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Clusterin in bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE).   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Clusterin mRNA, detected in increased quantities in the cervical spinal cord of cattle with bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), was localized mainly in the neuroglia (including astrocytes) of the lateral and ventral areas of white matter. Axonal degeneration was also observed in these areas. The dorsal horns of the spinal cord in which BSE prion protein (PrP(BSE)) was deposited did not exhibit strong clusterin "up-regulation" but showed increased clusterin immunolabelling with a punctate distribution in the neuropil. Labelling of adjacent sections of the grey matter in BSE-affected spinal cord and thalamus demonstrated that the clusterin was deposited in association with extracellular PrP(BSE).  相似文献   

Human prion diseases and bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Collinge  J 《Human molecular genetics》1997,6(10):1699-1705
Prion diseases are transmissible neurodegenerative disorders which affect a range of mammalian species. In humans they can be inherited and sporadic as well as acquired by exposure to human prions. Prions appear to be composed principally of a conformational isomer of host- encoded prion protein and propagate by recruitment of cellular prion protein. Recent evidence argues that prion protein can also encode disease phenotypes by differences in its conformation and glycosylation. Such molecular analysis of prion strains suggests that new variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease is caused by BSE exposure. The novel biology of prion propagation may not be unique to these rare degenerative brain diseases.   相似文献   

Scrapie, bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), and variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease belong to the group of disorders called transmissible spongiform encephalopathies or prion diseases. The possibility that some sheep may be infected with the BSE agent is of human and animal health concern. Immunohistochemical methods were used to identify specific prion protein (PrP) peptide sequences in specific cell types of the brain and lymphoreticular system (LRS) of sheep with natural scrapie and Suffolk and Romney sheep infected experimentally with the BSE agent. Clinically affected and some pre-clinical cases of BSE infection could be distinguished from scrapie cases by the lesser amount of labelling of PrP containing the 84-102 amino-acid peptide sequences in phagocytic cells of the LRS and brain. Additionally, BSE-infected sheep had higher degrees of intra-neuronal PrP accumulation in the brain, as detected by labelling for a range of PrP peptide sequences. These results suggest that there is strain-dependent processing of PrP in specific cell types within the nervous system and LRS which can be used to distinguish BSE- and scrapie-infected sheep.  相似文献   

This study reports the experimental transmission of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) to guinea pigs and describes the cerebellar lesions in these animals. Guinea pigs were inoculated intracerebrally with 10% brain homogenates from BSE-affected cattle. These animals were designated as the first passage. Second and third passages were subsequently performed. All guinea pigs developed infection at each passage. The mean incubation period of the first passage was 370 days post-infection (dpi) and this decreased to 307 dpi and 309 dpi for the second and third passages, respectively. Mild to severe spongiform degeneration and gliosis were observed in the cerebral cortex, thalamus and brainstem. In addition, the affected animals had marked pathological changes in the cerebellum characterized by severe cortical atrophy associated with Bergmann radial gliosis of the molecular layer and reduction in the width of the granular cell layer. Immunohistochemically, intense PrPSc deposition and scattered plaque-like deposits were observed in the molecular and granular cell layers. Cerebellar lesions associated with severe atrophy of the cortex have not been reported in animal prion diseases, including in the experimental transmission of PrPSc to small rodents. These lesions were similar to the lesions of human kuru or the VV2 variant of sporadic Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease, although typical kuru plaques or florid plaques were not observed in the affected animals.  相似文献   

The evolution of monitoring and surveillance for bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) from the phase of passive surveillance that began in the United Kingdom in 1988 until the present is described. Currently, surveillance for BSE in Europe consists of mass testing of cattle slaughtered for human consumption and cattle from certain groups considered to be at higher risk of having clinical or detectable BSE. The results of the ongoing BSE testing in Denmark have been analyzed using two statistical approaches: the "classical" frequentist and the Bayesian that is widely used in quantitative risk analysis. The analyses were intended to provide information for decision-makers, the media and the public as well as to provide inputs for future BSE surveillance models. The results to date suggest that the total number of BSE cases that will be found in Denmark in 2001 will not exceed 16.  相似文献   

