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Purpose: To report results and complications of 23-gauge transconjunctival sutureless pars plana vitrectomy for a variety of vitreoretinal diseases. Methods: A prospective consecutive case series study was performed in 66 eyes of 66 patients. Indications for surgery were epiretinal membrane (n?=?20), rhegmatogenous retinal detachment (n?=?19: 14 pseudophakic, 5 phakic), macular hole (n?=?16), vitreous hemorrhage (n?=?5), cyclodialysis (n?=?1), intraocular lens luxation (n?=?1), asteroid hyalosis (n?=?1), congenital retinoschisis (n?=?1), and endophtalmitis (n?=?2). Main outcome measures included visual acuity, intraocular pressure, and intra- and post-operative complications. Results: Mean patient age at time of operation was 68?±?12 years. Overall, visual acuity improved from 1.03?±?1.00 logMAR preoperatively to 0.32?±?0.33 logMAR postoperatively (p?<?0.01) after a mean follow-up time of 9.3?±?4.7 months. Mean preoperative intraocular pressure was 13.9?±?3.5 mmHg, and mean postoperative intraocular pressure was 17.9?±?9.6 mmHg on day 1 (p?<?0.01) and 14.7?±?2.8 mmHg (p?=?0.05) at final visit. Concerning complications, 2 cases of hypotony and 7 of hypertony occurred on day 1, a macular hole reopened some weeks later, and a retinal detachment recurred in one case. Conclusion: 23-gauge transconjunctival sutureless vitrectomy is an effective and safe technique for a variety of vitreoretinal diseases. 相似文献
PurposeThe development of 23-gauge vitrectomy surgery has many benefits including a reduction in surgical time and faster postoperative rehabilitation; however, some have suggested that the complication rate is higher. To assess this we compared the incidence and distribution of iatrogenic retinal tears in 20- and 23-gauge surgery. MethodsFifty consecutive 23-gauge and 50 consecutive 20-gauge vitrectomy cases were selected; eyes with a history of previous vitreoretinal surgery were excluded. All surgery was performed by two surgeons (JL and RN). Entry-site breaks (ESB) were defined as any new vitreoretinal abnormality occurring within 1 clock hour of an entry site for which treatment with cryotherapy was deemed necessary. Data were collected by retrospective case note review. Statistical analysis was carried out using Fisher''s exact and χ2-tests. ResultsESB occurred in 24% (12/50) of cases in the 20-gauge group compared with 8% (4/50) in the 23-gauge group ( P=0.03); 88% (14/16) occurred superiorly on the same side as the surgeons'' dominant hand. Iatrogenic breaks recorded elsewhere indicated an increased incidence in the 20-gauge group (9/50 compared with 6/50 in 23-gauge) but this did not achieve significance; the most common position was at 6 o''clock. Conclusions23-Gauge vitrectomy is associated with significantly fewer ESB when compared with conventional 20-gauge vitrectomy. The incidence of other iatrogenic breaks did not appear to be significantly different between the two groups. 相似文献
