We assessed the association of BMD and bone turnover markers (BTMs) with risk of cardiovascular events (myocardial infarction or stroke) in 744 men ≥50 yr of age. During the 7.5‐yr prospective follow‐up, 43 strokes and 40 myocardial infarctions occurred in 79 men. After adjustment for confounders (age, weight, height, smoking, education, physical activity, self‐reported history of diabetes, hypertension, and prevalent ischemic heart disease), men in the lowest quartile of BMD at the spine, whole body, and forearm had a 2‐fold increased risk of cardiovascular events. Men in the highest quartile of bone resorption markers (deoxypyridinoline [DPD], C‐telopeptide of type I collagen) had a 2‐fold increased risk of cardiovascular events (e.g., multivariable‐adjusted hazard ratio [including additional adjustment for BMD] was 2.11 [95% CI: 1.26–3.56], for the highest quartile of free DPD relative to the lowest three quartiles). The results were similar for men without prevalent ischemic heart disease and for myocardial infarction and stroke analyzed separately. Our data suggest that men with low BMD or high bone resorption may be at increased risk of myocardial infarction and stroke in addition to fracture. Thus, men with osteoporosis may benefit from screening for cardiovascular disease. Further study to elucidate the biological mechanism shared by bone and vascular disease may help efforts to identify men at risk or develop treatment.  相似文献   

Wnts comprise a family of secreted growth factors that regulate the development and maintenance of many organs. Recently, Wnt10b was shown to stimulate osteoblastogenesis and bone formation in mice. To evaluate further the role of Wnt10b in bone health in humans, we performed bidirectional sequencing of ~8 kb of the WNT10B gene region in 192 individuals (96 African, 96 white) to identify single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). We identified 19 SNPs with minor allele frequency (MAF) ≥0.01. Ten of these SNPs were not present in the NCBI dbSNP database (build 127), whereas 10 of the 20 SNPs (50%) reported in dbSNP were not verified. We initially genotyped seven tagging SNPs that captured common (MAF ≥ 0.05) variation in the region with r2 > 0.80 and a potentially functional SNP in exon 5 in 1035 Afro‐Caribbean men ≥40 yr of age. Association analysis showed three SNPs in a 3′ region of linkage disequilibrium that were associated with DXA measures of hip BMD. Associations between two of these three SNPs (rs1051886, rs3741627) with hip BMD were replicated in an additional 980 Afro‐Caribbean men (p < 0.05), in the combined sample of 2015 men (p ≤ 0.006), and in 416 individuals ≥18 yr of age (mean, 44 yr) belonging to eight extended, multigenerational Afro‐Caribbean families with mean family size >50 (3535 relative pairs; p < 0.05). Further analysis showed that rs1051886 and rs3741627 were associated with cortical cross‐sectional area, periosteal circumference, and BMC in the radius, such that individuals with the minor alleles had lower biomechanical indices of long‐bone bending strength. This analysis implicates the WNT10B locus as a genetic element in the regulation of bone mass and structural geometry.  相似文献   

The structure of the femoral neck contributes to hip strength, but the relationship of specific structural features of the hip to hip fracture risk is unclear. The objective of this study is to determine the contribution of structural features and volumetric density of both trabecular and cortical bone in the proximal femur to the prediction of hip fracture in older men. Baseline QCT scans of the hip were obtained in 3347 men ≥65 yr of age enrolled in the Osteoporotic Fractures in Men Study (MrOS). All men were followed prospectively for an average of 5.5 yr. Areal BMD (aBMD) by DXA was also assessed. We determined the associations between QCT‐derived measures of femoral neck structure, volumetric bone density, and hip fracture risk. Forty‐two men sustained incident hip fractures during follow‐up: an overall rate of 2.3/1000 person‐years. Multivariable analyses showed that, among the QCT‐derived measures, lower percent cortical volume (hazard ratio [HR] per SD decrease: 3.2; 95% CI: 2.2–4.6), smaller minimal cross‐sectional area (HR: 1.6; 95% CI: 1.2–2.1), and lower trabecular BMD (HR: 1.7; 95% CI: 1.2–2.4) were independently related to increased hip fracture risk. Femoral neck areal BMD was also strongly related to hip fracture risk (HR: 4.1; 95% CI: 2.7–6.4). In multivariable models, percent cortical volume and minimum cross‐sectional area remained significant predictors of hip fracture risk after adjustment for areal BMD, but overall prediction was not improved by adding QCT parameters to DXA. Specific structural features of the proximal femur were related to an increased risk of hip fracture. Whereas overall hip fracture prediction was not improved relative to aBMD, by adding QCT parameters, these results yield useful information concerning the causation of hip fracture, the evaluation of hip fracture risk, and potential targets for therapeutic intervention.  相似文献   

