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目的探讨焦虑症和恐惧症的人格及临床特征的差异。方法研究对象为符合CCMD-3及DSM-IV的焦虑症(广泛性焦虑和惊恐障碍)和恐惧症(社交恐惧症和惊恐障碍伴广场恐怖),共74例。采用明尼苏达多相人格测定问卷(MMPI)和症状自评量表(SCL-90)对其人格特点和症状特征进行测评,并进行组间比较。结果①社交恐惧症组的MMPI精神分裂症和社会内向分显著高于广泛性焦虑、惊恐障碍和惊恐障碍伴广场恐怖组,②社交恐惧症组的SCL90强迫分和人际关系分、偏执分显著高于广泛性焦虑、惊恐障碍和惊恐障碍伴广场恐怖组,其焦虑分和总分显著高于广泛性焦虑组;广泛性焦虑组的恐怖分显著低于惊恐障碍和惊恐障碍伴广场恐怖组。结论①广泛性焦虑、惊恐障碍和惊恐障碍伴广场恐怖有着共同的人格基础,而与社交恐惧症有所不同;②社交恐惧症的症状评分最高,而广泛性焦虑症状评分最低。  相似文献   

Interest in the assessment of quality of life in the anxiety disorders is growing. The present study examined quality of life impairments in individuals with generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), social phobia, and panic disorder. Results showed that individuals with these disorders reported less satisfaction with their quality of life than non-anxious adults in the community. However, the degree of quality of life impairment is similar across these three disorders. Additionally, comorbid depression, but not anxiety, was found to negatively impact quality of life in these individuals. Finally, diagnostic symptom severity was not found to influence quality of life, indicating that subjective measures of quality of life offer unique information on the effects of anxiety disorders.  相似文献   

Social anxiety disorder (SAD) and antisocial personality disorder (ASPD) are not often thought of as being comorbid. However, recent research suggests the existence of a SAD subtype with characteristics atypical of SAD but common to ASPD. Thus, we explored two competing hypotheses: (1) SAD and ASPD represent opposite ends of a single dimension, or (2) SAD and ASPD exist on two separate dimensions that may be positively correlated. Data were obtained from the National Epidemiological Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions. SAD–ASPD was related to greater impairment and psychiatric comorbidity than either disorder alone. The SAD–ASPD group was also more likely to seek treatment for their SAD symptoms and to drink before/during antisocial acts than the SAD only group. The presence of SAD for individuals with ASPD (and vice versa) does not appear to provide any “protective benefits.” SAD and ASPD appear to be two separate but correlated disorders.  相似文献   

Although cognitive and behavioral therapies are effective in the treatment of anxiety disorders, it is not clear what the relative effects of these treatments are. We conducted a meta-analysis of trials comparing cognitive and behavioral therapies with a control condition, in patients with social anxiety disorder (SAD), generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) and panic disorder. We included 42 studies in which generic measures of anxiety were used (BAI, HAMA, STAI-State and Trait). Only the effects of treatment for panic disorder as measured on the BAI (13.33 points; 95% CI: 10.58–16.07) were significantly (p = 0.001) larger than the effect sizes on GAD (6.06 points; 95% CI: 3.96–8.16) and SAD (5.92 points; 95% CI: 4.64–7.20). The effects remained significant after adjusting for baseline severity and other major characteristics of the trials. The results should be considered with caution because of the small number of studies in many subgroups and the high risk of bias in most studies.  相似文献   

目的探索社交焦虑障碍(SAD)患者父母的人格特征和心理健康状况。方法设研究组(SAD患者的父母)和对照组。入组时按要求进行艾森克人格问卷(EPQ)和症状自评量表(SCL-90)评定。结果SAD患者的父母在EPQ量表测验中的内外向因子标准分低于对照组;SAD患者的父母SCL-90各项因子除强迫和敌对因子,标准分低于对照组。结论SAD患者的父母的人格特征倾向内向,易安静、内省、离群、不喜欢接触人;SAD患者的父母更容易表现出躯体化症状、人际交往的困惑、抑郁、焦虑、恐怖和偏执。  相似文献   

Background: There is strong evidence to suggest that personality factors may interact with the development and clinical expression of panic disorder (PD). A greater understanding of these relationships may have important implications for clinical practice and implications for searching reliable predictors of treatment outcome.