目的 对比23G与20G玻璃体切割技术治疗增殖性糖尿病视网膜病变引起的玻璃体出血临床疗效.方法 临床病例对照研究.收集2010年3月至2012年9月在宣武医院眼科诊治的增殖性糖尿病视网膜病变,所致玻璃体出血需行玻璃体切割手术治疗患者,分为23G玻璃体切割组及20G玻璃体切割组,记录患者术前个人资料包括年龄、性别、糖尿病患病时间、玻璃体出血至手术时间、术前糖化血红蛋白以及眼科检查结果视力、眼压、散瞳眼底情况,并行眼B超检查.两组患者分别行23G及20G玻璃体切割,记录每例患者的手术时间及眼内玻璃体切割操作时间,术后患者1周、1、2、3月复查分别记录视力、眼压、眼底检查、黄斑OCT结果,并进行统计分析.结果 23G玻璃体切割组完成31例,男21例,女10例,平均年龄(65.2±23.7)岁,20G玻璃体切割组26例,男12例,女14例,平均年龄(63.6±18.4)岁,两组对比的手术时间:23G组(74.39±15.61) min,20G组(93.96±18.74) min差异有统计学意义(P<0.01),眼内玻璃体手术操作时间:23G组(62.35±13.95) min,20G组(59.35±16.07) min,差异有统计学意义(P>0.05).眼压:术后1d、1周、1、3月复查眼压,23G组分别为(10.46±2.11)、(11.74±2.52)、(14.26±3.11)、(14.85±3.73) mmHg; 20G组(15.20±3.33)、(14.49±3.36)、(14.76±3.50)、(15.62±4.02) mmHg,术后1d、1周眼压两组对比差异有统计学意义.术后黄斑OCT结果:术后1周、1、3个月复查OCT结果,23G组(356.93±88.82)、(313.77±92.21)、(273.74±66.09) μm,20G组(336.50±116.1)、(301.43±100.65)、(283.69±84.39) μm,两组各复查时间点差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).视力结果:术后3个月两组最佳矫正视力(BCVA),23G组BCVA<0.05者2只眼;0.05~0.09者5只眼;0.1~0.2者17只眼;≥0.3者只7眼;20G组BCVA<0.05者2只眼;0.05~0.09者4只眼;0.1~0.2者14只眼;≥0.3者6只眼,两组比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).23G组手术后出现多量的眼内出血3只眼,1只眼需再次冲洗手术,1只眼术后第1天眼压4 mmHg术后5天发现术眼脉络膜脱离,经激素抗炎治疗逐步吸收.20G组手术后出现多量的眼内出血4只眼,2只眼需再次冲洗手术.结论 23G玻璃体切割手术治疗增殖性糖尿病视网膜病变所致玻璃体出血与20G玻璃体切割手术相比同样有效,完成手术所耗时间更短,但存在术后短期低眼压情况. 相似文献
PurposeTo compare the intraocular pressure (IOP) after 23-gauge transconjunctival sutureless vitrectomy (TSV) and conventional 20-gauge vitrectomy for various vitreoretinal diseases. MethodsThis was a retrospective interventional case series including 338 cases of 23-gauge TSV and 476 cases of 20-gauge vitrectomy with minimum follow-up period of 1 month. Postoperative 1 day, 1 week and 1 month IOPs were compared. Multiple regression analysis to assess the actual effect of gauge of vitrectomy on postoperative IOP was performed including intraoperative and postoperative factors influencing postoperative IOP as covariates. ResultsThe mean IOP of 20-gauge vitrectomy was significantly higher than that of 23-gauge TSV (20.6±8.02 mm Hg vs12.8±4.48 mm Hg, P<0.001) at postoperative day 1, but the differences were not significant at postoperative 1 week and 1 month. The IOP pattern of 23-gauge TSV demonstrated more stable course than that of 20-gauge vitrectomy. At 1 day post vitrectomy, the incidence of hypertony was higher in 20-gauge, whereas that of hypotony was higher in 23-gauge. Among risk factors, the 20-gauge vitrectomy showed the strongest association with postoperative 1 day IOP rise. ConclusionTwenty-three-gauge TSV has stable and lower IOP in the early postoperative period than the 20-gauge vitrectomy. In patients whose retina and optic nerves are vulnerable to higher or fluctuating IOP, 23-gauge TSV may be more beneficial. 相似文献
A pilot study was designed to evaluate the safety and efficacy of 23-gauge vitrectomy under topical anesthesia. Five eyes of five patients underwent 23-gauge sutureless vitrectomy under topical anesthesia with a pledget soaked in 0.5% proparacaine hydrochloride anesthetic, for vitreous hemorrhage (four eyes), epiretinal membrane (one eye). Subjective pain and discomfort were graded using a visual analogue chart from 0 (no pain or discomfort) to 4 (severe pain and discomfort). At the end of surgery no patch was applied and patients were given dark glasses. Patients underwent an immediate postoperative assessment, followed by next day and one week postoperative evaluation. Four patients had Grade 0 pain during the surgery. One patient had Grade 1 pain during the placement and withdrawal of the micro cannulas. The surgical outcomes were favorable. 23-gauge vitrectomy under topical anesthesia is safe and effective in selected cases. Further study is recommended to validate the outcome of this study. 相似文献