Hip fracture risk rises 100‐ to 1000‐fold over six decades of age, but only a minor part of this increase is explained by declining BMD. A potentially independent cause of fragility is cortical thinning predisposing to local crushing, in which bone tissue's material disintegrates at the microscopic level when compressed beyond its capacity to maintain integrity. Elastic instability or buckling of a much thinned cortex might alternatively occur under compression. In a buckle, the cortex moves approximately at right angles to the direction of load, thereby distorting its microstructure, eventually to the point of disintegration. By resisting buckling movement, trabecular buttressing would protect the femoral neck cortex against this type of failure but not against crushing. We quantified the effect of aging on trabecular BMD in the femoral neck and assessed its contribution to cortical elastic stability, which determines resistance to buckling. Using CT, we measured ex vivo the distribution of bone in the midfemoral necks of 35 female and 33 male proximal femurs from cases of sudden death in those 20–95 yr of age. We calculated the critical stress σcr, at which the cortex was predicted to buckle locally, from the geometric properties and density of the cortical zone most highly loaded in a sideways fall. Using long‐established engineering principles, we estimated the amount by which stability or buckling resistance was increased by the trabecular bone supporting the most stressed cortical sector in each femoral neck. We repeated these measurements and calculations in an age‐ and sex‐matched series of femoral necks donated by women who had suffered intracapsular hip fracture and controls, using histological measurements of cortical thickness to improve accuracy. With normal aging, trabecular BMD declined asymmetrically, fastest in the supero‐lateral one‐half (in antero‐posterior projection) of the trabecular compartment. When viewed axially with respect to the femoral neck, the most rapid loss of trabecular bone occurred in the posterior part of this region (supero‐posterior [S‐P]), amounting to a 42% reduction in women (34% in men) over five decades of adult age. Because local cortical bone thickness declined comparably, age had no significant effect on the relative contributions of cortical and trabecular bone to elastic stability, and trabecular bone was calculated to contribute 40% (in men) and 43% (in women) to the S‐P cortex of its overall elastic stability. Hip fracture cases had reduced elastic stability compared with age‐matched controls, with a median reduction of 49% or 37%, depending on whether thickness was measured histologically or by CT (pQCT; p < 0.002 for both). This effect was because of reduced cortical thickness and density. Trabecular BMD was similar in hip fracture cases and controls. The capacity of the femur to resist fracture in a sideways fall becomes compromised with normal aging because cortical thickness and trabecular BMD in the most compressed part of the femoral neck both decline substantially. This decline is relatively more rapid than that of femoral neck areal BMD. If elastic instability rather than cortical crushing initiates the fracture event, interventions that increase trabecular bone in the proximal femur have great potential to reduce fracture risk because the gradient defining the increase in elastic stability with increasing trabecular BMD is steep, and most hip fracture cases have sufficient trabecular bone for anabolic therapies to build on.  相似文献   