Aims: The study aimed to examine the effect of escitalopram treatment on personality traits in PD patients, and to identify whether the treatment outcome could be predicted by any personality trait.

Method: A study sample consisting of 110 outpatients with PD treated with 10–20?mg/day of escitalopram for 12 weeks. The personality traits were evaluated before and after 12 weeks of medication by using the Swedish universities Scales of Personality (SSP).

Results: Although almost all personality traits on the SSP measurement were improved after 12 weeks of medication in comparison with the baseline scores, none of these changes reached a statistically significant level. Only higher impulsivity at baseline SSP predicted non-remission to 12-weeks treatment with escitalopram; however, this association did not withstand the Bonferroni correction in multiple comparisons.

Limitations: All patients were treated in a naturalistic way using an open-label drug, so placebo responses cannot be excluded. The sample size can still be considered not large enough to reveal statistically significant findings.

Conclusions: Maladaptive personality disposition in patients with PD seems to have a trait character and shows little trend toward normalization after 12-weeks treatment with the antidepressant, while the association between impulsivity and treatment response needs further investigation.  相似文献   

Ono Y, Yoshimura K, Sueoka R, Yamauchi K, Mizushima H, Momose T, Nakamura K, Okonogi K, Asai M. Avoidant personality disorder and taijin kvoufu: Sociocultural implications of the WHO/ ADAMHA International Study of Personality Disorders in Japan. Acta Psychiatr Scand 1996: 93: 172–176. © Munksgaard 1996. This paper discusses the characteristics of avoidant personality disorder in a cultural context based on the Japanese concept of taijin kyoufu as well as that of DSM-III-R and DSM-IV Social phobia. Sixty-six patients were given the International Personality Disorder Examination and questionnaires including the Beck Anxiety Inventory. Among the 23 DSM-III-R personality disorder patients, 8 patients were diagnosed as having avoidant personality disorder. Six of them were suffering from taijin kyoufu symptoms. Among 27 ICD personality disorder patients, 22 patients were diagnosed as having ICD anxious personality disorder. All DSM avoidant patients were included in the ICD anxious group. These findings suggest that patients with avoidant personality disorder have had a long history of difficulties and share common personality problems with a milder form of taijin kyoufu, which is conceptually different from Social phobia.  相似文献   

We examined the rates and correlates of a childhood history of anxiety disorders in 100 adults with a primary diagnosis of social phobia (social anxiety disorder). Adulthood and childhood disorders were assessed by experienced clinicians with structured clinical interviews. Rates of childhood anxiety disorders were evaluated to diagnostic comorbidity and a comparison group of patients with panic disorder. Onset of social phobia occurred before age 18 in 80% of the sample. Over half of the sample (54%) met criteria for one or more childhood anxiety disorders other than social phobia: 47% for overanxious disorder, 25% for avoidant disorder, 13% for separation anxiety disorder, and 1% for childhood agoraphobia. A history of childhood anxiety was associated with an early age of onset of social phobia, greater severity of fear and avoidance of social situations, greater fears of negative evaluation, and greater anxiety and depression morbidity. Rates of childhood social phobia, overanxious disorder, and avoidant disorder were significantly higher in patients with social phobia relative to our panic-disordered comparison group. We found approximately equal rates of a childhood history of separation anxiety disorder in patients with social phobia and panic disorder, providing further evidence against a unique relationship between separation anxiety disorder and panic disorder.  相似文献   