The advent of smaller gauge instrumentation allows for minimally invasive vitreoretinal surgery (MIVS) as compared to conventional pars plana vitrectomy. Sutureless posterior segment surgery has the advantages of faster wound healing, minimal surgical trauma, decreased convalescence period besides reduced postoperative astigmatism; however, slower gel removal and limited peripheral vitreous dissection are disadvantages with smaller gauge systems. We herein describe a new technique combining 23-gauge and 20-gauge vitrectomy to improve the effectiveness and outcomes of vitreoretinal surgery. 相似文献
目的 观察23 G玻璃体切割手术联合吊顶灯治疗复杂性外伤性视网膜脱离的临床疗效及并发症情况.方法 回顾性分析2012年6月至2013年12月在我院眼科中心住院的50例(50眼)复杂性外伤性视网膜脱离患者,行吊顶灯辅助下23 G玻璃体切割手术,随访2~6个月,平均3.6个月,观察所有患者术前和术后不同时间点最佳矫正视力、眼压变化情况,分析术中、术后并发症,分析视网膜解剖复位率等情况.结果 术中无医源性裂孔、出血等并发症发生,术后无脉络膜脱离、眼内炎等并发症发生.10眼(20.0%)出现术后高眼压,经治疗后均恢复正常.术毕拔除套管后巩膜切口渗漏需缝合者15眼(30.0%).最终视网膜全部复位.术后1周及1个月、3个月测得的平均眼压与术前相比差异均无统计学意义(均为P>0.05).术后1个月、3个月最佳矫正视力均较术前提高,差异均有统计学意义(均为P<0.05).结论 23 G玻璃体切割术具有微创、手术时间短等优点,联合吊顶灯治疗复杂性外伤性视网膜脱离是一种安全有效的手术方法. 相似文献
目的观察23G玻璃体切除手术治疗孔源性视网膜脱离的临床效果。方法对23例(23眼)孔源性视网膜脱离应用23G玻璃体切除手术联合全氟丙烷(C3F8)或硅油填充,下方视网膜裂孔者联合巩膜外加压,合并白内障者同时对白内障行超声乳化吸出术。随访3~10个月,观察术后视网膜复位、视力等情况。结果23眼手术顺利完成。术后3个月时视网膜复位21眼(91.30%),2眼(8.70%)视网膜脱离复发,再次玻璃体手术填充硅油视网膜复位。未发生其他并发症。术后3个月时视力:(1)黄斑区未脱离眼:术前最佳矫正视力0.1~0.5,LogMAR视力:1.0~0.3,平均0.42±0.29。术后最佳矫正视力0.2—0.5,LogMAR视力:0.7~0.3,平均0.38±0.19,t=1.83,P〉0.05,与术前比较差异无统计学意义。(2)黄斑区脱离眼:术前最佳矫正视力0.08~0.2,LogMAR视力:1.1~0.7,平均0.81±0.13。术后最佳矫正视力0.15—0.5,LogMAR视力:0.8~0.3,平均0.47-e0.26,t=5.78,P〈0.05,与术前比较差异有统计学意义。结论23G玻璃体切除手术治疗孔源性视网膜脱离效果良好,并发症少。 相似文献
目的评价23G玻璃体切除器在治疗Terson综合征中的作用及手术时机对预后的影响。方法应用23G玻璃体切除器,部分配合剥膜、眼内光凝、玻璃体腔内注空气或C3F8等治疗Terson综合征11例(18眼)。结果所有患者术后玻璃体腔清晰,视力较术前均有提高。结论23G玻璃体切除器治疗Terson综合征玻璃体积血,手术并发症少,恢复快,手术时机越早者视力预后越好。 相似文献
目的探讨23G经结膜无缝合玻璃体切割系统行晶状体切除联合前段玻璃体切割术治疗婴幼儿先天性白内障的疗效。方法对26例(43只眼)先天性白内障施行23GTVS晶状体切除并前段玻璃体切割术,随访观察术后眼部情况。结果采用该手术方式治疗婴儿先天性白内障,术后患儿眼部反应轻微,无纤维素性渗出,并发症少,减轻了术后护理的难度。结论应用23GTVS行晶状体切除联合前段玻璃体切割术治疗婴幼儿先天性白内障,操作简单,术后视觉通路保持良好,具有较好的临床应用效果。 相似文献
PurposeTo compare the development of posterior capsule opacification (PCO) for idiopathic epi-retinal membrane cases between 20- and 23-gauge phacovitrectomy. MethodsCataract surgery of phacoemulsification with the SA60AT implantation and 20- or 23-gauge vitrectomy was performed for 20 patients in both groups. Cataract surgery alone was performed for 50 patients as the control. The PCO density values were measured using Scheimpflug video photography at 1 week, 1, 3, 6, 12, 18, and 24 months after surgery. The number of eyes that required Nd:YAG laser capsulotomy was also examined. ResultsThe mean PCO value in the 20-gauge phacovitrectomy group increased significantly with time ( P<0.001), whereas those in the 23-gauge phacovitrectomy group and the cataract surgery group did not show any significant change. Furthermore, the PCO value in the 20-gauge phacovitrectomy group was significantly greater than that in the 23-gauge phacovitrectomy group at 6, 12, 18 ( P<0.05), and 24 months ( P<0.01) after surgery. The PCO value in the 23-gauge phacovitrectomy group was significantly greater than that in the cataract surgery group 24 