A retrospective epidemiological study (n = 7,875) of neurologically expressed disorders (NED) in ruminants before the onset of the bovine spongiform encephalopathy epidemic (years studied, 1980 to 1997) was carried out in Belgium. The archives of all veterinary laboratories and rabies and transmissible spongiform encephalopathy (TSE) epidemiosurveillance networks were consulted. For all species, a significantly higher number of NED with virological causes (rabies) was reported south of the Sambre-Meuse Valley. During the period 1992 to 1997, for which the data were complete, (i) the predicted annual incidence of NED varied significantly as a function of species and area (higher numbers in areas where rabies was present) but was always above 100 cases per million, and (ii) the mean incidence of suspected TSE cases and, among them, those investigated by histopathological examination varied significantly as a function of species and area. The positive predictive value of a presumptive clinical diagnosis of NED ranged from 0.13 (game) to 0.63 (sheep). Knowledge of the positive predictive value permits the definition of a reference point before certain actions (e.g., awareness and training campaigns) are undertaken. It also shows the usefulness of a systematic necropsy or complementary laboratory tests to establish an etiological diagnosis. TSE analysis of a small, targeted historical sampling (n = 48) permitted the confirmation of one case and uncovered another case of scrapie. The results of the present study help to develop and maintain the quality of the worldwide clinical epidemiological networks for TSE, especially in countries that in the past imported live animals, animal products, and feedstuffs from countries with TSE cases.  相似文献   

Concerns have been raised about the possibility that the bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) agent could have been transmitted to sheep populations via contaminated feedstuffs. The objective of our study was to investigate the suitability of molecular strain typing methods as a surveillance tool for studying scrapie strain variations and for differentiating PrP(Sc) from sheep scrapie, BSE, and sheep BSE. We studied 38 Italian sheep scrapie cases from 13 outbreaks, along with a British scrapie case, an experimental ovine BSE, and 3 BSE cases, by analyzing the glycoform patterns and the apparent molecular masses of the nonglycosylated forms of semipurified, proteinase-treated PrP(Sc). Both criteria were able to clearly differentiate sheep scrapie from BSE and ovine experimental BSE. PrP(Sc) from BSE and sheep BSE showed a higher glycoform ratio and a lower molecular mass of the nonglycosylated form compared to scrapie PrP(Sc). Scrapie cases displayed homogeneous PrP(Sc) features regardless of breed, flock, and geographic origin. The glycoform patterns observed varied with the antibody used, but either a monoclonal antibody (MAb) (F99/97.6.1) or a polyclonal antibody (P7-7) was able to distinguish scrapie from BSE PrP(Sc). While more extensive surveys are needed to further corroborate these findings, our results suggest that large-scale molecular screening of sheep populations for BSE surveillance may be eventually possible.  相似文献   

Circulating nucleic acids (CNA) are known to be enriched in repetitive DNA sequences in humans. Here, bovine sera CNA were analyzed to determine if cell stress-related short interspersed nucleotide elements (SINEs) could be detected in sera from cattle associated with bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE). Nucleic acids were extracted, amplified, cloned, and sequenced from the sera of protease-resistant prion protein (PrP(res))-positive cattle (n = 2) and sera from BSE-cohort cows (n = 6); 150 out of 163 clones revealed the presence of, on average, an 80-bp sequence from the 3' region of Bov-tA SINE. A PCR protocol was developed that differentially identified SINE-associated CNA in BSE-exposed versus normal cattle. CNA were extracted from a serum vesicular fraction after controlled blood collection and processing procedures. Sera from four confirmed cases of BSE, 137 BSE-exposed cohort animals associated with eight confirmed BSE cases, and 845 healthy, PrP(res)-negative control cows were tested. All four sera from confirmed BSE cases were repeatedly reactive in the assay. BSE-exposed cohorts had a 100-fold higher occurrence of repeatedly reactive individuals per cohort (average = 63%; range = 33% to 91%), compared to healthy controls (average = 0.6%; P < 0.001). This study shows that BSE-confirmed and cohort animals possess a unique profile of SINE-associated serum CNA that can be utilized as a marker that highly correlates to BSE exposure.  相似文献   

Pathogenesis of bovine spongiform encephalopathy in sheep   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The pathogenesis of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) in sheep was studied by immunohistochemical detection of scrapie-associated prion protein (PrPSc) in the gastrointestinal, lymphoid and neural tissues following oral inoculation with BSE brain homogenate. First accumulation of PrPSc was detected after 6 months in the tonsil and the ileal Peyer’s patches. At 9 months postinfection, PrPSc accumulation involved all gut-associated lymphoid tissues and lymph nodes as well as the spleen. At this time point, PrPSc accumulation in the peripheral neural tissues was first seen in the enteric nervous system of the caudal jejunum and ileum and in the coeliac-mesenteric ganglion. In the central nervous system, PrPSc was first detected in the dorsal motor nucleus of the nervus Vagus in the medulla oblongata and in the intermediolateral column in the spinal cord segments T7–L1. At subsequent time points, PrPSc was seen to spread within the lymphoid system to also involve all non-gut-associated lymphoid tissues. In the enteric nervous system, further spread of PrPSc involved the neural plexi along the entire gastrointestinal tract and in the CNS the complete neuraxis. These findings indicate a spread of the BSE agent in sheep from the enteric nervous system through parasympathetic and sympathetic nerves to the medulla oblongata and the spinal cord.  相似文献   