Genetics is a well‐established but poorly understood determinant of BMD. Whereas some genetic variants may influence BMD throughout the body, others may be skeletal site specific. We initially screened for associations between 4608 tagging and potentially functional single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in 383 candidate genes and femoral neck and lumbar spine volumetric BMD (vBMD) measured from QCT scans among 862 community‐dwelling white men ≥65 yr of age in the Osteoporotic Fractures in Men Study (MrOS). The most promising SNP associations (p < 0.01) were validated by genotyping an additional 1156 white men from MrOS. This analysis identified 8 SNPs in 6 genes (APC, DMP1, FGFR2, FLT1, HOXA, and PTN) that were associated with femoral neck vBMD and 13 SNPs in 7 genes (APC, BMPR1B, FOXC2, HOXA, IGFBP2, NFATC1, and SOST) that were associated with lumbar spine vBMD in both genotyping samples (p < 0.05). Although most associations were specific to one skeletal site, SNPs in the APC and HOXA gene regions were associated with both femoral neck and lumbar spine BMD. This analysis identifies several novel and robust genetic associations for volumetric BMD, and these findings in combination with other data suggest the presence of genetic loci for volumetric BMD that are at least to some extent skeletal‐site specific.  相似文献   

To determine if bone mineral density (BMD) substantially influences health-related behaviors in men at risk for osteoporosis, we surveyed 102 men who were participating in a study of prostate cancer and bone loss. Subjects included 68 men with prostate cancer, 44 of whom were hypogonadal on androgen deprivation therapy, and 34 healthy age-matched controls without prostate cancer. At least 6 mo after an initial evaluation, assessment of BMD, and osteoporosis information session, men were administered a questionnaire regarding their healthrelated behaviors. We found that men with osteopenia were 4 times as likely (13%) and men with osteoporosis were more than 10 times as likely (41%) to start taking bisphosphonates compared to men with a normal bone mass (3%, p < 0.0001). Men with low bone mass were more likely to begin taking calcium (p < 0.05) and vitamin D supplements (p < 0.05). Hypogonadal men were 10 times as likely to begin using bisphosphonates (34%) compared to the control group (3%, p < 0.0001) and twice as likely to begin using calcium supplements (57% vs 24%, p < 0.05). Caffeine consumption, alcohol consumption, dietary calcium intake, exercise, and smoking habits were not different in men with osteoporosis or those who were hypogonadal compared to controls. We conclude that men with low bone mass and hypogonadism were more likely to start using bisphosphonates, calcium supplements, and vitamin D supplements after having a bone density test. However, they were not more likely to make significant health-related lifestyle changes after obtaining the results of their bone mass.  相似文献   

Fetuin‐A is a hepatic secretory protein that promotes bone mineralization in vitro. Whether fetuin‐A levels are associated with BMD in humans is unknown. The Health Aging and Body Composition study enrolled 3075 well‐functioning black and white persons 70–79 yr of age and measured BMD. This cross‐sectional study measured serum fetuin‐A using ELISA among a random sample of 508 participants within sex and race strata. Multivariate linear regression analysis evaluated the associations of fetuin‐A with BMD. Among women (n = 257), higher fetuin‐A levels were significantly associated with higher total hip (p = 0.02), lumbar spine (p = 0.03), and whole body BMD (p = 0.01) in models adjusted for age, race, diabetes, alcohol and tobacco use, physical activity, body mass index, C‐reactive protein levels, calcium supplement, and estrogen use. For example, each SD (0.38 g/liter) higher level of fetuin‐A was associated with 0.016 g/cm2 higher total hip areal BMD. The association was of similar magnitude and direction for femoral neck BMD but did not reach statistical significance (p = 0.11). In contrast, among men (n = 251), fetuin‐A had no significant associations with total hip (p = 0.79), lumbar spine (p = 0.35), whole body (p = 0.46), or femoral neck BMD (p = 0.54) in multivariable models. We conclude that higher fetuin‐A levels are independently associated with higher BMD among well‐functioning community‐dwelling older women but not older men. Future studies should evaluate whether fetuin‐A may refine fracture risk assessment in older women.  相似文献   

