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运用ANSYS ICEM CFD以及HYPERMESH软件对10岁儿童头部几何模型进行合理的网格划分,获得具有高度解剖学细节的10岁儿童头部有限元模型。利用MADYMO软件自带的假人,模拟一起典型跌落事故中,受伤儿童从3个不同高度跌落时人体的动力学响应过程,并计算头部与地面碰撞接触瞬间的方位和速度等运动学参数。然后将这些参数输入到10岁儿童头部有限元模型中,模拟头部与地面的碰撞过程,并分析与损伤相关的生物力学参数。结果表明,颅骨的最大应力和最大应变分布在枕骨右侧,与碰撞点的位置较为吻合,但均未超过颅骨的耐受极限。利用颅内压力可较好地预测脑组织的损伤程度,而利用脑组织的von mises应力可较好地判断脑组织的损伤位置。事故重建的结果表明,该模型具有较好的生物逼真度,可以用于儿童头部损伤生物力学的研究。  相似文献   

头部损伤是导致儿童死亡与伤残的重要原因,对儿童头部损伤生物力学的深入研究意义重大。近年来,通过构建真实的儿童头部有限元模型来研究儿童头部损伤的方法日益成熟,逐步代替了尸体实验、动物实验以及物理实验。对儿童头部有限元模型的年龄特点、构建方法、模型应用以及发展趋势等进行较为全面的综述,并对该领域还有待研究的内容以及未来的发展方向做出展望。  相似文献   

基于6岁儿童胸部CT图像,采用阈值分割方法,提取肋骨、肋软骨、胸骨、肺和心脏等组织的几何模型,利用逆向工程软件划分曲面片,导入Truegrid和Hypermesh中进行网格划分,建立胸部有限元模型,并利用Kroell尸体试验的缩放结果验证模型有效性。结果表明,碰撞速度为4.3 m/s时,撞击力随着位移的增大而增大,在位移为12.02 mm时撞击力达到最大值579.90 N,然后随着位移的增大而减小;碰撞速度为6.7 m/s时,撞击力在位移为16.75 mm时达到最大值980.35 N。模型撞击力-位移曲线变化趋势与实验结果基本吻合,验证了该模型的有效性。该模型为儿童胸部模型损伤机理的研究提供可靠的基础数据,同时可应用于儿童乘员损伤防护装置的开发和应用。  相似文献   

目的构建详细的1岁学步儿童头部有限元模型,探究其颅脑损伤机制,完善人体有限元生物力学模型数据库。方法基于我国1岁儿童真实详细的头部CT数据,借助医学软件Mimics获得头部几何结构数据,利用逆向工程软件划分NURBS曲面片和构建工程模型,利用有限元前处理软件划分网格,参照解剖学和尸体实验等数据,验证1岁学步儿童头部有限元模型的有效性并初步分析其损伤机制。结果构建了中国男性1岁儿童头部有限元模型,模型包括并区分了大脑及小脑的灰质和白质、海马体、囟门、矢状骨缝、冠状骨缝、脑干、脑室等,几何尺寸符合解剖学统计数据。利用头部模型重构了儿童头部静态压缩尸体实验和跌落尸体实验,结果表明,该头部模型与尸体实验表现了相近的力学特征,验证了模型的有效性。计算表明不同压缩速率下颅骨刚度不同,会导致不同损伤结果。结论所构建的包含详细解剖学结构的1岁儿童头部有限元模型具有较高的生物仿真度,借助构建的模型可分析深部脑组织各部位的详细损伤情况,特别是闭合性颅脑损伤,为相关研究及临床应用提供有效的工具和手段。  相似文献   

目的利用6岁儿童颈部有限元模型预测不同载荷下颈部损伤的力学响应。方法基于CT图像构建具有真实肌肉的6岁儿童颈部有限元模型,应用该模型通过分别重构儿童颈椎不同节段的动态拉伸实验、全颈椎拉伸实验和儿童志愿者低速碰撞实验验证其有效性。结果不同椎段拉伸仿真试验和全颈椎拉伸仿真试验中的力-位移曲线能够较好吻合实验曲线;儿童志愿者仿真试验的头部角速度-时间历程曲线位于实验数据通道内,吻合较好。结论该模型有效性得到验证,可用于研究儿童颈部不同载荷条件下的生物力学响应及损伤机制。  相似文献   