months after surgery ( P<0.05). The rate of capsulotomy in the 20-gauge phacovitrectomy group was significantly higher than that in the cataract surgery group ( P=0.007), whereas there was no significant difference between the 23-gauge phacovitrectomy group and the cataract surgery group. ConclusionPCO rate in eyes with the 23-gauge phacovitrectomy was lower than in those with the 20-gauge phacovitrectomy, and PCO rate even in the 23-gauge phacovitrectomy was higher than in those with cataract surgery. 相似文献
AIM: To report the effectiveness and safety of primary 23-Gauge (G) vitreoretinal surgery for rhegmatogenous retinal detachment (RRD).
METHODS: In this retrospective study, 49 eyes of 49 consecutive patients who underwent primary 23-G transconjunctival sutureless vitrectomy (TSV) for RRD between January 2007 and July 2009 at our institution were evaluated.
RESULTS: Mean follow-up time was 8.9±7.7 months (1-28 months). Retinal reattachment was achieved with a single operation in 47(95.9%) of 49 eyes. In two eyes (4.1%), retinal redetachment due to new breaks was successfully treated with reoperation using the 23-G TSV system. Mean logMAR visual acuity was 2.01±0.47 preoperatively and 1.3±0.5 postoperatively (P<0.001, Paired t-test). Mean preoperative intraocular pressure (IOP) was 14.1±2.8mmHg. Mean postoperative IOP was 12.3±3.6mmHg at 1 day, 13.1±2.1mmHg at 1 week, 14.3±2.2mmHg at 1 month. Iatrogenic peripheral retinal break was observed in 1 eye (2.0%) intraoperatively. No sutures were required to close the scleral or conjunctival openings, and no eyes required convertion of surgery to 20-G vitrectomy.
CONCLUSION: Primary 23-G TSV system was observed to be effective and safe in the treatment of RRD. 相似文献
目的:评价23-Gauge (23G)玻璃体切割系统应用于硅油取出术的安全性和有效性。方法:回顾分析厦门眼科中心2011-02/06连续收治的硅油填充患者58例58眼。30例30眼应用23G玻璃体切割系统,28例28眼应用20G玻璃体切割系统行硅油取出术的临床资料。对两组平均手术时间、硅油取出时间,术前、术后1d;1wk;3,6mo的眼压、最佳矫正视力应用t检验进行比较分析。并对比两组网膜复位情况、并发症及患者舒适度。结果:23G组与20G组平均手术时间分别为21.81±564min及35.43±6.42min(t=6.382,P<0.01);平均硅油取出时间分别为6.8±2.76min及6.4±2.41min(t=0.356,P>0.05)。术前、术后1d;1wk;3,6mo平均最佳矫正视力分别为:23G组:0.35±0.21,0.23±0.22,0.26±0.21,0.38±027,0.45±0.26;20G组:0.36±0.28,0.10±0.26,0.24±0.27,0.37±0.25,0.41±0.23。术前、术后1wk;3,6mo两组间平均最佳矫正视力差异无统计学意义(t值分别为0584,0.474,0.583,0.652,P均>0.05);术后1d 23G组优于20G组(t=1.753,P<0.05)。术前、术后1d;1wk;3,6mo平均眼压分别为:23G组:18.3±2.21,12.2±2.42,15.2±231,16.3±2.97,16.5±2.23;20G组:17.6±2.28,11.1±2.47,16.4±2.37,16.9±2.27,17.4±2.26。术前、术后两组间平均眼压差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);术后1d两组平均眼压均较术前降低,组内差异有统计学意义(t=1779,1.874,P<0.05),余时间点组内差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。20G组所有患者均一次性完整取出硅油,23G组2例残留少量硅油小泡,至末次随访时均自行吸收。术后两组视网膜均在位。并发症:术后1d 20G组出现2例(7%)低眼压患者,23G组出现4例(13%),均在术后1wk后好转。两组均未出现眼内出血、脉络膜脱离、眼内炎等并发症。23G组与20G组术后眼痛等不适的平均周数分别为0.85±1.23,2.62±1.23wk(t=5.942,P<0.01);术后眼红外观持续平均周数分别为1.15±1.23,4.13±2.38wk(t=5.753,P<0.01)。结论:23G经结膜无缝线玻璃体切割系统应用于硅油取出术安全有效。 相似文献