Low BMD, high concentration of 17β‐estradiol (17βE2), and decreased level of 25‐droxycholecalciferol [25(OH)D] predict mortality. Our hypothesis is that high levels of biochemical bone turnover markers (BTMs) are independent predictors of mortality in home‐dwelling men. In 781 men ≥50 yr of age followed up prospectively for 10 yr, we studied the association of BTMs with mortality after adjustment for confounders including BMD, major osteoporotic fractures, and concentrations of 17βE2 and 25(OH)D. Men who died had lower BMD and higher BTM levels. In multivariate models, mortality was higher in men with low BMD (lowest quartile) at the total hip, whole body, and ultradistal radius (HR = 1.49–1.70, p < 0.05). After exclusion of the first 3 yr, higher levels (fourth quartile) of bone resorption markers (free and total deoxypyridinoline and urinary and serum type I collagen C‐telopeptide) predicted mortality in multivariate models adjusted for age, BMI, smoking habits, alcohol intake, physical performance and activity, comorbidities, total hip BMD, major osteoporotic fractures, creatinine clearance, season, and concentrations of 17βE2 and 25(OH)D (HR = 1.58–2.44, p < 0.05–0.001). In conclusion, in older community‐dwelling men, increased bone resorption markers levels predicted mortality regardless of age and other confounders. Thus, in older men, high bone resorption may reflect poor current health status and poor aging.  相似文献   

Our objective was to estimate the relationship between longitudinal change in BMD and fragility fractures. We studied 3635 women and 1417 men 50–85 yr of age in the Canadian Multicentre Osteoporosis Study who had at least two BMD measurements (lumbar spine, femoral neck, total hip, and trochanter) within the first 5 yr of the study and fragility fractures (any, main, forearm/wrist, ribs, hip) within the first 7 yr. Multiple logistic regression was used to model the relationship between baseline BMD, BMD change, and fragility fractures. We found that, among nonusers of antiresorptives, independent of baseline BMD, a decrease of 0.01 g/cm2/yr in total hip BMD was associated with an increased risk of fragility fracture with ORs of 1.15 (95% CI: 1.01; 1.32) in women and 1.34 (95% CI: 1.02; 1.78) in men. The risk of fragility fractures in subgroups such as fast losers and those with osteopenia was better estimated by models that included BMD change than by models that included baseline BMD but excluded BMD change. Although the association between baseline BMD and fragility fractures was similar in users and nonusers of antiresorptives, the association was stronger in nonusers compared with users. These results show that BMD change in both men and women is an independent risk factor for fragility fractures and also predicts fracture risk in those with osteopenia. The results suggest that BMD change should be included with other variables in a comprehensive fracture prediction model to capture its contribution to osteoporotic fracture risk.  相似文献   

Low trabecular (Tb) and cortical (Ct) volumetric BMD (vBMD) are related to increased fracture risk, but little is known about the patterns and correlates of Tb and Ct vBMD loss with aging. We examined the rates of change in total, Tb.vBMD, and Ct.vBMD at the radius and tibia, and identified factors associated with vBMD loss among 1569 men of African descent aged 40 years and older. Quantitative computed tomography was used to measure vBMD 6 years apart. The annualized rate of loss in Tb.vBMD was significant at the radius (–0.047%/yr, p = 0.016) but not at the tibia. At the radius, a significant loss of Tb.vBMD was observed in men aged 40 to 49 years that appeared to be attenuated and not statistically significant among older age men. In contrast, the decline in Ct.vBMD was similar at both skeletal sites (–0.254 to –0.264%/yr, p < 0.0001) and was consistent across all age groups. Positive associations were found for vBMD changes with body weight (all but radius Ct.vBMD) and diabetes (Ct.vBMD only), whereas negative associations were found with hypertension (all but radius Tb.vBMD), smoking (Ct.vBMD only), and androgen deprivation therapy (cortical vBMD only). Trabecular and cortical vBMD loss appears to follow different patterns among middle‐ and older‐aged men of African ancestry. Factors associated with the decline in vBMD also varied by compartment and anatomical site. Additional studies are needed to better understand the physiological mechanisms underlying early BMD loss among African‐ancestry men. © 2014 American Society for Bone and Mineral Research.  相似文献   

