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Nitric oxide (NO) is involved in neurohormonal secretion from median eminence neuroendocrine nerve terminals. We report that stimulation of NO release from median eminence fragments including vascular tissues occurs by μ3 receptor activation by morphine, or by cannabinoid type 1 receptor activation by anandamide. The released levels of NO are lower after anandamide than after morphine stimulation. These processes can be blocked by L-NAME, a specific nitric oxide synthase inhibitor, by naloxone for the morphine-stimulated NO release, or SR 141716A, a specific CB1 receptor inhibitor, for the anandamide-stimulated NO release. Furthermore, morphine and anandamide, by this NO dependent process, influences neurohormonal release from median eminence nerve terminals within 10 min. Via this NO dependent process, morphine stimulates both GnRH and CRF release, whereas anandamide selectively stimulates GnRH release. These observations together with previous data suggest that morphine and the anandamide-stimulated NO originates from the vascular endothelium of the portal plexus. These results indicate that endothelial cells of the median eminence may be involved in the release of neurohormones.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: During the postpartum period, estradiol and progesterone levels decline from very high levels during late pregnancy to low levels within 48h of parturition. This period is associated with dysphoric states such as the postpartum blues. Animal studies have suggested an enhanced acoustic startle response and deficient prepulse inhibition (PPI) of startle response following progesterone withdrawal and during the postpartum period. The aim of the current study was to compare acoustic startle response and PPI in healthy third trimester pregnant women and healthy postpartum women. METHODS: Twenty-eight healthy pregnant and 21 healthy postpartum women (examined between 48h and 1 week after delivery) were recruited for the study. In addition, to evaluate the time-course of postpartum changes 11 early postpartum women (examined within 48h following delivery) were included in the study. The eyeblink component of the acoustic startle reflex was assessed using electromyographic measurements of m. Orbicularis Oculi. Twenty pulse-alone trials (115dB 40ms broad-band white noise) and 40 prepulse-pulse trials were presented. The prepulse stimuli consisted of a 115dB 40ms noise burst preceded at a 100ms interval by 20ms prepulses that were 72, 74, 78 or 86dB. RESULTS: Pregnant women exhibited lower levels of PPI compared to late postpartum women, p<0.05. There was no difference between pregnant women and postpartum women examined within 48h of delivery. There was no difference in startle response or habituation to startle response between pregnant women and either of the two groups of postpartum women. CONCLUSION: Healthy women display lower levels of PPI during late pregnancy when estradiol and progesterone levels are high compared to the late postpartum period when ovarian steroid levels have declined.  相似文献   

The occurrence of systematic diurnal variations in pain thresholds has been demonstrated in human. Salivary melatonin levels change following acute pain when other factors that could explain the change have been removed or controlled. Melatonin-induced analgesia is blocked by naloxone or pinealectomy. By using selective radioligands [3H]-DAMGO, [3H]-DPDPE, [3-U69593, and 3H]-nociceptin, we have shown that the bovine pinealocytes contain delta and mu, but not kappa or ORL1 opioid receptor subtypes. In the present study, by using melatonin receptor agonists (6-chloromelatonin or 2-iodo-N-butanoyl-5-methoxytryptamine) or melatonin receptor antagonist (2-phenylmelatonin), we have shown that these agents do not compete with opioid receptor subtypes. However, we observed a time-dependent release of beta-endorphin an endogenous opioid peptide, by melatonin from mouse pituitary cells in culture. Hence, it is suggested that melatonin exerts its analgesic actions not by binding to opioid receptor subtypes but by binding to its own receptors and increasing the release of beta-endorphin.  相似文献   

The effects of neonatal exposure to δ-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) on the adult animal brain neurochemistry and pain perception were evaluated. Newborn rat pups were culled to a litter size of 8 (males and females) and treated either with THC (2 mg/kg) or oil (control) daily, during days 1–4 after birth. After weaning, the THC-treated males were housed 4 per cage. During the juvenile period (day 50), the THC-treated animals exhibited significantly lower baseline tail-flick values (a measure of pain perception) than the control. However, as adults, the THC-treated animals exhibited significantly higher sensitivity to pain following 5 mg/kg morphine challenge. Furthermore, the THC-treated animals had significantly elevated β-endorphin and methionine-enkephalin levels in almost all the brain areas sampled for the study. In addition, the neonatally THC-treated rats exhibited significantly higher levels of substance P (SP) and significantly lower levels of gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) in the anterior hypothalamus-preoptic area. The SP and GnRH levels did not differ among the THC-treated and control animals in the medial basal hypothalamus. The results of this study indicate that even a very low dose of THC administered during the neonatal period has a long-lasting effect on the brain neurochemistry. In particular, neonatal administration of THC appears to alter functioning of the endogenous opioid system.  相似文献   