Purpose: To report the outcomes of primary transconjunctival 23-gauge (23-G) vitrectomy in the diagnosis and treatment of presumed endogenous fungal endophthalmitis (EFE). Methods: Retrospective analysis of patients with EFE who underwent diagnostic transconjunctival 23-G vitrectomy at a tertiary referral center. Results: Nineteen eyes of 15 patients with EFE were included in the study. Four patients had bilateral and 11 patients unilateral disease. Sixteen eyes of 15 patients underwent 23-G vitrectomy to confirm the diagnosis using vitreous culture, polymerase chain reaction, and histopathologic examinations. All affected eyes were treated with intravitreal amphotericin B 5 µg/0.1 mL. Fourteen patients received additional systemic antifungal therapy. Diagnostic 23-G vitrectomy confirmed the diagnosis of EFE in 75% of the eyes (12/16). Candida was found to be a causative agent in 62.5% and Aspergillus in 12.5% of the eyes. Retinal detachment was the most common complication (42% of eyes). Conclusions: EFE can be easily confirmed using primary 23-G vitrectomy. 相似文献
AIM:To report on the outcome of Ahmed glaucoma valve (AGV) implantation for the management of neovascular glaucoma (NVG) after 23-gauge vitrectomy for proliferative diabetic retinopathy (PDR). METHODS: Twelve medically uncontrolled NVG with earlier 23-gauge vitrectomy for PDR underwent AGV implantation. The control of intraocular pressure (IOP), preoperative and postoperative best-corrected visual acuity, the development of intraoperative and postoperative complications were evaluated during the follow-up. RESULTS: The mean follow-up was 15.4±4.3 months (9-23 months). Mean preoperative IOP was 49.4±5.1mmHg and mean postoperative IOP at the last visit was 17.5±1.6mmHg. The control of IOP was achieved at the final follow-up visits in all patients, however, 8 of 12 patients still needed anti-glaucoma medication (mean number of medications, 0.8±0.7). The visual acuity improved in nine eyes, and the visual acuity unchanged in three eyes at the final follow-up visits. The complications that occurred were minor hyphema in three eyes, choroid detachment in two eyes, and the minor hyphema and choroid detachments were reabsorbed without any surgical intervention. CONCLUSION: AGV implantation is a safe and effective procedure that enables successful IOP control and vision preservation in the NVG patients with the history of earlier 23-gauge vitrectomy for PDR. 相似文献
One hundred and seventy-four instances of diabetic traction retinal detachment in which the patient underwent closed vitrectomy during the period of January 1970 to December 1978 and had adequate follow-up ranging from six months to five years are reported. As a rule, eyes with vision better than 20/200, or with inaccurate light projection, or with no response to electrophysiologic tests were excluded. The surgical technique avoided stripping of vitreous membranes. Closed vitrectomy was combined with scleral buckling in eyes with retinal breaks, and with scleral resection in eyes with incomplete section of traction membranes. Anatomic improvement was noted in 75.3% of the eyes; vision improved in 64.9% of the eyes; new or recurrent vitreous hemorrhage was observed in 43.1%; corneal decompensation in 51.8%, rubeosis iridis in 23.0%, phthisis bulbi in 9.2%, iatrogenic retinal break in 8.6%, postoperative rhegmatogenous retinal detachment in 5.2%, and iatrogenic cataract in 4.6%. 相似文献