The diagnosis of congenital syphilis in apparently healthy infants continues to be problematic. Immunoglobulin M antibodies specific for a subset of Treponema pallidum antigens have been detected by Western blotting (immunoblotting). In the present study we investigated the sensitivity and specificity of this method. We tested 26 infants aged 0 to 4 months who fulfilled the accepted criteria for the diagnosis of congenital syphilis. There were 14 symptomatic infants. Sera from 13 of these infants were positive for the 47-kDa treponemal antigen (92% sensitivity). The remaining 12 infants were clinically asymptomatic when tested at birth but subsequently displayed features consistent with the disease. Reactive blots (antibodies to the 47- and/or the 15-kDa antigens) were noted in 10 of the 12 infants (83% sensitivity). Thirty infants whose mothers had syphilis were monitored and shown to be uninfected. Nonreactive blots were seen in sera from 27 infants, while sera from 3 older infants had false-positive tests (90% specificity). The Western blotting technique is sensitive (even in the diagnosis of clinically inapparent cases) and, in the absence of immunoglobulin M rheumatoid factor, is a useful confirmatory test for congenital syphilis.  相似文献   

Reporting of clinically suspected cattle is currently the most common method for detecting cases of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE). Improvement of clinical diagnosis and decision-making remains crucial. A comparison of clinical patterns, consisting of 25 signs, was made between all 30 BSE cases, confirmed in Belgium before October 2002, and 272 suspected cases that were subsequently determined to be histologically, immunohistochemically, and scrapie-associated-fiber negative. Seasonality in reporting suspected cases was observed, with more cases being reported during wintertime when animals were kept indoors. The median duration of illness was 30 days. The 10 most relevant signs of BSE were kicking in the milking parlor, hypersensitivity to touch and/or sound, head shyness, panic-stricken response, reluctance to enter in the milking parlor, abnormal ear movement or carriage, increased alertness behavior, reduced milk yield, teeth grinding, and temperament change. Ataxia did not appear to be a specific sign of BSE. A classification and regression tree was constructed by using the following four features: age of the animal, year of birth, number of relevant BSE signs noted, and number of clinical signs, typical for listeriosis, noted. The model had a sensitivity of 100% and a specificity of 85%. This approach allows the use of an interactive decision-support tool, based entirely on odds ratios, a statistic independent of disease prevalence.  相似文献   

Two cases of unusual transmissible spongiform encephalopathy (TSE) were diagnosed on the same farm in ARQ/ARQ PrP sheep showing attributes of both bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) and scrapie. These cases, UK-1 and UK-2, were investigated further by transmissions to wild-type and ovine transgenic mice. Lesion profiles (LP) on primary isolation and subpassage, incubation period (IP) of disease, PrP(Sc) immunohistochemical (IHC) deposition pattern and Western blot profiles were used to characterize the prions causing disease in these sheep. Results showed that both cases were compatible with scrapie. The presence of BSE was contraindicated by the following: LP on primary isolation in RIII and/or MR (modified RIII) mice; IP and LP after serial passage in wild-type mice; PrP(Sc) deposition pattern in wild-type mice; and IP and Western blot data in transgenic mice. Furthermore, immunohistochemistry (IHC) revealed that each case generated two distinct PrP(Sc) deposition patterns in both wild-type and transgenic mice, suggesting that two scrapie strains coexisted in the ovine hosts. Critically, these data confirmed the original differential IHC categorization that these UK-1 and UK-2 cases were not compatible with BSE.  相似文献   

In an experimental study of the transmissibility of BSE to the pig, seven of 10 pigs, infected at 1-2 weeks of age by multiple-route parenteral inoculation with a homogenate of bovine brain from natural BSE cases developed lesions typical of spongiform encephalopathy. The lesions consisted principally of severe neuropil vacuolation affecting most areas of the brain, but mainly the forebrain. In addition, some vacuolar change was identified in the rostral colliculi and hypothalamic areas of normal control pigs. PrP accumulations were detected immunocytochemically in the brains of BSE-infected animals. PrP accumulation was sparse in many areas and its density was not obviously related to the degree of vacuolation. The patterns of PrP immunolabelling in control pigs differed strikingly from those in the infected animals.  相似文献   