利用1.5岁儿童头部MRI和CT扫描数据,通过医学扫描断层图像三维重构和有限元前处理,建立一个具有高度解剖学细节的1.5岁儿童头部有限元模型并赋予其最新公布的儿童颅骨材料参数。利用这个头部模型重构Loyd开展的儿童尸体头部跌落试验(17个样本),将仿真输出的加速度历程曲线和尸体试验曲线的加速度峰值、脉冲持续时间等进行对比。结果表明,该模型能够反映跌落工况中儿童头部的受载情况,具有良好的生物逼真度。30 cm跌落高度下,枕部撞击时得到最大HIC值357;不同跌落工况的头部颅内压力分析显示,儿童头部遭受撞击时,颅内压的分布满足经典的撞击压-对撞压产生理论;相比前额撞击和枕部撞击,颅顶撞击和侧向顶骨撞击的撞击侧正压力峰值较大,最大值分别为241.6 和157.3 kPa,遭受同侧脑挫裂伤的风险较高;枕部撞击工况下,撞击对侧的负压力峰值大于其他撞击工况,最大值为-74.4 kPa,遭受对侧脑挫裂伤的风险较高。跌落高度增加时,HIC和颅内压力峰值增大,损伤风险随之增加。  相似文献   

目的应用符合欧洲新车安全评鉴协会(the European New Car Assessment Programme,Euro NCAP)要求的6岁儿童行人有限元模型,探究不同碰撞角度对儿童头部损伤的影响。方法应用符合Euro NCAP技术公告(TB024)并且具有详细解剖学结构的6岁儿童行人有限元模型,设置4组行人-汽车碰撞仿真试验,探究不同碰撞角度下儿童头部损伤情况。人体头部质心初始位置在车的纵向中心线上,轿车初速度为40 km/h,轿车分别与人体右侧、前侧、左侧、后侧碰撞(即0°、90°、180°、270°)。比较不同碰撞角度下运动学差异和头部碰撞响应,同时分析面骨和颅骨的损伤情况。结果通过分析儿童行人头部接触力、头部质心合加速度、头部质心相对于车的合速度、头部损伤标准(head injury criterion,HIC_(15))、面骨骨折情况以及颅骨应力分布发现,背面、正面碰撞下儿童头部骨折及发生脑组织损伤的风险大于侧面碰撞,其中背面碰撞下儿童行人头部损伤风险最高,侧面碰撞下儿童行人头部损伤风险最低。结论背面碰撞下儿童行人头部损伤风险最大,研究结果对行人-汽车碰撞评估和防护装置研发具有重要的应用价值。  相似文献   

目的通过构建3岁儿童头部有限元模型,研究儿童在交通事故以及跌落冲击过程中的颅脑响应。方法基于3岁儿童的头部CT扫描数据,采用计算机图像处理、逆向工程及有限元网格划分技术构建具有详细解剖学结构的儿童头部有限元模型,利用该模型重构儿童尸体实验,并与尸体实验数据进行对比。结果头部静态压缩仿真中的3岁儿童头部接触力随压缩位移的增加而增大,头部接触力-位移曲线同尸体实验呈现出同样的变化趋势。在头部跌落仿真中,跌落高度为30 cm、碰撞位置为前额、左顶骨、枕部、右顶骨以及顶部时的冲击加速度峰值分别为72.7、61.3、72.7、60.4和68.1 g,其加速度随时间的变化曲线同尸体实验相一致。结论所构建的3岁儿童头部有限元模型有效且具有较高的生物仿真度,后续研究可利用该模型分析碰撞条件下儿童颅脑组织的应力应变情况,为临床上通过脑CT影像无法确诊的脑震荡等脑损伤的伤情判断提供参考。  相似文献   

研究在动态载荷下6岁儿童下肢长骨的损伤极限。分别对股骨、胫骨的有限元模型进行动态三点弯曲仿真试验,并通过有限元模型仿真试验与尸体试验结果的对比,探究相关参数对6岁儿童下肢长骨骨折的影响。仿真试验所得冲击块的撞击力 位移曲线走势与尸体试验的结果基本吻合,验证了该模型的有效性。股骨和胫骨失效时的撞击力分别为2.52和1.96 kN,位移分别为11.88和23.49 mm。与成人相比,儿童骨骼的弹性模量略低,并且骨骼韧性较好,使得撞击时发生骨折的风险相对降低。本研究为儿童下肢损伤机理及防护措施的研究提供了科学的基础数据。  相似文献   

在交通事故中,头部损伤因其高发率和高致命率成为最严重的损伤.为了研究头部损伤,出现了一系列诸如物理试验、动物试验及尸体试验等研究方法.近年来,随着计算生物力学的发展,人体头部的有限元模型逐渐成为研究头部损伤生物力学的重要工具,文中就头部有限元模型的发展过程及最新进展进行了较为全面的综述,并探讨了该领域未来需要研究的问题.  相似文献   