Sex differences in adult patterns of mating behavior and gonadotropin secretion in rats are determined in part by the presence or absence of gonadal steroids during a perinatal critical period. For example, male rats and female rats exposed neonatally to androgen do not exhibit LH surge patterns when treated appropriately with ovarian hormones in adulthood, and there is evidence that this may be due to a failure of ovarian hormones to activate the hypothalamic neuronal systems that stimulate LH secretion in such animals. Because considerable evidence suggests that estradiol formed centrally from testosterone is responsible for the permanent defeminization of mating behavior and gonadotropin secretion, the present studies compared normal females with normal males and with females treated neonatally with estradiol on the ability of ovarian hormones to induce several important neurochemical changes antecedent to the LH surge, including changes in neuropeptide Y (NPY) and LH-releasing hormone (LHRH) concentrations in the median eminence, as well as changes in turnover rates for catecholamine transmitters in the medial basal hypothalamus and medial preoptic area. Normal ovariectomized female rats responded to sequential treatment with estradiol followed by progesterone with afternoon LH and prolactin (PRL) surges, and with sequential accumulation followed by decline in concentrations of LHRH and NPY in the median eminence prior to the LH surge. In addition, administration of progesterone increased the turnover rates of norepinephrine (NE) and epinephrine (EPI) in the arcuate-median eminence region of normal females. Gonadectomized male rats receiving the same ovarian hormone treatment failed to exhibit LH or PRL surges and displayed none of the changes in neurotransmitter turnover or peptide concentrations characteristically seen in the normal female. Unexpectedly however, when females that were treated with estradiol benzoate on days 1–3 postpartum were ovariectomized and treated with ovarian hormones in adulthood, they showed the same accumulation/decline in median eminence NPY concentrations and the same activation of NE and EPI turnover in the arcuate-median eminence region as normal females, even though they showed no LH or PRL surges or changes in median eminence LHRH concentrations. These results suggest that estradiol may not mediate all of the defeminizing actions of androgen exerted during the early neonatal period, and particularly those actions that result in a lack of responsiveness in central noradrenergic, adrenergic and NPY systems in adulthood. However, an action of neonatal estradiol may result in uncoupling of the LHRH neurosecretory system from normal excitatory neurochemical influences.  相似文献   

The 100 inescapable tail-shock paradigm produces three sequential analgesic states as the number of shocks increases: an early opioid analgesia (after 2 shocks) that is attenuated by systemic naltrexone, a middle analgesia (after 5–40 shocks) that is unaffected by systemic naltrexone, and a late opioid analgesia (after 80–100 shocks) that is attenuated by systemic naltrexone. In order to determine whether the absence of adrenal hormones would affect any of these analgesias, we tested adrenalectomized (ADX) versus sham-operated control rats 2 weeks post-surgery. Pain threshold was assessed using the tail-flick (TF) test. ADX attenuated both the early (2 shock) and late (80–100 shock) opiate analgesias and failed to reduce the naltrexone-insensitive analgesia after 5–40 shocks. We demonstrated that a loss of adrenomedullary catecholamines does not underlie the ADX-induced attenuation of opioid analgesia since sympathetic blockade using systemic chlorisondamine (6 mg/kg) failed to reduce analgesia at any point in the shock session. It was further shown that stress levels of adrenal hormones are not critical since (a) analgesia was unaffected when animals were tested 48 h after ADX, (b) 2 shocks do not produce a surge in corticosterone (CORT) over and above levels observed in animals restrained and TF tested in preparation for shock, and (c) basal CORT replacement in drinking water fully restored analgesia in ADX rats. These experiments demonstrate that basal CORT, rather than adrenomedullary substances, is critical to the expression of analgesia. The function of CORT here is not linked to a shock-induced surge of the steroid. CORT appears to play a permissive role in the expression of analgesia. Potential effects of the absence of corticosteroids on neurotransmitter biosynthesis important in analgesia production are discussed.  相似文献   

In the rTg4510 mouse model, expression of the mutant human tau variant P301L leads to development of neurofibrillary tangles (NFTs), neuronal death, and memory impairment, reminiscent of the pathology observed in human tauopathies. In the present study, we examined the effects of mutant tau expression on the electrophysiology and morphology of individual neurons using whole-cell patch-clamp recordings and biocytin filling of pyramidal cells in cortical slices prepared from rTg4510 (TG) and wild-type (WT) littermate mice. Among the TG cells, 42% contained a clear Thioflavin-S positive inclusion in the soma and were categorized as NFT positive (NFT+), while 58% had no discernable inclusion and were categorized as NFT negative (NFT−). The resting membrane potential (Vr) was significantly depolarized (+ 8 mV) in TG cells, and as a consequence, evoked repetitive action potential (AP) firing rates were also significantly increased. Further, single APs were significantly shorter in duration in TG cells and the depolarizing voltage deflection or “sag” evoked by hyperpolarization was significantly greater in amplitude. In addition to these functional electrophysiological changes, TG cells exhibited significant morphological alterations, including loss or significant atrophy of the apical tuft, reduced dendritic complexity and length, and reduced spine density. Importantly, NFT− and NFT+ TG cells were indistinguishable with regard to both morphological and electrophysiological properties. Our observations show that expression of mutated tau results in significant structural and functional changes in neurons, but that these changes occur independent of mature NFT formation.  相似文献   

Corpora striata old rats (24–25 months) contain only about half as much mRNA for D2 dopamine receptors as those of young (6 months) counterparts. This reduction can be observed by in situ hybridization of brain slices as well as with Northern and dot blot analyses of striatal extracts. Decreased levels of D2 receptor mRNA as described in this study are consistent with reductions in receptor containing neurons (20%) and receptor biosynthesis (40%), as previously observed in this and other laboratories. Thus, age related changes in D2 receptor gene expression appear to be partially responsible for loss of these receptors.  相似文献   

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