Sixty-three Romney sheep aged 6 months, consisting of three groups (PrP(ARQ/ARQ), PrP(ARQ/ARR), and PrP(ARR/ARR)genotypes) of 21 animals, were infected orally with brain tissue from BSE-infected cattle. Sub-groups of the 21 PrP(ARQ/ARQ) animals were killed, together with uninfected controls 4, 10, 16, 22 or 24-28 (after the development of full clinical disease) months post-inoculation (mpi). One sheep from each of the two groups of four killed at 4 or 10 mpi were shown by immunohistochemical examination to possess disease-specific PrP accumulations in single lymph nodes. At 16 mpi, such accumulations were detected in two of four infected sheep in some viscera and in the spinal cord and brain. At 22 mpi, three of five infected sheep had widespread disease-specific PrP accumulations in all tissues examined, but the remaining two animals gave positive results only in the central nervous system. Clinical disease appeared at 20-28 mpi. Three sheep killed with advanced clinical signs showed widespread PrP accumulation in brain, spinal cord and peripheral tissues. These results confirmed that PrP(ARQ/ARQ) Romney sheep are susceptible to experimental infection with the BSE agent. The different sites at which initial PrP accumulations were detected suggested that the point of entry of infection varied. Once established, however, infection appeared to spread rapidly throughout the lymphoreticular system. The results suggested that in some BSE-infected sheep neuroinvasion occurred in the absence of detectable PrP accumulations in the viscera or peripheral nervous system. In contrast to cattle with BSE, however, most sheep showed disease-specific PrP accumulations in the lymphoreticular system. In this respect, BSE-infected resembled scrapie-infected sheep; it is possible, however, that future research will reveal differences in respect of targeting of cell types within the lymphoreticular and peripheral nervous systems. The PrP(ARQ/ARR)and PrP(ARR/ARR)sheep were also killed in sub-groups at intervals after inoculation. Up to 24 mpi, however, none of these animals showed disease-specific PrP accumulations. Further results will be reported later.  相似文献   

To investigate whether apoptosis contributes to neuronal degeneration in bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), morphological changes consistent with apoptosis were sought and in-situ end labelling (ISEL) was applied, in a series of 20 BSE cases and 10 age-matched normal control cattle. Apoptotic changes were not found in neurons but were occasionally seen in glial cells. Relatively few ISEL-positive neurons were found, but many labelled nuclei were seen in glial cells in certain areas. None of the labelled cells showed morphological features of apoptosis. ISEL(+)cells occurred in areas of spongiform change and other areas of grey matter lacking spongiform change. Some association was found between degree of cellular DNA fragmentation and accumulation of abnormal prion protein (PrP(Sc)). Interestingly, small or moderate numbers of T lymphocytes, not present in the normal central nervous system (CNS), were detected in the CNS parenchyma in most BSE cases. There was a pronounced astrogliosis, but markers of macrophage or microglial activation were only slightly increased. The results indicate that nuclear DNA vulnerability is enhanced in certain neuroanatomical areas in BSE, but evidence that apoptosis plays a role in neuronal loss in BSE was very limited. 1999 Harcourt Publishers Ltd.  相似文献   

Squirrel monkeys (Saimiri sciureus) were infected experimentally with the agent of classical bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE). Two to four years later, six of the monkeys developed alterations in interactive behaviour and cognition and other neurological signs typical of transmissible spongiform encephalopathy (TSE). At necropsy examination, the brains from all of the monkeys showed pathological changes similar to those described in variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (vCJD) of man, except that the squirrel monkey brains contained no PrP-amyloid plaques typical of that disease. Constant neuropathological features included spongiform degeneration, gliosis, deposition of abnormal prion protein (PrP(TSE)) and many deposits of abnormally phosphorylated tau protein (p-Tau) in several areas of the cerebrum and cerebellum. Western blots showed large amounts of proteinase K-resistant prion protein in the central nervous system. The striking absence of PrP plaques (prominent in brains of cynomolgus macaques [Macaca fascicularis] with experimentally-induced BSE and vCJD and in human patients with vCJD) reinforces the conclusion that the host plays a major role in determining the neuropathology of TSEs. Results of this study suggest that p-Tau, found in the brains of all BSE-infected monkeys, might play a role in the pathogenesis of TSEs. Whether p-Tau contributes to development of disease or appears as a secondary change late in the course of illness remains to be determined.  相似文献   