Oxytocin levels in social anxiety disorder   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Oxytocin is a neuropeptide recently associated with social behavior in animals and humans, but the study of its function in populations with social deficits such as autism, schizophrenia, and social anxiety disorder has only recently begun. We measured plasma oxytocin in 24 patients with Generalized Social Anxiety Disorder (GSAD) and 22 healthy controls using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. There were no significant differences in oxytocin level (pg/mL) between patients (M = 163.0, SD = 109.4) and controls (M = 145.0, SD = 52.9, z = 0.21, P = 0.8). Within the GSAD sample, however, higher social anxiety symptom severity adjusted for age and gender was associated with higher oxytocin level (R2= 0.21, β= 0.014, SE = 0.006, t = 2.18, P = 0.04). In addition, dissatisfaction with social relationships was associated with higher oxytocin levels (R2= 0.18, β=–0.20, SE = 0.10, t =–2.01, P = 0.05). Our data provide preliminary support for a link between social anxiety severity and plasma oxytocin. These findings may suggest a possible role for oxytocin as a facilitator of social behavior, an effect which may not be fully utilized in individuals with severe social anxiety.  相似文献   

Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is the most thoroughly studied nonpharmacologic approach to the treatment of social anxiety disorder, and its efficacy has been demonstrated in a large number of investigations. This article summarizes the data on the efficacy of CBT for the treatment of the symptoms of social anxiety disorder and impaired quality of life. The relative efficacy of various CBT approaches, both in the short-term and over extended follow-up periods, is reviewed. Factors associated with more or less positive response to CBT among patients with social anxiety disorder are examined. Special attention is given to the comparison of CBT with pharmacologic approaches to the treatment of social anxiety disorder and the potential utility of combining these approaches. Future directions in the application of combinations of CBT and pharmacotherapy to the treatment of social anxiety disorder are discussed.  相似文献   

Etiological models of social anxiety disorder (SAD) suggest that early childhood trauma contributes to the development of this disorder. However, surprisingly little is known about the link between different forms of childhood trauma and adult clinical symptoms in SAD. This study (1) compared levels of childhood trauma in adults with generalized SAD versus healthy controls (HCs), and (2) examined the relationship between specific types of childhood trauma and adult clinical symptoms in SAD. Participants were 102 individuals with generalized SAD and 30 HCs who completed measures of childhood trauma, social anxiety, trait anxiety, depression, and self-esteem. Compared to HCs, individuals with SAD reported greater childhood emotional abuse and emotional neglect. Within the SAD group, childhood emotional abuse and neglect, but not sexual abuse, physical abuse, or physical neglect, were associated with the severity of social anxiety, trait anxiety, depression, and self-esteem.  相似文献   

Individuals with social anxiety disorder (SAD) exhibit elevated levels of anger and anger suppression, which are both associated with increased depression, diminished quality of life, and poorer treatment outcomes. However, little is known about how anger experiences differ among individuals with SAD and whether any heterogeneity might relate to negative outcomes. This investigation sought to empirically define anger profiles among 136 treatment-seeking individuals with SAD and to assess their association with distress and impairment. A latent class analysis was conducted utilizing the trait subscales of the State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory-2 as indicators of class membership. Analysis revealed four distinct anger profiles, with greatest distress and impairment generally demonstrated by individuals with elevated trait anger, a greater tendency to suppress the expression of anger, and diminished ability to adaptively control their anger expression. These results have implications for tailoring more effective interventions for socially anxious individuals.  相似文献   

