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一直以来,世界卫生组织将绩效管理作为完善管理体制、提升全球卫生治理能力的核心内容之一。为应对全球卫生新形势,世界卫生组织紧密围绕组织目标,以具体问题为导向,从绩效计划、管理绩效、绩效考核、奖励绩效等四个环节开展绩效管理改革,改革具有合理把控改革力度、坚持全员参与、注重沟通与反馈、强化过程管理等特点。我国公共部门应充分认识绩效管理的重要作用,融入现代治理理念,科学设定并适时调整绩效管理框架和路径,基于更加完备的信息系统,建立科学合理的绩效考核标准体系和奖惩机制。  相似文献   

The United Nations and its family of operational agencies have existed for almost five decades. For school health personnel, to understand how these agencies operate--in particular, the World Health Organization (WHO)--is worthwhile. To understand how WHO influenced the practice of health education for school-aged youth, some critical events that have occurred during the past five decades are reviewed and several current and future activities are identified and described.  相似文献   

The term "global health" is rapidly replacing the older terminology of "international health." We describe the role of the World Health Organization (WHO) in both international and global health and in the transition from one to the other. We suggest that the term "global health" emerged as part of larger political and historical processes, in which WHO found its dominant role challenged and began to reposition itself within a shifting set of power alliances.Between 1948 and 1998, WHO moved from being the unquestioned leader of international health to being an organization in crisis, facing budget shortfalls and diminished status, especially given the growing influence of new and powerful players. We argue that WHO began to refashion itself as the coordinator, strategic planner, and leader of global health initiatives as a strategy of survival in response to this transformed international political context.  相似文献   

A progressive erosion of the democratic space appears as one of the emerging challenges in global health today. Such delimitation of the political interplay has a particularly evident impact on the unique public interest function of the World Health Organization (WHO). This paper aims to identify some obstacles for a truly democratic functioning of the UN specialized agency for health. The development of civil society's engagement with the WHO, including in the current reform proposals, is described. The paper also analyses how today's financing of the WHO – primarily through multi-bi financing mechanisms – risks to choke the agency's role in global health. Democratizing the public debate on global health, and therefore the role of the WHO, requires a debate on its future role and engagement at the country level. This desirable process can only be linked to national debates on public health, and the re-definition of health as a primary political and societal concern.  相似文献   

In the year 2004 there were an estimated 220,000-320,000 people in The Netherlands with visual impairment. In 150,000-220,000 (70%) of them the visual impairment is either curable or could have been prevented. Those most at risk are people with intellectual disabilities, elderly people in care institutions, elderly people in general and diabetics. 'Vision 2020 Netherlands', an initiative of the World Health Organization, was launched to eliminate avoidable visual impairment in the Netherlands by the year 2020 by means of awareness campaigns, implementation of screening programmes and by expanding eye care capacity through efficient cooperation between the professional groups involved in eye care.  相似文献   

An NHS/housing association venture has produced good accommodation for 30 elderly people in need of long-term care. The housing organisation takes responsibility for support services such as laundry, cleaning, security and catering. The unit remains part of the NHS. Patients appreciate the environment and staff turnover is low.  相似文献   

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