Summary The aim of this study was to analyze molecular features of protease-resistant prion protein (PrPres) in Western blots of BSE cases diagnosed in Poland with respect to a possible atypical status. Confirmed cases were analyzed by Western blotting with several monoclonal antibodies directed at N-terminal and core epitopes of prion protein (PrP). Most cases showed the classical glycoprofile characterized by the dominance of the di- over the monoglycosylated PrPres band, yielding di-/mono- ratios well above 2 and by reactivity with antibodies having their epitopes in bovine PrP region 110–242 (C-type cases). Surprisingly, seven cases of BSE were atypical. Six were classified as L-type based on a slightly lower molecular mass (Mr) of the non- glycosylated band with respect to C-types and a conspicuously low di-/mono- ratio of glycosylated PrPres bands approaching unity. One case was classified as H-type because of a higher Mr of PrPres bands on the blot when compared with C-type cases. A characteristic epitope of H-type PrPres occurred in the 101–110 region of PrP for which only antibody 12B2 had a sufficient affinity. The occurrence of atypical cases only in animals 9 years of age and older raises questions about the mechanisms of prion diseases and the origin of BSE. Correspondence: Miroslaw Polak, National Veterinary Research Institute, Partyzantow 57, 24-100 Pulawy, Poland  相似文献   

Summary Macerates of bovine brain infected with bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) agent, and rodent brain infected with the 263K or ME7 strains of scrapie agent, were subjected to porous-load autoclaving at temperatures between 134 and 138 °C for 60 min. Bioassay in rodents showed that none of the regimes produced complete inactivation. Homogenates of BSE-infected bovine brain were exposed for 120 min to solutions of sodium hypochlorite or sodium dichloroisocyanurate containing 16,500 ppm available chlorine. There was no detectable survival of infectivity after the hypochlorite treatments but none of the dichloroisocyanurate solutions produced complete inactivation. Homogenates of BSE-infected bovine brain, and rodent brain infected with the 263K and ME7 strains of scrapie agent, were exposed for 120 min to 1M or 2M sodium hydroxide but no procedure produced complete inactivation of all agents tested.  相似文献   

During the past few years, important progress has been made in the post-mortem diagnosis of transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs) (scrapie and BSE) due to the development of the so-called "rapid test" based on the immunological detection of the abnormal form of the prion protein (PrPres) in the central nervous system. These methods now allow routine and high throughput testing, opening the door to large-scale epidemiological studies and systematic testing at slaughterhouses, thus preventing the entry of contaminated carcasses into the human food chain. It has been shown that some of these rapid tests allow pre-clinical diagnosis, anticipating by few months the appearance of clinical signs. In sheep and goat, PrPres can also be detected in peripheral lymphoid tissues a long time before the onset of clinical symptoms. As a consequence, the same rapid tests are suitable for pre-clinical diagnosis of scrapie in these species. It is very likely that the same kind of early diagnosis could be obtained for vCJD. The real challenge in the field of TSE diagnosis is the establishment of a vCJD test, conducted either on blood or urine, since these are the only biological fluids easily accessible from infected people. This is a very important issue to avoid iatrogenic transmission of vCJD within the human population. This is also very difficult because the quantities of infectious agents in the blood are certainly 100-1000 times lower than those present in the brain.  相似文献   

An immunohistochemical and histochemical study was carried out on the brains of nine cases of BSE-diagnosed cattle as part of the surveillance plan in Catalonia, Spain. The animals had no clinical symptoms reported and were thus at early stages of the disease. The first part of the study consisted of a characterization of PrP(BSE) deposits throughout the encephalon. The behaviour of the different immuno-labelling patterns was analysed and tropism of some patterns towards certain brain areas was described. This tropism is principally directed to the brain stem region; however, an association of the stellate pattern was found with areas where PrP(BSE) is deposited less abundantly, such as the cerebral cortex. Secondly, distinct pathogenesis mechanisms that take place in the early stages of BSE, which would include these cases were investigated. This study describes the glial response to the presence of PrP(BSE) (using antibodies against astrocytic glial fibrillary acidic protein and lectin from Griffonia simplicifolia to identify microglia), the presence of mild oxidative stress phenomena (antibodies against metallothioneins I and II and against nitrated aminoacidic residues: nitrotyrosine), the apparent absence of apoptotic cellular death (cleaved caspase 3) and the preservation of synaptic proteins synaptophysin and small synaptosome-associated 25 kDa protein immuno-labelling. Finally, no alteration of the extra-cellular matrix was detected with the use of Wisteria floribunda agglutinin, a marker for perineuronal nets.  相似文献   

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