AIM: To present with a clinical case series of a mixed 23-gauge infusion and 20-gauge pars plana technique for 5,700-centipoise silicone oil removal (SOR), and to discuss its efficacy and safety. METHODS: This is a retrospective, non-randomized controlled study. We performed SOR with 23-gauge infusion and 20-gauge active suction technique on 29 patients 29 eyes from April to October, 2011 (mixed group). During the surgeries, a 23-gauge sclerotomy was made for infusion and a 20-gauge sclerotomy was used for active silicone oil suction. Anterior segment optical coherence tomography (OCT) was applied for 23-gauge sclerotomy analysis 1 day post-operation. Traditional 20-gauge SOR was performed on another consecutive 29 patients 29 eyes, the control group (20G group). RESULTS: There were 2 eyes (6.9%) in mixed group and 5 eyes (17.2%) in 20G group which had recurrent retinal detachment after surgery. Hopytony (IOP≤6mmHg) occurred in 8 eyes (27.6%) of mixed group and in 10 eyes (34.5%) of 20G group post-operation, but all of them recovered to the normal level finally. There were no statistical significant differences. Final visual acuity was significantly increased after surgery in both groups. Anterior segment OCT images were acquired from 13 eyes of mixed group, and all of them had a proper wound apposition. But local ciliary detachment was found in 9 eyes (69%). It was hard to define the OCT image of the sclerotomies and ciliary body because of the serious conjunctival hemorrhages and chemosis in 20G group. CONCLUSION: This mixed technique is a convenient and effective way to remove high viscosity silicone oil. Compared with traditional 20-gauge SOR, it does not increase the risk of post-operative complications and has less conjunctival reactions.. Transient postoperative hypotony is common for this procedure and subclinical ciliochoroidal detachment is a probable cause. 相似文献
AIM: To report the cytology results of 25-gauge transconjunctival (25G-TSV) diagnostic vitrectomy in cases suspicious for intraocular lymphoma (IOL), and compare the results to those reported in the literature. METHODS: Clinical and cytopathological records of 18 vitreous biopsy specimens obtained via 25G-TSV diagnostic vitrectomy in 12 patients suspicious for IOL were reviewed retrospectively. A review of the literature in regards to the diagnostic yields of vitreous specimens obtained via 25-gauge and 20-gauge diagnostic vitrectomy in suspected cases of IOL was performed. RESULTS: Eighteen eyes from 12 patients with clinical suspicion of IOL underwent diagnostic 25G-TSV. The cytopathological investigations demonstrated IOL in 15 eyes (83.3%). Vitreous analysis was non-diagnostic in 3 eyes (16.7%). CONCLUSION: Twenty-five-gauge diagnostic vitrectomy yields adequate sample for cytological evaluation of the vitreous in cases suspicious for IOL. The diagnostic results of the 25G-TSV in the current study are superior to those reported for 20-gauge vitrectomy but equivalent to those reported for 25G-TSV in the published literature. 相似文献
目的 探讨曲安奈德玻璃体内注射联合23G微创玻璃体切割术治疗脉络膜脱离型视网膜脱离的疗效。方法 2012年1月至2013年1月在我院就诊的28例脉络膜脱离型视网膜脱离患者,经过术前短期糖皮质激素治疗后,行23G微创玻璃体切割术治疗,术中联合玻璃体内注射曲安奈德4mg,术后随访6~12个月,观察术后视力恢复、视网膜复位和并发症发生情况。结果 一次手术视网膜解剖复位率为89.3%,再次术后视网膜解剖复位率100.0%。术前LogMAR视力为1.98±0.50,术后LogMAR视力为1.17±0.40,差异有统计学意义(t=8.371,P<0. 05)。末次随访眼压(16.2±3.7)mmHg(1kPa=7.5mmHg),与术前眼压(6.4±2.3)mmHg相比,差异有统计学意义(t=17. 613,P<0.05)。术后有15例出现一过性高眼压,3例白内障加重,1例发生后发性白内障,5例术后少量结膜下出血。结论 23G微创玻璃体切割术联合术中曲安奈德玻璃体内注射治疗脉络膜脱离型视网膜脱离是安全有效的。 相似文献