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临沂市于2005年确立了创建国家卫生城市的目标。在创建卫生城市的过程中,以健康教育为先导,强化市民健康意识,广大群众的“大卫生”观念进一步增强.健康意识和自我保护能力显著提高.人人参与健康教育的氛围日渐浓厚,进一步优化了城市卫生综合环境,提高了城市的整体素质,为创建国家卫生城市奠定了良好的基础,从中也积累了许多工作经验。  相似文献   

健康教育 健康促进与健康城市   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
刨建卫生城市活动,作为爱国卫生工作的一项重要内容,近年来取得了非凡的成绩。在1988年10月19日全国爱国卫生运动委员会发出的《关于开展创建国家卫生城市活动的通知》中,把“健康教育效果明显”作为评选国家卫生城市的考核标准之一,并且规定了健康教育效果明显的七条量化指标。可见,健康教育在创建卫生城市活动中起着举足轻重的作用。现就健康教育、健康促进与健康城市的内涵和实质及三者之间的关系作以下分析。  相似文献   

为了解目前江苏省国家卫生城市中市民的健康知识知晓情况,并对全省创建国家卫生城健康教育工作进行效果评估.为进一步深化城市健康教育工作提出科学的对策和措施,我们于2004年11~12月,结合全省国家卫生城市的复查工作.对各国家卫生城市中的居民和中小学生的健康知识进行了抽样调查。  相似文献   

试析国家卫生城市与健康城市的关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
1978年,世界卫生组织(WHO)提出了“2000年人人享有卫生保健”的战略;在此背景下,1984年在加拿大多伦多市举行的一个名为“超超卫生保健”的会议上提出了“健康城市”的主张。1989年,随着威海市被全国爱卫会命名为我国第一个“国家卫生城市”之后,在全国掀起了创建国家卫生城市的巨澜,对我国城市的现代化建设和现代化管理产生了极其深远的影响,成就斐然。近几年来,创建国家卫生城市和创建健康城市的关系成为爱国卫生工作者思考的热点问题,本文试就此作一探讨。1国家卫生城市与健康城市的基本内涵国家卫生城市…  相似文献   

<正>临沂市于2005年确立了创建国家卫生城市的目标。在创建卫生城市的过程中,以健康教育为先导,强化市民健康意识,广大群众的“大卫生”观念进一步增强,健康意识和自我保护能力显著提高,人人参与健康教育的氛围日渐浓厚,进一步优化了城市卫生综合环境,提高了城市的整体素质,为创建国家卫生城市奠定了良好的基础,从中也积累了许多工作经验。  相似文献   

广州市委、市政府认真落实科学发展观,举全市之力,创建“国家环境保护模范城市”“国家园林城市”“国家卫生城市”“全国文明城市”并取得圆满成功。以举办第16届亚运会和亚残运会为契机,开展“健康亚运、健康广州——全民健康活动”。  相似文献   

目的评价国家卫生城市创建对城市居民健康的影响。方法抽取来自不同省份获得国家卫生城市称号的地级城市为研究城市,并为研究城市配对一个非国家卫生城市作为对照城市。自该市统计年鉴、年度疫情报告和调查表,获取卫生城市指标的相关数据,对国家卫生城市获得命名前后以及与对照城市进行比较研究。结果创卫之后国家卫生城市的法定传染病报告发病率、肠道传染病和血液及性传播传染病报告发病率的增长速度较创卫前明显下降。国家卫生城市中小学学生健康知识知晓率、居民健康知识知晓率和居民健康方式和行为形成率达到80%以上。结论虽然受到健康影响因素的复杂性和数据缺失的影响,本研究仍发现国家卫生城市创建对居民健康水平产生了积极作用。  相似文献   

濮阳市创建国家卫生城市工作顺利通过专家调研麻增银濮阳市1992年获得“全国卫生城市”以后,努力创建国家卫生城市,特别是去年以来,加大了创建力度,加快了创建步伐,各项创建工作日新月异,城市卫生水平迅速提高,到1995年5月底为止,各项创建工作基本达到了...  相似文献   

在“创卫”中如何开展健康教育工作(226200)江苏省启东市健康教育所顾云驰黄燕健康教育是创建国家卫生城市的重要组成部分,是提高全民族人口素质的重要条件。健康教育工作开展的好坏,反映一个国家、一个民族、一个地区、一个单位的文明程度,也是“两个文明”建...  相似文献   

谢剑峰 《中国健康教育》2001,17(12):758-759
深入开展健康教育是坚持以人为本 ,创建国家卫生城市的一项重要内容 ,为此 ,苏州市委、市政府颁发了《关于加快创建卫生城市步伐 ,提高城市整体环境质量的决定》及《苏州市爱国卫生工作“九五”计划及 2 0 1 0年远景目标》等文件 ,对健康教育提出了总体规划和要求 ,并列入市委、市政府与各区、各部委办局签订的创建责任书中 ,作为“一把手工程”加以实施。同时 ,不断健全健康教育网络。各级爱卫部门发挥规划协调职能 ,各级健康教育部门发挥业务技术指导职能 ,各街道根据“条块结合 ,以块为主”指导思想 ,建立以街道为主体 ,辖区内各单位和居…  相似文献   

Mental health policy making has moved steadily into the mainstream of health policy. The phenomenon has expanded the resources available to people with mental disorders. It has also led to decisions that are based on inadequate understanding of mental illnesses and their treatment. Continued progress in the well-being of people with mental disorders requires expanded engagement of the mental health community with mainstream health policymakers.  相似文献   

This paper profiles the faculty in schools of public health, particularly in environmental health. There are approximately 1,650 faculty members in schools of public health; 300 of them are in environmental health. The future demand for personnel in environmental health appears to be for generalists, as well as specialists in toxicology, epidemiology, environmental chemistry and biology, industrial hygiene, vector control, and institutional environments. These demands will require new and updated programs and additional faculty. While PhD scientists and engineers (the pool of potential new faculty) are increasingly being drawn to industry rather than academia, new personnel for faculty positions are expected to be available in the market.  相似文献   

Health fairs have been a typical intervention for most worksite and community health promotion programs. They are often one of the first types of intervention selected for use. Historically, they can be traced back to public health interventions conducted at 19th century county and state fairs, and have shown considerable sustaining resilience over time. A proposed 21st-century modification includes the concept of virtual health fairs, which use the Internet and provide a cyber version of the traditional health fair. Various programming strategies are proposed that have the potential to enhance the behavior change, risk mitigation, and economic return associated with health fairs.  相似文献   

Since the second half of the 20th century occupational health in health care workers is a well-established part of occupational medicine. Identification of environmental, biological, chemical, physical, and psychosocial hazards has lead to a number of preventive measures: Technical (e.g. use of safe instruments and double gloving as protection) and immunological (vaccinations) measures against biological hazards), and technical (lifting aides) and personal (back-schools) intervention to prevent musculoskeletal disorders are well-designed examples.  相似文献   

Two models of organizational behavior were tested using a population of 200 Health Systems Agencies (HSAs) in the U.S.A. A 'needs' model, based on mental health high-risk sociodemographic indicators, and a 'resources' model, based on a mental health manpower, facilities and system-activation indicators, were used to predict 1978 HSA activities in mental health governing board representation, Health Systems Plan development and Certificate of Need (CON) project review. Where there were differences, resource indicators explained more variance in HSA activities than did need indicators. HSA project review activity was better explained by both sets of indicators than were board and plan activities. HSA recommendations were most often consistent with the aims of health planning.  相似文献   

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