Implicit associations of the self to concepts like “calm” have been shown to be weaker in persons with social anxiety than in non-anxious healthy controls. However, other implicit self associations, such as those to acceptance or rejection, have been less studied in social anxiety, and none of this work has been conducted with clinical samples. Furthermore, the importance of depression in these relationships has not been well investigated. We addressed these issues by administering two Implicit Association Tests (IATs; Greenwald, McGhee, & Schwartz, 1998), one examining the implicit association of self/other to anxiety/calmness and the other examining the association of self/other to rejection/acceptance, to individuals with generalized social anxiety disorder (SAD, n = 85), individuals with generalized SAD and a current or past diagnosis of major depressive disorder or current dysthymic disorder (n = 47), and non-anxious, non-depressed healthy controls (n = 44). The SAD and SAD-depression groups showed weaker implicit self-calmness associations than healthy controls, with the comorbid group showing the weakest self-calmness associations. The SAD-depression group showed the weakest implicit self-acceptance associations; no difference was found between non-depressed individuals with SAD and healthy controls. Post hoc analyses revealed that differences appeared to be driven by those with current depression. The SAD-only and SAD-depression groups did not differ in self-reported (explicit) social anxiety. The implications of these findings for the understanding of SAD-depression comorbidity and for the treatment of SAD are considered.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the influence of personality pathology assessed both dimensionally and categorically on acute clinical response to group cognitive-behavioral treatment in a large sample of panic disorder patients (N = 173) meeting DSMIII-R criteria for panic disorder with or without agoraphobia. Nearly one-third of the sample met for one or more personality disorders, with the majority meeting for a Cluster C diagnosis. Patients with one or more comorbid personality disorders displayed higher baseline and higher post treatment scores across multiple indices of panic disorder severity compared to those without personality disorders. After controlling for panic disorder severity at baseline, the presence of both Cluster C and Cluster A Pers-Ds predicted a poorer outcome, whereas when assessed dimensionally, only Cluster C symptoms predicted a poorer treatment response. However, the influence of personality pathology was modest relative to that of baseline panic disorder severity.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The authors investigated frequency, clinical correlates and onset temporal relationship of social anxiety disorder (SAD) in adult patients with a diagnosis of bipolar I disorder. METHODS: Subjects were 189 patients whose diagnoses were assessed by the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-III-R-Patient Version. RESULTS: Twenty-four patients (12.7%) met DSM-III-R criteria for lifetime SAD; of these, 19 (10.1% of entire sample) had SAD within the last month. Significantly more bipolar patients with comorbid SAD also had substance use disorders compared to those without. On the HSCL-90, levels of interpersonal sensitivity, obsessiveness, phobic anxiety and paranoid ideation were significantly higher in bipolar patients with SAD than in those without. Bipolar patients with comorbid SAD recalled separation anxiety problems (school refusal) more frequently during childhood than those without. Lifetime SAD comorbidity was associated with an earlier age at onset of syndromal bipolar disorder. Pre-existing OCD tended to delay the onset of bipolarity. CONCLUSIONS: Social anxiety disorder comorbidity is not rare among patients with bipolar disorder and is likely to affect age of onset and phenomenology of bipolar disorder. These findings may influence treatment planning and the possibility of discovering a pathophysiological relationship between SAD and bipolarity.  相似文献   

Symptoms of depersonalization during feared social situations are commonly experienced by individuals with social anxiety disorder (SAD). Despite its clinical relevance, it is not addressed in standard treatment manuals and it remains unclear if depersonalization is reduced by well-established treatments. This study investigated whether cognitive therapy (CT) for SAD effectively reduces depersonalization and whether pre-treatment severity of depersonalization predicts or mediates treatment outcome.In a randomized controlled trial, patients underwent the standardized Trier Social Stress Test before and after CT (n = 20) or a waitlist period (n = 20) and were compared to healthy controls (n = 21). Self-reported depersonalization was measured immediately after each stress test.Depersonalization significantly decreased following CT, especially in treatment responders (ηp2 = 0.32). Pre-treatment depersonalization did neither predict nor mediate post-treatment severity of social anxiety.Further prospective studies are needed for a better scientific understanding of this effect. It should be scrutinized whether SAD-patients suffering from depersonalization would benefit from a more specific therapy.  相似文献   

Social anxiety disorder (SAD) is highly prevalent and impairing. Little is known about rates and predictors of persistence of SAD in the community. The current study derived data from the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions, Wave 1 (2001–2002, n = 43,093) and Wave 2 (2004–2005, n = 34,653), a large survey of a representative sample of the United States adult population. Individuals with current DSM-IV SAD at Wave 1 were re-interviewed 3 years later at Wave 2 using the Alcohol Use Disorder and Associated Disabilities Interview Schedule-DSM IV Version (AUDADIS-IV). We found that in the community, 22.3% of respondents with SAD at the Wave 1 evaluation met DSM-IV criteria for SAD three years later, and endorsement of social interaction fears and a higher number of avoided social situations, treatment-seeking during past year, and comorbidity with mood disorders independently predicted persistence of SAD. These results suggest that persistence of SAD in the community is common and associated with symptom severity and comorbid mood disorders.  相似文献   

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