We prospectively examined vBMD and structural bone parameters assessed by QCT among participants of the InCHIANTI study over a 6‐yr follow‐up. Periosteal apposition occurred both in men and women. Endocortical resorption causes bone loss in older women despite periosteal apposition. Introduction: To address the hypothesis that age‐related changes in BMD and bone geometry may be different in men and women, we prospectively examined volumetric BMD (vBMD) and structural bone parameters assessed by QCT among participants of the InCHIANTI study over a 6‐yr follow‐up. Materials and Methods: Three hundred forty‐five men and 464 women 21–102 yr of age from the InCHIANTI study, a population‐based study in Tuscany, Italy, were included. Tibial QCT bone parameters were measured at enrollment (1998–2000) and at 3‐ (2001–2003) and 6‐yr (2004–2006) follow‐ups. Results: Periosteal apposition occurred both in men and women. The annual rate of bone periosteal apposition was higher in younger than in older men, whereas in women, the rate of apposition was homogenous across age groups. The age‐related medullary expansion, expression of endocortical resorption, was significantly higher in women compared with men. In women, but not in men, accelerated endocortical resorption not sufficiently balanced by periosteal apposition caused accelerated loss in cortical bone mass. The cross‐sectional moment of inertia decreased progressively over the life span in both sexes. Conclusions: Endocortical resorption causes bone loss in older women despite periosteal apposition. Obtaining a balance between endocortical resorption and periosteal apposition should be the target for interventions aimed to decrease bone loss and prevent osteoporosis in older women.  相似文献   

Physical activity during growth has been associated with altered cortical bone geometry, but it remains uncertain if the physical activity–induced increments in cortical bone size remain when the level of physical activity is diminished or ceased. The aim of this study was to investigate if physical activity during growth is associated with cortical bone geometry in currently inactive young men. In this study, 1068 men (18.9 ± 0.6 [SD] yr) were included. Cortical bone geometry at the tibia and radius were measured using pQCT. A standardized questionnaire was used to collect information about current and previous sport activity. Subjects who continued to be active (n = 678) and who had been previously active (n = 285) in sports had a wider cortical bone (periosteal circumference [PC], 4.5% and 3.2%, respectively) with increased cross‐sectional area (CSA; 12.5% and 6.9%) of the tibia than the always inactive subjects (n = 82). In the currently inactive men (n = 367), regression analysis (including covariates age, height, weight, calcium intake, smoking, and duration of inactivity) showed that previous sport activity was independently associated with cortical bone size of the tibia (CSA and PC). Amount of previous sport activity explained 7.3% of the total variation in cortical CSA. Subjects, who ceased their sport activity for up to 6.5 yr previously, still had greater cortical PC and CSA of the tibia than always inactive subjects. The results from this study indicate that sport activity during growth confers positive effects on bone geometry even though sport activity is ceased.  相似文献   

We conducted a phenomenological qualitative study to examine fracture patients’ interpretations of their most recent bone densitometry results and perceptions of their current bone health. English-speaking outpatients who had sustained a fragility fracture in the previous 18–24 mo and reported having at least 1 previous bone mineral density (BMD) test were eligible. Data were collected through semistructured interviews in patients’ homes. Patients were asked to describe their most recent BMD test results and perception of their bone health status based on these results. Eighteen patients (14 women and 4 men) aged 49–82 yr were recruited. BMD results showed bone density in patients to be normal (n = 4), osteopenic (n = 9), and osteoporotic (n = 5). A correct diagnosis was recalled by 6 patients. Two common interpretations of BMD test results emerged: (1) no news was considered to be good news (n = 9) and (2) evidence of compromised bone health was not considered to be serious or accurate (n = 6). Medication adherence did not appear to be associated with perception of bone health or actual BMD results. Patients’ perceptions of their current bone health did not correspond to the results of their most recent BMD test. Standardized bone densitometry reporting may improve patients’ understanding of their bone health.  相似文献   

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