Although a number of finite element (FE) adult cervical spine models have been developed to understand the injury mechanisms of the neck in automotive related crash scenarios, there have been fewer efforts to develop a child neck model. In this study, a 10-year-old ligamentous cervical spine FE model was developed for application in the improvement of pediatric safety related to motor vehicle crashes. The model geometry was obtained from medical scans and meshed using a multi-block approach. Appropriate properties based on review of literature in conjunction with scaling were assigned to different parts of the model. Child tensile force–deformation data in three segments, Occipital-C2 (C0–C2), C4–C5 and C6–C7, were used to validate the cervical spine model and predict failure forces and displacements. Design of computer experiments was performed to determine failure properties for intervertebral discs and ligaments needed to set up the FE model. The model-predicted ultimate displacements and forces were within the experimental range. The cervical spine FE model was validated in flexion and extension against the child experimental data in three segments, C0–C2, C4–C5 and C6–C7. Other model predictions were found to be consistent with the experimental responses scaled from adult data. The whole cervical spine model was also validated in tension, flexion and extension against the child experimental data. This study provided methods for developing a child ligamentous cervical spine FE model and to predict soft tissue failures in tension.  相似文献   

研究颅脑交通伤的有限元模型的建立及验证   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
建立基于人体解剖学结构的HBM(Human body model)头部三维有限元模型.详细描述了人体头部的主要解剖学结构,模型由头皮、颅骨、硬脑膜、脑脊液、软脑膜、大脑、小脑、脑室、脑干、脑镰和脑幕等组成.采用人体头部碰撞实验数据,比较了实验与仿真中头部的动力学响应和颅内压力分布参数,对头部有限元模型进行了验证.结果表明,该模型具有较好的生物逼真度,可以用来分析研究车辆交通事故中颅脑创伤和损伤机理.  相似文献   

In this study, a statistical model of cranium geometry for 0- to 3-month-old children was developed by analyzing 11 CT scans using a combination of principal component analysis and multivariate regression analysis. Radial basis function was used to morph the geometry of a baseline child head finite element (FE) model into models with geometries representing a newborn, a 1.5-month-old, and a 3-month-old infant head. These three FE models were used in a parametric study of near-vertex impact conditions to quantify the sensitivity of different material parameters. Finally, model validation was conducted against peak head accelerations in cadaver tests under different impact conditions, and optimization techniques were used to determine the material properties. The results showed that the statistical model of cranium geometry produced realistic cranium size and shape, suture size, and skull/suture thickness, for 0- to 3-month-old children. The three pediatric head models generated by morphing had mesh quality comparable to the baseline model. The elastic modulus of skull had a greater effect on most head impact response measurements than other parameters. Head geometry was a significant factor affecting the maximal principal stress of the skull (p = 0.002) and maximal principal strain of the suture (p = 0.021) after controlling for the skull material. Compared with the newborn head, the 3-month-old head model produced 6.5% higher peak head acceleration, 64.8% higher maximal principal stress, and 66.3% higher strain in the suture. However, in the skull, the 3-month-old model produced 25.7% lower maximal principal stress and 11.5% lower strain than the newborn head. Material properties of the brain had little effects on head acceleration and strain/stress within the skull and suture. Elastic moduli of the skull, suture, dura, and scalp determined using optimization techniques were within reported literature ranges and produced impact response that closely matched those measured in previous cadaver tests. The method developed in this study made it possible to investigate the age effects from geometry changes on pediatric head impact responses. The parametric study demonstrated that it is important to consider the material properties and geometric variations together when estimating pediatric head responses and predicting head injury risks.  相似文献   

Pathology of the superior glenoid labrum is a common source of musculoskeletal pain and disability. One of the proposed mechanisms of injury to the labrum is superior humeral head migration, which can be seen with rotator cuff insufficiency. Due to the size, anatomical location, and complex composition of the labrum, laboratory experiments have many methodological difficulties. The purpose of this study was to develop and validate a finite element model of the glenoid labrum. The model developed includes the glenoid labrum, glenoid cartilage, glenoid bone, and the humeral head cartilage. Labral displacements derived from the finite element model were compared to those measured during a controlled validation experiment simulating superior humeral head translations of 1, 2, and 3 mm. The results of the finite element model compared well to experimental measurements, falling within one standard deviation of the experimental data in most cases. The model predicted maximum average strains in the superior labrum of 7.9, 10.1, and 11.9%, for 1, 2, and 3 mm of humeral translation, respectively. The correspondence between the finite element model and the validation experiment supports the use of this model to better understand the pathomechanics of the superior labrum.  相似文献   

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